An mbed wrapper around the helium-client to communicate with the Helium Atom

Helium for ARM mbed

This code repository exposes an mbed library for the Helium Atom module. The Helium Atom makes it easy to securely connect IoT devices and applications to back-end IoT services.

Getting Started

See a getting started guide on the Helium site.

Supported Boards

The Helium mbed client should work with any mbed board with an available serial port.

Example Setup

Example applications can be found in the mbed Helium team.

Getting Help

If you have any questions or ideas about how to use this code - or any part of Helium - head over to the Helium Community Slack. We're standing by to help.


Want to contribute to helium-mbed? That's awesome!

Please see in this repository for details.


Marc Nijdam

File content as of revision 23:cc2c1d1ed159:

 * Copyright 2017, Helium Systems, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE.txt for license information

#ifndef HELIUM_H
#define HELIUM_H

#include "BufferedSerial.h"
#include "helium-client/helium-client.h"
#include "mbed.h"

 * \class Helium
 * \brief Enables communication with the Helium Atom
 * This class offers the basic ability to communicate with the Helium
 * Atom module.
class Helium
    /** Create a Helium instance on a hardware serial port.
     * @param serial The hardware serial port to use
    Helium(PinName tx, PinName rx);

    /** Set communication speed with the Helium Atom.
     * This sets communication speed with the Helium Atom to the given
     * value.
     * @param baud The baud rate to use.
    int baud(enum helium_baud baud);

    /** Get information on the Helium atom
     * Gets basic information about the Helium Atom such as it's MAC
     * address and the current network time, if connected.
     * @param info The information structure to fill out
    int info(struct helium_info * info);

    /** Connect the Helium Atom to the network.
     * This tries to connect the Helium Atom to a nearby Element and
     * the Helium Network. Connections can be quick or slow. A quick
     * connection attempt to re-connect to the network using revious
     * _connection_ state which was retrieved using %sleep. If the
     * quick connect was not requested or if it fails a normal, slower
     * connection attempt is made.
     * Connect is an asynchronous operation. The given are a
     * convenience to attempt a number of retries before returning the
     * current connection state.
     * @param connection A previously retrieved connection structure
     *        that reflects sleep state.
     * @param retries The number of retries to attempt to connect.
     * @return helium_connect_status
    int connect(struct connection * connection = NULL,
                uint32_t            retries    = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S);

    /** Check if the Atom is connected to the network
     * Checks whether the Atom is connected to the network.
     * @returns true if connected, false if not connected
    bool connected();

    /** Disconnects the Atom from the network and puts it in sleep mode.
     * This disconnects the Helium Atom from the network and puts it
     * in sleep mode. If a connection structure is given, it is filled
     * with sleep state which can be used in a sub-sequent connect
     * call to quick connect to the network.
     * @param connection Sleep connection buffer to fill in.
    int sleep(struct connection * connection = NULL);

    /** Checks if the Atom needs resetting.
     * Checks if the Atom needs a reset. This is set over the air by
     * the Helium network when the Helium Atom has a firmware update
     * ready to apply.
     * @returns true if the Atom needs to be reset, false otherwise.
    bool needs_reset();

    /** Resets the Atom.
     * This resets the Atom. Use this method when `needs_reset`
     * returns true to apply any pending firmware updates to the Atom.
    int reset();

    struct helium_ctx _ctx;
    BufferedSerial    serial;

    friend class Channel;
    friend class Config;

 * \class Channel
 * \brief A Channel to an IoT platform.
 * Channels represent a delivery mechanism from the device to a number
 * of supported back-end IoT platforms.
 * To use a channel, make sure you have it set up in your Helium
 * Dashboard and then call Channel#begin with the channel name as you
 * configured it on the Helium Dashboard. This will automatically
 * ensure that the device is securely authenticated and registered
 * with the channel.
class Channel
    /** Construct a channel.
     * @param helium The Helium Atom to communicate with
    Channel(Helium * helium);

    /** Begin communicating over a channel
     * Always call this method before calling Channel#send. Beginning
     * communication will ensure that the device is authenticated and
     * registered with the channel with the given name as configured
     * in the Helium Dashboard.
     * The `result` value will be 0 if the channel was created
     * successfully and non-`0` otherwise.
     * @param name The name of the channel to authenticate with.
     * @param result An out parameter for the result of the request.
    int begin(const char * name, int8_t * result);

    /** Send data to this channel.
     * Send data to a given channel. The given data is sent to the
     * configured channel and the result as returned by the channel is
     * put in the `result` output variable. The result value is `0`
     * for success and non-`0` if an error occurred.
     * @note The maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted is
     * limited to HELIUM_MAX_DATA_SIZE (about 100 bytes).
     * @param data The data bytes to send
     * @param len The number of bytes in data to send
     * @param result An out parameter for the result returned by the channel
    int send(void const * data, size_t len, int8_t * result);

