MAXREFDES143#: DeepCover Embedded Security in IoT Authenticated Sensing & Notification

Dependencies:   MaximInterface mbed

The MAXREFDES143# is an Internet of Things (IoT) embedded security reference design, built to protect an industrial sensing node by means of authentication and notification to a web server. The hardware includes a peripheral module representing a protected sensor node monitoring operating temperature and remaining life of a filter (simulated through ambient light sensing) and an mbed shield representing a controller node responsible for monitoring one or more sensor nodes. The design is hierarchical with each controller node communicating data from connected sensor nodes to a web server that maintains a centralized log and dispatches notifications as necessary. The mbed shield contains a Wi-Fi module, a DS2465 coprocessor with 1-Wire® master function, an LCD, LEDs, and pushbuttons. The protected sensor node contains a DS28E15 authenticator, a DS7505 temperature sensor, and a MAX44009 light sensor. The mbed shield communicates to a web server by the onboard Wi-Fi module and to the protected sensor node with I2C and 1-Wire. The MAXREFDES143# is equipped with a standard shield connector for immediate testing using an mbed board such as the MAX32600MBED#. The simplicity of this design enables rapid integration into any star-topology IoT network requiring the heightened security with low overhead provided by the SHA-256 symmetric-key algorithm.

More information about the MAXREFDES143# is available on the Maxim Integrated website.


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
35:3d414ba9ab6c 2018-01-19 IanBenzMaxim Updated MaximInterface revision. default tip
34:6f3e4ffa183b 2018-01-11 IanBenzMaxim Updated MaximInterface to version 1.1.
33:55e8581148a5 2017-11-06 IanBenzMaxim Updated MaximInterface library.
32:0a09505a656d 2017-11-06 IanBenzMaxim Updated to use MaximInterface library.
31:7b10bcb3e0fc 2017-04-04 IanBenzMaxim Added domain information for new site.
30:0784010d6975 2017-01-26 IanBenzMaxim Removed unused functionality from ESP8266.
29:590a7561318b 2017-01-26 IanBenzMaxim Rollback to mbed 2 for stability until online compiler issues with mbed 5 can be resolved.
28:e5cdaf13d299 2017-01-26 IanBenzMaxim Migrated the web interface to the mbed 5 networking stack to improve system compatibility.
27:81a87d29bedd 2016-12-16 IanBenzMaxim Temporarily moved to a fork of mbed-os due to issues with the implementation of mutexes. Stripped mutex implementation for armcc which should not affect this project since it does not use RTOS features.
26:80a16bc2c137 2016-12-16 IanBenzMaxim Added full copy of mbed library to project for temporary bug fixing.
25:37ea43ff81be 2016-12-16 IanBenzMaxim Now using unique secret for data signing between mbed node and server. Updated to mbed 5 for better platform support. Updated to latest version of 1-Wire library.
24:434330962308 2016-10-19 IanBenzMaxim Fixed include guards.
23:695fdcce083e 2016-09-26 IanBenzMaxim Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
22:31d2960f6745 2016-09-09 IanBenzMaxim Updated library versions.
21:b43e2f7bea6f 2016-09-06 IanBenzMaxim Updated I2C result codes.
20:cdba71cb5506 2016-09-06 IanBenzMaxim Fixed issues flagged by GCC.
19:b8b0cd35f7b4 2016-08-15 IanBenzMaxim Changed pin definitions to the universal format for compatibility.
18:6fbf7e7b6ab6 2016-08-10 IanBenzMaxim Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
17:41be4896ed6d 2016-07-21 IanBenzMaxim Fixed issue with LCD controller initialization on some boards due to power instability. Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
16:6bce01c1dd90 2016-06-15 IanBenzMaxim Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
15:8cc4cdea59da 2016-06-15 IanBenzMaxim Updated OneWire library revision to prevent incompatible versions. Added prompt to check Wi-Fi since that is the culprit for controller hardware errors.
14:0962f818bf7f 2016-06-06 IanBenzMaxim Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
13:6e753e78987c 2016-05-27 IanBenzMaxim Remove potentially invalid namespace prefixes.
12:5f8727ba1493 2016-05-26 IanBenzMaxim Added final website address.
11:aeaa77b488c0 2016-05-16 IanBenzMaxim Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
10:5eb19685b496 2016-05-16 IanBenzMaxim Remove personal information.
9:bc3d211d75ce 2016-05-16 IanBenzMaxim Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
8:594529956266 2016-05-14 IanBenzMaxim Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
7:e24f0b29f1f7 2016-05-13 IanBenzMaxim Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
6:b6bafd0a7013 2016-05-12 IanBenzMaxim Updated following downstream restructuring in OneWire library.
5:63232ef22abe 2016-04-20 IanBenzMaxim Always give the user a chance to provision when an invalid sensor node is detected before retrying authentication.
4:71d578d3af22 2016-04-20 IanBenzMaxim Minor cleanup
3:ac723be395d9 2016-04-19 IanBenzMaxim Make web server port easier to configure.
2:e67d29a371db 2016-04-19 IanBenzMaxim Updated following improvements to DS28E15/22/25 in OneWire library.
1:e1c7c1c636af 2016-04-14 IanBenzMaxim Add initial source files.
0:19b8608fc4ee 2016-04-13 IanBenzMaxim Added OneWire library as a dependency.