programme course avec menu amélioré

Dependencies:   MMA8451Q mbed

Fork of Programme_course_2017_virage_ameliore by Freescale_Cachan

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API Documentation at this revision

Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
Commit message:
Programme de base

Changed in this revision

MKL25Z4.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MKL25Z4.h	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7146 @@
+** ###################################################################
+**     Processors:          MKL25Z128FM4
+**                          MKL25Z128FT4
+**                          MKL25Z128LH4
+**                          MKL25Z128VLK4
+**     Compilers:           ARM Compiler
+**                          Freescale C/C++ for Embedded ARM
+**                          GNU C Compiler
+**                          IAR ANSI C/C++ Compiler for ARM
+**     Reference manual:    KL25P80M48SF0RM, Rev.3, Sep 2012
+**     Version:             rev. 1.6, 2013-04-05
+**     Abstract:
+**         This header file implements peripheral memory map for MKL25Z4
+**         processor.
+**     Copyright: 1997 - 2013 Freescale, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+**     http:       
+**     mail:       
+**     Revisions:
+**     - rev. 1.0 (2012-05-17)
+**         Initial version.
+**     - rev. 1.1 (2012-06-08)
+**         Update according to reference manual rev. 0, draft B.
+**     - rev. 1.2 (2012-06-21)
+**         Update according to reference manual rev. 1.
+**     - rev. 1.3 (2012-08-01)
+**         Device type UARTLP changed to UART0.
+**     - rev. 1.4 (2012-10-04)
+**         Update according to reference manual rev. 3.
+**     - rev. 1.5 (2012-11-22)
+**         MCG module - bit LOLS in MCG_S register renamed to LOLS0.
+**         NV registers - bit EZPORT_DIS in NV_FOPT register removed.
+**     - rev. 1.6 (2013-04-05)
+**         Changed start of doxygen comment.
+** ###################################################################
+ * @file MKL25Z4.h
+ * @version 1.6
+ * @date 2013-04-05
+ * @brief Peripheral memory map for MKL25Z4
+ *
+ * This header file implements peripheral memory map for MKL25Z4 processor.
+ */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MCU activation
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Prevention from multiple including the same memory map */
+#if !defined(MCU_MKL25Z4)  /* Check if memory map has not been already included */
+#define MCU_MKL25Z4
+/* Check if another memory map has not been also included */
+#if (defined(MCU_ACTIVE))
+  #error MKL25Z4 memory map: There is already included another memory map. Only one memory map can be included.
+#endif /* (defined(MCU_ACTIVE)) */
+#define MCU_ACTIVE
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** Memory map major version (memory maps with equal major version number are
+ * compatible) */
+#define MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION 0x0100u
+/** Memory map minor version */
+//#define MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION_MINOR 0x0006u
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- Interrupt vector numbers
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup Interrupt_vector_numbers Interrupt vector numbers
+ * @{
+ */
+/** Interrupt Number Definitions */
+typedef enum {
+  INT_Initial_Stack_Pointer    = 0,                /**< Initial stack pointer */
+  INT_Initial_Program_Counter  = 1,                /**< Initial program counter */
+  INT_NMI                      = 2,                /**< Non-maskable interrupt */
+  INT_Hard_Fault               = 3,                /**< Hard fault exception */
+  INT_Reserved4                = 4,                /**< Reserved interrupt 4 */
+  INT_Reserved5                = 5,                /**< Reserved interrupt 5 */
+  INT_Reserved6                = 6,                /**< Reserved interrupt 6 */
+  INT_Reserved7                = 7,                /**< Reserved interrupt 7 */
+  INT_Reserved8                = 8,                /**< Reserved interrupt 8 */
+  INT_Reserved9                = 9,                /**< Reserved interrupt 9 */
+  INT_Reserved10               = 10,               /**< Reserved interrupt 10 */
+  INT_SVCall                   = 11,               /**< A supervisor call exception */
+  INT_Reserved12               = 12,               /**< Reserved interrupt 12 */
+  INT_Reserved13               = 13,               /**< Reserved interrupt 13 */
+  INT_PendableSrvReq           = 14,               /**< PendSV exception - request for system level service */
+  INT_SysTick                  = 15,               /**< SysTick interrupt */
+  INT_DMA0                     = 16,               /**< DMA channel 0 transfer complete/error interrupt */
+  INT_DMA1                     = 17,               /**< DMA channel 1 transfer complete/error interrupt */
+  INT_DMA2                     = 18,               /**< DMA channel 2 transfer complete/error interrupt */
+  INT_DMA3                     = 19,               /**< DMA channel 3 transfer complete/error interrupt */
+  INT_Reserved20               = 20,               /**< Reserved interrupt 20 */
+  INT_FTFA                     = 21,               /**< FTFA command complete/read collision interrupt */
+  INT_LVD_LVW                  = 22,               /**< Low Voltage Detect, Low Voltage Warning */
+  INT_LLW                      = 23,               /**< Low Leakage Wakeup */
+  INT_I2C0                     = 24,               /**< I2C0 interrupt */
+  INT_I2C1                     = 25,               /**< I2C0 interrupt 25 */
+  INT_SPI0                     = 26,               /**< SPI0 interrupt */
+  INT_SPI1                     = 27,               /**< SPI1 interrupt */
+  INT_UART0                    = 28,               /**< UART0 status/error interrupt */
+  INT_UART1                    = 29,               /**< UART1 status/error interrupt */
+  INT_UART2                    = 30,               /**< UART2 status/error interrupt */
+  INT_ADC0                     = 31,               /**< ADC0 interrupt */
+  INT_CMP0                     = 32,               /**< CMP0 interrupt */
+  INT_TPM0                     = 33,               /**< TPM0 fault, overflow and channels interrupt */
+  INT_TPM1                     = 34,               /**< TPM1 fault, overflow and channels interrupt */
+  INT_TPM2                     = 35,               /**< TPM2 fault, overflow and channels interrupt */
+  INT_RTC                      = 36,               /**< RTC interrupt */
+  INT_RTC_Seconds              = 37,               /**< RTC seconds interrupt */
+  INT_PIT                      = 38,               /**< PIT timer interrupt */
+  INT_Reserved39               = 39,               /**< Reserved interrupt 39 */
+  INT_USB0                     = 40,               /**< USB0 interrupt */
+  INT_DAC0                     = 41,               /**< DAC0 interrupt */
+  INT_TSI0                     = 42,               /**< TSI0 interrupt */
+  INT_MCG                      = 43,               /**< MCG interrupt */
+  INT_LPTimer                  = 44,               /**< LPTimer interrupt */
+  INT_Reserved45               = 45,               /**< Reserved interrupt 45 */
+  INT_PORTA                    = 46,               /**< Port A interrupt */
+  INT_PORTD                    = 47                /**< Port D interrupt */
+} IRQInterruptIndex;
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group Interrupt_vector_numbers */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- Peripheral type defines
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup Peripheral_defines Peripheral type defines
+ * @{
+ */
+** Start of section using anonymous unions
+#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
+  #pragma push
+  #pragma anon_unions
+#elif defined(__CWCC__)
+  #pragma push
+  #pragma cpp_extensions on
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+  /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
+#elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
+  #pragma language=extended
+  #error Not supported compiler type
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- ADC
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup ADC_Peripheral ADC
+ * @{
+ */
+/** ADC - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct ADC_MemMap {
+  uint32_t SC1[2];                                 /**< ADC Status and Control Registers 1, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t CFG1;                                   /**< ADC Configuration Register 1, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint32_t CFG2;                                   /**< ADC Configuration Register 2, offset: 0xC */
+  uint32_t R[2];                                   /**< ADC Data Result Register, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t CV1;                                    /**< Compare Value Registers, offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t CV2;                                    /**< Compare Value Registers, offset: 0x1C */
+  uint32_t SC2;                                    /**< Status and Control Register 2, offset: 0x20 */
+  uint32_t SC3;                                    /**< Status and Control Register 3, offset: 0x24 */
+  uint32_t OFS;                                    /**< ADC Offset Correction Register, offset: 0x28 */
+  uint32_t PG;                                     /**< ADC Plus-Side Gain Register, offset: 0x2C */
+  uint32_t MG;                                     /**< ADC Minus-Side Gain Register, offset: 0x30 */
+  uint32_t CLPD;                                   /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x34 */
+  uint32_t CLPS;                                   /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x38 */
+  uint32_t CLP4;                                   /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x3C */
+  uint32_t CLP3;                                   /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x40 */
+  uint32_t CLP2;                                   /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x44 */
+  uint32_t CLP1;                                   /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x48 */
+  uint32_t CLP0;                                   /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x4C */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[4];
+  uint32_t CLMD;                                   /**< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x54 */
+  uint32_t CLMS;                                   /**< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x58 */
+  uint32_t CLM4;                                   /**< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x5C */
+  uint32_t CLM3;                                   /**< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x60 */
+  uint32_t CLM2;                                   /**< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x64 */
+  uint32_t CLM1;                                   /**< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x68 */
+  uint32_t CLM0;                                   /**< ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x6C */
+} volatile *ADC_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- ADC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup ADC_Register_Accessor_Macros ADC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ADC - Register accessors */
+#define ADC_SC1_REG(base,index)                  ((base)->SC1[index])
+#define ADC_CFG1_REG(base)                       ((base)->CFG1)
+#define ADC_CFG2_REG(base)                       ((base)->CFG2)
+#define ADC_R_REG(base,index)                    ((base)->R[index])
+#define ADC_CV1_REG(base)                        ((base)->CV1)
+#define ADC_CV2_REG(base)                        ((base)->CV2)
+#define ADC_SC2_REG(base)                        ((base)->SC2)
+#define ADC_SC3_REG(base)                        ((base)->SC3)
+#define ADC_OFS_REG(base)                        ((base)->OFS)
+#define ADC_PG_REG(base)                         ((base)->PG)
+#define ADC_MG_REG(base)                         ((base)->MG)
+#define ADC_CLPD_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLPD)
+#define ADC_CLPS_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLPS)
+#define ADC_CLP4_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLP4)
+#define ADC_CLP3_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLP3)
+#define ADC_CLP2_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLP2)
+#define ADC_CLP1_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLP1)
+#define ADC_CLP0_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLP0)
+#define ADC_CLMD_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLMD)
+#define ADC_CLMS_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLMS)
+#define ADC_CLM4_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLM4)
+#define ADC_CLM3_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLM3)
+#define ADC_CLM2_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLM2)
+#define ADC_CLM1_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLM1)
+#define ADC_CLM0_REG(base)                       ((base)->CLM0)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group ADC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- ADC Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup ADC_Register_Masks ADC Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SC1 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_SC1_ADCH_MASK                        0x1Fu
+#define ADC_SC1_ADCH_SHIFT                       0
+#define ADC_SC1_ADCH(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_SC1_ADCH_SHIFT))&ADC_SC1_ADCH_MASK)
+#define ADC_SC1_DIFF_MASK                        0x20u
+#define ADC_SC1_DIFF_SHIFT                       5
+#define ADC_SC1_AIEN_MASK                        0x40u
+#define ADC_SC1_AIEN_SHIFT                       6
+#define ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK                        0x80u
+#define ADC_SC1_COCO_SHIFT                       7
+/* CFG1 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADICLK_MASK                     0x3u
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADICLK_SHIFT                    0
