Update 12 Maret 2017. Tambahan kombinasi tombol

Dependencies:   DigitDisplay Motor PID Ping mbed millis

Fork of MainProgram_BaseBaru_20Feb_malam by KRAI 2017

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00002 /****************************************************************************/
00003 /*                  PROGRAM UNTUK PID CLOSED LOOP                           */
00004 /*                                                                          */
00005 /*                  Last Update : 11 Maret 2017                          */
00006 /*                                                                          */
00007 /*  - Digunakan encoder autonics                                            */
00008 /*  - Konfigurasi Motor dan Encoder sbb :                                   */
00009 /*                      ______________________                              */
00010 /*                     /                      \    Rode Depan Belakang:     */
00011 /*                    /      2 (Belakang)      \   Omniwheel                */
00012 /*                   |                          |                           */
00013 /*                   | 3 (kiri)       4 (kanan) |  Roda Kiri Kanan:         */
00014 /*                   |                          |  Omniwheel                */
00015 /*                    \       1 (Depan)        /                            */
00016 /*                     \______________________/    Putaran berlawanan arah  */
00017 /*                                                 jarum jam positif        */
00018 /*   SETTINGS (WAJIB!) :                                                    */
00019 /*   1. Settings Pin Encoder, Resolusi, dan Tipe encoding di omniPos.h      */
00020 /*   2. Deklarasi penggunaan library omniPos pada bagian deklarasi encoder  */
00021 /*                                                                          */
00022 /****************************************************************************/
00023 /*                                                                          */
00024 /*  Joystick                                                                */
00025 /*  Kanan =>                                                                */
00026 /*  Kiri  =>                                                                */
00027 /*                                                                          */
00028 /*  Tombol silang    => Power Screw Aktif                                   */
00029 /*  Tombol segitiga  => Aktif motor Launcher                                */
00030 /*  Tombol lingkaran => Aktif Pneumatik Launcher                            */
00031 /*  Tombol L1        => Pivot Kiri                                          */
00032 /*  Tombol R1        => Pivot Kanan                                         */
00033 /*  Tombol L3        => PWM Motor Belakang Dikurangi                        */
00034 /*  Tombol R3        => PWM Motor Belakang Ditambah                         */
00035 /*  Tombol L2        => PWM Motor Depan Dikurangi                           */
00036 /*  Tombol R2        => PWM Motor Depan Ditambah                            */
00037 /*                                                                          */
00038 /*  Bismillahirahmanirrahim                                                 */
00039 /*  Jagalah Kebersihan Kodingan                                             */
00040 /****************************************************************************/
00042 #include "mbed.h"
00043 #include "JoystickPS3.h"
00044 #include "Motor.h"
00045 #include "encoderKRAI.h"
00046 #include "millis.h"
00047 #include "Ping.h"
00048 #include "DigitDisplay.h"
00050 /***********************************************/
00051 /*          Konstanta dan Variabel             */
00052 /***********************************************/
00053 #define PI 3.14159265
00054 #define D_ENCODER 10        // Diameter Roda Encoder
00055 #define D_ROBOT 80          // Diameter Roda Robot
00056 #define PERPINDAHAN 1       // Perpindahan ke kanan dan kiri
00058 // Variable Atas
00059 double speed, speed2;
00060 const double maxSpeed = 0.95, minSpeed = 0.0;
00061 const double kpA=0.6757, kdA=0.06757, kiA=0.00006757;
00062 double p,i,d;
00063 double p2,i2,d2;
00064 double last_error = 0, current_error, sum_error = 0;
00065 double last_error2 = 0, current_error2, sum_error2 = 0;
00066 float rpm, rpm2;
00067 float target_rpm = 8.0, target_rpm2 = 10.0; 
00068 const float maxRPM = 28, minRPM = 0; // Limit 25 atau 27
00070 const float pwmPowerUp        = 0.8;
00071 const float pwmPowerDown      = -0.9;
00073 float jarak_ping=0;
00075 // Variable Bawah
00076 float Vt;
00077 float keliling_enc      = PI*D_ENCODER;
00078 float keliling_robot    = PI*D_ROBOT;
00079 float speedT            = 0.2;
00080 float vpid              = 0;
