Device interface library for multiple platforms including Mbed.

Dependents:   DeepCover Embedded Security in IoT MaximInterface MAXREFDES155#

Maxim Interface is a library framework focused on providing flexible and expressive hardware interfaces. Both communication interfaces such as I2C and 1-Wire and device interfaces such as DS18B20 are supported. Modern C++ concepts are used extensively while keeping compatibility with C++98/C++03 and requiring no external dependencies. The embedded-friendly design does not depend on exceptions or RTTI.

The full version of the project is hosted on GitLab:

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaximInterfaceDevices/DS28C36_DS2476.hpp	Mon Jul 22 11:44:07 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,944 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2017 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+* Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+* Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+* Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+* The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+* of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+* trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+* property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+* ownership rights.
+#ifndef MaximInterfaceDevices_DS28C36_DS2476
+#define MaximInterfaceDevices_DS28C36_DS2476
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <MaximInterfaceCore/Algorithm.hpp>
+#include <MaximInterfaceCore/array_span.hpp>
+#include <MaximInterfaceCore/Ecc256.hpp>
+#include <MaximInterfaceCore/FlagSet.hpp>
+#include <MaximInterfaceCore/I2CMaster.hpp>
+#include <MaximInterfaceCore/ManId.hpp>
+#include <MaximInterfaceCore/RomId.hpp>
+#include <MaximInterfaceCore/Sleep.hpp>
+#include <MaximInterfaceCore/system_error.hpp>
+#include "Config.hpp"
+namespace MaximInterfaceDevices {
+/// Interface to the DS28C36 authenticator.
+class DS28C36 {
+  /// Device command results.
+  enum ErrorValue {
+    ProtectionError = 0x55,
+    InvalidParameterError = 0x77,
+    InvalidSequenceError = 0x33,
+    InvalidEcdsaInputOrResultError = 0x22,
+    AuthenticationError = 0x100,
+    InvalidResponseError = 0x101 ///< Response does not match expected format.
+  };
+  /// @name Device memory pages
+  /// @{
+  static const int publicKeyAxPage = 16;
+  static const int publicKeyAyPage = 17;
+  static const int publicKeyBxPage = 18;
+  static const int publicKeyByPage = 19;
+  static const int publicKeyCxPage = 20;
+  static const int publicKeyCyPage = 21;
+  static const int privateKeyAPage = 22;
+  static const int privateKeyBPage = 23;
+  static const int privateKeyCPage = 24;
+  static const int secretAPage = 25;
+  static const int secretBPage = 26;
+  static const int decrementCounterPage = 27;
+  static const int romOptionsPage = 28;
+  static const int gpioControlPage = 29;
+  static const int publicKeySxPage = 30;
+  static const int publicKeySyPage = 31;
+  /// @}
+  /// Number of memory pages on the device.
+  static const int memoryPages = 32;
+  /// Available keys for ECDSA operations.
+  enum KeyNum { KeyNumA = 0, KeyNumB = 1, KeyNumC = 2, KeyNumS = 3 };
+  /// Available secrets for HMAC operations.
+  enum SecretNum { SecretNumA = 0, SecretNumB = 1, SecretNumS = 2 };
+  /// Data hash type when verifying an ECDSA signature.
+  enum HashType {
+    HashInBuffer = 0, ///< Hash is loaded in the buffer.
+    DataInBuffer = 1, ///< Compute hash from data loaded in the buffer.
+    THASH = 2         ///< Use THASH from Compute Multiblock Hash command.
+  };
+  /// Available PIO states when verifying an ECDSA signature.
+  enum PioState { Unchanged, Conducting, HighImpedance };
+  /// Holds a device memory page.
+  typedef Core::array_span<uint_least8_t, 32> Page;
+  // Format page authentication input data.
+  class PageAuthenticationData;
+  // Format authenticated write input data.
+  class WriteAuthenticationData;
+  // Format compute secret input data.
+  class ComputeSecretData;
+  // Format encryption or decryption HMAC input data.