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CFG1_ADICLK_SHIFT))&ADC_CFG1_ADICLK_MASK)
+#define ADC_CFG1_MODE_MASK                       0xCu
+#define ADC_CFG1_MODE_SHIFT                      2
+#define ADC_CFG1_MODE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CFG1_MODE_SHIFT))&ADC_CFG1_MODE_MASK)
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_MASK                     0x10u
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_SHIFT                    4
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADIV_MASK                       0x60u
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADIV_SHIFT                      5
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADIV(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CFG1_ADIV_SHIFT))&ADC_CFG1_ADIV_MASK)
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_MASK                      0x80u
+#define ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_SHIFT                     7
+/* CFG2 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS_MASK                     0x3u
+#define ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS_SHIFT                    0
+#define ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS_SHIFT))&ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS_MASK)
+#define ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_MASK                      0x4u
+#define ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_SHIFT                     2
+#define ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_MASK                    0x8u
+#define ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_SHIFT                   3
+#define ADC_CFG2_MUXSEL_MASK                     0x10u
+#define ADC_CFG2_MUXSEL_SHIFT                    4
+/* R Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_R_D_MASK                             0xFFFFu
+#define ADC_R_D_SHIFT                            0
+#define ADC_R_D(x)                               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_R_D_SHIFT))&ADC_R_D_MASK)
+/* CV1 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CV1_CV_MASK                          0xFFFFu
+#define ADC_CV1_CV_SHIFT                         0
+#define ADC_CV1_CV(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CV1_CV_SHIFT))&ADC_CV1_CV_MASK)
+/* CV2 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CV2_CV_MASK                          0xFFFFu
+#define ADC_CV2_CV_SHIFT                         0
+#define ADC_CV2_CV(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CV2_CV_SHIFT))&ADC_CV2_CV_MASK)
+/* SC2 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_SC2_REFSEL_MASK                      0x3u
+#define ADC_SC2_REFSEL_SHIFT                     0
+#define ADC_SC2_REFSEL(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_SC2_REFSEL_SHIFT))&ADC_SC2_REFSEL_MASK)
+#define ADC_SC2_DMAEN_MASK                       0x4u
+#define ADC_SC2_DMAEN_SHIFT                      2
+#define ADC_SC2_ACREN_MASK                       0x8u
+#define ADC_SC2_ACREN_SHIFT                      3
+#define ADC_SC2_ACFGT_MASK                       0x10u
+#define ADC_SC2_ACFGT_SHIFT                      4
+#define ADC_SC2_ACFE_MASK                        0x20u
+#define ADC_SC2_ACFE_SHIFT                       5
+#define ADC_SC2_ADTRG_MASK                       0x40u
+#define ADC_SC2_ADTRG_SHIFT                      6
+#define ADC_SC2_ADACT_MASK                       0x80u
+#define ADC_SC2_ADACT_SHIFT                      7
+/* SC3 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_SC3_AVGS_MASK                        0x3u
+#define ADC_SC3_AVGS_SHIFT                       0
+#define ADC_SC3_AVGS(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_SC3_AVGS_SHIFT))&ADC_SC3_AVGS_MASK)
+#define ADC_SC3_AVGE_MASK                        0x4u
+#define ADC_SC3_AVGE_SHIFT                       2
+#define ADC_SC3_ADCO_MASK                        0x8u
+#define ADC_SC3_ADCO_SHIFT                       3
+#define ADC_SC3_CALF_MASK                        0x40u
+#define ADC_SC3_CALF_SHIFT                       6
+#define ADC_SC3_CAL_MASK                         0x80u
+#define ADC_SC3_CAL_SHIFT                        7
+/* OFS Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_OFS_OFS_MASK                         0xFFFFu
+#define ADC_OFS_OFS_SHIFT                        0
+#define ADC_OFS_OFS(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_OFS_OFS_SHIFT))&ADC_OFS_OFS_MASK)
+/* PG Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_PG_PG_MASK                           0xFFFFu
+#define ADC_PG_PG_SHIFT                          0
+#define ADC_PG_PG(x)                             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_PG_PG_SHIFT))&ADC_PG_PG_MASK)
+/* MG Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_MG_MG_MASK                           0xFFFFu
+#define ADC_MG_MG_SHIFT                          0
+#define ADC_MG_MG(x)                             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_MG_MG_SHIFT))&ADC_MG_MG_MASK)
+/* CLPD Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLPD_CLPD_MASK                       0x3Fu
+#define ADC_CLPD_CLPD_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLPD_CLPD(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLPD_CLPD_SHIFT))&ADC_CLPD_CLPD_MASK)
+/* CLPS Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLPS_CLPS_MASK                       0x3Fu
+#define ADC_CLPS_CLPS_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLPS_CLPS(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLPS_CLPS_SHIFT))&ADC_CLPS_CLPS_MASK)
+/* CLP4 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLP4_CLP4_MASK                       0x3FFu
+#define ADC_CLP4_CLP4_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLP4_CLP4(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLP4_CLP4_SHIFT))&ADC_CLP4_CLP4_MASK)
+/* CLP3 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLP3_CLP3_MASK                       0x1FFu
+#define ADC_CLP3_CLP3_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLP3_CLP3(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLP3_CLP3_SHIFT))&ADC_CLP3_CLP3_MASK)
+/* CLP2 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLP2_CLP2_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define ADC_CLP2_CLP2_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLP2_CLP2(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLP2_CLP2_SHIFT))&ADC_CLP2_CLP2_MASK)
+/* CLP1 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLP1_CLP1_MASK                       0x7Fu
+#define ADC_CLP1_CLP1_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLP1_CLP1(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLP1_CLP1_SHIFT))&ADC_CLP1_CLP1_MASK)
+/* CLP0 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLP0_CLP0_MASK                       0x3Fu
+#define ADC_CLP0_CLP0_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLP0_CLP0(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLP0_CLP0_SHIFT))&ADC_CLP0_CLP0_MASK)
+/* CLMD Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLMD_CLMD_MASK                       0x3Fu
+#define ADC_CLMD_CLMD_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLMD_CLMD(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLMD_CLMD_SHIFT))&ADC_CLMD_CLMD_MASK)
+/* CLMS Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLMS_CLMS_MASK                       0x3Fu
+#define ADC_CLMS_CLMS_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLMS_CLMS(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLMS_CLMS_SHIFT))&ADC_CLMS_CLMS_MASK)
+/* CLM4 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLM4_CLM4_MASK                       0x3FFu
+#define ADC_CLM4_CLM4_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLM4_CLM4(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLM4_CLM4_SHIFT))&ADC_CLM4_CLM4_MASK)
+/* CLM3 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLM3_CLM3_MASK                       0x1FFu
+#define ADC_CLM3_CLM3_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLM3_CLM3(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLM3_CLM3_SHIFT))&ADC_CLM3_CLM3_MASK)
+/* CLM2 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLM2_CLM2_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define ADC_CLM2_CLM2_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLM2_CLM2(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLM2_CLM2_SHIFT))&ADC_CLM2_CLM2_MASK)
+/* CLM1 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLM1_CLM1_MASK                       0x7Fu
+#define ADC_CLM1_CLM1_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLM1_CLM1(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLM1_CLM1_SHIFT))&ADC_CLM1_CLM1_MASK)
+/* CLM0 Bit Fields */
+#define ADC_CLM0_CLM0_MASK                       0x3Fu
+#define ADC_CLM0_CLM0_SHIFT                      0
+#define ADC_CLM0_CLM0(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ADC_CLM0_CLM0_SHIFT))&ADC_CLM0_CLM0_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group ADC_Register_Masks */
+/* ADC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral ADC0 base pointer */
+#define ADC0_BASE_PTR                            ((ADC_MemMapPtr)0x4003B000u)
+/** Array initializer of ADC peripheral base pointers */
+#define ADC_BASE_PTRS                            { ADC0_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- ADC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup ADC_Register_Accessor_Macros ADC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ADC - Register instance definitions */
+/* ADC0 */
+#define ADC0_SC1A                                ADC_SC1_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define ADC0_SC1B                                ADC_SC1_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define ADC0_CFG1                                ADC_CFG1_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CFG2                                ADC_CFG2_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_RA                                  ADC_R_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define ADC0_RB                                  ADC_R_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define ADC0_CV1                                 ADC_CV1_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CV2                                 ADC_CV2_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_SC2                                 ADC_SC2_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_SC3                                 ADC_SC3_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_OFS                                 ADC_OFS_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_PG                                  ADC_PG_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_MG                                  ADC_MG_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLPD                                ADC_CLPD_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLPS                                ADC_CLPS_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLP4                                ADC_CLP4_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLP3                                ADC_CLP3_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLP2                                ADC_CLP2_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLP1                                ADC_CLP1_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLP0                                ADC_CLP0_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLMD                                ADC_CLMD_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLMS                                ADC_CLMS_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLM4                                ADC_CLM4_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLM3                                ADC_CLM3_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLM2                                ADC_CLM2_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLM1                                ADC_CLM1_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define ADC0_CLM0                                ADC_CLM0_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR)
+/* ADC - Register array accessors */
+#define ADC0_SC1(index)                          ADC_SC1_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define ADC0_R(index)                            ADC_R_REG(ADC0_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group ADC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group ADC_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- BP
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup BP_Peripheral BP
+ * @{
+ */
+/** BP - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct BP_MemMap {
+  uint32_t CTRL;                                   /**< FlashPatch Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[4];
+  uint32_t COMP[2];                                /**< FlashPatch Comparator Register 0..FlashPatch Comparator Register 1, array offset: 0x8, array step: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[4032];
+  uint32_t PID4;                                   /**< Peripheral Identification Register 4., offset: 0xFD0 */
+  uint32_t PID5;                                   /**< Peripheral Identification Register 5., offset: 0xFD4 */
+  uint32_t PID6;                                   /**< Peripheral Identification Register 6., offset: 0xFD8 */
+  uint32_t PID7;                                   /**< Peripheral Identification Register 7., offset: 0xFDC */
+  uint32_t PID0;                                   /**< Peripheral Identification Register 0., offset: 0xFE0 */
+  uint32_t PID1;                                   /**< Peripheral Identification Register 1., offset: 0xFE4 */
+  uint32_t PID2;                                   /**< Peripheral Identification Register 2., offset: 0xFE8 */
+  uint32_t PID3;                                   /**< Peripheral Identification Register 3., offset: 0xFEC */
+  uint32_t CID0;                                   /**< Component Identification Register 0., offset: 0xFF0 */
+  uint32_t CID1;                                   /**< Component Identification Register 1., offset: 0xFF4 */
+  uint32_t CID2;                                   /**< Component Identification Register 2., offset: 0xFF8 */
