Release candidate version. The pointer in GAS Pressure display is changed to a triangle.

Dependencies:   UniGraphic mbed vt100

Please note, at 2-Mar-2018 the current version of mbed-lib has a defect in Ticker.

So, mbed lib version 157 is intentionally being used.
Please do not update mbed library until the problem in the above URL is fixed.

In this version, format of GAS Pressure Display has been changed.






File content as of revision 0:774324cbc5a6:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "edge_sensor.h"
#include "VEML6040.h"
#include "edge_color.h"
#include "edge_reset_mgr.h"
#include "edge_chart.h"

/* VEML6040 config bits */
/* sensor config loser 4bit */
/* trigger mode etc. */
#define SD_BIT   0x01
#define AF_BIT   0x02
#define TRIG_BIT 0x04

/* sensor config upper 4bit */
/* integration time */
 int sensor_delay[] = { 
    1280, /* place holder */ 
    1280  /* place holder */
} ;

uint16_t        color0_pwm[3] ;
uint16_t        color1_pwm[3] ;
uint16_t        color0_target[3] = { 3500, 3500, 3500 } ;
uint16_t        color1_target[3] = { 3500, 3500, 3500 } ;

edge_color::edge_color(VEML6040 *sensor, PwmOut *led[], uint16_t *pwm) : edge_sensor() 
    uint16_t dummy[3] ;
    _sensor = sensor ;
    _sensor_config = AF_BIT | TRIG_BIT ;
    _interval = 30 ;
    _calibration_request = 0 ; /* 1 for testing */ 

reset_watch_dog() ;
    _pwm_period = 2000 ; /* 2ms */
    _probe = 0xFA00 ; /* to avoid satulation at 255, using 250 */
//    _probe = 0xFF00 ; 
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
        _led[i] = led[i] ;
        _led[i]->write(1.0) ; /* turn LED off */
        _value[i] = 0 ;
        _pwm[i] = pwm[i] ;
        _led[i]->period_us(_pwm_period) ;
    getRGB(dummy) ; // dummy read, the first data is usually garbage
reset_watch_dog() ;

    delete _sensor ;
    delete [] _led ;

void edge_color::setLEDs(uint16_t led_value[]) 
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
        _led[i]->write((float)(65535 - led_value[i])/65535.0) ;

void edge_color::setLEDs(uint16_t r, uint16_t g, uint16_t b) 
    _led[0]->write((float)(65535 - r)/65535.0) ;
    _led[1]->write((float)(65535 - g)/65535.0) ;
    _led[2]->write((float)(65535 - b)/65535.0) ;

void edge_color::reset(void) 
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
        _value[i] = 0 ;

void edge_color::prepare(void) 
//    setLEDs(_pwm) ; // <- the other color sensor turns off (;_;)

int edge_color::sample(void) 
    int result ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    setLEDs(_pwm) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    result = getRGB(_value) ;
    _sampled_time = edge_time ;
    setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ; /* turn LEDs off */
reset_watch_dog() ;
    return( result ) ;

int edge_color::deliver(void) 
    int result ;
    char timestr[16] ;
    print_time(_sampled_time) ;
    time2seq(_sampled_time, timestr) ;
    printf(" color%d : R = %4d, G = %4d, B = %4d\n",
        _id, _value[0], _value[1], _value[2]) ;
    if (_id == 1) { /* color1 */
          _value[0], _value[1], _value[2], timestr, _error_count) ; 
    } else { /* color2 */
          _value[0], _value[1], _value[2], timestr, _error_count) ; 
    result = afero->setAttribute(1, _str_buf) ;

    return( result == afSUCCESS ) ;

int color_v2y(float value, edge_chart_type *p)
    int y ;
    if (value < p->min) {
        value = p->min ;
    } else if (value > p->max) {
        value = p->max ;
    y = p->top + p->height - 1
        - (int)((p->height - 2) * value /(p->max - p->min)) ;
    return( y ) ;

void edge_color::show(void)
    int r, g, b ;
    int x ;
    edge_chart_type *p = &edge_chart[_id] ;
    if (display) {
        switch(display_mode) {
            reset_watch_dog() ;
            display->BusEnable(true) ;
            display->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
            display->set_font_zoom(2, 2) ;
            display->foreground(White) ;
            display->locate(EDGE_SUMMARY_X, EDGE_SUMMARY_TIME_Y) ;
            displayTime(_sampled_time) ;
            if (_id == 1) {
                display->locate(EDGE_SUMMARY_X, EDGE_SUMMARY_COLOR1_Y) ;
                display->printf("Color :%5d,%5d,%5d",
                    _value[0], _value[1], _value[2]) ;
            } else {
                display->locate(EDGE_SUMMARY_X, EDGE_SUMMARY_COLOR2_Y) ;
                    _value[0], _value[1], _value[2]) ;
            display->BusEnable(false) ;
            reset_watch_dog() ;
            break ;
        case DISPLAY_MODE_CHART:
            reset_watch_dog() ;
            x = p->left + p->index + 1 ;
            r = color_v2y(_value[0], p) ;
            g = color_v2y(_value[1], p) ;
            b = color_v2y(_value[2], p) ;
            display->BusEnable(true) ;
            if (p->index == 0) {
                draw_chart_frame(p) ;
            display->pixel(x, r, Red) ;
            display->pixel(x, g, Green) ;
            display->pixel(x, b, Blue) ;
            display->BusEnable(false) ;
            p->index = (p->index + 1) % (p->width - 2) ;
            break ;       
    reset_watch_dog() ;