+  class EncryptionHmacData;
+  // Access fields in the ROM Options page.
+  class RomOptions;
+  // Access fields in the GPIO Control page.
+  class GpioControl;
+  /// Page protection types.
+  enum PageProtectionType {
+    RP = 0x01,   ///< Read protection.
+    WP = 0x02,   ///< Write protection.
+    EM = 0x04,   ///< EPROM emulation mode.
+    APH = 0x08,  ///< Authentication write protection HMAC.
+    EPH = 0x10,  ///< Encryption and authenticated write protection HMAC.
+    AUTH = 0x20, ///< Public Key C is set to authority public key.
+    ECH = 0x40,  ///< Encrypted read and write using shared key from ECDH.
+    ECW = 0x80   ///< Authentication write protection ECDSA.
+  };
+  typedef Core::FlagSet<PageProtectionType, 8> PageProtection;
+  /// Challenge for an encrypted device memory page.
+  typedef Core::array_span<uint_least8_t, 8> EncryptionChallenge;
+  DS28C36(Core::Sleep & sleep, Core::I2CMaster & master,
+          uint_least8_t address = 0x36)
+      : sleep_(&sleep), master(&master), address_(address & 0xFE) {}
+  void setSleep(Core::Sleep & sleep) { sleep_ = &sleep; }
+  void setMaster(Core::I2CMaster & master) { this->master = &master; }
+  uint_least8_t address() const { return address_; }
+  void setAddress(uint_least8_t address) { address_ = address & 0xFE; }
+  /// @brief Write memory with no protection.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to write.
+  /// @param page Data to write.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  writeMemory(int pageNum, Page::const_span page);
+  /// @brief Read memory with no protection.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to read.
+  /// @param[out] page Data that was read.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code readMemory(int pageNum,
+                                                           Page::span page);
+  /// @brief Write the temporary buffer.
+  /// @param data Data to write.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  writeBuffer(Core::span<const uint_least8_t> data);
+  /// @brief Read the temporary buffer.
+  /// @param[out] data Data that was read.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  readBuffer(std::vector<uint_least8_t> & data);
+  /// @brief Read the protection settings of a page.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to read.
+  /// @param[out] protection Protection that was read.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  readPageProtection(int pageNum, PageProtection & protection);
+  /// @brief Set the protection settings of a page.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to write.
+  /// @param protection Protection to write.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  setPageProtection(int pageNum, const PageProtection & protection);
+  /// Decrement the decrement-only counter.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code decrementCounter();
+  /// @brief Read a block of random data from the RNG.
+  /// @param[out] data Random data from RNG with length from 1 to 64.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  readRng(Core::span<uint_least8_t> data);
+  /// @brief Read memory with encryption.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to read from.
+  /// @param secretNum Secret to use for encryption.
+  /// @param[out] challenge Encryption challenge that was read.
+  /// @param[out] data Encrypted page data that was read.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  encryptedReadMemory(int pageNum, SecretNum secretNum,
+                      EncryptionChallenge::span challenge, Page::span data);
+  /// @brief Compute and read page authentication with ECDSA.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to authenticate.
+  /// @param keyNum
+  /// Private key to use for authentication.
+  /// Key S cannot be used with this command.
+  /// @param[out] signature Computed page signature.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  computeAndReadPageAuthentication(int pageNum, KeyNum keyNum,
+                                   Core::Ecc256::Signature::span signature);
+  /// @brief Compute and read page authentication with HMAC.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to authenticate.
+  /// @param secretNum Secret to use for authentication.
+  /// @param[out] hmac Computed page HMAC.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  computeAndReadPageAuthentication(int pageNum, SecretNum secretNum,
+                                   Page::span hmac);
+  /// @brief Write with SHA2 authentication.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to write.
+  /// @param secretNum Secret to use for authentication.
+  /// @param page Data to write.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  authenticatedSha2WriteMemory(int pageNum, SecretNum secretNum,
+                               Page::const_span page);
+  /// @brief Compute SHA2 secret and optionally lock.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to use in computation.
+  /// @param msecretNum Master secret to use in computation.
