Library used to receive data through a wireless channel using XBEE.

Dependencies:   mbed

Dependents:   nxp_can

Fork of frdm_xbee by Jose Pesado


This programs sends data through CAN bus and interacts with an instrument panel. default tip

2014-10-20, by JalilChavez [Mon, 20 Oct 2014 07:04:24 +0000] rev 3

This programs sends data through CAN bus and interacts with an instrument panel.

Reception of bytes with headers

2014-10-18, by josepesado [Sat, 18 Oct 2014 19:58:20 +0000] rev 2

Reception of bytes with headers

Added start and end of frames to identify the payload.

2014-10-18, by josepesado [Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:46:04 +0000] rev 1

Added start and end of frames to identify the payload.

Additional updates to the XBee services.

2014-10-18, by josepesado [Sat, 18 Oct 2014 13:21:18 +0000] rev 0

Additional updates to the XBee services.