
Dependencies:   LSM9DS0 mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Sep 05 02:02:19 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Version_2 (Date:2016-09-05)

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Aug 31 08:55:00 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Sep 05 02:02:19 2016 +0000
@@ -1,52 +1,56 @@
+// 導入需要之header檔
+//#include <p30f4011.h>
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include <math.h>
 #include "LSM9DS0.h"
-//#include "can.h"
-Ticker timer1;
-Serial uart_1(D10,D2);            // TX : D10     RX : D2           // serial 1
-#define LOOPTIME  500                         // 2 ms
-unsigned long lastMilli = 0;
-// sampling time
-float T = 0.002;
-Timer t;
+Ticker timer1;      // 2 ms
+Serial uart_1(D10,D2);            // TX : D10     RX : D2           // serial 1
+LSM9DS0 sensor(SPI_MODE, D7, D6);    // SPI_CS1 : D7 , SPI_CS2 : D6
+AnalogIn adc_switch(A0); 
 // uart data
 int display[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
-char num[14]= {254,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};     // char num[0] , num[1] : 2 start byte
+char num[14]={254,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};      // char num[0] , num[1] : 2 start byte
+// 等待sensor上電
 int tcount = 0;
 int init_flag = 0;
+int flag_d_1;
+int flag_d_2;
+int flag_d_3; 
+int flag_d_4; 
+int flag_d_5;
+int flag_d_6;
 int i;
 int j;
 int k;
+int z;
+float T = 0.002;
 // sensor gain , 由實驗測得
-#define Gyro_gain_x  0.001223735681818
-#define Gyro_gain_y  0.001223735681818
-#define Gyro_gain_z  0.001223735681818
-#define Acce_gainx  -0.002386188420346        // -9.81 / ( 3264.287 - (-846.872) )
+//#define Gyro_gain_x  0.001223735681818  
+#define Gyro_gain_x  0.001223735681818f 
+#define Gyro_gain_y  0.001223735681818f           
+#define Gyro_gain_z  0.001223735681818f           
+#define Acce_gainx  -0.002386188420346f        // -9.81 / ( 3264.287 - (-846.872) )
 //#define Acce_gainy  -0.002372964173321        // -9.81 / ( 3508 - (-626.07) )
-#define Acce_gainy  -0.002512964173321
-#define Acce_gainz  -0.002381154075718        // -9.81 / ( 4413.257 - (293.406) )  
+#define Acce_gainy  -0.002512964173321f
+#define Acce_gainz  -0.002381154075718f        // -9.81 / ( 4413.257 - (293.406) )  
 // 宣告從sensor讀到的值要存入處理的變數
+int16_t Gyro_axis_data[3];       // X, Y, Z axis
 float Gyro_axis_data_f[3];
 float Gyro_axis_data_f_old[3];
 float Gyro_scale[3];           // scale = (data - zero) * gain
-float Gyro_axis_zero[3] = {0,-8,8};
+float Gyro_axis_zero[3] = {0,-8,8};    
+int16_t Acce_axis_data[3];       // X, Y, Z axis
 float Acce_axis_data_f[3];
 float Acce_axis_data_f_old[3];
 float Acce_scale[3];           // scale = (data - zero) * gain
 //float Acce_axis_zero[3] = {-846.872,-626.07,293.406};
-float Acce_axis_zero[3] = {-907,-658,225};
+float Acce_axis_zero[3] = {-907,-658,225};   
 // final sensor output value
 float axm = 0;    // Acce_scale
@@ -57,7 +61,7 @@
 float u2 = 0;     // Gyro_scale
 float u3 = 0;     // Gyro_scale
-// counter for gyro bias
+// counter for gyro bias            //improve
 int gyro_count = 0;
 int gyro_flag = 0;
 float gyro_init_1[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
@@ -69,21 +73,20 @@
 float gyro_sum_3 = 0;
 // new defined direction
-float ax = 0;
-float ay = 0;
+float ax = 0;   
+float ay = 0;    
 float az = 0;
-float w1 = 0;
-float w2 = 0;
+float w1 = 0;   
+float w2 = 0;   
 float w3 = 0;
-float w1_d = 0;
-float w2_d = 0;
+float w1_d = 0;   
+float w2_d = 0;   
 float w3_d = 0;
-// sampling time
-//float T = 0.002;        // 2ms -> 500Hz
-char uart_read = 0;
+//read weight 
+//char uart_read = 0;
 // 速度 , 向心加速度
 int rotationspeed = 0;
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@
 float theta_deg = 0;
 // normalized variables
-float n = 0;
+float n = 0;               
 float gs1_hat_n = 0;
 float gs2_hat_n = 0;
 float gs3_hat_n = 0;
@@ -155,6 +158,7 @@
 int compensationrate = 0;
 int Mb = 25;                              // bicycle mass
 int M = 95;                               // total mass (25+70)
+int adc = 0;                              
 int buttom_buf = 0;
 int buttom_buf_old = 0;
 // 開關安全措施
@@ -164,13 +168,25 @@
 int open_flag = 0;
 int protect_flag = 0;
-void timer1_interrupt(void);
-void init_TIMER(void);
+// 函式宣告
 void init_uart(void);
-void uart_send(void);
 void separate(void);
 void init_Sensors(void);
+void init_TIMER();
+void timer1_interrupt(void);        // void _ISR _T1Interrupt(void);
 void read_sensor(void);
+//unsigned char SPI_operation(unsigned char data_send);
+//void sensorG_setup(void);
+//void sensorXM_setup(void);
+//void sensorG_read_3axis(void);
+//void sensorXM_read_3axis(void);
+//void init_ADC(void);
+//void _ISR _U2RXInterrupt(void);
+//void init_IO(void);
+// void init_spi(void);
 float lpf(float input,float output_old,float frequency);
 float sinr(float input);
 float cosr(float input);
@@ -178,60 +194,436 @@
 float arccos(float input);
 float arctan(float input);
-LSM9DS0 sensor(SPI_MODE, D7, D6);    // SPI_CS1 : D7 , SPI_CS2 : D6
-// sensor data
-int16_t Gyro_axis_data[3] = {0};     // X, Y, Z axis
-int16_t Acce_axis_data[3] = {0};     // X, Y, Z axis
-int16_t Magn_axis_data[3] = {0};     // X, Y, Z axis
-int main()
+// Main routine 
+int main(void) 
-    init_TIMER();   //t.strat();
+    //init_ADC();
+    init_TIMER();
-    //init_spi();
-    //init_can();
-    //init_ADC();
-   // t.start();
+    while(1)               // 永久迴圈
+    { 
+    }
+} // End of main() 
