
MBSD_team - Politecnico di Torino

/media/uploads/AxelMgn/4.jpg AEB system; QA system. Deadline July 31th 2016


  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Program that execute AEB system

    Last updated: 11 Jul 2016 8 3
  • Controller_Slave

    Slave controller for AEB and QA item

    Last updated: 11 Jul 2016 2 4
  • Controller_Master

    Library for the master controller

    Last updated: 10 Jul 2016 4 1
  • Ultrasonic

    Library to use the ultrasonic sensor

    Last updated: 09 Jul 2016 6 312
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Program to test the ultrasonic sensor

    Last updated: 05 Jun 2016 4 32
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Test program for master controller

    Last updated: 04 Jun 2016 2 1