00081 float PIVOT             = 0.2;      // PWM Pivot Kanan, Pivot Kiri
00082 float tuneDpn           = 0.62;     // Tunning PWM motor Depan
00083 float tuneBlk           = 0.62;     // Tunning PWM motor belakang
00084 float tuneR             = 0.72;
00085 float tuneL             = 0.72;
00086 float serong            = 0.65;
00087 float rasio             = 1.4545;
00089 /* variable tunning */
00090 float tunning_L;
00091 float tunning_R;
00092 float tunning_Dpn;
00093 float tunning_Blk;
00095 /* Variabel Encoder Bawah */
00096 float errTetha, Tetha;    // Variabel yang didapatkan encoder
00098 /* Deklarasi Variable Millis */
00099 unsigned long int previousMillis = 0;   // PID launcher
00100 unsigned long int currentMillis;
00101 unsigned long int previousMillis2 = 0;  // PID launcher
00102 unsigned long int currentMillis2;
00103 unsigned long int previousMillis3 = 0;  // Pneumatik
00104 unsigned long int previousMillis4 = 0;  // Ping
00105 unsigned long int previousMillis5 = 0;  // Display
00107 /* Variabel Stick */
00108 //Logic untuk masuk aktuator
00109 int case_joy;
00110 bool isLauncher = false;
00111 bool isReload = false;
00112 bool ReloadOn = false;
00113 bool flag_Pneu = false;
00115 /*****************************************************/
00116 /*   Definisi Prosedur, Fungsi dan Setting Pinout    */
00117 /*****************************************************/
00119 /* Fungsi dan Procedur Encoder */
00120 void init_speed();                  // 
00121 void aktuator();                    // Pergerakan aktuator berdasarkan case joystick
00122 int case_joystick();                // Mendapatkan case dari joystick
00123 //void speedKalibrasiMotor();       // Pertambahan target RPM motor atas melalui joystick
00124 void setCenter();                   // Prosedur reset encoder, posisi saat itu diset jadi titik (0,0)
00125 float getTetha();                   // Fungsi mendapatkan error Tetha
00127 /* Inisialisasi  Pin TX-RX Joystik dan PC */
00128 joysticknucleo joystick(PA_0,PA_1);
00129 Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
00131 /* Deklarasi Encoder Base */
00132 encoderKRAI encoderBase(PC_4, PB_15, 2000, encoderKRAI::X2_ENCODING);   //inA, inB, pin Indeks (NC = tak ada), 2xresolusi, mode pembacaan
00134 /* Deklarasi Encoder Launcher */
00135 encoderKRAI encLauncherBlk( PC_10, PC_11, 28, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING);
00136 encoderKRAI encLauncherDpn( PD_2, PC_12, 28, encoderKRAI::X4_ENCODING);
00138 /* Deklarasi Motor Base */
00139 Motor motorDpn(PB_9, PA_12, PC_5);  // pwm, fwd, rev
00140 Motor motorBlk(PB_6, PB_1, PB_12);    
00141 Motor motorL  (PA_11, PA_6, PA_7);
00142 Motor motorR  (PB_7, PA_14, PA_15);
00144 /* Deklarasi Motor Launcher */
00145 Motor launcherDpn(PA_8,PC_2,PC_1);    // pwm ,fwd, rev
00146 Motor launcherBlk(PA_10, PC_3, PC_0); // pwm, fwd, rev 
00147 Motor powerScrew(PA_9, PA_4, PC_15); // pwm, fwd, rev                
00149 /* Deklarasi Penumatik Launcher */
00150 DigitalOut pneumatik(PB_3, PullUp);
00152 /*Dekalrasi Limit Switch */
00153 //DigitalIn infraAtas(PC_9, PullUp);
00154 DigitalIn limitTengah(PB_10, PullUp);
00155 DigitalIn limitBawah(PC_8, PullUp);
00157 /*deklarasi PING ultrasonic*/
00158 Ping pingAtas(PC_9);
00160 /*Deklarasi Display*/
00161 DigitDisplay display (D15, D4);
00163 /****************************************************/
00164 /*         Deklarasi Fungsi dan Procedure           */
00165 /****************************************************/
00166 int case_joystick()
00167 {
00168 //---------------------------------------------------//
00169 //  Gerak Motor Base                                 //
00170 //   Case 1  : Pivot kanan                           //
00171 //   Case 2  : Pivot Kiri                            //
00172 //   Case 3  : Kanan                                 //
00173 //   Case 4  : Kiri                                  //
00174 //   Case 5  : Break                                 //
00175 //---------------------------------------------------//
00177     int caseJoystick;
00178     if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri))  {  
00179         // Pivot Kanan
00180         caseJoystick = 1;
00181     } 
00182     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri))  {  
00183         // Pivot Kiri
00184         caseJoystick = 2;
00185     }
00186     else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri))  {  
00187         // Kanan + Rotasi kanan
00188         caseJoystick = 17;
00189     } 
00190     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri))  {  
00191         // Kanan + Rotasi kiri
00192         caseJoystick = 18;
00193     }
00194     else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri))  {  
00195         // Kiri + Rotasi kanan
00196         caseJoystick = 19;
00197     } 
00198     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri))  {  