-    while(1) {
-    }
+void init_IO(void)
+    // 1為數位,0為類比  
+    ADPCFG = 0xffff;
+    //LED
+    TRISDbits.TRISD1 = 0;         // 定義I/O腳位輸入輸出 0:output 1:input
+    TRISDbits.TRISD2 = 0;
+    TRISDbits.TRISD3 = 0;
+    LATDbits.LATD1 = 1;           // 1:dark 0:light
+    LATDbits.LATD2 = 1;
+    LATDbits.LATD3 = 1;
+    //SPI CS
+    TRISBbits.TRISB4 = 0;         // CSXM
+    TRISBbits.TRISB5 = 0;         // CSG
+    LATBbits.LATB4 = 1;
+    LATBbits.LATB5 = 1;
+    //ADC
+    ADPCFGbits.PCFG6 = 1;       // AN6 = digital
+    TRISBbits.TRISB6 = 1;       // input 讀取電壓
+void init_TIMER(){
+    i = 0;
+    timer1.attach_us(&timer1_interrupt, 2000.0);        // 2 ms
-void init_uart()
-    uart_1.baud(115200);      // 設定baudrate
-void uart_send(void)        //uart_send() neen initial i (i=0)
+//void _ISR1 _T1Interrupt(void)     // 500Hz
+void timer1_interrupt(void)
-    // uart send data
-    display[0] = Gyro_axis_data[0];
-    display[1] = Gyro_axis_data[1];
-    display[2] = Gyro_axis_data[2];
-    display[3] = Acce_axis_data[0];
-    display[4] = Acce_axis_data[1];
-    display[5] = Acce_axis_data[2];
+    //LATDbits.LATD3 = 1;
+    if(init_flag == 0)  //用timer代替 數超過300次 開始讀植
+    {
+        tcount = tcount + 1;
+        if(tcount >= 300)
+        {
+            init_Sensors();     // 讓sensor完全上電後再初始化sensor
+            tcount = 0;
+            init_flag = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        read_sensor();
+        // gyro filter
+        Gyro_axis_data_f[0] = lpf(Gyro_axis_data[0],Gyro_axis_data_f_old[0],18);     
+        Gyro_axis_data_f_old[0] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+        Gyro_axis_data_f[1] = lpf(Gyro_axis_data[1],Gyro_axis_data_f_old[1],18);     
+        Gyro_axis_data_f_old[1] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+        Gyro_axis_data_f[2] = lpf(Gyro_axis_data[2],Gyro_axis_data_f_old[2],18);     
+        Gyro_axis_data_f_old[2] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+        // gyro bias average
+        if(gyro_flag == 0)
+        {
+            gyro_count = gyro_count + 1;
+            if(gyro_count == 500)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                index_count++;
+            }
+            else if(gyro_count == 505)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                index_count++;
+            }
+            else if(gyro_count == 510)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                index_count++;
+            }
+            else if(gyro_count == 520)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                index_count++;
+            }
+            else if(gyro_count == 530)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                index_count++;
+            }
+            else if(gyro_count == 550)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                index_count++;
+            }
+            else if(gyro_count == 560)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                index_count++;
+            }
+            else if(gyro_count == 570)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                index_count++;
+            }
+            else if(gyro_count == 580)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                index_count++;
+            }
+            else if(gyro_count >= 590)
+            {
+                gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
+                gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
+                gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
+                z = 0;
+                for(z=0 ; z<10 ; z++)
+                {
+                    gyro_sum_1 = gyro_sum_1 + gyro_init_1[z];
+                    gyro_sum_2 = gyro_sum_2 + gyro_init_2[z];
+                    gyro_sum_3 = gyro_sum_3 + gyro_init_3[z];
+                }
+                Gyro_axis_zero[0] = gyro_sum_1 / 10;
+                Gyro_axis_zero[1] = gyro_sum_2 / 10;
+                Gyro_axis_zero[2] = gyro_sum_3 / 10;
+                index_count = 0;
+                gyro_count = 0;
+                gyro_flag = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        //831 2:20
+        // acce filter
+        Acce_axis_data_f[0] = lpf(Acce_axis_data[0],Acce_axis_data_f_old[0],18);     
+        Acce_axis_data_f_old[0] = Acce_axis_data_f[0];
+        Acce_axis_data_f[1] = lpf(Acce_axis_data[1],Acce_axis_data_f_old[1],18);     
+        Acce_axis_data_f_old[1] = Acce_axis_data_f[1];
+        Acce_axis_data_f[2] = lpf(Acce_axis_data[2],Acce_axis_data_f_old[2],18);     
+        Acce_axis_data_f_old[2] = Acce_axis_data_f[2];
+        Gyro_scale[0] = (Gyro_axis_data_f[0]-Gyro_axis_zero[0])*Gyro_gain_x;        //88888
+        Gyro_scale[1] = (Gyro_axis_data_f[1]-Gyro_axis_zero[1])*Gyro_gain_y;
+        Gyro_scale[2] = (Gyro_axis_data_f[2]-Gyro_axis_zero[2])*Gyro_gain_z;
+        Acce_scale[0] = ((Acce_axis_data_f[0]-Acce_axis_zero[0]))*Acce_gainx;
+        Acce_scale[1] = ((Acce_axis_data_f[1]-Acce_axis_zero[1]))*Acce_gainy;
+        Acce_scale[2] = ((Acce_axis_data_f[2]-Acce_axis_zero[2]))*Acce_gainz;
+        // final 6 axis data       
+        axm = Acce_scale[0];
+        aym = Acce_scale[1];
+        azm = Acce_scale[2];
+        u1 = Gyro_scale[0];
+        u2 = Gyro_scale[1];
+        u3 = Gyro_scale[2];
+        // new defined direction
+        ax = -aym;
+        ay = axm;
+        az = azm;
+        w1 = -u2;
