test receiver for weather peeps

Dependencies:   LCDTFT_ssd0139 mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jun 11 14:12:48 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jun 12 11:25:43 2015 +0000
@@ -4,91 +4,169 @@
 BusOut MyBus(PTA13,PTD5,PTD4,PTA12,PTA4,PTA5,PTC8,PTC9);     // 8 bit bus on these dvices
 LCDTFT     MyLCD(PTB0,PTB1,PTB2,PTB3,PTC2,&MyBus);           //LCDTFT(PinName PIN_RD,PinName PIN_WR,PinName PIN_RS,PinName PIN_CS,PinName PIN_RESET, BusOut *BUSLCD);
-DigitalOut myled(LED1);
-Serial infoin(PTE0,PTE1);
-Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
-DigitalOut unlock(PTB8);
-DigitalIn doorOpen(PTB9);
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);                         // define status LED
+Serial infoin(PTE0,PTE1);                       // define serial 
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);                         // for use with pc terminal
+DigitalOut unlock(PTB8);                        // flag pin to output to locker
+DigitalIn doorOpen(PTB9);                       // flag pin for input from locker
+int Rawl = 22319109; //define two integers to associate the tagnumbers with people
+int Fish = 22312052;
+int tagNumber;
 char c;
 int i;
+//define required flags and initialize floats for te weather data.
-int flagRFID = 0;
-int flagWEATHER = 0;
+float temperature = 45;
+float light = 100;
 char message[20];
 int main() {
-     unlock =1;
-     MyLCD.vLCDTFTInit(1);
-     MyLCD.vLCDTFTFillScreen(Aqua);
-     MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(0,0,0,320,1,Black,Aqua);
+     unlock =1;                                                     // send a high level to the locker
+     MyLCD.vLCDTFTInit(1);                                          // sets LCD to landscape mode
+     MyLCD.vLCDTFTFillScreen(Cyan);
+     MyLCD.vLCDTFTLine(0,120,320,120,Black);                        // separates weather data from RFID info
+     MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(5,130,0,320,2,Black,Cyan);    // display labels for all time FOREVER
+     MyLCD.printf("Temperature:");
+     MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(5,160,0,320,2,Black,Cyan);
+     MyLCD.printf("Humidity:");
+     MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(5,190,0,320,2,Black,Cyan);
+     MyLCD.printf("Light:");
+     MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(5,220,0,320,2,Black,Cyan);
+     MyLCD.printf("Pressure:");
     while(1) {
-            if(doorOpen == 1){
+            if(doorOpen == 1){                              // prints to terminal when door is open - for use later
                 pc.printf("Door is Open");
-        if(infoin.readable()) {
+            if(infoin.readable()) {                             // if serial bus has data, read it character by character
-            message[i] = c;
+            message[i] = c;                                 // store in character array 'message'
+                if(c=='a'){                                                     //if the first letter is a, we're getting an RFID                                               
+                    i=0;
+                }  
-            if(c=='a'){
-                //if the first letter is a, we're getting an RFID
-                flagRFID = 1;
-                //MyLCD.printf("A");
-                i=0;
-            }  
+                if(c=='A'){                                                     //if we get 'A', we reach the end of the RFID
+                    MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(5,5,0,320,3,Fuchsia,Cyan);
+                    MyLCD.printf("Welcome, ");
+                    sscanf(message,"%d",&tagNumber);                            // save tagNumber as integer
+                    if(tagNumber == Fish) MyLCD.printf("Lew");                  // match tagNumber to Name
+                    if(tagNumber == Rawl) MyLCD.printf("Tom");
+                    i=0;
+                    unlock = 0;                     // send pulse to locker
+                    wait(0.2);
+                    unlock = 1;
+                }
+            //Here begin the if statements for weather data
-            if(c=='A'){
-                //if we get a dot, we reach the end of the RFID
+                if ( c == 'l') {                // start of light data
+                    i = 0;                  
+                }
-                for(int j =0;j<8;j++){
-                MyLCD.printf("%c",message[j]);
-                i=0;
-                flagRFID = 0;
+                if ( c == 'L') {              // end of light data
+                    MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(5,190,0,320,2,Black,Cyan);
+                    sscanf(message,"%f",&light);                                    // convert string to float
+                    MyLCD.printf("Light: %5.2f",light);
+                    MyLCD.vLCDTFTRectangle(260,190,315,200,1,Cyan);                // needed to clear the visuals
+                    if(light>0) MyLCD.vLCDTFTCircle(265,195,5,1,Yellow);      // if statements for number of suns
+                    if(light>25) MyLCD.vLCDTFTCircle(280,195,5,1,Yellow);
+                    if(light>50) MyLCD.vLCDTFTCircle(295,195,5,1,Yellow);
+                    if(light>75) MyLCD.vLCDTFTCircle(310,195,5,1,Yellow);
+                    i=0;
+                    wait(1);
-                unlock = 0;
-                wait(1);
-                unlock = 1;
-            }
-            if(c=='b'){
-                //if the first letter is b, we're getting Weather
-                flagWEATHER =1;
-                i = 0;
+                if ( c == 't') {      // start of temperature data
+                    i = 0;                  
+                }
+                if ( c == 'T') {      // end of temperature data
+                    MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(5,130,0,320,2,Black,Cyan);
+                    sscanf(message,"%f",&temperature);                             // convert string to float
+                    MyLCD.printf("Temperature: %5.2f",temperature);           
+                    MyLCD.vLCDTFTRectangle(260,130,315,140,1,Cyan);                // needed to clear visuals
+                    if(temperature>0) MyLCD.vLCDTFTRectangle(260,130,270,140,1,Lime);     // if statements for temperature bar
+                    if(temperature>10) MyLCD.vLCDTFTRectangle(275,130,285,140,1,Yellow);
+                    if(temperature>20) MyLCD.vLCDTFTRectangle(290,130,300,140,1,Orange);
+                    if(temperature>30) MyLCD.vLCDTFTRectangle(305,130,315,140,1,Red);
+                    i=0;
+                    wait(1);                                  
+                }              
+                if ( c == 'p') {      // start of pressure data
+                    i = 0;                  
+                }
+                if ( c == 'P') {      // end of pressure data
+                    MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(5,220,0,320,2,Black,Cyan);
+                    MyLCD.printf("Pressure: ");
+                    for (int j =0;j<i-1;j++) {                                 // to print the pressure data character by character
+                        MyLCD.printf("%c",message[j]);
+                    }
+                    i=0;
+                    wait(1);              
+                }              
+                if ( c == 'h') {      // start of humidity data
+                    i = 0;                  
+                }  
+                if ( c == 'H') {      // end of humidity data
+                    MyLCD.vLCDTFTSetParametersPrintf(5,160,0,320,2,Black,Cyan);
+                    MyLCD.printf("Humidity: ");
+                    for (int j =0;j<i-1;j++) {                                 // print to the humidity data character by character
+                        MyLCD.printf("%c",message[j]);
+                    }
+                    MyLCD.printf("\n\r");
+                    i=0;
+                    wait(1);  
+                }    
-            if (c =='B'){
-                //if we get a B, we're at the end of Weather.
-                MyLCD.printf("moo");
-                i=0;
-                flagWEATHER = 0;
-            }
-            //pc.putc(c);
-           // else{
-            //MyLCD.printf("%c",c);
-           // }
-        }