Driver C++ source code for MAX5216/MAX5214 16-bit/14-bit DAC SPI (50MHz) bus ICs. Low power Digital-to_Analog Converter chips which accept supply voltages of 2.7V to 5.5V. Features Rail-to-Rail Buffered Output Operation and Safe Power-On Reset (POR) to Zero DAC Output.

Dependents:   MAX5216_16_Bit_DAC_Hello_Code

Fork of MAX5487_Digital_Pot_Potentiometer_Rheostat_Resistor_Wiper by Kevin Jung


MAX5487.h@ 3:4d4053c4c29e

File content as of revision 4:280d1e05f2ca:

* @file MAX5216.h


#ifndef MAX5216_H
#define MAX5216_H

#include "mbed.h"

const unsigned int MAX521X_IC_BIT_MASK[] = {
        0X00003FFF,  // 14 Bits for MAX5214
        0X0000FFFF   // 16 Bits for MAX5216

const int MAX521X_NUM_BYTES_SPI[] = {
        2,  // 2 bytes for MAX5214
        3   // 3 bytes for MAX5216

* @brief 16-bit, 14-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs)
*        for the MAX5216, MAX5214.
* @version 1.0000.0
* @details The MAX5214/MAX5216 accept a wide 2.7V to 5.5V supply
* voltage range. Power consumption is extremely low
* to accommodate most low-power and low-voltage applications.
* These devices feature a 3-wire SPI-/QSPI™-/
* MICROWIRE-/DSP-compatible serial interface
* This driver is compatible with the
* MAX5216, MAX5214.
* @code 
* #include "mbed.h"
* #include "max32630fthr.h"
* #include "MAX5216.h"
* #include "USBSerial.h"
* MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3); 
* DigitalOut rLED(LED1);
* DigitalOut gLED(LED2);
* DigitalOut bLED(LED3);
* DigitalOut selectPin(P3_0); // Pin 3_0 is used to drive chip enable low
* SPI spi(P5_1, P5_2, P5_0); // mosi, miso, sclk
* int main()
* {
*     selectPin = 0;
*     MAX5216 dac(spi, selectPin, MAX5216::MAX5216_IC);
*     spi.format(8,0);
*     spi.frequency(1000000);
*     dac.writeCommand(MAX5216::WrtThru_Reg, 0xFFFF);
*     wait(1.0);
*     dac.writeCommand(MAX5216::WrtThru_Reg, 0x7FFF);
*     wait(1.0);
*     dac.writeCommand(MAX5216::NoOp_Reg, 0xFFFF);
* }
* @endcode

class MAX5216{
    * @brief IC's supported with this driver
    * @details MAX5214, MAX5216
    typedef enum
        MAX5214_IC = 0,
        MAX5216_IC = 1

    * @brief Commands supported by the DAC
    * @details The upper 2 bits of the first byte define the commands
    typedef enum {
        NoOp_Reg =    (0x0<<6),                     // No Operation
//tbd        PwrDwn_Reg =  (0x2<<6),                     // Power Down
        WrtThru_Reg = (0x1<<6)                      // Write Through
    } setting_t;
    * @brief Power Down modes
    * @details 2 bits are used to define the power down modes
    typedef enum {
        PwrDwnNormalOp = 0x0<<2,                  // DAC powers up and returns to its previous code setting.
        PwrDwnHiZ =      0x1<<2,                  // DAC powers down; OUT is high impedance.
        PwrDwn100K =     0x2<<2,                  // DAC powers down; OUT connects to ground through an internal 100k resistor.
        PwrDwn10K =      0x3<<2                   // DAC powers down; OUT connects to ground through an internal 1k resistor.
    } pwrDwnMode_t; 
    * @brief Constructor for MAX5216 Class.  
    * @details Requires an existing SPI object as well as a DigitalOut object. 
    * The DigitalOut object is used for a chip enable signal
    * On Entry:
    *     @param[in] spi - pointer to existing SPI object
    *     @param[in] pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
    *     @param[in] ic_variant - which type of MAX521x is used
    * On Exit:
    * @return None
    MAX5216(SPI &spi, DigitalOut &pin, MAX521X_ic_t ic_variant); 
    * @brief Send write command
    * @param setting - Command sent to MAX5216 register
    * @param value - 14 or 16 bit Value to write
    * @return void
    void writeCommand(MAX5216::setting_t setting, uint32_t value);
//    void writeCommand(setting_t setting, pwrDwnMode_t mode);

    * @brief Default destructor for MAX5216 Class.  
    * @details Destroys SPI object if owner 
    * On Entry:
    * On Exit:
    * @return None
    // SPI object
    SPI &m_spi;
    // Selector pin object
    DigitalOut &m_pin;
    // Identifies which IC variant is being used
    MAX521X_ic_t m_ic_variant;