+  uint32_t CID3;                                   /**< Component Identification Register 3., offset: 0xFFC */
+} volatile *BP_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- BP - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup BP_Register_Accessor_Macros BP - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* BP - Register accessors */
+#define BP_CTRL_REG(base)                        ((base)->CTRL)
+#define BP_COMP_REG(base,index)                  ((base)->COMP[index])
+#define BP_PID4_REG(base)                        ((base)->PID4)
+#define BP_PID5_REG(base)                        ((base)->PID5)
+#define BP_PID6_REG(base)                        ((base)->PID6)
+#define BP_PID7_REG(base)                        ((base)->PID7)
+#define BP_PID0_REG(base)                        ((base)->PID0)
+#define BP_PID1_REG(base)                        ((base)->PID1)
+#define BP_PID2_REG(base)                        ((base)->PID2)
+#define BP_PID3_REG(base)                        ((base)->PID3)
+#define BP_CID0_REG(base)                        ((base)->CID0)
+#define BP_CID1_REG(base)                        ((base)->CID1)
+#define BP_CID2_REG(base)                        ((base)->CID2)
+#define BP_CID3_REG(base)                        ((base)->CID3)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group BP_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- BP Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup BP_Register_Masks BP Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group BP_Register_Masks */
+/* BP - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral BP base pointer */
+#define BP_BASE_PTR                              ((BP_MemMapPtr)0xE0002000u)
+/** Array initializer of BP peripheral base pointers */
+#define BP_BASE_PTRS                             { BP_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- BP - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup BP_Register_Accessor_Macros BP - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* BP - Register instance definitions */
+/* BP */
+#define BP_CTRL                                  BP_CTRL_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_COMP0                                 BP_COMP_REG(BP_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define BP_COMP1                                 BP_COMP_REG(BP_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define BP_PID4                                  BP_PID4_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_PID5                                  BP_PID5_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_PID6                                  BP_PID6_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_PID7                                  BP_PID7_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_PID0                                  BP_PID0_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_PID1                                  BP_PID1_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_PID2                                  BP_PID2_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_PID3                                  BP_PID3_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_CID0                                  BP_CID0_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_CID1                                  BP_CID1_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_CID2                                  BP_CID2_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+#define BP_CID3                                  BP_CID3_REG(BP_BASE_PTR)
+/* BP - Register array accessors */
+#define BP_COMP(index)                           BP_COMP_REG(BP_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group BP_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group BP_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- CMP
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup CMP_Peripheral CMP
+ * @{
+ */
+/** CMP - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct CMP_MemMap {
+  uint8_t CR0;                                     /**< CMP Control Register 0, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t CR1;                                     /**< CMP Control Register 1, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t FPR;                                     /**< CMP Filter Period Register, offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t SCR;                                     /**< CMP Status and Control Register, offset: 0x3 */
+  uint8_t DACCR;                                   /**< DAC Control Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t MUXCR;                                   /**< MUX Control Register, offset: 0x5 */
+} volatile *CMP_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- CMP - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup CMP_Register_Accessor_Macros CMP - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CMP - Register accessors */
+#define CMP_CR0_REG(base)                        ((base)->CR0)
+#define CMP_CR1_REG(base)                        ((base)->CR1)
+#define CMP_FPR_REG(base)                        ((base)->FPR)
+#define CMP_SCR_REG(base)                        ((base)->SCR)
+#define CMP_DACCR_REG(base)                      ((base)->DACCR)
+#define CMP_MUXCR_REG(base)                      ((base)->MUXCR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group CMP_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- CMP Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup CMP_Register_Masks CMP Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CR0 Bit Fields */
+#define CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR_MASK                     0x3u
+#define CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR_SHIFT                    0
+#define CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR_SHIFT))&CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR_MASK)
+#define CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT_MASK                  0x70u
+#define CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT_SHIFT                 4
+#define CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT_SHIFT))&CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT_MASK)
+/* CR1 Bit Fields */
+#define CMP_CR1_EN_MASK                          0x1u
+#define CMP_CR1_EN_SHIFT                         0
+#define CMP_CR1_OPE_MASK                         0x2u
+#define CMP_CR1_OPE_SHIFT                        1
+#define CMP_CR1_COS_MASK                         0x4u
+#define CMP_CR1_COS_SHIFT                        2
+#define CMP_CR1_INV_MASK                         0x8u
+#define CMP_CR1_INV_SHIFT                        3
+#define CMP_CR1_PMODE_MASK                       0x10u
+#define CMP_CR1_PMODE_SHIFT                      4
+#define CMP_CR1_TRIGM_MASK                       0x20u
+#define CMP_CR1_TRIGM_SHIFT                      5
+#define CMP_CR1_WE_MASK                          0x40u
+#define CMP_CR1_WE_SHIFT                         6
+#define CMP_CR1_SE_MASK                          0x80u
+#define CMP_CR1_SE_SHIFT                         7
+/* FPR Bit Fields */
+#define CMP_FPR_FILT_PER_MASK                    0xFFu
+#define CMP_FPR_FILT_PER_SHIFT                   0
+#define CMP_FPR_FILT_PER(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<CMP_FPR_FILT_PER_SHIFT))&CMP_FPR_FILT_PER_MASK)
+/* SCR Bit Fields */
+#define CMP_SCR_COUT_MASK                        0x1u
+#define CMP_SCR_COUT_SHIFT                       0
+#define CMP_SCR_CFF_MASK                         0x2u
+#define CMP_SCR_CFF_SHIFT                        1
+#define CMP_SCR_CFR_MASK                         0x4u
+#define CMP_SCR_CFR_SHIFT                        2
+#define CMP_SCR_IEF_MASK                         0x8u
+#define CMP_SCR_IEF_SHIFT                        3
+#define CMP_SCR_IER_MASK                         0x10u
+#define CMP_SCR_IER_SHIFT                        4
+#define CMP_SCR_DMAEN_MASK                       0x40u
+#define CMP_SCR_DMAEN_SHIFT                      6
+/* DACCR Bit Fields */
+#define CMP_DACCR_VOSEL_MASK                     0x3Fu
+#define CMP_DACCR_VOSEL_SHIFT                    0
+#define CMP_DACCR_VOSEL(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<CMP_DACCR_VOSEL_SHIFT))&CMP_DACCR_VOSEL_MASK)
+#define CMP_DACCR_VRSEL_MASK                     0x40u
+#define CMP_DACCR_VRSEL_SHIFT                    6
+#define CMP_DACCR_DACEN_MASK                     0x80u
+#define CMP_DACCR_DACEN_SHIFT                    7
+/* MUXCR Bit Fields */
+#define CMP_MUXCR_MSEL_MASK                      0x7u
+#define CMP_MUXCR_MSEL_SHIFT                     0
+#define CMP_MUXCR_MSEL(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<CMP_MUXCR_MSEL_SHIFT))&CMP_MUXCR_MSEL_MASK)
+#define CMP_MUXCR_PSEL_MASK                      0x38u
+#define CMP_MUXCR_PSEL_SHIFT                     3
+#define CMP_MUXCR_PSEL(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<CMP_MUXCR_PSEL_SHIFT))&CMP_MUXCR_PSEL_MASK)
+//#define CMP_MUXCR_PSTM_MASK                      0x80u
+//#define CMP_MUXCR_PSTM_SHIFT                     7
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group CMP_Register_Masks */
+/* CMP - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral CMP0 base pointer */
+#define CMP0_BASE_PTR                            ((CMP_MemMapPtr)0x40073000u)
+/** Array initializer of CMP peripheral base pointers */
+#define CMP_BASE_PTRS                            { CMP0_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- CMP - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup CMP_Register_Accessor_Macros CMP - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CMP - Register instance definitions */
+/* CMP0 */
+#define CMP0_CR0                                 CMP_CR0_REG(CMP0_BASE_PTR)
+#define CMP0_CR1                                 CMP_CR1_REG(CMP0_BASE_PTR)
+#define CMP0_FPR                                 CMP_FPR_REG(CMP0_BASE_PTR)
+#define CMP0_SCR                                 CMP_SCR_REG(CMP0_BASE_PTR)
+#define CMP0_DACCR                               CMP_DACCR_REG(CMP0_BASE_PTR)
+#define CMP0_MUXCR                               CMP_MUXCR_REG(CMP0_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group CMP_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group CMP_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- CoreDebug
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup CoreDebug_Peripheral CoreDebug
+ * @{
+ */
+/** CoreDebug - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct CoreDebug_MemMap {
+  union {                                          /* offset: 0x0 */
+    uint32_t base_DHCSR_Read;                        /**< Debug Halting Control and Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
+    uint32_t base_DHCSR_Write;                       /**< Debug Halting Control and Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  };
+  uint32_t base_DCRSR;                             /**< Debug Core Register Selector Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t base_DCRDR;                             /**< Debug Core Register Data Register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint32_t base_DEMCR;                             /**< Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register, offset: 0xC */
+} volatile *CoreDebug_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- CoreDebug - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup CoreDebug_Register_Accessor_Macros CoreDebug - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CoreDebug - Register accessors */
+#define CoreDebug_base_DHCSR_Read_REG(base)      ((base)->base_DHCSR_Read)
+#define CoreDebug_base_DHCSR_Write_REG(base)     ((base)->base_DHCSR_Write)
+#define CoreDebug_base_DCRSR_REG(base)           ((base)->base_DCRSR)
+#define CoreDebug_base_DCRDR_REG(base)           ((base)->base_DCRDR)
+#define CoreDebug_base_DEMCR_REG(base)           ((base)->base_DEMCR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group CoreDebug_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- CoreDebug Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup CoreDebug_Register_Masks CoreDebug Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group CoreDebug_Register_Masks */
+/* CoreDebug - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral CoreDebug base pointer */
+#define CoreDebug_BASE_PTR                       ((CoreDebug_MemMapPtr)0xE000EDF0u)
+/** Array initializer of CoreDebug peripheral base pointers */
+#define CoreDebug_BASE_PTRS                      { CoreDebug_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- CoreDebug - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup CoreDebug_Register_Accessor_Macros CoreDebug - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CoreDebug - Register instance definitions */
+/* CoreDebug */
+#define DHCSR_Read                               CoreDebug_base_DHCSR_Read_REG(CoreDebug_BASE_PTR)
+#define DHCSR_Write                              CoreDebug_base_DHCSR_Write_REG(CoreDebug_BASE_PTR)
+#define DCRSR                                    CoreDebug_base_DCRSR_REG(CoreDebug_BASE_PTR)
+#define DCRDR                                    CoreDebug_base_DCRDR_REG(CoreDebug_BASE_PTR)
+#define DEMCR                                    CoreDebug_base_DEMCR_REG(CoreDebug_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group CoreDebug_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group CoreDebug_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DAC
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DAC_Peripheral DAC
+ * @{
+ */
+/** DAC - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct DAC_MemMap {
+  struct {                                         /* offset: 0x0, array step: 0x2 */
+    uint8_t DATL;                                    /**< DAC Data Low Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x2 */
+    uint8_t DATH;                                    /**< DAC Data High Register, array offset: 0x1, array step: 0x2 */
+  } DAT[2];
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[28];
+  uint8_t SR;                                      /**< DAC Status Register, offset: 0x20 */
+  uint8_t C0;                                      /**< DAC Control Register, offset: 0x21 */
+  uint8_t C1;                                      /**< DAC Control Register 1, offset: 0x22 */
