An example that demonstrates uploading data from the DISCO-F746 (STM32F746) board to, an IoT analytics platform. Also demonstrations downloading commands, re-establishing dropped ethernet connections, accurate polling frequencies, and tracing to the LCD.

Dependencies:   BSP_DISCO_F746NG F7_Ethernet GroveStreams LCD_DISCO_F746NG LcdDiscoF746NgTracer MbedJSONValue NetworkAPI mbed-rtos mbed


An example of pushing data into The example is for the STM32F746 and demonstrates:; * Polling; * Tracing to the LCD; * Uploading Samples; * Downloading Commands; * Handling dropped Ethernet connections default tip

2017-01-05, by mmills [Thu, 05 Jan 2017 18:48:17 +0000] rev 1

An example of pushing data into The example is for the STM32F746 and demonstrates:; * Polling; * Tracing to the LCD; * Uploading Samples; * Downloading Commands; * Handling dropped Ethernet connections

Initial Revision.

2017-01-05, by mmills [Thu, 05 Jan 2017 18:40:14 +0000] rev 0

Initial Revision.