00199         // Kanan + Rotasi kiri
00200         caseJoystick = 20;
00201     }
00202     else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri))  {  
00203         // Maju + Rotasi kanan
00204         caseJoystick = 21;
00205     } 
00206     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri))  {  
00207         // Maju + Rotasi kiri
00208         caseJoystick = 22;
00209     }
00210     else if ((joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri))  {  
00211         // Mundur + Rotasi kanan
00212         caseJoystick = 23;
00213     } 
00214     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri))  {  
00215         // Mundur + Rotasi kiri
00216         caseJoystick = 24;
00217     }
00218     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.segitiga_click))  {  
00219         // Kanan + segitiga
00220         caseJoystick = 25;
00221     }
00222     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.segitiga_click))  {  
00223         // Kiri + segitiga
00224         caseJoystick = 26;
00225     }
00226     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.lingkaran_click))  {  
00227         // Kanan + lingkaran
00228         caseJoystick = 27;
00229     }
00230     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.lingkaran_click))  {  
00231         // Kiri + lingkaran
00232         caseJoystick = 28;
00233     }
00234     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.kotak_click))  {  
00235         // Kanan + kotak
00236         caseJoystick = 29;
00237     }
00238     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)&&(joystick.kotak_click))  {  
00239         // Kiri + kotak
00240         caseJoystick = 30;
00241     }
00242     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) {   
00243         // Serong kanan maju
00244         caseJoystick = 13;
00245          //pc.printf("bawah");       
00246     }
00247     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) {   
00248         // Serong kiri maju
00249         caseJoystick = 14;
00250          //pc.printf("bawah");       
00251     }
00252     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) {   
00253         // Serong kanan mundur
00254         caseJoystick = 15;
00255          //pc.printf("bawah");       
00256     }
00257     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) {   
00258         // Serong kiri mundur
00259         caseJoystick = 16;
00260          //pc.printf("bawah");       
00261     } 
00262     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri))  {   
00263         // Kanan
00264         caseJoystick = 3;
00265          //pc.printf("kanan");
00266     } 
00267     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(joystick.kiri)) {   
00268         // Kiri
00269         caseJoystick = 4;
00270          //pc.printf("kiri");       
00271     }
00272     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(joystick.atas)&&(!joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) {   
00273         // Atas -- Maju
00274         caseJoystick = 8;
00275          //pc.printf("atas");       
00276     }
00277     else if ((!joystick.R1)&&(!joystick.L1)&&(!joystick.atas)&&(joystick.bawah)&&(!joystick.kanan)&&(!joystick.kiri)) {   
00278         // Bawah -- Mundur
00279         caseJoystick = 9;
00280          //pc.printf("bawah");       
00281     } 
00282     else if (joystick.segitiga_click){
00283         // Motor Launcher
00284         caseJoystick = 5;
00285     }
00286     else if (joystick.R2_click){
00287         // Target Pulse PID ++ Motor Depan
00288          caseJoystick = 6;
00289     }  
00290     else if (joystick.L2_click){
00291         // Target Pulse PID -- Motor 
00292          caseJoystick = 7;
00293     }
00294     else if (joystick.silang_click){
00295         // Pnemuatik ON
00296         caseJoystick = 10;
00297     }
00298     else if ((joystick.lingkaran_click)&&(!joystick.kotak_click))  {   
00299         // Power Screw Up
00300         caseJoystick = 11;
00301     } 
00302     else if ((joystick.kotak_click)&&(!joystick.lingkaran_click)) {   
00303         // Power Screw Down
00304         caseJoystick = 12;       
00305     } 
00307     return(caseJoystick);
00308 }
00310 float getTetha(){
00311 // Fungsi untuk mendapatkan nilai tetha
00312     float busur, tetha;
00313     busur = ((encoderBase.getPulses())/(float)(2000.0)*keliling_enc);
00314     tetha = busur/keliling_robot*360;
00316     return -(tetha);    
00317 }
00319 float pidBase(float Kp, float Ki, float Kd)
00320 {
00321     int errorP;
00322     errorP = getTetha();
00323     if (errorP<3.5 && errorP>(-3.5))
00324         errorP = 0;
00325     return (float)Kp*errorP;    
00326 }
00328 void setCenter(){
00329 // Fungsi untuk menentukan center dari robot
00330     encoderBase.reset();
00331 }