+  /// @param dsecretNum Destination secret to receive the computation result.
+  /// @param writeProtectEnable
+  /// True to lock the destination secret against further writes.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  computeAndLockSha2Secret(int pageNum, SecretNum msecretNum,
+                           SecretNum dsecretNum, bool writeProtectEnable);
+  /// @brief Generate a new ECDSA key pair.
+  /// @param keyNum Key to generate. Key S cannot be used with this command.
+  /// @param writeProtectEnable True to lock the key against further writes.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  generateEcc256KeyPair(KeyNum keyNum, bool writeProtectEnable);
+  /// @brief Compute a hash over multiple blocks.
+  /// @param firstBlock True if this is the first block being hashed.
+  /// @param lastBlock True if this is the last block being hashed.
+  /// @param data
+  /// Data block to hash. Should be 64 bytes unless this is the last block.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  computeMultiblockHash(bool firstBlock, bool lastBlock,
+                        Core::span<const uint_least8_t> data);
+  /// @brief Verify ECDSA signature.
+  /// @param keyNum Public key to use for verification.
+  /// @param hashType Source of the data hash input.
+  /// @param signature Signature to verify.
+  /// @param pioa New state of PIOA if verification successful.
+  /// @param piob New state of PIOB if verification successful.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  verifyEcdsaSignature(KeyNum keyNum, HashType hashType,
+                       Core::Ecc256::Signature::const_span signature,
+                       PioState pioa = Unchanged, PioState piob = Unchanged);
+  /// @brief
+  /// Authenticate a public key for authenticated writes or encrypted reads
+  /// with ECDH.
+  /// @param authWrites True to select authentication for writes.
+  /// @param ecdh True to select ECDH key exchange.
+  /// @param keyNum
+  /// Private key to use for ECDH key exchange. Key A or B can be selected.
+  /// @param csOffset Certificate customization field ending offset in buffer.
+  /// @param signature Signature to use for authentication of public key S.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  authenticateEcdsaPublicKey(bool authWrites, bool ecdh, KeyNum keyNum,
+                             int csOffset,
+                             Core::Ecc256::Signature::const_span signature);
+  /// @brief Write with ECDSA authentication.
+  /// @param pageNum Number of page to write.
+  /// @param page Data to write.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  authenticatedEcdsaWriteMemory(int pageNum, Page::const_span page);
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT static const Core::error_category &
+  errorCategory();
+  // Timing constants.
+  static const int generateEcdsaSignatureTimeMs = 50;
+  static const int generateEccKeyPairTimeMs = 100;
+  static const int verifyEsdsaSignatureOrComputeEcdhTimeMs = 150;
+  static const int sha256ComputationTimeMs = 3;
+  static const int readMemoryTimeMs = /*1*/ 2;
+  static const int writeMemoryTimeMs = 15;
+  Core::error_code writeCommand(uint_least8_t command,
+                                Core::span<const uint_least8_t> parameters);
+  Core::error_code writeCommand(uint_least8_t command) {
+    return writeCommand(command, Core::span<const uint_least8_t>());
+  }
+  Core::error_code
+  readVariableLengthResponse(Core::span<uint_least8_t> & response);
+  Core::error_code readFixedLengthResponse(Core::span<uint_least8_t> response);
+  void sleep(int ms) const { sleep_->invoke(ms); }
+  enum AuthType {
+    HmacWithSecretA = 0,
+    HmacWithSecretB = 1,
+    HmacWithSecretS = 2,
+    EcdsaWithKeyA = 3,
+    EcdsaWithKeyB = 4,
+    EcdsaWithKeyC = 5
+  };
+  const Core::Sleep * sleep_;
+  Core::I2CMaster * master;
+  uint_least8_t address_;
+  Core::error_code computeAndReadPageAuthentication(int pageNum,
+                                                    AuthType authType);
+/// Interface to the DS2476 coprocessor.