+        w2 = u1;
+        w3 = u3;
+        // w deadzone
+        flag_d_1 = 0;
+        flag_d_2 = 0;
+        flag_d_1 = w1 <= 0.015f;          
+        flag_d_2 = w1 >= -0.015f;         
+        if((flag_d_1 + flag_d_2) == 2)       
+            w1_d = 0;
+        else
+            w1_d = w1;
+        flag_d_3 = 0;
+        flag_d_4 = 0;
+        flag_d_3 = w2 <= 0.015f;          
+        flag_d_4 = w2 >= -0.015f;         
+        if((flag_d_3 + flag_d_4) == 2)       
+            w2_d = 0;
+        else
+            w2_d = w2;
+        flag_d_5 = 0;
+        flag_d_6 = 0;
+        flag_d_5 = w3 <= 0.015f;          
+        flag_d_6 = w3 >= -0.015f;         
+        if((flag_d_5 + flag_d_6) == 2)       
+            w3_d = 0;
+        else
+            w3_d = w3; 
+    }
+    // velocity filter
+    v_f = lpf(v,v_f_old,18);
+    v_f_old = v_f;
+    // 離心加速度
+    acy_hat = 1.4f*v_f*w1_d;                 // 1.2
+    acy_hat_f = lpf(acy_hat,acy_hat_f_old,18);
+    acy_hat_f_old = acy_hat_f;
+    // sensor fusion by backward Euler method
+    gs1_hat = (gs1_hat_old + T*(-w2_d*alpf_hat + p*ax - w3_d*(acy_hat_f-ay) - w2_d*az)) / (1+p*T);
+    gs1_hat_old = gs1_hat;
+    gs2_hat = (gs2_hat_old + T*(w1_d*alpf_hat - w3_d*ax - p*(acy_hat_f-ay) + w1_d*az)) / (1+p*T);
+    gs2_hat_old = gs2_hat;
+    gs3_hat = (gs3_hat_old + T*(-b*alpf_hat + c*v_hat + w2_d*ax + w1_d*(acy_hat_f-ay) - b*az - c*v_f)) / (1-b*T);
+    gs3_hat_old = gs3_hat;
+    alpf_hat = (alpf_hat_old + T*((a+d)*gs3_hat + e*v_hat - (a+d)*az - e*v_f)) / (1+(a+d)*T);
+    alpf_hat_old = alpf_hat;
+    v_hat = (v_hat_old + T*((1+f)*gs3_hat - f*alpf_hat - (1+f)*az - g*v_f)) / (1-g*T);
+    v_hat_old = v_hat;
+    /*
+    // 離心加速度
+    acy_hat = 1.2*v_f*w1;
+    acy_hat_f = lpf(acy_hat,acy_hat_f_old,18);
+    acy_hat_f_old = acy_hat_f;
+    // sensor fusion by backward Euler method
+    gs1_hat = (gs1_hat_old + T*(-w2*alpf_hat + p*ax - w3*(acy_hat_f-ay) - w2*az)) / (1+p*T);
+    gs1_hat_old = gs1_hat;
+    gs2_hat = (gs2_hat_old + T*(w1*alpf_hat - w3*ax - p*(acy_hat_f-ay) + w1*az)) / (1+p*T);
+    gs2_hat_old = gs2_hat;
+    gs3_hat = (gs3_hat_old + T*(-b*alpf_hat + c*v_hat + w2*ax + w1*(acy_hat_f-ay) - b*az - c*v_f)) / (1-b*T);
+    gs3_hat_old = gs3_hat;
+    alpf_hat = (alpf_hat_old + T*((a+d)*gs3_hat + e*v_hat - (a+d)*az - e*v_f)) / (1+(a+d)*T);
+    alpf_hat_old = alpf_hat;
+    v_hat = (v_hat_old + T*((1+f)*gs3_hat - f*alpf_hat - (1+f)*az - g*v_f)) / (1-g*T);
+    v_hat_old = v_hat;
+    */
+    // normalize gs1_hat , gs2_hat , gs3_hat to find pitch angle and roll angle
+    n = sqrt(gs1_hat*gs1_hat + gs2_hat*gs2_hat + gs3_hat*gs3_hat);
+    gs1_hat_n = (gs1_hat / n) * 9.81f;
+    gs2_hat_n = (gs2_hat / n) * 9.81f;
+    gs3_hat_n = (gs3_hat / n) * 9.81f;
+    psi = arcsin(-gs3_hat_n / 9.81f);
+    //theta = atan(-gs2_hat_n / gs1_hat_n);
+    // psi correction
+    psi_m = psi - (0);                      // after correction
+    psi_deg = 57.3f * psi_m;
+    // psi deadzone
+    flag_d_1 = 0;
+    flag_d_2 = 0;
+    flag_d_1 = psi_deg < 2.5f;         // 在平地時 flag_d_1 = 1
+    flag_d_2 = psi_deg > -3;        // 在平地時 flag_d_2 = 1
+    if((flag_d_1 + flag_d_2) == 2)    // 在平地時 flag_d_1 + flag_d_2 = 2
+        psi_d = 0;
+    else
+        psi_d = psi_m;
+    // 去除負加速度
+    if(alpf_hat < 0)
+        alpf_c = 0;
+    else
+        alpf_c = alpf_hat;
+    // 速度為負時不考慮加速度
+    if(v_f < 0)
+        alpf_v = 0;
+    else
+        alpf_v = alpf_c;
+    // 加速度 deadzone
+    if(alpf_v <= 0.1f)
+        alpf_d = 0;
+    else
+        alpf_d = alpf_v;
+    // 改button  //improve   //設定一個開關
+    /*
+    // buttom filter
+    buttom_buf = lpf(ADCBUF0,buttom_buf_old,30);
+    buttom_buf_old = buttom_buf;
+    // button control compensationrate
+    if(buttom_buf >= 450)
+        compensationrate = 1;
+    else
+        compensationrate = 0;
+    */
+    if( > 0.6f)
+    {
+        buttom_buf=1;
+        compensationrate = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        buttom_buf=0; 
+        compensationrate = 0;  
+    }
+    // 電流命令  (T = k*i)
+    current_command = compensationrate * (Mb*alpf_d*1.1f + M*9.81f*sinr(psi_d)*1.35f + Df) * (R/Ki);
+    // 電流命令上下限
+    if(current_command >= 15)
+        current_command = 15;
+    else if(current_command <= -25)
+        current_command = -25;
+    //831 412
+    // 開關安全措施
+    b_count = b_count + 1;
+    if(b_count >= 1500)             // wait for buttom ADC buffer ready
+    {
+        b_init_flag = 1;
+        b_count = 0;
+    }
+    if(b_init_flag == 0)
+        open_flag = 1;
+    else if(b_init_flag == 1)
+    {
+        if(compensationrate == 1 && open_flag == 1)    // 初始 open_flag = 1
+            protect_flag = 1;
+        if(compensationrate == 0)   // 初始 open_flag = 1 , 等 compensationrate = 0 時才將 open_flag = 0
+        {
+            protect_flag = 0;       // 初始 compensationrate = 0 時才將 protect_flag = 0
+            open_flag = 0;
+            b_flag = 0;
+        }
+        // 要先有初始 compensationrate = 0 才能先將 protect_flag == 0 && open_flag == 0 成立
+        // 之後由 compensationrate = 0 轉變成 compensationrate = 1 時才將 b_flag = 1(開始送命令)
+        if(compensationrate == 1 && protect_flag == 0 && open_flag == 0)
+        {
+            b_flag = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    // 改CAN
+    // can 傳資料到大板子
+    //C1TX0DLCbits.DLC = 8;
+    /*
+    if(b_flag == 1)
+    {
+        C1TX0B1 = current_command;
+        C1TX0B2 = compensationrate;
+        C1TX0B3 = 300;
+    }
