
Dependents:   MurataTypeYD_RPC_Sample

Fork of SNICInterface_mod by Toyomasa Watarai


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
50:7729db2580c4 2015-03-12 komoritan Fixed default tip
49:5a5cae02bdf0 2015-01-31 MACRUM Modified parameter type of the TCPSocketServer::accept()
48:e3a26a484d1c 2015-01-27 MACRUM TCPSocketServer::accept is now blocking which is same behavior of original EthernetInterface library.
47:62ba69ff80d2 2015-01-23 MACRUM Added getIPAddress() function
46:e1cb45f7a27f 2014-11-22 ban4jp Fixed: NTPClient library compatibility.
45:bed083d9f739 2014-11-22 ban4jp disabled _DEBUG option.
44:c50e7332afcc 2014-11-21 ban4jp Fixed: HTTPClient library compatibility.
43:d80bbb12ffe6 2014-11-14 kishino It was reviewed and modified the Receive logic of socket communication(TCP and UDP).
42:17d89443d899 2014-09-19 kishino It was supported to the FRDM-KL46Z platform.
41:1c1b5ad4d491 2014-07-15 kishino Modified the module name of Copyright.
40:b6b10c22a121 2014-07-15 kishino The platform-dependent code was modified to implemented in ifdef.; The process of debug log output was changed to macro.;
39:a1233ca02edf 2014-07-15 kishino The pointing out of in-house reviews was modified.
38:f13e4e563d65 2014-06-25 kishino Fixed a variable name of pointer type.
37:f3a2053627c2 2014-06-24 kishino Fixed bugs that was found in the API test.
36:f33fcf5975ab 2014-06-19 kishino Supported a new command format of SNIC UART.
35:e4e7f86fd975 2014-06-10 kishino [Refactoring]; Deleted unnecessary code.
34:8c3527b8f44e 2014-06-09 kishino [Refactoring] ; Changed how to define of buffer for TCP socket.; About setting IP address, changed to using common function for convert to binary array from decimal.
33:33f1bc919486 2014-06-03 kishino Created functions of UDP client and UDP server.
32:ae95309643aa 2014-05-30 kishino Implemented a API of TCP server.
31:15c22824cc46 2014-05-29 kishino Created a command of IP address settings.
30:944b8c04b5ff 2014-05-27 kishino Modified a compile error.
29:6a0ba999597d 2014-05-26 kishino Changed the receive logic of UART.; Changed the use area of the global buffer.
28:b796031f6519 2014-04-01 kishino Modified SNIC_INIT command.
27:dcc4f34448f0 2014-03-31 kishino Created a SNIC_CLOSE_SOCKET_REQ command.
26:f2e1030964e4 2014-03-28 kishino Created a virtual destructor
25:67183ed15708 2014-03-28 kishino Created a base class for Murata named C_MurataObject.
24:987e412ae879 2014-03-28 kishino Changed to that any classes do not have instance of C_SNIC_Core class.
23:4ff2231ff9ba 2014-03-27 kishino Modified the description of classes.
22:a9ec0cad4f84 2014-03-27 kishino Refactoring
21:dda155fe5048 2014-03-27 kishino The change in the internal class friend class
20:dd736d328de6 2014-03-27 kishino Change to folder from library.
19:f219d1fb6171 2014-03-27 kishino Changed to library from folder
18:51d3fea96518 2014-03-27 kishino Changed to library from folder.
17:d8bc02c455a6 2014-03-27 kishino Some member variables was changed to "private" from "protected".
16:6100acfeb1f1 2014-03-27 kishino The instance of C_SNIC_UartCommandManager in C_SNIC_Core class was changed from public to private.
15:5eb637414df2 2014-03-27 kishino Method name was changed. [C_SNIC_Core::getAlocCmdBuf -> C_SNIC_Core::allocCmdBuf.]
14:54378c96d285 2014-03-26 kishino Added a comment of copyright.
13:53e6471d5753 2014-03-25 kishino Created the function of the TCP / IP client. (packet send, receive)
12:0254eaccfda2 2014-03-25 kishino Refactoring of the class name
11:c49007d49e52 2014-03-19 kishino C_SNICwifi was modified to singleton class.
10:49ffd373066b 2014-03-18 kishino [Refactoring]Created the common function for the preparation of request command of UART.
9:a98b45e766c8 2014-03-18 kishino [Refactoring]Updated that function for get buffer from memorypool.
8:50d2509479cd 2014-03-17 kishino Prefix of class name and file name was changed from 'YD' to 'SNIC'.
7:e88ccbe0225f 2014-03-14 kishino Scan handler interface modify
6:70f522934032 2014-03-13 kishino Create get status command
5:ef3befe3edad 2014-03-13 kishino Create Wi-Fi turn on command; Create Wi-Fi turn off command; Create get RSSI command
4:99cc93fe7d88 2014-03-13 kishino Commit stub of socket class
3:9f90024d7fb2 2014-03-13 kishino The following API was created.; =>Connect to AP.; =>Disconnect from AP.; =>Scan AP.
2:0ba43344c814 2014-03-11 kishino Created the basic composition of SNIC UART command API.; Created the UART command for getting firmware's version.
1:c6e5f49dce5f 2014-03-07 kishino The method which gets Payload from received data was created.
0:61c402886fbb 2014-03-06 kishino The common method which creates a UART command request was created.