+  uint8_t C2;                                      /**< DAC Control Register 2, offset: 0x23 */
+} volatile *DAC_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DAC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DAC_Register_Accessor_Macros DAC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DAC - Register accessors */
+#define DAC_DATL_REG(base,index)                 ((base)->DAT[index].DATL)
+#define DAC_DATH_REG(base,index)                 ((base)->DAT[index].DATH)
+#define DAC_SR_REG(base)                         ((base)->SR)
+#define DAC_C0_REG(base)                         ((base)->C0)
+#define DAC_C1_REG(base)                         ((base)->C1)
+#define DAC_C2_REG(base)                         ((base)->C2)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DAC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DAC Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DAC_Register_Masks DAC Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DATL Bit Fields */
+#define DAC_DATL_DATA0_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define DAC_DATL_DATA0_SHIFT                     0
+#define DAC_DATL_DATA0(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<DAC_DATL_DATA0_SHIFT))&DAC_DATL_DATA0_MASK)
+/* DATH Bit Fields */
+#define DAC_DATH_DATA1_MASK                      0xFu
+#define DAC_DATH_DATA1_SHIFT                     0
+#define DAC_DATH_DATA1(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<DAC_DATH_DATA1_SHIFT))&DAC_DATH_DATA1_MASK)
+/* SR Bit Fields */
+#define DAC_SR_DACBFRPBF_MASK                    0x1u
+#define DAC_SR_DACBFRPBF_SHIFT                   0
+#define DAC_SR_DACBFRPTF_MASK                    0x2u
+#define DAC_SR_DACBFRPTF_SHIFT                   1
+/* C0 Bit Fields */
+#define DAC_C0_DACBBIEN_MASK                     0x1u
+#define DAC_C0_DACBBIEN_SHIFT                    0
+#define DAC_C0_DACBTIEN_MASK                     0x2u
+#define DAC_C0_DACBTIEN_SHIFT                    1
+#define DAC_C0_LPEN_MASK                         0x8u
+#define DAC_C0_LPEN_SHIFT                        3
+#define DAC_C0_DACSWTRG_MASK                     0x10u
+#define DAC_C0_DACSWTRG_SHIFT                    4
+#define DAC_C0_DACTRGSEL_MASK                    0x20u
+#define DAC_C0_DACTRGSEL_SHIFT                   5
+#define DAC_C0_DACRFS_MASK                       0x40u
+#define DAC_C0_DACRFS_SHIFT                      6
+#define DAC_C0_DACEN_MASK                        0x80u
+#define DAC_C0_DACEN_SHIFT                       7
+/* C1 Bit Fields */
+#define DAC_C1_DACBFEN_MASK                      0x1u
+#define DAC_C1_DACBFEN_SHIFT                     0
+#define DAC_C1_DACBFMD_MASK                      0x4u
+#define DAC_C1_DACBFMD_SHIFT                     2
+#define DAC_C1_DMAEN_MASK                        0x80u
+#define DAC_C1_DMAEN_SHIFT                       7
+/* C2 Bit Fields */
+#define DAC_C2_DACBFUP_MASK                      0x1u
+#define DAC_C2_DACBFUP_SHIFT                     0
+#define DAC_C2_DACBFRP_MASK                      0x10u
+#define DAC_C2_DACBFRP_SHIFT                     4
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DAC_Register_Masks */
+/* DAC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral DAC0 base pointer */
+#define DAC0_BASE_PTR                            ((DAC_MemMapPtr)0x4003F000u)
+/** Array initializer of DAC peripheral base pointers */
+#define DAC_BASE_PTRS                            { DAC0_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DAC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DAC_Register_Accessor_Macros DAC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DAC - Register instance definitions */
+/* DAC0 */
+#define DAC0_DAT0L                               DAC_DATL_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DAC0_DAT0H                               DAC_DATH_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DAC0_DAT1L                               DAC_DATL_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DAC0_DAT1H                               DAC_DATH_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DAC0_SR                                  DAC_SR_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define DAC0_C0                                  DAC_C0_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define DAC0_C1                                  DAC_C1_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR)
+#define DAC0_C2                                  DAC_C2_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR)
+/* DAC - Register array accessors */
+#define DAC0_DATL(index)                         DAC_DATL_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define DAC0_DATH(index)                         DAC_DATH_REG(DAC0_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DAC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DAC_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DMA
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DMA_Peripheral DMA
+ * @{
+ */
+/** DMA - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct DMA_MemMap {
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[256];
+  struct {                                         /* offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t SAR;                                    /**< Source Address Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t DAR;                                    /**< Destination Address Register, array offset: 0x104, array step: 0x10 */
+    union {                                          /* offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10 */
+      uint32_t DSR_BCR;                                /**< DMA Status Register / Byte Count Register, array offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10 */
+      struct {                                         /* offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10 */
+        uint8_t RESERVED_0[3];
+        uint8_t DSR;                                     /**< DMA_DSR0 register...DMA_DSR3 register., array offset: 0x10B, array step: 0x10 */
+    };
+    uint32_t DCR;                                    /**< DMA Control Register, array offset: 0x10C, array step: 0x10 */
+  } DMA[4];
+} volatile *DMA_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DMA - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DMA_Register_Accessor_Macros DMA - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DMA - Register accessors */
+#define DMA_SAR_REG(base,index)                  ((base)->DMA[index].SAR)
+#define DMA_DAR_REG(base,index)                  ((base)->DMA[index].DAR)
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_REG(base,index)              ((base)->DMA[index].DSR_BCR)
+#define DMA_DSR_REG(base,index)                  ((base)->DMA[index].DMA_DSR_ACCESS8BIT.DSR)
+#define DMA_DCR_REG(base,index)                  ((base)->DMA[index].DCR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DMA_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DMA Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DMA_Register_Masks DMA Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SAR Bit Fields */
+#define DMA_SAR_SAR_MASK                         0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define DMA_SAR_SAR_SHIFT                        0
+#define DMA_SAR_SAR(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_SAR_SAR_SHIFT))&DMA_SAR_SAR_MASK)
+/* DAR Bit Fields */
+#define DMA_DAR_DAR_MASK                         0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define DMA_DAR_DAR_SHIFT                        0
+#define DMA_DAR_DAR(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_DAR_DAR_SHIFT))&DMA_DAR_DAR_MASK)
+/* DSR_BCR Bit Fields */
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR_MASK                     0xFFFFFFu
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR_SHIFT                    0
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR_SHIFT))&DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR_MASK)
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_MASK                    0x1000000u
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_SHIFT                   24
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_BSY_MASK                     0x2000000u
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_BSY_SHIFT                    25
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_REQ_MASK                     0x4000000u
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_REQ_SHIFT                    26
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_MASK                     0x10000000u
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_SHIFT                    28
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_MASK                     0x20000000u
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_SHIFT                    29
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_MASK                      0x40000000u
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_SHIFT                     30
+/* DCR Bit Fields */
+#define DMA_DCR_LCH2_MASK                        0x3u
+#define DMA_DCR_LCH2_SHIFT                       0
+#define DMA_DCR_LCH2(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_DCR_LCH2_SHIFT))&DMA_DCR_LCH2_MASK)
+#define DMA_DCR_LCH1_MASK                        0xCu
+#define DMA_DCR_LCH1_SHIFT                       2
+#define DMA_DCR_LCH1(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_DCR_LCH1_SHIFT))&DMA_DCR_LCH1_MASK)
+#define DMA_DCR_LINKCC_MASK                      0x30u
+#define DMA_DCR_LINKCC_SHIFT                     4
+#define DMA_DCR_LINKCC(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_DCR_LINKCC_SHIFT))&DMA_DCR_LINKCC_MASK)
+#define DMA_DCR_D_REQ_MASK                       0x80u
+#define DMA_DCR_D_REQ_SHIFT                      7
+#define DMA_DCR_DMOD_MASK                        0xF00u
+#define DMA_DCR_DMOD_SHIFT                       8
+#define DMA_DCR_DMOD(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_DCR_DMOD_SHIFT))&DMA_DCR_DMOD_MASK)
+#define DMA_DCR_SMOD_MASK                        0xF000u
+#define DMA_DCR_SMOD_SHIFT                       12
+#define DMA_DCR_SMOD(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_DCR_SMOD_SHIFT))&DMA_DCR_SMOD_MASK)
+#define DMA_DCR_START_MASK                       0x10000u
+#define DMA_DCR_START_SHIFT                      16
+#define DMA_DCR_DSIZE_MASK                       0x60000u
+#define DMA_DCR_DSIZE_SHIFT                      17
+#define DMA_DCR_DSIZE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_DCR_DSIZE_SHIFT))&DMA_DCR_DSIZE_MASK)
+#define DMA_DCR_DINC_MASK                        0x80000u
+#define DMA_DCR_DINC_SHIFT                       19
+#define DMA_DCR_SSIZE_MASK                       0x300000u
+#define DMA_DCR_SSIZE_SHIFT                      20
+#define DMA_DCR_SSIZE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<DMA_DCR_SSIZE_SHIFT))&DMA_DCR_SSIZE_MASK)
+#define DMA_DCR_SINC_MASK                        0x400000u
+#define DMA_DCR_SINC_SHIFT                       22
+#define DMA_DCR_EADREQ_MASK                      0x800000u
+#define DMA_DCR_EADREQ_SHIFT                     23
+#define DMA_DCR_AA_MASK                          0x10000000u
+#define DMA_DCR_AA_SHIFT                         28
+#define DMA_DCR_CS_MASK                          0x20000000u
+#define DMA_DCR_CS_SHIFT                         29
+#define DMA_DCR_ERQ_MASK                         0x40000000u
+#define DMA_DCR_ERQ_SHIFT                        30
+#define DMA_DCR_EINT_MASK                        0x80000000u
+#define DMA_DCR_EINT_SHIFT                       31
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DMA_Register_Masks */
+/* DMA - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral DMA base pointer */
+#define DMA_BASE_PTR                             ((DMA_MemMapPtr)0x40008000u)
+/** Array initializer of DMA peripheral base pointers */
+#define DMA_BASE_PTRS                            { DMA_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DMA - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DMA_Register_Accessor_Macros DMA - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DMA - Register instance definitions */
+/* DMA */
+#define DMA_SAR0                                 DMA_SAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DMA_DAR0                                 DMA_DAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR0                             DMA_DSR_BCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DMA_DSR0                                 DMA_DSR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DMA_DCR0                                 DMA_DCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DMA_SAR1                                 DMA_SAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DMA_DAR1                                 DMA_DAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR1                             DMA_DSR_BCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DMA_DSR1                                 DMA_DSR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DMA_DCR1                                 DMA_DCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DMA_SAR2                                 DMA_SAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define DMA_DAR2                                 DMA_DAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR2                             DMA_DSR_BCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define DMA_DSR2                                 DMA_DSR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define DMA_DCR2                                 DMA_DCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define DMA_SAR3                                 DMA_SAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define DMA_DAR3                                 DMA_DAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR3                             DMA_DSR_BCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define DMA_DSR3                                 DMA_DSR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define DMA_DCR3                                 DMA_DCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,3)
+/* DMA - Register array accessors */