+    else if(b_flag == 0)
+    {
+        C1TX0B1 = 0;
+        C1TX0B2 = 0;
+        C1TX0B3 = 300;
+    }
+    */
+    //C1TX0CONbits.TXREQ = 1;
+    // uart傳送資料
+    display[0] = 100*psi_deg;
+    display[1] = 100*gs2_hat;
+    display[2] = 100*gs3_hat;
+    display[3] = buttom_buf;
+    display[4] = current_command;
+    display[5] = rotationspeed;   
     j = 0;
     k = 1;
-    while(k) {
-        if(uart_1.writeable()) {
+    while(k) 
+    {
+        if(uart_1.writeable()) 
+        {            
-        if(j>1) {                   // send 2 bytes
+        if(j>1)                     // send 2 bytes
+        {
             k = 0;
             j = 0;
@@ -239,7 +631,449 @@
         i = 0;
+    //LATDbits.LATD3 = 0;
+    //IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;                    // 重置中斷旗標
+void init_uart()
+    uart_1.baud(115200);      // 設定baudrate
+void separate(void)
+    num[2] = display[0] >> 8;           // HSB(8bit)資料存入陣列
+    num[3] = display[0] & 0x00ff;       // LSB(8bit)資料存入陣列
+    num[4] = display[1] >> 8;          
+    num[5] = display[1] & 0x00ff;
+    num[6] = display[2] >> 8;          
+    num[7] = display[2] & 0x00ff;
+    num[8] = display[3] >> 8;          
+    num[9] = display[3] & 0x00ff;
+    num[10] = display[4] >> 8;          
+    num[11] = display[4] & 0x00ff;
+    num[12] = display[5] >> 8;          
+    num[13] = display[5] & 0x00ff;                   
+void init_spi(void)
+    SPI1STATbits.SPISIDL = 1;      // Stop in Idle Mode bit
+    SPI1CONbits.FRMEN = 0;         // Framed SPI support disabled
+    SPI1CONbits.DISSDO = 0;        // SDO1 pin is controlled by the module
+    SPI1CONbits.MODE16 = 0;        // Communication is byte-wide (8 bits)
+    SPI1CONbits.SMP = 0;           // Input data sampled at middle of data output time
+    SPI1CONbits.CKE = 0;           // Serial output data changes on transition from Idle clock state to active clock state
+    SPI1CONbits.CKP = 1;           // Idle state for clock is a high level; active state is a low level
+    SPI1CONbits.SSEN = 0;          // Slave Select Unable
+    SPI1CONbits.MSTEN = 1;         // Master mode
+    // Fsck = Fcy / (Secondary Prescale * Primary Prescale)
+    SPI1CONbits.SPRE = 0b111;      // Secondary Prescale (Master Mode) bits , 111 = Secondary prescale 1:1
+    SPI1CONbits.PPRE = 0b01;       // Primary Prescale (Master Mode) bits , 01 = Primary prescale 16:1
+    // SPI enable 最後才能打開
+    SPI1STATbits.SPIEN = 1;        // Enables module and configures SCK1, SDO1, SDI1 and SS1 as serial port pins
+void init_Sensors(void)
+    sensor.begin();
+// sensor.begin() setting :
+    // uint16_t begin(gyro_scale gScl = G_SCALE_2000DPS,
+    //                accel_scale aScl = A_SCALE_8G,
+    //                mag_scale mScl = M_SCALE_8GS,
+    //                gyro_odr gODR = G_ODR_760_BW_100,
+    //                accel_odr aODR = A_ODR_800,
+    //                mag_odr mODR = M_ODR_100);
+//sensor_CSXM = 1;
+    //sensor_CSG = 1;
+    //Gyro_axis_data[0] = 0;   // X
+    //Gyro_axis_data[1] = 0;   // Y
+    //Gyro_axis_data[2] = 0;   // Z
+    //Acce_axis_data[0] = 0;
+    //Acce_axis_data[1] = 0;
+    //Acce_axis_data[2] = 0;
+    //sensorG_setup();
+    //sensorXM_setup();
+void init_sensor(void)
+    sensor.begin();
+    // sensor.begin() setting :
+    // uint16_t begin(gyro_scale gScl = G_SCALE_2000DPS,
+    //                accel_scale aScl = A_SCALE_8G,
+    //                mag_scale mScl = M_SCALE_8GS,
+    //                gyro_odr gODR = G_ODR_760_BW_100,
+    //                accel_odr aODR = A_ODR_800,
+    //                mag_odr mODR = M_ODR_100);
+unsigned char SPI_operation(unsigned char data_send)   // 具有 write 跟 read 兩種功能
+    static unsigned char data_recived = 0;
+    while(SPI1STATbits.SPITBF==1);    // wait for SPI1STATbits.SPITBF = 0 (transmit start , SPI1TXB is empty)
+    SPI1BUF = data_send;              // write SPI
+    while(SPI1STATbits.SPIRBF==0);    // wait for SPI1STATbits.SPIRBF = 1 (receive complete , SPI1RXB is full)
+    data_recived = SPI1BUF;           // read SPI
+    return data_recived;
+void sensorG_setup(void)
+    static unsigned char sensorG_data_write;
+    static unsigned char sensorG_data_read;
+    // 設定暫存器的值
+    sensorG_CTRL_REG1 = 0b11111111;    // ODR = 760Hz , BW = 100Hz
+                                       // Power-down mode is normal mode , XYZ enable
+    sensorG_CTRL_REG2 = 0b00001001;    // High-pass filter mode is normal mode
+                                       // High-pass filter cutoff frequency = 0.09Hz
+    sensorG_CTRL_REG3 = 0b00000000;    // no use , all 0
+    sensorG_CTRL_REG4 = 0b00110000;    // 2000dps 
+    sensorG_CTRL_REG5 = 0b00000000;    // no use , all 0
+    // 設定暫存器的位址
+    // write mode (第8個bit = 0)
+    // auto increase address (第7個bit = 1)
+    sensorG_data_write = 0x20;         // sensor_G_CTRL address
+    sensorG_data_write = (sensorG_data_write & 0b00111111) | 0b01000000; 
+    // mask first two bits : sensorG_CTRL_REG1_address & 0b00111111 , 把最前面兩個bit清0 , 其他bit保留不動
+    // write first two bits : (...) | 0b01000000 把最前面兩個bit寫成01 , 其他bit保留不動
+    // open
+    sensor_CSG = 0;
+    // CS打開後 , 會先寫暫存器的位址 , 再寫暫存器的值
+    // 寫入暫存器的位址後就完成write mode和auto increase address的功能
+    // 接下來就會依序遞增暫存器的位址並做寫入的動作
+    // start to write register address 
+    sensorG_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorG_data_write);
+    // start to set register value