int edge_color::getRGB(uint16_t v[])
    int result ;
    result = _sensor->setCOLORConf(_sensor_config) ;
    if (result == 0) {
        wait_ms(sensor_delay[(_sensor_config >> 4)&0x07] * 1.25) ;
        result = _sensor->getRData(&v[0]) ;
        if (result == 0) {
            wait_ms(10) ;
            result = _sensor->getGData(&v[1]) ;
            if (result == 0) {
                wait_ms(10) ;
                result = _sensor->getBData(&v[2]) ;
                if (result == 0) {
                    wait_ms(10) ;
    return( result ) ;

 * Measure num_ave + 2 times
 * and throw away min and max
 * before calculating average
void edge_color::getAveColor(uint16_t led[], uint16_t v[], int num_ave)
    int i, c ;
    uint16_t min[3] = { 0, 0, 0 } ;
    uint16_t max[3] = { 0, 0, 0 } ;
    uint16_t tmp[3] ;
    long sum[3] = { 0, 0, 0 } ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    setLEDs(led) ;
    getRGB(tmp) ; // dummy read
    setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ;
    wait_ms(10) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < num_ave+2 ; i++ ) {
reset_watch_dog() ;
        setLEDs(led) ;
        getRGB(tmp) ;
        setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ;
        wait_ms(10) ;
        for (c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c++ ) {
            sum[c] += tmp[c] ;
            if ((i == 0) || (tmp[c] < min[c])) {
                min[c] = tmp[c] ;
            if ((i == 0) || (tmp[c] > max[c])) {
                max[c] = tmp[c] ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    for (c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c++ ) {
        sum[c] = sum[c] - (min[c] + max[c]) ;
        v[c] = (uint16_t)(sum[c] / num_ave) ;
//    delete [] tmp ;
// printf("=== average ===\n") ;
// printf("%04x %04x %04x\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;

#if 1
void edge_color::calibrate(uint16_t target[], uint16_t result[], int num_ave) 
//   const uint16_t led_interval = 10 ; /* wait 10ms for LED */
    float      denominator ;
    float      numerator[3] ;
    float      a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i ;
    uint16_t  v[3], tmp[3] ;
    uint16_t  L[3][3] ;
    int       idx ;
    uint8_t   conf ;

    printf("=== Calibrating Color Sensor %d ===\n", _id) ;
    for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++ ) {
reset_watch_dog() ;
        tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = 0 ;
        tmp[idx] = _probe ;

//        setLEDs(tmp) ;
//        wait_ms(led_interval) ;
        getAveColor(tmp, v, num_ave) ;
        printf("R:%5d, G:%5d, B:%5d\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;
        L[idx][0] = v[0] ;
        L[idx][1] = v[1] ;
        L[idx][2] = v[2] ;
//        setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ; /* clear LEDs */
reset_watch_dog() ;
    printf("=== Initial Equation ===\n") ;
    for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++) {
        printf("%5d * R / %d + %5d * G / %d + %5d * B / %d = %d,\n",
        L[0][idx], _probe, L[1][idx], _probe,  L[2][idx], _probe, target[idx]) ;

     a = L[0][0] ; b = L[1][0] ; c = L[2][0] ;
     d = L[0][1] ; e = L[1][1] ; f = L[2][1] ;
     g = L[0][2] ; h = L[1][2] ; i = L[2][2] ;
    denominator = a * (f * h - e * i) + b * (d * i - f * g) + c * (e * g - d * h) ;
//    printf("Denominator = %f\n", denominator) ;

    if (denominator != 0) {
        numerator[0] = (f * h - e * i) * target[0] 
            + b * (i * target[1] - f * target[2]) 
            + c * (e * target[2] - h * target[1]) ;

        numerator[1] = -((f * g - d * i) * target[0]
            + a * (i * target[1] - f * target[2]) 
            + c * (d * target[2] - g * target[1])) ;

        numerator[2] = (e * g - d * h) * target[0]
            + a * (h * target[1] - e * target[2]) 
            + b * (d * target[2] - g * target[1]) ;

