AKM AK9752 Ultra-small IR Sensor IC with I2C I/F

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00001 /*************************************
00002  * AK9752
00003  * AKM Ultra-small IR Sensor IC with I2C I/F
00004  **/
00005 #ifndef _AK9752_H_
00006 #define _AK9752_H_
00007 #include "mbed.h"
00009 class AK9752
00010 {
00011 public:
00012   /**
00013   * AK9752 constructor
00014   *
00015   * @param sda SDA pin
00016   * @param sdl SCL pin
00017   * @param addr addr of the I2C peripheral
00018   */
00019   AK9752(PinName sda, PinName scl, int addr);
00021   /**
00022   * AK9752 destructor
00023   */
00024   ~AK9752();
00026   uint8_t getCompanyCode(void) ; /* 0x48 expected */
00027   uint8_t getDeviceID(void) ;    /* 0x14 expected */
00028   bool    dataReady(void) ; /* returns ST1[0], read ST2 to clear */
00029   uint8_t getIntcause(void) ; /* get REG_INTCAUSE (0x05) */
00030   int16_t getRawIR(void) ; /* raw data, must be mulitplied by 0.4578 for pA */
00031   float   getIR(void) ;
00032   int16_t getRawTMP(void) ; /* raw data, must be multiplied by 0.0019837 and + 25 */
00033   float   getTMP(void) ;
00034   bool    dataOverRun(void) ; /* check data over run and clear data ready */
00035   void    getTHIR(int16_t  *high, int16_t *low) ;
00036   void    setTHIR(int16_t   high, int16_t  low) ;
00037   void    getTHTMP(int16_t *high, int16_t *low) ;
00038   void    setTHTMP(int16_t  high, int16_t  low) ;
00039   uint8_t getINTEN(void) ;
00040   void    setINTEN(uint8_t value) ;
00041   uint8_t getCNTL1(void) ;
00042   void    setCNTL1(uint8_t value) ;
00043   uint8_t getCNTL2(void) ;
00044   void    setCNTL2(uint8_t value) ;
00045   void    software_reset(void) ;
00047 private:
00048   I2C m_i2c;
00049   int m_addr;
00050   int readRegs(int addr, uint8_t * data, int len);
00051   int writeRegs(uint8_t * data, int len);
00052 };
00054 #endif /* _AK9752_H_ */