+#define DMA_SAR(index)                           DMA_SAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define DMA_DAR(index)                           DMA_DAR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define DMA_DSR_BCR(index)                       DMA_DSR_BCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define DMA_DSR(index)                           DMA_DSR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define DMA_DCR(index)                           DMA_DCR_REG(DMA_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DMA_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DMA_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DMAMUX
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DMAMUX_Peripheral DMAMUX
+ * @{
+ */
+/** DMAMUX - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct DMAMUX_MemMap {
+  uint8_t CHCFG[4];                                /**< Channel Configuration register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x1 */
+} volatile *DMAMUX_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DMAMUX - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DMAMUX_Register_Accessor_Macros DMAMUX - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DMAMUX - Register accessors */
+#define DMAMUX_CHCFG_REG(base,index)             ((base)->CHCFG[index])
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DMAMUX_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DMAMUX Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DMAMUX_Register_Masks DMAMUX Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CHCFG Bit Fields */
+#define DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_MASK                 0x3Fu
+#define DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_SHIFT                0
+#define DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_SHIFT))&DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_MASK)
+#define DMAMUX_CHCFG_TRIG_MASK                   0x40u
+#define DMAMUX_CHCFG_TRIG_SHIFT                  6
+#define DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK                   0x80u
+#define DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_SHIFT                  7
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DMAMUX_Register_Masks */
+/* DMAMUX - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral DMAMUX0 base pointer */
+#define DMAMUX0_BASE_PTR                         ((DMAMUX_MemMapPtr)0x40021000u)
+/** Array initializer of DMAMUX peripheral base pointers */
+#define DMAMUX_BASE_PTRS                         { DMAMUX0_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DMAMUX - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DMAMUX_Register_Accessor_Macros DMAMUX - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DMAMUX - Register instance definitions */
+/* DMAMUX0 */
+#define DMAMUX0_CHCFG0                           DMAMUX_CHCFG_REG(DMAMUX0_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DMAMUX0_CHCFG1                           DMAMUX_CHCFG_REG(DMAMUX0_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DMAMUX0_CHCFG2                           DMAMUX_CHCFG_REG(DMAMUX0_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define DMAMUX0_CHCFG3                           DMAMUX_CHCFG_REG(DMAMUX0_BASE_PTR,3)
+/* DMAMUX - Register array accessors */
+#define DMAMUX0_CHCFG(index)                     DMAMUX_CHCFG_REG(DMAMUX0_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DMAMUX_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DMAMUX_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DWT
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DWT_Peripheral DWT
+ * @{
+ */
+/** DWT - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct DWT_MemMap {
+  uint32_t CTRL;                                   /**< Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[24];
+  uint32_t PCSR;                                   /**< Program Counter Sample Register, offset: 0x1C */
+  struct {                                         /* offset: 0x20, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t COMP;                                   /**< Comparator Register 0..Comparator Register 1, array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t MASK;                                   /**< Mask Register 0..Mask Register 1, array offset: 0x24, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t FUNCTION;                               /**< Function Register 0..Function Register 1, array offset: 0x28, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint8_t RESERVED_0[4];
+} volatile *DWT_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DWT - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DWT_Register_Accessor_Macros DWT - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DWT - Register accessors */
+#define DWT_CTRL_REG(base)                       ((base)->CTRL)
+#define DWT_PCSR_REG(base)                       ((base)->PCSR)
+#define DWT_COMP_REG(base,index)                 ((base)->COMPARATOR[index].COMP)
+#define DWT_MASK_REG(base,index)                 ((base)->COMPARATOR[index].MASK)
+#define DWT_FUNCTION_REG(base,index)             ((base)->COMPARATOR[index].FUNCTION)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DWT_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DWT Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DWT_Register_Masks DWT Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DWT_Register_Masks */
+/* DWT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral DWT base pointer */
+#define DWT_BASE_PTR                             ((DWT_MemMapPtr)0xE0001000u)
+/** Array initializer of DWT peripheral base pointers */
+#define DWT_BASE_PTRS                            { DWT_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- DWT - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup DWT_Register_Accessor_Macros DWT - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DWT - Register instance definitions */
+/* DWT */
+#define DWT_CTRL                                 DWT_CTRL_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR)
+#define DWT_PCSR                                 DWT_PCSR_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR)
+#define DWT_COMP0                                DWT_COMP_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DWT_MASK0                                DWT_MASK_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DWT_FUNCTION0                            DWT_FUNCTION_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define DWT_COMP1                                DWT_COMP_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DWT_MASK1                                DWT_MASK_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define DWT_FUNCTION1                            DWT_FUNCTION_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR,1)
+/* DWT - Register array accessors */
+#define DWT_COMP(index)                          DWT_COMP_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define DWT_MASK(index)                          DWT_MASK_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define DWT_FUNCTION(index)                      DWT_FUNCTION_REG(DWT_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DWT_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group DWT_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- FGPIO
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup FGPIO_Peripheral FGPIO
+ * @{
+ */
+/** FGPIO - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct FGPIO_MemMap {
+  uint32_t PDOR;                                   /**< Port Data Output Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint32_t PSOR;                                   /**< Port Set Output Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t PCOR;                                   /**< Port Clear Output Register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint32_t PTOR;                                   /**< Port Toggle Output Register, offset: 0xC */
+  uint32_t PDIR;                                   /**< Port Data Input Register, offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t PDDR;                                   /**< Port Data Direction Register, offset: 0x14 */
+} volatile *FGPIO_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- FGPIO - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup FGPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros FGPIO - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* FGPIO - Register accessors */
+#define FGPIO_PDOR_REG(base)                     ((base)->PDOR)
+#define FGPIO_PSOR_REG(base)                     ((base)->PSOR)
+#define FGPIO_PCOR_REG(base)                     ((base)->PCOR)
+#define FGPIO_PTOR_REG(base)                     ((base)->PTOR)
+#define FGPIO_PDIR_REG(base)                     ((base)->PDIR)
+#define FGPIO_PDDR_REG(base)                     ((base)->PDDR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group FGPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- FGPIO Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup FGPIO_Register_Masks FGPIO Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PDOR Bit Fields */
+#define FGPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define FGPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT                     0
+#define FGPIO_PDOR_PDO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<FGPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT))&FGPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK)
+/* PSOR Bit Fields */
+#define FGPIO_PSOR_PTSO_MASK                     0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define FGPIO_PSOR_PTSO_SHIFT                    0
+#define FGPIO_PSOR_PTSO(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<FGPIO_PSOR_PTSO_SHIFT))&FGPIO_PSOR_PTSO_MASK)
+/* PCOR Bit Fields */
+#define FGPIO_PCOR_PTCO_MASK                     0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define FGPIO_PCOR_PTCO_SHIFT                    0
+#define FGPIO_PCOR_PTCO(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<FGPIO_PCOR_PTCO_SHIFT))&FGPIO_PCOR_PTCO_MASK)
+/* PTOR Bit Fields */
+#define FGPIO_PTOR_PTTO_MASK                     0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define FGPIO_PTOR_PTTO_SHIFT                    0
+#define FGPIO_PTOR_PTTO(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<FGPIO_PTOR_PTTO_SHIFT))&FGPIO_PTOR_PTTO_MASK)
+/* PDIR Bit Fields */
+#define FGPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define FGPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT                     0
+#define FGPIO_PDIR_PDI(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<FGPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT))&FGPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK)
+/* PDDR Bit Fields */
+#define FGPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define FGPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT                     0
+#define FGPIO_PDDR_PDD(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<FGPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT))&FGPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group FGPIO_Register_Masks */
+/* FGPIO - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral FPTA base pointer */
+#define FPTA_BASE_PTR                            ((FGPIO_MemMapPtr)0xF80FF000u)
+/** Peripheral FPTB base pointer */
+#define FPTB_BASE_PTR                            ((FGPIO_MemMapPtr)0xF80FF040u)
+/** Peripheral FPTC base pointer */
+#define FPTC_BASE_PTR                            ((FGPIO_MemMapPtr)0xF80FF080u)
+/** Peripheral FPTD base pointer */
+#define FPTD_BASE_PTR                            ((FGPIO_MemMapPtr)0xF80FF0C0u)
+/** Peripheral FPTE base pointer */
+#define FPTE_BASE_PTR                            ((FGPIO_MemMapPtr)0xF80FF100u)
+/** Array initializer of FGPIO peripheral base pointers */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- FGPIO - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup FGPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros FGPIO - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* FGPIO - Register instance definitions */
+/* FPTA */
+#define FGPIOA_PDOR                              FGPIO_PDOR_REG(FPTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOA_PSOR                              FGPIO_PSOR_REG(FPTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOA_PCOR                              FGPIO_PCOR_REG(FPTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOA_PTOR                              FGPIO_PTOR_REG(FPTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOA_PDIR                              FGPIO_PDIR_REG(FPTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOA_PDDR                              FGPIO_PDDR_REG(FPTA_BASE_PTR)
+/* FPTB */
+#define FGPIOB_PDOR                              FGPIO_PDOR_REG(FPTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOB_PSOR                              FGPIO_PSOR_REG(FPTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOB_PCOR                              FGPIO_PCOR_REG(FPTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOB_PTOR                              FGPIO_PTOR_REG(FPTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOB_PDIR                              FGPIO_PDIR_REG(FPTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOB_PDDR                              FGPIO_PDDR_REG(FPTB_BASE_PTR)
+/* FPTC */
+#define FGPIOC_PDOR                              FGPIO_PDOR_REG(FPTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOC_PSOR                              FGPIO_PSOR_REG(FPTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOC_PCOR                              FGPIO_PCOR_REG(FPTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOC_PTOR                              FGPIO_PTOR_REG(FPTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOC_PDIR                              FGPIO_PDIR_REG(FPTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOC_PDDR                              FGPIO_PDDR_REG(FPTC_BASE_PTR)
+/* FPTD */
+#define FGPIOD_PDOR                              FGPIO_PDOR_REG(FPTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOD_PSOR                              FGPIO_PSOR_REG(FPTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOD_PCOR                              FGPIO_PCOR_REG(FPTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOD_PTOR                              FGPIO_PTOR_REG(FPTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOD_PDIR                              FGPIO_PDIR_REG(FPTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOD_PDDR                              FGPIO_PDDR_REG(FPTD_BASE_PTR)