        for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++ ) {
// printf("Numerator[%d] = %f\n", idx, numerator[idx]) ;
            _pwm[idx] = (uint16_t) (0.5 + (((double)_probe * numerator[idx]) / denominator)) ;
            result[idx] = _pwm[idx] ;

        printf("PWM R = %d [0x%04x] ", result[0], result[0]) ; 
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("G = %d [0x%04x] ", result[1], result[1]) ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("B = %d [0x%04x] ", result[2], result[2]) ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("\n") ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("=== test ===\n") ;
//        setLEDs(_pwm[0], _pwm[1], _pwm[2]) ;
//        wait_ms(led_interval) ;
        getAveColor(_pwm, v, num_ave) ;
        printf("R:%d, G:%d, B:%d\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;
        printf("============\n") ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
    } else {
        printf("calibration failed, pwm values were not updated\n") ;
    printf("Reseting Color Sensor ... ") ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    _sensor->getCOLORConf(&conf) ;
    wait_ms(10) ;
    _sensor->setCOLORConf(conf | 0x01) ; /* shutdown VEML6040 */
    wait_ms(200) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    _sensor->setCOLORConf(conf) ;
    wait_ms(200) ;
    printf("Done\n") ;
    _calibration_request = 0 ;
    _status = EDGE_SENSOR_INACTIVE ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
#endif /* calibration int version */

#if 0
void edge_color::calibrate(uint16_t target[], uint16_t result[], int num_ave) 
   const uint16_t led_interval = 10 ; /* wait 10ms for LED */
    double      denominator ;
    double      numerator[3] ;
    double      a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i ;
    uint16_t    v[3], tmp[3] ;
//    uint16_t    L[3][3] ;
    double    L[3][3] ;
    double      ftarget[3] ;
    int         idx ;
    uint8_t     conf ;
    ftarget[0] = target[0] ;
    ftarget[1] = target[1] ;
    ftarget[2] = target[2] ;
    printf("=== Calibrating Color Sensor %d ===\n", _id) ;
    for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++ ) {
reset_watch_dog() ;
        tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = 0 ;
        tmp[idx] = _probe ;

        setLEDs(tmp) ;
        wait_ms(led_interval) ;
        getAveColor(v, num_ave) ;
        printf("R:%5d, G:%5d, B:%5d\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;
        L[idx][0] = v[0] ;
        L[idx][1] = v[1] ;
        L[idx][2] = v[2] ;
        setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ; /* clear LEDs */
reset_watch_dog() ;
    printf("=== Initial Equation ===\n") ;
    for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++) {
        printf("%5d * R / %d + %5d * G / %d + %5d * B / %d = %d,\n",
        (int)L[0][idx], _probe, (int)L[1][idx], _probe,  (int)L[2][idx], _probe, target[idx]) ;

     a = L[0][0] ; b = L[1][0] ; c = L[2][0] ;
     d = L[0][1] ; e = L[1][1] ; f = L[2][1] ;
     g = L[0][2] ; h = L[1][2] ; i = L[2][2] ;
    denominator = a * (f * h - e * i) + b * (d * i - f * g) + c * (e * g - d * h) ;

    if (denominator != 0) {
        numerator[0] = (f * h - e * i) * ftarget[0] 
            + b * (i * ftarget[1] - f * ftarget[2]) 
            + c * (e * ftarget[2] - h * ftarget[1]) ;

        numerator[1] = -((f * g - d * i) * ftarget[0]
            + a * (i * ftarget[1] - f * ftarget[2]) 
            + c * (d * ftarget[2] - g * ftarget[1])) ;

        numerator[2] = (e * g - d * h) * ftarget[0]
            + a * (h * ftarget[1] - e * ftarget[2]) 
            + b * (d * ftarget[2] - g * ftarget[1]) ;

        for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++ ) {
            _pwm[idx] = (uint16_t) (0.5 + ((double)_probe * numerator[idx]) / denominator) ;
            result[idx] = _pwm[idx] ;

        printf("PWM R = %d [0x%04x] ", result[0], result[0]) ; 
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("G = %d [0x%04x] ", result[1], result[1]) ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("B = %d [0x%04x] ", result[2], result[2]) ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("\n") ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("=== test ===\n") ;
        setLEDs(_pwm[0], _pwm[1], _pwm[2]) ;
        wait_ms(led_interval) ;
        getAveColor(v, num_ave) ;
        printf("R:%d, G:%d, B:%d\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;
        printf("============\n") ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
    } else {
        printf("calibration failed, pwm values were not updated\n") ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    _sensor->getCOLORConf(&conf) ;
    wait_ms(10) ;
    _sensor->setCOLORConf(conf | 0x01) ; /* shutdown VEML6040 */
    wait_ms(200) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    _sensor->setCOLORConf(conf) ;
    wait_ms(200) ;
    _calibration_request = 0 ;
    _status = EDGE_SENSOR_INACTIVE ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
#endif /* calibration double version */