+    sensorG_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorG_CTRL_REG1);
+    sensorG_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorG_CTRL_REG2);
+    sensorG_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorG_CTRL_REG3);
+    sensorG_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorG_CTRL_REG4);
+    sensorG_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorG_CTRL_REG5);
+    // close
+    sensor_CSG = 1;
+void sensorXM_setup(void)
+    static unsigned char sensorXM_data_write;
+    static unsigned char sensorXM_data_read;
+    // 設定暫存器的值
+    sensorXM_CTRL_REG0 = 0b00000000;    // no use , all 0
+    sensorXM_CTRL_REG1 = 0b10010111;    // ODR = 800Hz , XYZ enable
+    sensorXM_CTRL_REG2 = 0b11011000;    // anti-alias filter BW = 50Hz
+                                        // acceleration full scale = +-8 g
+    sensorXM_CTRL_REG3 = 0b00000000;    // no use , all 0
+    sensorXM_CTRL_REG4 = 0b00000000;    // no use , all 0
+    sensorXM_CTRL_REG5 = 0b01110100;    // magnetic resolution is high resolution
+                                        // Power mode selection = 100Hz
+    sensorXM_CTRL_REG6 = 0b01000000;    // Magnetic full scale = +-8 gauss
+    sensorXM_CTRL_REG7 = 0b00000000;    // no use , all 0
+    // 設定暫存器的位址
+    // write mode (第8個bit = 0)
+    // auto increase address (第7個bit = 1)
+    sensorXM_data_write = 0x1F;         // sensor_XM_CTRL address
+    sensorXM_data_write = (sensorXM_data_write & 0b00111111) | 0b01000000; 
+    // mask first two bits , write first two bits
+    // open
+    sensor_CSXM = 0;
+    // start to write register address 
+    sensorXM_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorXM_data_write);
+    // start to set register value
+    sensorXM_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorXM_CTRL_REG0);
+    sensorXM_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorXM_CTRL_REG1);
+    sensorXM_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorXM_CTRL_REG2);
+    sensorXM_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorXM_CTRL_REG3);
+    sensorXM_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorXM_CTRL_REG4);
+    sensorXM_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorXM_CTRL_REG5);
+    sensorXM_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorXM_CTRL_REG6);
+    sensorXM_data_read = SPI_operation(sensorXM_CTRL_REG7);
+    // close
+    sensor_CSXM = 1;
+void sensorG_read_3axis(void)
+    static unsigned char sensorG_data_write;
+    static int  sensorG_data_read[6];
+    // 設定暫存器的位址
+    // read mode (第8個bit = 1)
+    // auto increase address (第7個bit = 1)
+    sensorG_data_write = 0x28;      // gyroscope's address
+    sensorG_data_write = (sensorG_data_write & 0b00111111) | 0b11000000; 
+    // mask first two bits , write first two bits
+    // 因為暫存器位址只有6個bit , 所以用mask和write來設定read mode , auto increase address
+    // 不會改變到暫存器位址的值
+    // open
+    sensor_CSG = 0;
+    // CS打開後 , 會先寫暫存器的位址 , 再寫暫存器的值
+    // 寫入暫存器的位址後就完成read mode和auto increase address的功能
+    // 接下來就會依序遞增暫存器的位址並做讀取的動作
+    // start to write register address 
+    sensorG_data_read[0] = (int)SPI_operation(sensorG_data_write);
+    // start to read register value
+    // gyroscope output
+    // 因為這邊的SPI函數是用來讀值 , 而SPI函數是把寫和讀功能寫在一起的函數
+    // 所以寫入的值就任意設成0x00 , 反正寫入的值不重要
+    sensorG_data_read[0] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // XL
+    sensorG_data_read[1] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // XH
+    sensorG_data_read[2] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // YL
+    sensorG_data_read[3] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // YH
+    sensorG_data_read[4] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // ZL
+    sensorG_data_read[5] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // ZH
+    // close
+    sensor_CSG = 1;
+    // data reconstruction  
+    Gyro_axis_data[0] = (sensorG_data_read[1]<<8) | sensorG_data_read[0];     // X
+    Gyro_axis_data[1] = (sensorG_data_read[3]<<8) | sensorG_data_read[2];     // Y
+    Gyro_axis_data[2] = (sensorG_data_read[5]<<8) | sensorG_data_read[4];     // Z
+void sensorXM_read_3axis(void)
+    static unsigned char sensorXM_data_write;
+    static int  sensorXM_data_read[6];
+    // 設定暫存器的位址
+    // read mode (第8個bit = 1)
+    // auto increase address (第7個bit = 1)
+    sensorXM_data_write = 0x28;      // accelerometer's address
+    sensorXM_data_write = (sensorXM_data_write & 0b00111111) | 0b11000000;
+    // mask first two bits , write first two bits
+    // open
+    sensor_CSXM = 0;
+    // start to write register address 
+    sensorXM_data_read[0] = (int)SPI_operation(sensorXM_data_write);
+    // start to read register value
+    // accelerometer output
+    sensorXM_data_read[0] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // XL
+    sensorXM_data_read[1] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // XH
+    sensorXM_data_read[2] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // YL
+    sensorXM_data_read[3] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // YH
+    sensorXM_data_read[4] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // ZL
+    sensorXM_data_read[5] = (int)SPI_operation(0x00);     // ZH
+    // close
+    sensor_CSXM = 1;
+    // data reconstruction
+    Acce_axis_data[0] = (sensorXM_data_read[1]<<8) | sensorXM_data_read[0];      // X
+    Acce_axis_data[1] = (sensorXM_data_read[3]<<8) | sensorXM_data_read[2];      // Y