+/* FPTE */
+#define FGPIOE_PDOR                              FGPIO_PDOR_REG(FPTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOE_PSOR                              FGPIO_PSOR_REG(FPTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOE_PCOR                              FGPIO_PCOR_REG(FPTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOE_PTOR                              FGPIO_PTOR_REG(FPTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOE_PDIR                              FGPIO_PDIR_REG(FPTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define FGPIOE_PDDR                              FGPIO_PDDR_REG(FPTE_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group FGPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group FGPIO_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- FTFA
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup FTFA_Peripheral FTFA
+ * @{
+ */
+/** FTFA - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct FTFA_MemMap {
+  uint8_t FSTAT;                                   /**< Flash Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t FCNFG;                                   /**< Flash Configuration Register, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t FSEC;                                    /**< Flash Security Register, offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t FOPT;                                    /**< Flash Option Register, offset: 0x3 */
+  uint8_t FCCOB3;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t FCCOB2;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x5 */
+  uint8_t FCCOB1;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x6 */
+  uint8_t FCCOB0;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x7 */
+  uint8_t FCCOB7;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint8_t FCCOB6;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x9 */
+  uint8_t FCCOB5;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xA */
+  uint8_t FCCOB4;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xB */
+  uint8_t FCCOBB;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xC */
+  uint8_t FCCOBA;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xD */
+  uint8_t FCCOB9;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xE */
+  uint8_t FCCOB8;                                  /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xF */
+  uint8_t FPROT3;                                  /**< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x10 */
+  uint8_t FPROT2;                                  /**< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x11 */
+  uint8_t FPROT1;                                  /**< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x12 */
+  uint8_t FPROT0;                                  /**< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x13 */
+} volatile *FTFA_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- FTFA - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup FTFA_Register_Accessor_Macros FTFA - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* FTFA - Register accessors */
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_REG(base)                     ((base)->FSTAT)
+#define FTFA_FCNFG_REG(base)                     ((base)->FCNFG)
+#define FTFA_FSEC_REG(base)                      ((base)->FSEC)
+#define FTFA_FOPT_REG(base)                      ((base)->FOPT)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB3_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB3)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB2_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB2)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB1_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB1)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB0_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB0)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB7_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB7)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB6_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB6)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB5_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB5)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB4_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB4)
+#define FTFA_FCCOBB_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOBB)
+#define FTFA_FCCOBA_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOBA)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB9_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB9)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB8_REG(base)                    ((base)->FCCOB8)
+#define FTFA_FPROT3_REG(base)                    ((base)->FPROT3)
+#define FTFA_FPROT2_REG(base)                    ((base)->FPROT2)
+#define FTFA_FPROT1_REG(base)                    ((base)->FPROT1)
+#define FTFA_FPROT0_REG(base)                    ((base)->FPROT0)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group FTFA_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- FTFA Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup FTFA_Register_Masks FTFA Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* FSTAT Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_MGSTAT0_MASK                  0x1u
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_MGSTAT0_SHIFT                 0
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_FPVIOL_MASK                   0x10u
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_FPVIOL_SHIFT                  4
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_ACCERR_MASK                   0x20u
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_ACCERR_SHIFT                  5
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_RDCOLERR_MASK                 0x40u
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_RDCOLERR_SHIFT                6
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK                     0x80u
+#define FTFA_FSTAT_CCIF_SHIFT                    7
+/* FCNFG Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSSUSP_MASK                  0x10u
+#define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSSUSP_SHIFT                 4
+#define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSAREQ_MASK                  0x20u
+#define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSAREQ_SHIFT                 5
+#define FTFA_FCNFG_RDCOLLIE_MASK                 0x40u
+#define FTFA_FCNFG_RDCOLLIE_SHIFT                6
+#define FTFA_FCNFG_CCIE_MASK                     0x80u
+#define FTFA_FCNFG_CCIE_SHIFT                    7
+/* FSEC Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FSEC_SEC_MASK                       0x3u
+#define FTFA_FSEC_SEC_SHIFT                      0
+#define FTFA_FSEC_SEC(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FSEC_SEC_SHIFT))&FTFA_FSEC_SEC_MASK)
+#define FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC_MASK                    0xCu
+#define FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC_SHIFT                   2
+#define FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC_SHIFT))&FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC_MASK)
+#define FTFA_FSEC_MEEN_MASK                      0x30u
+#define FTFA_FSEC_MEEN_SHIFT                     4
+#define FTFA_FSEC_MEEN(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FSEC_MEEN_SHIFT))&FTFA_FSEC_MEEN_MASK)
+#define FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN_MASK                     0xC0u
+#define FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN_SHIFT                    6
+#define FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN_SHIFT))&FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN_MASK)
+/* FOPT Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FOPT_OPT_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FOPT_OPT_SHIFT                      0
+#define FTFA_FOPT_OPT(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FOPT_OPT_SHIFT))&FTFA_FOPT_OPT_MASK)
+/* FCCOB3 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOB2 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOB1 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOB0 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOB7 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOB6 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOB5 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOB4 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOBB Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOBA Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOB9 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FCCOB8 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn_SHIFT                  0
+#define FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn_SHIFT))&FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn_MASK)
+/* FPROT3 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FPROT3_PROT_MASK                    0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FPROT3_PROT_SHIFT                   0
+#define FTFA_FPROT3_PROT(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FPROT3_PROT_SHIFT))&FTFA_FPROT3_PROT_MASK)
+/* FPROT2 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FPROT2_PROT_MASK                    0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FPROT2_PROT_SHIFT                   0
+#define FTFA_FPROT2_PROT(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FPROT2_PROT_SHIFT))&FTFA_FPROT2_PROT_MASK)
+/* FPROT1 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FPROT1_PROT_MASK                    0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FPROT1_PROT_SHIFT                   0
+#define FTFA_FPROT1_PROT(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FPROT1_PROT_SHIFT))&FTFA_FPROT1_PROT_MASK)
+/* FPROT0 Bit Fields */
+#define FTFA_FPROT0_PROT_MASK                    0xFFu
+#define FTFA_FPROT0_PROT_SHIFT                   0
+#define FTFA_FPROT0_PROT(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<FTFA_FPROT0_PROT_SHIFT))&FTFA_FPROT0_PROT_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group FTFA_Register_Masks */
+/* FTFA - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral FTFA base pointer */
+#define FTFA_BASE_PTR                            ((FTFA_MemMapPtr)0x40020000u)
+/** Array initializer of FTFA peripheral base pointers */
+#define FTFA_BASE_PTRS                           { FTFA_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- FTFA - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup FTFA_Register_Accessor_Macros FTFA - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* FTFA - Register instance definitions */
+/* FTFA */
+#define FTFA_FSTAT                               FTFA_FSTAT_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCNFG                               FTFA_FCNFG_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FSEC                                FTFA_FSEC_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FOPT                                FTFA_FOPT_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB3                              FTFA_FCCOB3_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB2                              FTFA_FCCOB2_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB1                              FTFA_FCCOB1_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB0                              FTFA_FCCOB0_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB7                              FTFA_FCCOB7_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB6                              FTFA_FCCOB6_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB5                              FTFA_FCCOB5_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB4                              FTFA_FCCOB4_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOBB                              FTFA_FCCOBB_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOBA                              FTFA_FCCOBA_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB9                              FTFA_FCCOB9_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FCCOB8                              FTFA_FCCOB8_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FPROT3                              FTFA_FPROT3_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FPROT2                              FTFA_FPROT2_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FPROT1                              FTFA_FPROT1_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+#define FTFA_FPROT0                              FTFA_FPROT0_REG(FTFA_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group FTFA_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group FTFA_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- GPIO
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup GPIO_Peripheral GPIO
+ * @{
+ */
+/** GPIO - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct GPIO_MemMap {
+  uint32_t PDOR;                                   /**< Port Data Output Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint32_t PSOR;                                   /**< Port Set Output Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t PCOR;                                   /**< Port Clear Output Register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint32_t PTOR;                                   /**< Port Toggle Output Register, offset: 0xC */
+  uint32_t PDIR;                                   /**< Port Data Input Register, offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t PDDR;                                   /**< Port Data Direction Register, offset: 0x14 */
+} volatile *GPIO_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- GPIO - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup GPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros GPIO - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* GPIO - Register accessors */
+#define GPIO_PDOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PDOR)
+#define GPIO_PSOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PSOR)
