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00001 /**
00002  * LED Matrix library for
00003  * The LED Matrix panel has 32x16 pixels. Several panel can be combined together as a large screen.
00004  *
00005  * Coordinate & Connection (mbed -> panel 0 -> panel 1 -> ...)
00006  *   (0, 0)                                     (0, 0)
00007  *     +--------+--------+--------+               +--------+--------+
00008  *     |   5    |    3   |    1   |               |    1   |    0   |
00009  *     |        |        |        |               |        |        |<----- mbed
00010  *     +--------+--------+--------+               +--------+--------+
00011  *     |   4    |    2   |    0   |                              (64, 16)
00012  *     |        |        |        |<----- mbed
00013  *     +--------+--------+--------+
00014  *                             (96, 32)
00015  *  Copyright (c) 2013 Seeed Technology Inc.
00016  *  @auther     Yihui Xiong 
00017  *  @date       Nov 8, 2013
00018  *  @license    Apache
00019  */
00021 #include "LEDMatrix.h"
00022 #include "mbed.h"
00024 #if 0
00025 #define ASSERT(e)   if (!(e)) { Serial.println(#e); while (1); }
00026 #else
00027 #define ASSERT(e)
00028 #endif
00030 LEDMatrix::LEDMatrix(PinName pinA, PinName pinB, PinName pinC, PinName pinD, PinName pinOE,
00031                      PinName pinR1, PinName pinR2, PinName pinB1, PinName pinB2, PinName pinG1, PinName pinG2,
00032                      PinName pinG3,PinName pinR3, PinName pinB3, PinName pinR4, PinName pinG4,PinName pinB4,
00033                      PinName pinSTB, PinName pinCLK) :
00034     a(pinA), b(pinB), c(pinC), d(pinD), oe(pinOE), r1(pinR1), r2(pinR2), b1(pinB1), b2(pinB2), g1(pinG1), g2(pinG2), g3(pinG3), r3(pinR3), b3(pinB3),r4(pinR4), g4(pinG4), b4(pinB4), stb(pinSTB), clk(pinCLK)
00035 {
00036     oe = 1;
00037     clk = 1;
00038     stb = 1;
00039     mask = 0xff;
00040     state = 0;
00041     bufferIndex = 0;
00042     flagSwap = 0;
00043 }
00045 void LEDMatrix::begin(uint8_t *displaybuf, uint16_t width, uint16_t height)
00046 {
00047     this->displaybuf = displaybuf;
00048     memoBuf = displaybuf;
00049     drawBuf = memoBuf + width * height;
00050     this->width = width;
00051     this->height = height;
00053     state = 1;
00054 }
00056 void LEDMatrix::drawPoint(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t pixel)
00057 {
00058     if (x>=width) return;
00059     if (y>=height) return;
00060     drawBuf[x+ width * y] = pixel & 0x07;
00061 }
00063 void LEDMatrix::drawRect(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint8_t pixel)
00064 {
00065     for (uint16_t x = x1; x < x2; x++) {
00066         for (uint16_t y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
00067             drawPoint(x, y, pixel);
00068         }
00069     }
00070 }
00072 int LEDMatrix::drawChar(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char c, uint8_t pixel, Font *font)
00073 {
00074     int i, j,k, col, max = 0;
00075     for (i=0; i<font->hauteur(); i++) {
00076         for (k=0; k<font->largeur(); k++) {
00077             col = font->octet(c, i, k);
00078             for (j=8; j>=0; j--) {
00079                 if (col & 0x01 != 0) {
00080                     int dx = j+8*k;
00081                     if (dx > max) max = dx;
00082                     drawPoint(x + dx, y+i, pixel);
00083                 }
00084                 col = col >> 1;
00085             }
00086         }
00087     }
00088     if (c==' ') {
00089         return 5*font->largeur();
00090     } else {
00091         return max + font->largeur();
00092     }
00093 }
00096 void LEDMatrix::drawCharString (uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char *c, uint8_t pixel,Font *font)
00097 {
00098     int i=0;
00099     while(c[i] != '\0') {
00100         int dx = drawChar(x,y,c[i],pixel,font);
00101         i++;
00102         x += dx;
00103     }
00104 }