    /** Asynchronous begin method.
     * The Channel#begin(const char *) method is a synchronous version
     * of this method. Sending a request to a channel returns a
     * `token` which can be used in a subsequent call to #poll() to
     * check for results from the remote channel.
     * @param name The name of the channel to authenticate with.
     * @param token The output parameter for the pending result token.
    int begin(const char * name, uint16_t * token);

    /** Asynchornous send method.
     * This is the asynchronous version of the #send(void const *data,
     * size_t int8_t *) method.
     * @param data The data bytes to send
     * @param len The number of bytes in data to send
     * @param token The output parameter for the pending result token
    int send(void const * data, size_t len, uint16_t * token);

    /** Poll for a result token.
     * This polls the Helium Atom for the given number of retries for
     * the result of a given `token`. Use HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S for
     * the recommended number of retries.
     * If succcessful the result will be helium_status_OK and the
     * result value will be set to the result of the original request
     * that the token represents.
     * @param token The token to check for
     * @param result[out] The result of the given request token
     * @param retries The number of times to retry
    int poll_result(uint16_t token,
                    int8_t * result,
                    uint32_t retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S);

    /** Poll for data on a channel.
     * This polls the Helium Atom for the given number of retries for
     * any data on the channel.
     * If successful the result will be helium_status_OK and the given
     * `data` buffer will be filled with the received data. The `used`
     * out parameter will be set to the number of bytes read. Note
     * that the maximum number of bytes that can be sent is set by
     * @param[out] data The data buffer to fill with received data
     * @param len The available length of the data buffer
     * @param[out] used On success the number of bytes used up in data
     * @param retries The number of times to retry
    int poll_data(void *   data,
                  size_t   len,
                  size_t * used,
                  uint32_t retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S);

    /** The Helium Atom this channel uses to communicate. */
    Helium * helium;

    int8_t   _channel_id;

    friend class Config;

enum config_poll_get_status
    config_status_POLL_FOUND      = 0,
    config_status_POLL_FOUND_NULL = -1,
    config_status_POLL_ERR_TYPE   = -2,

 * \class Config
 * \brief A Channel Configuration
 * Channels can have configuration data for the Helium Atom
 * available. Depending on the IoT platform the configuration data is
 * a representation of device configuration. Other terms used are
 * device "twins" or "shadows".
 * To use a channel configuration construct it with a channel that
 * supports configuration and use the get methods to retrieve
 * configuration values from the IoT platform's device
 * representation. Use the set methods to set values in the IoT
 * platform's representation of the device.
 * Note that most IoT platforms represent sets and gets in different
 * namespaces. The get methods represent the IoT platform's desired or
 * expected namespace of the device, while the set methods are
 * reflected in the actual, or current namespace of the device.
class Config
    /** Construct a Configuration
     * @param channel The channel to get/set configuration with
    Config(Channel * channel);

    /** Get an integer configuration value
     * @param key The configuration key to get
     * @param[out] value The target for the received value
     * @param default_value The default value in case of errors
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns 0 on success. If the result is > 0 the result code is
     *     one of the helium_status_ error codes. If the result is < 0
     *     it is one of the config_poll_get_status error codes
    int get(const char * key,
            int32_t *    value,
            int32_t      default_value,
            uint32_t     retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S)
        return _get(key,

    /** Get a float configuration value
     * @param key The configuration key to get
     * @param[out] value The target for the received value
     * @param default_value The default value in case of errors
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns 0 on success. If the result is > 0 the result code is
     *     one of the helium_status_ error codes. If the result is < 0
     *     it is one of the config_poll_get_status error codes
    int get(const char * key,
            float *      value,
            float        default_value,
            uint32_t     retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S)
        return _get(key,

    /** Get a boolean configuration value
     * @param key The configuration key to get
     * @param[out] value The target for the received value
     * @param default_value The default value in case of errors
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns 0 on success. If the result is > 0 the result code is
     *     one of the helium_status_ error codes. If the result is < 0
     *     it is one of the config_poll_get_status error codes
    int get(const char * key,
            bool *       value,
            bool         default_value,
            uint32_t     retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S)
        return _get(key,

    /** Get a string configuration value
     * @param key The configuration key to get
     * @param[out] value The target buffer for the received string
     * @param value_len The length of the available buffer space
     * @param default_value The default value to use if not found
     * @param default_value_len The length of the default_value buffer.
     *     Note: Ensure to include the trailing NULL in this length
     *     parameter
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns 0 on success. If the result is > 0 the result code is
     *     one of the helium_status_ error codes. If the result is < 0
     *     it is one of the config_poll_get_status error codes
    int get(const char * key,
            char *       value,
            size_t       value_len,
            char *       default_value,
            size_t       default_value_len,
            uint32_t     retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S)
        return _get(key,