+#define GPIO_PCOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PCOR)
+#define GPIO_PTOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PTOR)
+#define GPIO_PDIR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PDIR)
+#define GPIO_PDDR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PDDR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group GPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- GPIO Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup GPIO_Register_Masks GPIO Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PDOR Bit Fields */
+#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT                      0
+#define GPIO_PDOR_PDO(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK)
+/* PSOR Bit Fields */
+#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_SHIFT                     0
+#define GPIO_PSOR_PTSO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PSOR_PTSO_MASK)
+/* PCOR Bit Fields */
+#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_SHIFT                     0
+#define GPIO_PCOR_PTCO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PCOR_PTCO_MASK)
+/* PTOR Bit Fields */
+#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_MASK                      0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_SHIFT                     0
+#define GPIO_PTOR_PTTO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_SHIFT))&GPIO_PTOR_PTTO_MASK)
+/* PDIR Bit Fields */
+#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT                      0
+#define GPIO_PDIR_PDI(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT))&GPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK)
+/* PDDR Bit Fields */
+#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT                      0
+#define GPIO_PDDR_PDD(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<GPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT))&GPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group GPIO_Register_Masks */
+/* GPIO - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral PTA base pointer */
+#define PTA_BASE_PTR                             ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF000u)
+/** Peripheral PTB base pointer */
+#define PTB_BASE_PTR                             ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF040u)
+/** Peripheral PTC base pointer */
+#define PTC_BASE_PTR                             ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF080u)
+/** Peripheral PTD base pointer */
+#define PTD_BASE_PTR                             ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF0C0u)
+/** Peripheral PTE base pointer */
+#define PTE_BASE_PTR                             ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF100u)
+/** Array initializer of GPIO peripheral base pointers */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- GPIO - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup GPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros GPIO - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* GPIO - Register instance definitions */
+/* PTA */
+#define GPIOA_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOA_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOA_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOA_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOA_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOA_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTA_BASE_PTR)
+/* PTB */
+#define GPIOB_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOB_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOB_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOB_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOB_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOB_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTB_BASE_PTR)
+/* PTC */
+#define GPIOC_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOC_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOC_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOC_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOC_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOC_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTC_BASE_PTR)
+/* PTD */
+#define GPIOD_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOD_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOD_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOD_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOD_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOD_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTD_BASE_PTR)
+/* PTE */
+#define GPIOE_PDOR                               GPIO_PDOR_REG(PTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOE_PSOR                               GPIO_PSOR_REG(PTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOE_PCOR                               GPIO_PCOR_REG(PTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOE_PTOR                               GPIO_PTOR_REG(PTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOE_PDIR                               GPIO_PDIR_REG(PTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define GPIOE_PDDR                               GPIO_PDDR_REG(PTE_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group GPIO_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group GPIO_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- I2C
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup I2C_Peripheral I2C
+ * @{
+ */
+/** I2C - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct I2C_MemMap {
+  uint8_t A1;                                      /**< I2C Address Register 1, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t F;                                       /**< I2C Frequency Divider register, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t C1;                                      /**< I2C Control Register 1, offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t S;                                       /**< I2C Status register, offset: 0x3 */
+  uint8_t D;                                       /**< I2C Data I/O register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t C2;                                      /**< I2C Control Register 2, offset: 0x5 */
+  uint8_t FLT;                                     /**< I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter register, offset: 0x6 */
+  uint8_t RA;                                      /**< I2C Range Address register, offset: 0x7 */
+  uint8_t SMB;                                     /**< I2C SMBus Control and Status register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint8_t A2;                                      /**< I2C Address Register 2, offset: 0x9 */
+  uint8_t SLTH;                                    /**< I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High, offset: 0xA */
+  uint8_t SLTL;                                    /**< I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low, offset: 0xB */
+} volatile *I2C_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- I2C - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup I2C_Register_Accessor_Macros I2C - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* I2C - Register accessors */
+#define I2C_A1_REG(base)                         ((base)->A1)
+#define I2C_F_REG(base)                          ((base)->F)
+#define I2C_C1_REG(base)                         ((base)->C1)
+#define I2C_S_REG(base)                          ((base)->S)
+#define I2C_D_REG(base)                          ((base)->D)
+#define I2C_C2_REG(base)                         ((base)->C2)
+#define I2C_FLT_REG(base)                        ((base)->FLT)
+#define I2C_RA_REG(base)                         ((base)->RA)
+#define I2C_SMB_REG(base)                        ((base)->SMB)
+#define I2C_A2_REG(base)                         ((base)->A2)
+#define I2C_SLTH_REG(base)                       ((base)->SLTH)
+#define I2C_SLTL_REG(base)                       ((base)->SLTL)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group I2C_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- I2C Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup I2C_Register_Masks I2C Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* A1 Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_A1_AD_MASK                           0xFEu
+#define I2C_A1_AD_SHIFT                          1
+#define I2C_A1_AD(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_A1_AD_SHIFT))&I2C_A1_AD_MASK)
+/* F Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_F_ICR_MASK                           0x3Fu
+#define I2C_F_ICR_SHIFT                          0
+#define I2C_F_ICR(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_F_ICR_SHIFT))&I2C_F_ICR_MASK)
+#define I2C_F_MULT_MASK                          0xC0u
+#define I2C_F_MULT_SHIFT                         6
+#define I2C_F_MULT(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_F_MULT_SHIFT))&I2C_F_MULT_MASK)
+/* C1 Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_C1_DMAEN_MASK                        0x1u
+#define I2C_C1_DMAEN_SHIFT                       0
+#define I2C_C1_WUEN_MASK                         0x2u
+#define I2C_C1_WUEN_SHIFT                        1
+#define I2C_C1_RSTA_MASK                         0x4u
+#define I2C_C1_RSTA_SHIFT                        2
+#define I2C_C1_TXAK_MASK                         0x8u
+#define I2C_C1_TXAK_SHIFT                        3
+#define I2C_C1_TX_MASK                           0x10u
+#define I2C_C1_TX_SHIFT                          4
+#define I2C_C1_MST_MASK                          0x20u
+#define I2C_C1_MST_SHIFT                         5
+#define I2C_C1_IICIE_MASK                        0x40u
+#define I2C_C1_IICIE_SHIFT                       6
+#define I2C_C1_IICEN_MASK                        0x80u
+#define I2C_C1_IICEN_SHIFT                       7
+/* S Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_S_RXAK_MASK                          0x1u
+#define I2C_S_RXAK_SHIFT                         0
+#define I2C_S_IICIF_MASK                         0x2u
+#define I2C_S_IICIF_SHIFT                        1
+#define I2C_S_SRW_MASK                           0x4u
+#define I2C_S_SRW_SHIFT                          2
+#define I2C_S_RAM_MASK                           0x8u
+#define I2C_S_RAM_SHIFT                          3
+#define I2C_S_ARBL_MASK                          0x10u
+#define I2C_S_ARBL_SHIFT                         4
+#define I2C_S_BUSY_MASK                          0x20u
+#define I2C_S_BUSY_SHIFT                         5
+#define I2C_S_IAAS_MASK                          0x40u
+#define I2C_S_IAAS_SHIFT                         6
+#define I2C_S_TCF_MASK                           0x80u
+#define I2C_S_TCF_SHIFT                          7
+/* D Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_D_DATA_MASK                          0xFFu
+#define I2C_D_DATA_SHIFT                         0
+#define I2C_D_DATA(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_D_DATA_SHIFT))&I2C_D_DATA_MASK)
+/* C2 Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_C2_AD_MASK                           0x7u
+#define I2C_C2_AD_SHIFT                          0
+#define I2C_C2_AD(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_C2_AD_SHIFT))&I2C_C2_AD_MASK)
+#define I2C_C2_RMEN_MASK                         0x8u
+#define I2C_C2_RMEN_SHIFT                        3
+#define I2C_C2_SBRC_MASK                         0x10u
+#define I2C_C2_SBRC_SHIFT                        4
+#define I2C_C2_HDRS_MASK                         0x20u
+#define I2C_C2_HDRS_SHIFT                        5
+#define I2C_C2_ADEXT_MASK                        0x40u
+#define I2C_C2_ADEXT_SHIFT                       6
+#define I2C_C2_GCAEN_MASK                        0x80u
+#define I2C_C2_GCAEN_SHIFT                       7
+/* FLT Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_FLT_FLT_MASK                         0x1Fu
+#define I2C_FLT_FLT_SHIFT                        0
+#define I2C_FLT_FLT(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_FLT_FLT_SHIFT))&I2C_FLT_FLT_MASK)
+#define I2C_FLT_STOPIE_MASK                      0x20u
+#define I2C_FLT_STOPIE_SHIFT                     5
+#define I2C_FLT_STOPF_MASK                       0x40u
+#define I2C_FLT_STOPF_SHIFT                      6
+#define I2C_FLT_SHEN_MASK                        0x80u
+#define I2C_FLT_SHEN_SHIFT                       7
+/* RA Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_RA_RAD_MASK                          0xFEu
+#define I2C_RA_RAD_SHIFT                         1
+#define I2C_RA_RAD(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_RA_RAD_SHIFT))&I2C_RA_RAD_MASK)
+/* SMB Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_SMB_SHTF2IE_MASK                     0x1u
+#define I2C_SMB_SHTF2IE_SHIFT                    0
+#define I2C_SMB_SHTF2_MASK                       0x2u
+#define I2C_SMB_SHTF2_SHIFT                      1
+#define I2C_SMB_SHTF1_MASK                       0x4u
+#define I2C_SMB_SHTF1_SHIFT                      2
+#define I2C_SMB_SLTF_MASK                        0x8u
+#define I2C_SMB_SLTF_SHIFT                       3
+#define I2C_SMB_TCKSEL_MASK                      0x10u
+#define I2C_SMB_TCKSEL_SHIFT                     4
+#define I2C_SMB_SIICAEN_MASK                     0x20u
+#define I2C_SMB_SIICAEN_SHIFT                    5
+#define I2C_SMB_ALERTEN_MASK                     0x40u
+#define I2C_SMB_ALERTEN_SHIFT                    6
+#define I2C_SMB_FACK_MASK                        0x80u
+#define I2C_SMB_FACK_SHIFT                       7
+/* A2 Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_A2_SAD_MASK                          0xFEu
+#define I2C_A2_SAD_SHIFT                         1
+#define I2C_A2_SAD(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_A2_SAD_SHIFT))&I2C_A2_SAD_MASK)
+/* SLTH Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_SLTH_SSLT_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define I2C_SLTH_SSLT_SHIFT                      0
+#define I2C_SLTH_SSLT(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_SLTH_SSLT_SHIFT))&I2C_SLTH_SSLT_MASK)
+/* SLTL Bit Fields */
+#define I2C_SLTL_SSLT_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define I2C_SLTL_SSLT_SHIFT                      0