+class DS2476 : public DS28C36 {
+  DS2476(Core::Sleep & sleep, Core::I2CMaster & master,
+         uint_least8_t address = 0x76)
+      : DS28C36(sleep, master, address) {}
+  /// @brief Generate ECDSA signature.
+  /// @param keyNum
+  /// Private key to use to create signature.
+  /// Key S cannot be used with this command.
+  /// @param[out] signature Computed signature.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  generateEcdsaSignature(KeyNum keyNum,
+                         Core::Ecc256::Signature::span signature);
+  /// @brief Compute unique SHA2 secret.
+  /// @param msecretNum Master secret to use in computation.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  computeSha2UniqueSecret(SecretNum msecretNum);
+  /// @brief Compute SHA2 HMAC.
+  /// @param[out] hmac Computed HMAC.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+  computeSha2Hmac(Page::span hmac);
+inline Core::error_code make_error_code(DS28C36::ErrorValue e) {
+  return Core::error_code(e, DS28C36::errorCategory());
+/// @brief
+/// Hash arbitrary length data with successive Compute Multiblock Hash commands.
+/// @param ds28c36 Device for computation.
+/// @param data Data to hash.
+MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+computeMultiblockHash(DS28C36 & ds28c36, Core::span<const uint_least8_t> data);
+/// @brief Verify ECDSA signature.
+/// @param ds28c36 Device for computation.
+/// @param publicKey Public key to use for verification.
+/// @param data Data to verify.
+/// @param signature Signature to verify.
+/// @param pioa New state of PIOA if verification successful.
+/// @param piob New state of PIOB if verification successful.
+MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+verifyEcdsaSignature(DS28C36 & ds28c36, DS28C36::KeyNum publicKey,
+                     Core::span<const uint_least8_t> data,
+                     Core::Ecc256::Signature::const_span signature,
+                     DS28C36::PioState pioa = DS28C36::Unchanged,
+                     DS28C36::PioState piob = DS28C36::Unchanged);
+/// @brief Verify ECDSA signature.
+/// @param ds28c36 Device for computation.
+/// @param publicKey
+/// Public key to use for verification which is loaded into Public Key S.
+/// @param data Data to verify.
+/// @param signature Signature to verify.
+/// @param pioa New state of PIOA if verification successful.
+/// @param piob New state of PIOB if verification successful.
+MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+verifyEcdsaSignature(DS28C36 & ds28c36,
+                     Core::Ecc256::PublicKey::const_span publicKey,
+                     Core::span<const uint_least8_t> data,
+                     Core::Ecc256::Signature::const_span signature,
+                     DS28C36::PioState pioa = DS28C36::Unchanged,
+                     DS28C36::PioState piob = DS28C36::Unchanged);
+/// @brief
+/// Read the device ROM ID and MAN ID using the Read Memory command on the
+/// ROM Options page.
+/// @param ds28c36 Device to read.
+/// @param[out] romId Read ROM ID valid when operation is successful.
+/// @param[out] manId Read MAN ID valid when operation is successful.
+MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+readRomIdAndManId(DS28C36 & ds28c36, Core::RomId::span romId,
+                  Core::ManId::span manId);
+/// @brief
+/// Enable coprocessor functionality on the DS2476 by writing to the
+/// GPIO Control page.
+MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code
+enableCoprocessor(DS2476 & ds2476);
+/// @brief
+/// Disable blocking of the ROM ID on the DS2476 by writing to the
+/// ROM Options page.
+MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT Core::error_code enableRomId(DS2476 & ds2476);
+/// Format page authentication input data.
+class DS28C36::PageAuthenticationData {
+  typedef Core::array_span<uint_least8_t, Core::RomId::size + 2 * Page::size +
+                                              1 + Core::ManId::size>
+      Result;
+  PageAuthenticationData() : result_() {}
+  /// Formatted data result.
+  Result::const_span result() const { return result_; }
+  /// @name ROM ID
+  /// @brief 1-Wire ROM ID of the device.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable ROM ID.
+  Core::RomId::span romId() {
+    return make_span(result_).subspan<romIdIdx, Core::RomId::size>();
+  }
+  /// Get immutable ROM ID.