00333 void init_rpm (){
00334     if (target_rpm>maxRPM-2){
00335         target_rpm = maxRPM-2;
00336     }
00337     if (target_rpm<minRPM){
00338         target_rpm = minRPM;
00339     }
00340     if (target_rpm2>maxRPM){
00341         target_rpm2 = maxRPM;
00342     }
00343     if (target_rpm2<minRPM+2){
00344         target_rpm2 = minRPM+2;
00345     }
00346 }
00348 void aktuator()
00349 {
00350     switch (case_joy) {
00351         case (1): 
00352         {       
00353             // Pivot Kanan
00354             motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT);
00355             motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT);
00356             motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00357             motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00358             break;
00359         }
00360         case (2): 
00361         {
00362             // Pivot Kiri
00363             motorDpn.speed(PIVOT);
00364             motorBlk.speed(PIVOT);
00365             motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00366             motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00367             break;
00368         }
00369         case (17): 
00370         {       
00371             // Kanan + Rotasi Kanan
00372             motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT);
00373             motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT);
00374             motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00375             motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00376             break;
00377         }
00378         case (18): 
00379         {
00380             // Kanan + Rotasi Kiri
00381             motorDpn.speed(PIVOT);
00382             motorBlk.speed(PIVOT);
00383             motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00384             motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00385             break;
00386         }
00387         case (19): 
00388         {       
00389             // Kiri + Rotasi Kanan
00390             motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT);
00391             motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT);
00392             motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00393             motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00394             break;
00395         }
00396         case (20): 
00397         {
00398             // Kiri + Rotasi Kiri
00399             motorDpn.speed(PIVOT);
00400             motorBlk.speed(PIVOT);
00401             motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00402             motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00403             break;
00404         }
00405         case (21): 
00406         {       
00407             // Maju + Rotasi Kanan
00408             motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT);
00409             motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT);
00410             motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00411             motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00412             break;
00413         }
00414         case (22): 
00415         {
00416             // Maju + Rotasi Kiri
00417             motorDpn.speed(PIVOT);
00418             motorBlk.speed(PIVOT);
00419             motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00420             motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00421             break;
00422         }
00423         case (23): 
00424         {       
00425             // Mundur + Rotasi Kanan
00426             motorDpn.speed(-PIVOT);
00427             motorBlk.speed(-PIVOT);
00428             motorR.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00429             motorL.speed(-rasio*PIVOT);
00430             break;
00431         }
00432         case (24): 
00433         {
00434             // Mundur + Rotasi Kiri
00435             motorDpn.speed(PIVOT);
00436             motorBlk.speed(PIVOT);
00437             motorR.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00438             motorL.speed(rasio*PIVOT);
00439             break;
00440         }
00441         case (25): 
00442         {
00443             // Kanan + segitiga
00444             isLauncher = !isLauncher;
00445             break;
00446         }
00447         case (26): 
00448         {
00449             // Kiri + segitiga
00450             isLauncher = !isLauncher;
00451             break;
00452         }
00453         case (27): 
00454         {
00455             // Kanan + lingkaran
00456             ReloadOn = !ReloadOn;
00457             isReload = false;
00458             break;
00459         }
00460         case (28): 
00461         {
00462             // Kiri + lingkaran
00463             ReloadOn = !ReloadOn;