+    Acce_axis_data[2] = (sensorXM_data_read[5]<<8) | sensorXM_data_read[4];      // Z
+void init_can(void)
+    CAN1SetOperationMode( CAN_IDLE_CON & CAN_MASTERCLOCK_1 & 
+    while ( C1CTRLbits.OPMODE <= 3 );
+    CAN_PHASE_SEG2_TQ(3) &
+    CAN_PHASE_SEG1_TQ(3) &
+    CAN1SetFilter ( (char) 0 , CAN_FILTER_SID( 0x200 ) & CAN_RX_EID_DIS ,
+    CAN_FILTER_EID( 0x00 ) );
+    CAN1SetMask ( (char)0 , CAN_MASK_SID ( 0xFFF ) & CAN_MATCH_FILTER_TYPE , 
+    CAN_MASK_EID( 0x00) ); 
+    CAN1SetTXMode( (char) 0 , CAN_TX_STOP_REQ & CAN_TX_PRIORITY_HIGH );
+    C1INTEbits.RX0IE = 1;
+    C1INTEbits.RX1IE = 1;    
+    IEC1bits.C1IE = 1;
+    C1TX0SID = 0x0000;
+    C1TX0EID = 0x0000;  
+    C1RX0SID = 0x0000;
+    C1RXF0SID = 0x0010;
+void _ISR _C1Interrupt(void)
+    // 讀取大板子傳來的資料
+    if (C1RX0CONbits.RXFUL == 1)
+    {
+        rotationspeed = C1RX0B1;
+        omega = (float)rotationspeed * 0.4553 * 0.75;       // 2pi * (10/138)  (rad/s)
+        v = 0.33 * omega;                                   // v = r*w         (m/s)
+        C1RX0CONbits.RXFUL = 0;
+    }
+    C1INTFbits.RX0IF = 0;
+    IFS1bits.C1IF = 0;     
+void init_ADC(void)
+    ADCON1bits.SSRC = 7;   // Internal counter ends sampling and starts conversion (auto convert)
+    ADCON1bits.ASAM = 1;   // Sampling begins immediately after last conversion completes
+    ADCON2bits.VCFG = 0;   // A/D VREFH : AVDD(power) , A/D VREFL : AVSS(ground)
+    ADCON2bits.CHPS = 0;   // 00 = Converts CH0
+    ADCON3bits.ADRC = 1;   // A/D internal RC clock
+    ADCON3bits.SAMC = 16;  // 16*TAD
+    ADCON3bits.ADCS = 11;  // (TCY/2)*(ADCS<5:0>+1)=6*TCY , where ADCS<5:0>=11
+    ADCHS = 0x0006;;       // Connect RB6/AN6 as CH0 input
+    ADPCFGbits.PCFG6 = 0;  //  0 = Analog input pin in Analog mode ; 1: Digital mode    
+    ADCON1bits.ADON = 1;  
+    // 1 = A/D converter module is operating;   0 = A/D converter is off
+float lpf(float input,float output_old,float frequency)
+    float output = 0;
+    output = (output_old + frequency*T*input) / (1+frequency*T);
+    return output;
+float sinr(float input)
+    float output = 0;
+    output = input - input * input * input / 6;
+    return output;
+float cosr(float input)
+    float output = 0;
+    output = 1 - input * input / 2;
+    return output;
+float arcsin(float input)
+    float output = 0;
+    output = input + input * input * input / 6;
+    return output;
+float arccos(float input)
+    float output = 0;
+    output = (3.14 / 2) - arcsin(input);
+    return output;
+float arctan(float input)
+    float output = 0;
+    output = input - input * input * input / 3;
+    return output;
+void _ISR _U2RXInterrupt(void)
+    // 更改體重值
+    uart_read = U2RXREG;
+    switch(uart_read)
+    {
+        case 'q':
+            M = 45 + 25;                      // 人:45kg , 車:25kg
+            break;
+        case 'w':
+            M = 50 + 25;
+            break;
+        case 'e':
+            M = 55 + 25;
+            break;
+        case 'a':
+            M = 60 + 25;
+            break;
+        case 's':
+            M = 65 + 25;
+            break;
+        case 'd':
+            M = 70 + 25;
+            break;
+        case 'z':
+            M = 75 + 25;
+            break;
+        case 'x':
+            M = 80 + 25;
+            break;
+        case 'c':
+            M = 0;
+            break;
+    }
+    IFS1bits.U2RXIF = 0;
 void read_sensor(void)
     // sensor raw data
@@ -250,413 +1084,8 @@
     Acce_axis_data[0] = sensor.readRawAccelX();
     Acce_axis_data[1] = sensor.readRawAccelY();
     Acce_axis_data[2] = sensor.readRawAccelZ();
-void init_Sensors(void)
-    //sensor_CSXM = 1;
-    //sensor_CSG = 1;
-    Gyro_axis_data[0] = 0;   // X
-    Gyro_axis_data[1] = 0;   // Y
-    Gyro_axis_data[2] = 0;   // Z
-    Acce_axis_data[0] = 0;
-    Acce_axis_data[1] = 0;
-    Acce_axis_data[2] = 0;
-    //sensorG_setup();
-    //sensorXM_setup();
-float lpf(float input,float output_old,float frequency)
-    float output = 0;
-    output = (output_old + frequency*T*input) / (1+frequency*T);
-    return output;
-float sinr(float input)
-    float output = 0;
-    output = input - input * input * input / 6;
-    return output;
-float cosr(float input)
-    float output = 0;
-    output = 1 - input * input / 2;
-    return output;
-float arcsin(float input)
-    float output = 0;
-    output = input + input * input * input / 6;
-    return output;
-float arccos(float input)
-    float output = 0;
-    output = (3.14 / 2) - arcsin(input);
-    return output;
-float arctan(float input)
-    float output = 0;
-    output = input - input * input * input / 3;
-    return output;
-void separate(void)
-    num[2] = display[0] >> 8;           // HSB(8bit)資料存入陣列
-    num[3] = display[0] & 0x00ff;       // LSB(8bit)資料存入陣列
-    num[4] = display[1] >> 8;
-    num[5] = display[1] & 0x00ff;
-    num[6] = display[2] >> 8;
-    num[7] = display[2] & 0x00ff;
-    num[8] = display[3] >> 8;
-    num[9] = display[3] & 0x00ff;
-    num[10] = display[4] >> 8;
-    num[11] = display[4] & 0x00ff;
-    num[12] = display[5] >> 8;
-    num[13] = display[5] & 0x00ff;
+   // Magn_axis_data[0] = sensor.readRawMagX();
+   // Magn_axis_data[1] = sensor.readRawMagY();
+   // Magn_axis_data[2] = sensor.readRawMagZ();
-void timer1_interrupt(void)
-        if((t.read_us() - lastMilli) >= LOOPTIME) 
-        {        // 2000 us = 2 ms
-            lastMilli = t.read_us();
-            // sensor initial start
-            if(init_flag == 0)      //用timer代替 數超過300次 開始讀植