+  Core::RomId::const_span romId() const {
+    return const_cast<PageAuthenticationData &>(*this).romId();
+  }
+  /// Set ROM ID.
+  PageAuthenticationData & setRomId(Core::RomId::const_span romId) {
+    copy(romId, this->romId());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Set ROM ID for use in anonymous mode.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT PageAuthenticationData & setAnonymousRomId();
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Page
+  /// @brief Data from a device memory page.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable page.
+  Page::span page() {
+    return make_span(result_).subspan<pageIdx, Page::size>();
+  }
+  /// Get immutable page.
+  Page::const_span page() const {
+    return const_cast<PageAuthenticationData &>(*this).page();
+  }
+  /// Set page.
+  PageAuthenticationData & setPage(Page::const_span page) {
+    copy(page, this->page());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Challenge
+  /// @brief Random challenge used to prevent replay attacks.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable Challenge.
+  Page::span challenge() {
+    return make_span(result_).subspan<challengeIdx, Page::size>();
+  }
+  /// Get immutable Challenge.
+  Page::const_span challenge() const {
+    return const_cast<PageAuthenticationData &>(*this).challenge();
+  }
+  /// Set Challenge.
+  PageAuthenticationData & setChallenge(Page::const_span challenge) {
+    copy(challenge, this->challenge());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Page number
+  /// @brief Number of the page to use data from.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get page number.
+  int pageNum() const { return result_[pageNumIdx]; }
+  /// Set page number.
+  PageAuthenticationData & setPageNum(int pageNum) {
+    result_[pageNumIdx] = pageNum;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name MAN ID
+  /// @brief Manufacturer ID of the device.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable MAN ID.
+  Core::ManId::span manId() {
+    return make_span(result_).subspan<manIdIdx, Core::ManId::size>();
+  }
+  /// Get immutable MAN ID.
+  Core::ManId::const_span manId() const {
+    return const_cast<PageAuthenticationData &>(*this).manId();
+  }
+  /// Set MAN ID.
+  PageAuthenticationData & setManId(Core::ManId::const_span manId) {
+    copy(manId, this->manId());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  typedef Result::span::index_type index;
+  static const index romIdIdx = 0;
+  static const index pageIdx = romIdIdx + Core::RomId::size;
+  static const index challengeIdx = pageIdx + Page::size;
+  static const index pageNumIdx = challengeIdx + Page::size;
+  static const index manIdIdx = pageNumIdx + 1;
+  Result::array result_;
+/// Format authenticated write input data.
+class DS28C36::WriteAuthenticationData {
+  typedef PageAuthenticationData::Result Result;
+  WriteAuthenticationData() : data() {}
+  /// Formatted data result.
+  Result::const_span result() const { return data.result(); }
+  /// @name ROM ID
+  /// @brief 1-Wire ROM ID of the device.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable ROM ID.
+  Core::RomId::span romId() { return data.romId(); }
+  /// Get immutable ROM ID.
+  Core::RomId::const_span romId() const { return data.romId(); }
+  /// Set ROM ID.
+  WriteAuthenticationData & setRomId(Core::RomId::const_span romId) {
+    data.setRomId(romId);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Set ROM ID for use in anonymous mode.
+  WriteAuthenticationData & setAnonymousRomId() {
+    data.setAnonymousRomId();
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Old page
+  /// @brief Existing data contained in the page.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable old page.
+  Page::span oldPage() { return; }
+  /// Get immutable old page.
+  Page::const_span oldPage() const { return; }
+  /// Set old page.
+  WriteAuthenticationData & setOldPage(Page::const_span oldPage) {
+    data.setPage(oldPage);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name New page
+  /// @brief New data to write to the page.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable new page.
+  Page::span newPage() { return data.challenge(); }
+  /// Get immutable new page.
+  Page::const_span newPage() const { return data.challenge(); }
+  /// Set new page.
+  WriteAuthenticationData & setNewPage(Page::const_span newPage) {
+    data.setChallenge(newPage);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Page number
+  /// @brief Page number for write operation.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get page number.