00464             isReload = false;
00465             break;
00466         }
00467         case (29): 
00468         {
00469             // Kanan + kotak
00470             ReloadOn = !ReloadOn;
00471             isReload = true;
00472             break;
00473         }
00474         case (30): 
00475         {
00476             // Kiri + kotak
00477             ReloadOn = !ReloadOn;
00478             isReload = true;
00479             break;
00480         }
00481         case (13) : 
00482         {
00483             // Serong kanan maju
00484             motorDpn.speed(-serong);
00485             motorL.brake(-rasio*serong);
00486             motorBlk.speed(serong);
00487             motorR.brake(rasio*serong);
00488             break;
00489         }
00490         case (14) : 
00491         {
00492             // Serong kiri maju
00493             motorDpn.speed(serong);
00494             motorR.brake(rasio*serong);
00495             motorBlk.speed(-serong);
00496             motorL.brake(-rasio*serong);
00497             break;
00498         }
00499         case (15) : 
00500         {
00501             // Serong kanan mundur 
00502             motorR.brake(-rasio*serong);
00503             motorBlk.speed(serong);
00504             motorL.brake(rasio*serong);
00505             break;
00506         }
00507         case (16) : 
00508         {
00509             // Serong kiri mundur
00510             motorDpn.speed(serong);
00511             motorL.brake(rasio*serong);
00512             motorBlk.speed(-serong);
00513             motorR.brake(-rasio*serong);
00514             break;
00515         }
00516         case (3) : 
00517         {
00518             // Kanan
00519             motorDpn.speed(-tuneDpn);
00520             motorBlk.speed(tuneBlk);
00521             motorR.brake(1);
00522             motorL.brake(1);
00523             break;
00524         }
00525         case (4) : 
00526         {
00527             // Kiri
00528             motorDpn.speed(tuneDpn);
00529             motorBlk.speed(-tuneBlk);
00530             motorR.brake(1);
00531             motorL.brake(1);
00532             break;
00533         }
00534         case (8) : 
00535         {
00536             // Maju
00537             //init_rpm();
00538             motorR.speed(tuneR);
00539             motorL.speed(-tuneL);
00540             motorDpn.brake(1);
00541             motorBlk.brake(1);
00542             break;
00543         }
00544         case (9) : 
00545         {
00546             // Mundur
00547             //init_rpm();
00548             motorR.speed(-tuneR);
00549             motorL.speed(tuneL);
00550             motorDpn.brake(1);
00551             motorBlk.brake(1);
00552             break;
00553         }
00554         case (5) : 
00555         {
00556             // Aktifkan motor atas
00557             isLauncher = !isLauncher;
00558             break;
00559         }
00560         case (6) : 
00561         {
00562             // Target Pulse PID ++ Motor Depan
00563             target_rpm2 = target_rpm2+1.0;
00564             target_rpm = target_rpm+1.0;
00565             init_rpm();
00566             break;
00567         }
00568         case (7) : 
00569         {
00570             // Target Pulse PID -- Motor Depan
00571             target_rpm2 = target_rpm2-1.0;
00572             target_rpm = target_rpm-1.0;
00573             init_rpm();
00574             break;
00575         }
00576         case (10) : 
00577         {
00578             // Pneumatik
00579             pneumatik = 0;
00580             previousMillis3 = millis();
00581             flag_Pneu = true;
00582             break;
00583         }
00584         case (11) : 
00585         {
00586             // Power Screw Up
00587             ReloadOn = !ReloadOn;
00588             isReload = false;
00589             break;
00590         }
00591         case (12) : 
00592         {
00593             // Power Screw Down
00594             ReloadOn = !ReloadOn;
00595             isReload = true;
00596             break;
00597         }
00598         default : 
00599         {
00600             motorDpn.brake(1);
00601             motorBlk.brake(1);
00602             motorR.brake(1);
00603             motorL.brake(1);
00604         }   
00605     } // End Switch
00606  }
00608 void reloader()
00609 {
00610     if(ReloadOn){
00611         if(isReload){
00612             powerScrew.speed(pwmPowerDown);
00613             if(!limitBawah){
00614                 isReload = false;
00615                 ReloadOn = false;
00616             }
00617         }
00618         else if(!limitTengah){
00619             isReload = true;
00620         }
00621         else if((jarak_ping > 6.5) && !flag_Pneu){
00622             powerScrew.speed(pwmPowerUp);
00623         }
00624         else if((jarak_ping < 6 ) && !flag_Pneu) {