-            {        
-                tcount = tcount + 1;
-                if(tcount >= 300) 
-                {
-                    init_Sensors();     // 讓sensor完全上電後再初始化sensor
-                    tcount = 0;
-                    init_flag = 1;
-                }
-            } 
-            else 
-            {
-                read_sensor();
-                // gyro filter
-                Gyro_axis_data_f[0] = lpf(Gyro_axis_data[0],Gyro_axis_data_f_old[0],18);
-                Gyro_axis_data_f_old[0] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                Gyro_axis_data_f[1] = lpf(Gyro_axis_data[1],Gyro_axis_data_f_old[1],18);
-                Gyro_axis_data_f_old[1] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                Gyro_axis_data_f[2] = lpf(Gyro_axis_data[2],Gyro_axis_data_f_old[2],18);
-                Gyro_axis_data_f_old[2] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                // gyro bias average
-                if(gyro_flag == 0) 
-                {
-                    gyro_count = gyro_count + 1;
-                    if(gyro_count == 500) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        index_count++;
-                    } else if(gyro_count == 505) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        index_count++;
-                    } else if(gyro_count == 510) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        index_count++;
-                    } else if(gyro_count == 520) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        index_count++;
-                    } else if(gyro_count == 530) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        index_count++;
-                    } else if(gyro_count == 550) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        index_count++;
-                    } else if(gyro_count == 560) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        index_count++;
-                    } else if(gyro_count == 570) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        index_count++;
-                    } else if(gyro_count == 580) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        index_count++;
-                    } else if(gyro_count >= 590) {
-                        gyro_init_1[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[0];
-                        gyro_init_2[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[1];
-                        gyro_init_3[index_count] = Gyro_axis_data_f[2];
-                        int z = 0;
-                        for(z=0 ; z<10 ; z++) {
-                            gyro_sum_1 = gyro_sum_1 + gyro_init_1[z];
-                            gyro_sum_2 = gyro_sum_2 + gyro_init_2[z];
-                            gyro_sum_3 = gyro_sum_3 + gyro_init_3[z];
-                        }
-                        Gyro_axis_zero[0] = gyro_sum_1 / 10;
-                        Gyro_axis_zero[1] = gyro_sum_2 / 10;
-                        Gyro_axis_zero[2] = gyro_sum_3 / 10;
-                        index_count = 0;
-                        gyro_count = 0;
-                        gyro_flag = 1;
-                    }
-                }
-                //831 2:20
-                // acce filter
-                Acce_axis_data_f[0] = lpf(Acce_axis_data[0],Acce_axis_data_f_old[0],18);
-                Acce_axis_data_f_old[0] = Acce_axis_data_f[0];
-                Acce_axis_data_f[1] = lpf(Acce_axis_data[1],Acce_axis_data_f_old[1],18);
-                Acce_axis_data_f_old[1] = Acce_axis_data_f[1];
-                Acce_axis_data_f[2] = lpf(Acce_axis_data[2],Acce_axis_data_f_old[2],18);
-                Acce_axis_data_f_old[2] = Acce_axis_data_f[2];
-                Gyro_scale[0] = (Gyro_axis_data_f[0]-Gyro_axis_zero[0])*Gyro_gain_x;
-                Gyro_scale[1] = (Gyro_axis_data_f[1]-Gyro_axis_zero[1])*Gyro_gain_y;
-                Gyro_scale[2] = (Gyro_axis_data_f[2]-Gyro_axis_zero[2])*Gyro_gain_z;
-                Acce_scale[0] = ((Acce_axis_data_f[0]-Acce_axis_zero[0]))*Acce_gainx;
-                Acce_scale[1] = ((Acce_axis_data_f[1]-Acce_axis_zero[1]))*Acce_gainy;
-                Acce_scale[2] = ((Acce_axis_data_f[2]-Acce_axis_zero[2]))*Acce_gainz;
-                // final 6 axis data
-                axm = Acce_scale[0];
-                aym = Acce_scale[1];
-                azm = Acce_scale[2];
-                u1 = Gyro_scale[0];
-                u2 = Gyro_scale[1];
-                u3 = Gyro_scale[2];
-                // new defined direction
-                ax = -aym;
-                ay = axm;
-                az = azm;
-                w1 = -u2;
-                w2 = u1;
-                w3 = u3;
-                // w deadzone
-                int flag_d_1 = 0;
-                int flag_d_2 = 0;
-                flag_d_1 = w1 <= 0.015;
-                flag_d_2 = w1 >= -0.015;
-                if((flag_d_1 + flag_d_2) == 2)
-                    w1_d = 0;
-                else
-                    w1_d = w1;
-                int flag_d_3 = 0;
-                int flag_d_4 = 0;
-                flag_d_3 = w2 <= 0.015;
-                flag_d_4 = w2 >= -0.015;
-                if((flag_d_3 + flag_d_4) == 2)
-                    w2_d = 0;
-                else
-                    w2_d = w2;
-                int flag_d_5 = 0;
-                int flag_d_6 = 0;
-                flag_d_5 = w3 <= 0.015;
-                flag_d_6 = w3 >= -0.015;
-                if((flag_d_5 + flag_d_6) == 2)
-                    w3_d = 0;