+  int pageNum() const { return data.pageNum(); }
+  /// Set page number.
+  WriteAuthenticationData & setPageNum(int pageNum) {
+    data.setPageNum(pageNum);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name MAN ID
+  /// @brief Manufacturer ID of the device.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable MAN ID.
+  Core::ManId::span manId() { return data.manId(); }
+  /// Get immutable MAN ID.
+  Core::ManId::const_span manId() const { return data.manId(); }
+  /// Set MAN ID.
+  WriteAuthenticationData & setManId(Core::ManId::const_span manId) {
+    data.setManId(manId);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  PageAuthenticationData data;
+/// Format compute secret input data.
+class DS28C36::ComputeSecretData {
+  typedef PageAuthenticationData::Result Result;
+  ComputeSecretData() : data() {}
+  /// Formatted data result.
+  Result::const_span result() const { return data.result(); }
+  /// @name ROM ID
+  /// @brief 1-Wire ROM ID of the device.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable ROM ID.
+  Core::RomId::span romId() { return data.romId(); }
+  /// Get immutable ROM ID.
+  Core::RomId::const_span romId() const { return data.romId(); }
+  /// Set ROM ID.
+  ComputeSecretData & setRomId(Core::RomId::const_span romId) {
+    data.setRomId(romId);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Binding Data
+  /// @brief Binding Data contained in the selected page.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable Binding Data.
+  Page::span bindingData() { return; }
+  /// Get immutable Binding Data.
+  Page::const_span bindingData() const { return; }
+  /// Set Binding Data.
+  ComputeSecretData & setBindingData(Page::const_span bindingData) {
+    data.setPage(bindingData);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Partial Secret
+  /// @brief Partial Secret used for customization.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable Partial Secret.
+  Page::span partialSecret() { return data.challenge(); }
+  /// Get immutable Partial Secret.
+  Page::const_span partialSecret() const { return data.challenge(); }
+  /// Set Partial Secret.
+  ComputeSecretData & setPartialSecret(Page::const_span partialSecret) {
+    data.setChallenge(partialSecret);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Page number
+  /// @brief Page number for Binding Data.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get page number.
+  int pageNum() const { return data.pageNum(); }
+  /// Set page number.
+  ComputeSecretData & setPageNum(int pageNum) {
+    data.setPageNum(pageNum);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name MAN ID
+  /// @brief Manufacturer ID of the device.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable MAN ID.
+  Core::ManId::span manId() { return data.manId(); }
+  /// Get immutable MAN ID.
+  Core::ManId::const_span manId() const { return data.manId(); }
+  /// Set MAN ID.
+  ComputeSecretData & setManId(Core::ManId::const_span manId) {
+    data.setManId(manId);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  PageAuthenticationData data;
+/// Format encryption or decryption HMAC input data.
+class DS28C36::EncryptionHmacData {
+  typedef Core::array_span<uint_least8_t, EncryptionChallenge::size +
+                                              Core::RomId::size + 1 +
+                                              Core::ManId::size>
+      Result;
+  EncryptionHmacData() : result_() {}
+  /// Formatted data result.
+  Result::const_span result() const { return result_; }
+  /// @name Encryption Challenge
+  /// @brief Random challenge used to prevent replay attacks.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable Encryption Challenge.
+  EncryptionChallenge::span encryptionChallenge() {
+    return make_span(result_)
+        .subspan<encryptionChallengeIdx, EncryptionChallenge::size>();
+  }
+  /// Get immutable Encryption Challenge.
+  EncryptionChallenge::const_span encryptionChallenge() const {
+    return const_cast<EncryptionHmacData &>(*this).encryptionChallenge();
+  }
+  /// Set Encryption Challenge.
+  EncryptionHmacData &
+  setEncryptionChallenge(EncryptionChallenge::const_span encryptionChallenge) {
+    copy(encryptionChallenge, this->encryptionChallenge());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name ROM ID
+  /// @brief 1-Wire ROM ID of the device.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable ROM ID.