00107 void LEDMatrix::drawImage(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint8_t *image)
00108 {
00109     ASSERT(0 == ((x2 - x1) % 8));
00111     for (uint16_t x = x1; x < x2; x++) {
00112         for (uint16_t y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
00113             uint8_t *byte = image + x * 8 + y / 8;
00114             uint8_t  bit = 7 - (y % 8);
00115             uint8_t  pixel = (*byte >> bit) & 1;
00117             drawPoint(x, y, pixel);
00118         }
00119     }
00120 }
00122 void LEDMatrix::clear()
00123 {
00124     uint8_t *ptr = drawBuf;
00125     for (uint16_t i = 0; i < (width * height); i++) {
00126         *ptr = 0x00;
00127         ptr++;
00128     }
00129 }
00131 void LEDMatrix::reverse()
00132 {
00133     mask = ~mask;
00134 }
00136 uint8_t LEDMatrix::isReversed()
00137 {
00138     return mask;
00139 }
00141 void LEDMatrix::scan()
00142 {
00143     static uint8_t row = 0;
00145     if (!state) {
00146         return;
00147     }
00149     int debut1 = 2048 + row * width ; //1024
00150     int debut2 = 6144 + row * width ; //3072
00151     int debut3 = 2112 + row * width ;
00152     int debut4 = 6208 + row * width ;
00154     for (uint8_t i = 0; i <64 ; i++) {
00155         clk = 0;
00156         r1 = displaybuf[debut1+i] & 0x01;
00157         r2 = displaybuf[debut2+i] & 0x01;
00158         r3 = displaybuf[debut3+i] & 0x01;
00159         r4 = displaybuf[debut4+i] & 0x01;
00160         g1 = (displaybuf[debut1+i] & 0x02) >> 1;
00161         g2 = (displaybuf[debut2+i] & 0x02) >> 1;
00162         g3 = (displaybuf[debut3+i] & 0x02) >> 1;
00163         g4 = (displaybuf[debut4+i] & 0x02) >> 1;
00164         b1 = (displaybuf[debut1+i] & 0x04) >> 2;
00165         b2 = (displaybuf[debut2+i] & 0x04) >> 2;
00166         b3 = (displaybuf[debut3+i] & 0x04) >> 2;
00167         b4 = (displaybuf[debut4+i] & 0x04) >> 2;
00168         clk = 1;
00169     }
00171     debut1 = 0 + row * width;//0
00172     debut2 = 4096 + row * width;//2048
00173     debut3 = 64 + row * width;
00174     debut4 = 4160 + row * width;
00176     for (uint8_t i = 0; i <64 ; i++) {
00177         clk = 0;
00178         r1 = displaybuf[debut1+i] & 0x01;
00179         r2 = displaybuf[debut2+i] & 0x01;
00180         r3 = displaybuf[debut3+i] & 0x01;
00181         r4 = displaybuf[debut4+i] & 0x01;
00182         g1 = (displaybuf[debut1+i] & 0x02) >> 1;
00183         g2 = (displaybuf[debut2+i] & 0x02) >> 1;
00184         g3 = (displaybuf[debut3+i] & 0x02) >> 1;
00185         g4 = (displaybuf[debut4+i] & 0x02) >> 1;
00186         b1 = (displaybuf[debut1+i] & 0x04) >> 2;
00187         b2 = (displaybuf[debut2+i] & 0x04) >> 2;
00188         b3 = (displaybuf[debut3+i] & 0x04) >> 2;
00189         b4 = (displaybuf[debut4+i] & 0x04) >> 2;
00190         clk = 1;
00191     }
00193     oe = 1;              // disable display
00195     // select row
00196     a = (row & 0x01);
00197     b = (row & 0x02);
00198     c = (row & 0x04);
00199     d = (row & 0x08);
00201     // latch data
00202     stb = 0;
00203     stb = 1;
00205     oe = 0;              // enable display
00207     row=(row + 1) & 0x0F;
00209     if (row==0) {
00210         if (flagSwap == 1) {
00211             if (bufferIndex==0) {
00212                 bufferIndex = 1;
00213                 displaybuf = memoBuf + width*height;
00214                 drawBuf = memoBuf;
00215             } else {
00216                 bufferIndex = 0;
00217                 displaybuf = memoBuf;
00218                 drawBuf = memoBuf + width*height;
00219             }
00220             flagSwap = 0;
00221         }
00222     }
00223 }
00225 void LEDMatrix::on()
00226 {
00227     state = 1;
00228 }
00230 void LEDMatrix::off()
00231 {
00232     state = 0;
00233     oe = 1;
00234 }
00236 void LEDMatrix::swap()
00237 {
00238     flagSwap = 1;
00239 }
00241 int LEDMatrix::synchro()
00242 {
00243     return !flagSwap;
00244 }