-                else
-                    w3_d = w3;
-            }
-            // velocity filter
-            v_f = lpf(v,v_f_old,18);
-            v_f_old = v_f;
-            // 離心加速度
-            acy_hat = 1.4*v_f*w1_d;                 // 1.2
-            acy_hat_f = lpf(acy_hat,acy_hat_f_old,18);
-            acy_hat_f_old = acy_hat_f;
-            // sensor fusion by backward Euler method
-            gs1_hat = (gs1_hat_old + T*(-w2_d*alpf_hat + p*ax - w3_d*(acy_hat_f-ay) - w2_d*az)) / (1+p*T);
-            gs1_hat_old = gs1_hat;
-            gs2_hat = (gs2_hat_old + T*(w1_d*alpf_hat - w3_d*ax - p*(acy_hat_f-ay) + w1_d*az)) / (1+p*T);
-            gs2_hat_old = gs2_hat;
-            gs3_hat = (gs3_hat_old + T*(-b*alpf_hat + c*v_hat + w2_d*ax + w1_d*(acy_hat_f-ay) - b*az - c*v_f)) / (1-b*T);
-            gs3_hat_old = gs3_hat;
-            alpf_hat = (alpf_hat_old + T*((a+d)*gs3_hat + e*v_hat - (a+d)*az - e*v_f)) / (1+(a+d)*T);
-            alpf_hat_old = alpf_hat;
-            v_hat = (v_hat_old + T*((1+f)*gs3_hat - f*alpf_hat - (1+f)*az - g*v_f)) / (1-g*T);
-            v_hat_old = v_hat;
-            /*
-            // 離心加速度
-            acy_hat = 1.2*v_f*w1;
-            acy_hat_f = lpf(acy_hat,acy_hat_f_old,18);
-            acy_hat_f_old = acy_hat_f;
-            // sensor fusion by backward Euler method
-            gs1_hat = (gs1_hat_old + T*(-w2*alpf_hat + p*ax - w3*(acy_hat_f-ay) - w2*az)) / (1+p*T);
-            gs1_hat_old = gs1_hat;
-            gs2_hat = (gs2_hat_old + T*(w1*alpf_hat - w3*ax - p*(acy_hat_f-ay) + w1*az)) / (1+p*T);
-            gs2_hat_old = gs2_hat;
-            gs3_hat = (gs3_hat_old + T*(-b*alpf_hat + c*v_hat + w2*ax + w1*(acy_hat_f-ay) - b*az - c*v_f)) / (1-b*T);
-            gs3_hat_old = gs3_hat;
-            alpf_hat = (alpf_hat_old + T*((a+d)*gs3_hat + e*v_hat - (a+d)*az - e*v_f)) / (1+(a+d)*T);
-            alpf_hat_old = alpf_hat;
-            v_hat = (v_hat_old + T*((1+f)*gs3_hat - f*alpf_hat - (1+f)*az - g*v_f)) / (1-g*T);
-            v_hat_old = v_hat;
-            */
-            // normalize gs1_hat , gs2_hat , gs3_hat to find pitch angle and roll angle
-            n = sqrt(gs1_hat*gs1_hat + gs2_hat*gs2_hat + gs3_hat*gs3_hat);
-            gs1_hat_n = (gs1_hat / n) * 9.81;
-            gs2_hat_n = (gs2_hat / n) * 9.81;
-            gs3_hat_n = (gs3_hat / n) * 9.81;
-            psi = arcsin(-gs3_hat_n / 9.81);
-            //theta = atan(-gs2_hat_n / gs1_hat_n);
-            // psi correction
-            psi_m = psi - (0);                      // after correction
-            psi_deg = 57.3 * psi_m;
-            // psi deadzone
-            int flag_d_1 = 0;
-            int flag_d_2 = 0;
-            flag_d_1 = psi_deg < 2.5;         // 在平地時 flag_d_1 = 1
-            flag_d_2 = psi_deg > -3;        // 在平地時 flag_d_2 = 1
-            if((flag_d_1 + flag_d_2) == 2)    // 在平地時 flag_d_1 + flag_d_2 = 2
-                psi_d = 0;
-            else
-                psi_d = psi_m;
-            // 去除負加速度
-            if(alpf_hat < 0)
-                alpf_c = 0;
-            else
-                alpf_c = alpf_hat;
-            // 速度為負時不考慮加速度
-            if(v_f < 0)
-                alpf_v = 0;
-            else
-                alpf_v = alpf_c;
-            // 加速度 deadzone
-            if(alpf_v <= 0.1)
-                alpf_d = 0;
-            else
-                alpf_d = alpf_v;
-            // buttom filter    // 改button
-            /*
-            buttom_buf = lpf(ADCBUF0,buttom_buf_old,30);
-            buttom_buf_old = buttom_buf;
-            // button control compensationrate
-            if(buttom_buf >= 450)
-                compensationrate = 1;
-            else
-                compensationrate = 0;
-            */
-            // 電流命令  (T = k*i)
-            current_command = compensationrate * (Mb*alpf_d*1.1 + M*9.81*sinr(psi_d)*1.35 + Df) * R/Ki;
-            // 電流命令上下限
-            if(current_command >= 15)
-                current_command = 15;
-            else if(current_command <= -25)
-                current_command = -25;
-            //831 412    
-            // 開關安全措施
-            b_count = b_count + 1;
-            if(b_count >= 1500)             // wait for buttom ADC buffer ready
-            {
-                b_init_flag = 1;
-                b_count = 0;
-            }
-            if(b_init_flag == 0)
-                open_flag = 1;
-            else if(b_init_flag == 1)
-            {
-                if(compensationrate == 1 && open_flag == 1)    // 初始 open_flag = 1
-                    protect_flag = 1;
-                if(compensationrate == 0)   // 初始 open_flag = 1 , 等 compensationrate = 0 時才將 open_flag = 0
-                {
-                    protect_flag = 0;       // 初始 compensationrate = 0 時才將 protect_flag = 0
-                    open_flag = 0;
-                    b_flag = 0;
-                }
-                // 要先有初始 compensationrate = 0 才能先將 protect_flag == 0 && open_flag == 0 成立
-                // 之後由 compensationrate = 0 轉變成 compensationrate = 1 時才將 b_flag = 1(開始送命令)
-                if(compensationrate == 1 && protect_flag == 0 && open_flag == 0)
-                {
-                    b_flag = 1;
-                }
-            }
-            // 改CAN 
-            i = 0;      //uart_send() neen initial i (i=0)
-            uart_send(); 
-        }  
-void init_TIMER(void)
-    timer1.attach_us(&timer1_interrupt, 2000);   //20ms
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