00625             powerScrew.speed(-0.1);
00626         }
00627         else{
00628             powerScrew.brake(1);
00629         }
00630     }
00631     else{
00632         powerScrew.brake(1);
00633     }
00634 }
00637 void launcher()
00638 {
00639     if (isLauncher)
00640     {
00641         currentMillis  = millis();
00642         currentMillis2 = millis();
00644         // PID Launcher Depan
00645         if (currentMillis-previousMillis>=12.5)
00646         {
00647             rpm = (float)encLauncherBlk.getPulses();    
00648             current_error = target_rpm - rpm;
00649             sum_error = sum_error + current_error;
00650             p = current_error*kpA;
00651             d = (current_error-last_error)*kdA/12.5;
00652             i = sum_error*kiA*12.5;
00653             speed = p + d + i;
00654             //init_speed();
00655             if(speed > maxSpeed){
00656                 launcherBlk.speed(maxSpeed);
00657             }
00658             else if ( speed < minSpeed){
00659                 launcherBlk.speed(minSpeed);
00660             }
00661             else {
00662                 launcherBlk.speed(speed);
00663             }
00664             last_error = current_error;
00665             encLauncherBlk.reset();
00666           //pc.printf("%.04lf\n",rpm);
00667             previousMillis = currentMillis;
00668         }
00669         if (currentMillis2-previousMillis2>=12.5)
00670         {
00671             rpm2 = (float)encLauncherDpn.getPulses();    
00672             current_error2 = target_rpm2 - rpm2;
00673             sum_error2 = sum_error2 + current_error2;
00674             p2 = current_error2*kpA;
00675             d2 = (current_error2-last_error2)*kdA/12.5;
00676             i2 = sum_error2*kiA*12.5;
00677             speed2 = p2 + d2 + i2;
00678             //init_speed();
00679             if (speed2 > maxSpeed){
00680                 launcherDpn.speed(maxSpeed);
00681             }
00682             else if ( speed < minSpeed){
00683                 launcherDpn.speed(minSpeed);
00684             }
00685             else{
00686                 launcherDpn.speed(speed2);
00687             }
00688             last_error2 = current_error2;
00689             encLauncherDpn.reset();
00690             previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
00691         }
00692     }
00693     else
00694     {
00695         launcherDpn.brake(1);
00696         launcherBlk.brake(1);
00697     }     
00698 }
00700 /*********************************************************/
00701 /*                  Main Function                        */
00702 /*********************************************************/
00704 int main (void)
00705 {
00706     // Set baud rate - 115200
00707     joystick.setup();
00708     pc.baud(115200);
00709     wait_ms(1000);
00711     // initializing encoder
00712     pneumatik =1;
00714     setCenter();
00716     wait_ms(500);
00718     //initializing PING
00719     pingAtas.Send();
00721     pc.printf("ready....");
00722     startMillis();
00723     while(1)
00724     {   
00725         // interupsi pembacaan PING setiap 30 ms
00726         if(millis() - previousMillis4 >= 5){    //30
00727             jarak_ping = (float)pingAtas.Read_cm()/2;
00729             pingAtas.Send();
00730             previousMillis4 = millis();
00731         }
00733         // Interrupt Serial
00734         joystick.idle();        
00735         if(joystick.readable()) 
00736         {
00737             // Panggil fungsi pembacaan joystik
00738             joystick.baca_data();
00739             // Panggil fungsi pengolahan data joystik
00740             joystick.olah_data();
00741             // Masuk ke case joystick
00742             case_joy = case_joystick();
00743             pc.printf("%d\n",case_joy);
00744             aktuator();
00745             launcher();
00746             reloader();
00747             if ((millis()-previousMillis3 >= 320)&&(flag_Pneu)){
00748                 pneumatik = 1;
00749                 flag_Pneu = false;
00750             }
00751         }
00752         else
00753         {
00754             joystick.idle();
00755         }
00757         if(millis() - previousMillis5 >= 400){
00758             //display.write(0,((int) target_rpm2-2) / 10);
00759             //display.write(1,((int)target_rpm2-2) % 10);
00760             //display.write(2, (int)target_rpm2 / 10);
00761             //display.write(3, (int)target_rpm2 % 10);
00762             //display.setColon(true);
00764             display.write(0,((int) rpm2) / 10);
00765             display.write(1,((int)rpm2) % 10);
00766             display.write(2, (int)target_rpm2 / 10);
00767             display.write(3, (int)target_rpm2 % 10);
00768             display.setColon(true);
00770             previousMillis5 = millis();
00771         }
00772     }
00773 }