+  Core::RomId::span romId() {
+    return make_span(result_).subspan<romIdIdx, Core::RomId::size>();
+  }
+  /// Get immutable ROM ID.
+  Core::RomId::const_span romId() const {
+    return const_cast<EncryptionHmacData &>(*this).romId();
+  }
+  /// Set ROM ID.
+  EncryptionHmacData & setRomId(Core::RomId::const_span romId) {
+    copy(romId, this->romId());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Set ROM ID for use in anonymous mode.
+  MaximInterfaceDevices_EXPORT EncryptionHmacData & setAnonymousRomId();
+  /// @}
+  /// @name Page number
+  /// @brief Number of the page to use data from.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get page number.
+  int pageNum() const { return result_[pageNumIdx]; }
+  /// Set page number.
+  EncryptionHmacData & setPageNum(int pageNum) {
+    result_[pageNumIdx] = pageNum;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  /// @name MAN ID
+  /// @brief Manufacturer ID of the device.
+  /// @{
+  /// Get mutable MAN ID.
+  Core::ManId::span manId() {
+    return make_span(result_).subspan<manIdIdx, Core::ManId::size>();
+  }
+  /// Get immutable MAN ID.
+  Core::ManId::const_span manId() const {
+    return const_cast<EncryptionHmacData &>(*this).manId();
+  }
+  /// Set MAN ID.
+  EncryptionHmacData & setManId(Core::ManId::const_span manId) {
+    copy(manId, this->manId());
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// @}
+  typedef Result::span::index_type index;
+  static const index encryptionChallengeIdx = 0;
+  static const index romIdIdx =
+      encryptionChallengeIdx + EncryptionChallenge::size;
+  static const index pageNumIdx = romIdIdx + Core::RomId::size;
+  static const index manIdIdx = pageNumIdx + 1;
+  Result::array result_;
+/// Access fields in the ROM Options page.
+class DS28C36::RomOptions {
+  explicit RomOptions(Page::span page) : page(page) {}
+  bool romBlockDisable() const {
+    return page[romBlockDisableIdx] == enabledValue;
+  }
+  RomOptions & setRomBlockDisable(bool romBlockDisable) {
+    page[romBlockDisableIdx] = (romBlockDisable ? enabledValue : 0);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  bool anonymous() const { return page[anonymousIdx] == enabledValue; }
+  RomOptions & setAnonymous(bool anonymous) {
+    page[anonymousIdx] = (anonymous ? enabledValue : 0);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  Core::ManId::const_span manId() const {
+    return page.subspan<22, Core::ManId::size>();
+  }
+  Core::RomId::const_span romId() const {
+    return page.subspan<24, Core::RomId::size>();
+  }
+  static const Page::span::index_type romBlockDisableIdx = 0;
+  static const Page::span::index_type anonymousIdx = 1;
+  static const Page::span::value_type enabledValue = 0xAA;
+  Page::span page;
+/// Access fields in the GPIO Control page.
+class DS28C36::GpioControl {
+  explicit GpioControl(Page::span page) : page(page) {}
+  bool pioaConducting() const {
+    return page[pioaConductingIdx] == pioConductingValue;
+  }
+  GpioControl & setPioaConducting(bool pioaConducting) {
+    page[pioaConductingIdx] = (pioaConducting ? pioConductingValue : 0x55);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  bool piobConducting() const {
+    return page[piobConductingIdx] == pioConductingValue;
+  }
+  GpioControl & setPiobConducting(bool piobConducting) {
+    page[piobConductingIdx] = (piobConducting ? pioConductingValue : 0x55);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  bool pioaLevel() const { return page[2] == pioLevelValue; }
+  bool piobLevel() const { return page[3] == pioLevelValue; }
+  static const Page::span::index_type pioaConductingIdx = 0;
+  static const Page::span::index_type piobConductingIdx = 1;
+  static const Page::span::value_type pioConductingValue = 0xAA;
+  static const Page::span::value_type pioLevelValue = 0x55;
+  Page::span page;
+} // namespace MaximInterfaceDevices