    /** Send a request for a configuration value.
     * Getting a configuration value requires sending a request with
     * the configuration key and then using the resulting token in a
     * #poll_get_result() call to wait for a response.
     * @param key The configuration key to get
     * @param[out] token The token representing the response.
     * @returns 0 on success. One of the helium_status_ error
     *     codes otherwise.
    int get(const char * key, uint16_t * token);

    /** Poll the response of a configuration request.
     * Polls the given token and validates any response against the
     * given configuration key and expected type. If these match the
     * value is copied into the given value buffer.
     * Note: The short form methods for getting config values hide
     * most of the complexity required to make a configuration get
     * work.
     * @param token The token returned from a previous #get() request
     * @param config_key The configuration key to check for
     * @param config_type The configuration type to check for
     * @param[out] value The destination buffer to copy the result into
     * @param value_len The size of the given destination buffer
     * @param default_value The default value to use if not found
     * @param default_value_len The length of the default_value buffer.
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @param[out] result The channel response code.
     *     0 for no errors, non-0 otherwise
     * @returns 0 on success. If the result is > 0 the result code is
     *     one of the helium_status_ error codes. If the result is < 0
     *     it is one of the config_poll_get_status error codes
    int poll_get_result(uint16_t                token,
                        const char *            config_key,
                        enum helium_config_type config_type,
                        void *                  value,
                        size_t                  value_len,
                        void *                  default_value,
                        size_t                  default_value_len,
                        int8_t *                result,
                        uint32_t retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S);

    /** Set a float configuration value
     * @param key The configuration key to set
     * @param value The value to set
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns 0 on success. One of the helium_status_ error
     *     codes otherwise.
    int set(const char * key, float value, uint32_t retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S)
        return _set(key, helium_config_f32, &value, retries);

    /** Set an integer configuration value
     * @param key The configuration key to set
     * @param value The value to set
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns 0 on success. One of the helium_status_ error
     *     codes otherwise.
    int set(const char * key,
            int32_t      value,
            uint32_t     retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S)
        return _set(key, helium_config_i32, &value, retries);

    /** Set a boolean configuration value
     * @param key The configuration key to set
     * @param value The value to set
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns 0 on success. One of the helium_status_ error
     *     codes otherwise.
    int set(const char * key, bool value, uint32_t retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S)
        return _set(key, helium_config_bool, &value, retries);

    /** Set a string configuration value
     * @param key The configuration key to set
     * @param value The value to set
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns 0 on success. One of the helium_status_ error
     *     codes otherwise.
    int set(const char * key,
            const char * value,
            uint32_t     retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S)
        return _set(key, helium_config_str, &value, retries);

    /** Set a null configuration value
     * @param key The configuration key to set
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns 0 on success. One of the helium_status_ error
     *     codes otherwise.
    int set_null(const char * key, uint32_t retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S)
        return _set(key, helium_config_null, NULL, retries);

    /** Send a request for setting a configuration value.
     * Setting a configuration value requires sending a request with
     * the configuration key, the value type and the value and then
     * using the resulting token in a #poll_set_result() call to wait
     * for a response.
     * @param key The configuration key to set
     * @param value_type The type of the configuration value to set
     * @param value A pointer to the value that needs to be st
     * @param[out] token The token representing the response.
     * @returns 0 on success. One of the helium_status_ error
     *     codes otherwise.
    int set(const char *       key,
            helium_config_type value_type,
            void *             value,
            uint16_t *         token);

    /** Poll the response of a configuration set request.
     * Polls the given token and returns the result code of the set
     * request.
     * Note: The short form methods for getting config values hide
     * most of the complexity required to make a configuration get
     * work.
     * @param token The token returned from a previous #set() request
     * @param[out] result A pointer to storage for the response code
     * @param retries The number of times to retry (optional)
     * @returns A helium_status result code for the actual
     *     communication part. If the result is helium_status_OK, the
     *     result code can be used to check if the set was
     *     successful. The result code will be 0 on success, and
     *     non-zero otherwise.
    int poll_set_result(uint16_t token,
                        int8_t * result,
                        uint32_t retries = HELIUM_POLL_RETRIES_5S);

    /** Check whether configuration values are stale.
     * Checks whether there has been a system indication that
     * configuration attributes may have gone stale.
     * When this returns true you should assume that any configuration
     * values you have previously retrieved are no longer valid.
     * @returns true if previous configuration values are stale, false
     *     if not
    bool is_stale();

    int       _get(const char *            config_key,
                   enum helium_config_type config_type,
                   void *                  value,
                   size_t                  value_len,
                   void *                  default_value,
                   size_t                  default_value_len,
                   uint32_t                retries);
    int       _set(const char *            config_key,
                   enum helium_config_type value_type,
                   void *                  value,
                   uint32_t                retries);
    Channel * _channel;

#endif // HELIUM_H