+#define I2C_SLTL_SSLT(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<I2C_SLTL_SSLT_SHIFT))&I2C_SLTL_SSLT_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group I2C_Register_Masks */
+/* I2C - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral I2C0 base pointer */
+#define I2C0_BASE_PTR                            ((I2C_MemMapPtr)0x40066000u)
+/** Peripheral I2C1 base pointer */
+#define I2C1_BASE_PTR                            ((I2C_MemMapPtr)0x40067000u)
+/** Array initializer of I2C peripheral base pointers */
+#define I2C_BASE_PTRS                            { I2C0_BASE_PTR, I2C1_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- I2C - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup I2C_Register_Accessor_Macros I2C - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* I2C - Register instance definitions */
+/* I2C0 */
+#define I2C0_A1                                  I2C_A1_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_F                                   I2C_F_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_C1                                  I2C_C1_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_S                                   I2C_S_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_D                                   I2C_D_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_C2                                  I2C_C2_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_FLT                                 I2C_FLT_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_RA                                  I2C_RA_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_SMB                                 I2C_SMB_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_A2                                  I2C_A2_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_SLTH                                I2C_SLTH_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C0_SLTL                                I2C_SLTL_REG(I2C0_BASE_PTR)
+/* I2C1 */
+#define I2C1_A1                                  I2C_A1_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_F                                   I2C_F_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_C1                                  I2C_C1_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_S                                   I2C_S_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_D                                   I2C_D_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_C2                                  I2C_C2_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_FLT                                 I2C_FLT_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_RA                                  I2C_RA_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_SMB                                 I2C_SMB_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_A2                                  I2C_A2_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_SLTH                                I2C_SLTH_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+#define I2C1_SLTL                                I2C_SLTL_REG(I2C1_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group I2C_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group I2C_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- LLWU
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup LLWU_Peripheral LLWU
+ * @{
+ */
+/** LLWU - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct LLWU_MemMap {
+  uint8_t PE1;                                     /**< LLWU Pin Enable 1 register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t PE2;                                     /**< LLWU Pin Enable 2 register, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t PE3;                                     /**< LLWU Pin Enable 3 register, offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t PE4;                                     /**< LLWU Pin Enable 4 register, offset: 0x3 */
+  uint8_t ME;                                      /**< LLWU Module Enable register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t F1;                                      /**< LLWU Flag 1 register, offset: 0x5 */
+  uint8_t F2;                                      /**< LLWU Flag 2 register, offset: 0x6 */
+  uint8_t F3;                                      /**< LLWU Flag 3 register, offset: 0x7 */
+  uint8_t FILT1;                                   /**< LLWU Pin Filter 1 register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint8_t FILT2;                                   /**< LLWU Pin Filter 2 register, offset: 0x9 */
+} volatile *LLWU_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- LLWU - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup LLWU_Register_Accessor_Macros LLWU - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* LLWU - Register accessors */
+#define LLWU_PE1_REG(base)                       ((base)->PE1)
+#define LLWU_PE2_REG(base)                       ((base)->PE2)
+#define LLWU_PE3_REG(base)                       ((base)->PE3)
+#define LLWU_PE4_REG(base)                       ((base)->PE4)
+#define LLWU_ME_REG(base)                        ((base)->ME)
+#define LLWU_F1_REG(base)                        ((base)->F1)
+#define LLWU_F2_REG(base)                        ((base)->F2)
+#define LLWU_F3_REG(base)                        ((base)->F3)
+#define LLWU_FILT1_REG(base)                     ((base)->FILT1)
+#define LLWU_FILT2_REG(base)                     ((base)->FILT2)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group LLWU_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- LLWU Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup LLWU_Register_Masks LLWU Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PE1 Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE0_MASK                      0x3u
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE0_SHIFT                     0
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE0(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE1_WUPE0_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE1_WUPE0_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE1_MASK                      0xCu
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE1_SHIFT                     2
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE1(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE1_WUPE1_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE1_WUPE1_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE2_MASK                      0x30u
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE2_SHIFT                     4
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE2(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE1_WUPE2_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE1_WUPE2_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE3_MASK                      0xC0u
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE3_SHIFT                     6
+#define LLWU_PE1_WUPE3(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE1_WUPE3_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE1_WUPE3_MASK)
+/* PE2 Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE4_MASK                      0x3u
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE4_SHIFT                     0
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE4(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE2_WUPE4_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE2_WUPE4_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE5_MASK                      0xCu
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE5_SHIFT                     2
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE5(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE2_WUPE5_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE2_WUPE5_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE6_MASK                      0x30u
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE6_SHIFT                     4
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE6(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE2_WUPE6_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE2_WUPE6_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE7_MASK                      0xC0u
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE7_SHIFT                     6
+#define LLWU_PE2_WUPE7(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE2_WUPE7_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE2_WUPE7_MASK)
+/* PE3 Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE8_MASK                      0x3u
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE8_SHIFT                     0
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE8(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE3_WUPE8_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE3_WUPE8_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE9_MASK                      0xCu
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE9_SHIFT                     2
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE9(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE3_WUPE9_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE3_WUPE9_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE10_MASK                     0x30u
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE10_SHIFT                    4
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE10(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE3_WUPE10_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE3_WUPE10_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE11_MASK                     0xC0u
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE11_SHIFT                    6
+#define LLWU_PE3_WUPE11(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE3_WUPE11_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE3_WUPE11_MASK)
+/* PE4 Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE12_MASK                     0x3u
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE12_SHIFT                    0
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE12(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE4_WUPE12_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE4_WUPE12_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE13_MASK                     0xCu
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE13_SHIFT                    2
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE13(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE4_WUPE13_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE4_WUPE13_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE14_MASK                     0x30u
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE14_SHIFT                    4
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE14(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE4_WUPE14_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE4_WUPE14_MASK)
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE15_MASK                     0xC0u
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE15_SHIFT                    6
+#define LLWU_PE4_WUPE15(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_PE4_WUPE15_SHIFT))&LLWU_PE4_WUPE15_MASK)
+/* ME Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME0_MASK                       0x1u
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME0_SHIFT                      0
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME1_MASK                       0x2u
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME1_SHIFT                      1
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME2_MASK                       0x4u
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME2_SHIFT                      2
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME3_MASK                       0x8u
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME3_SHIFT                      3
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME4_MASK                       0x10u
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME4_SHIFT                      4
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME5_MASK                       0x20u
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME5_SHIFT                      5
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME6_MASK                       0x40u
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME6_SHIFT                      6
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME7_MASK                       0x80u
+#define LLWU_ME_WUME7_SHIFT                      7
+/* F1 Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF0_MASK                        0x1u
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF0_SHIFT                       0
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF1_MASK                        0x2u
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF1_SHIFT                       1
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF2_MASK                        0x4u
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF2_SHIFT                       2
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF3_MASK                        0x8u
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF3_SHIFT                       3
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF4_MASK                        0x10u
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF4_SHIFT                       4
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF5_MASK                        0x20u
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF5_SHIFT                       5
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF6_MASK                        0x40u
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF6_SHIFT                       6
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF7_MASK                        0x80u
+#define LLWU_F1_WUF7_SHIFT                       7
+/* F2 Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF8_MASK                        0x1u
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF8_SHIFT                       0
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF9_MASK                        0x2u
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF9_SHIFT                       1
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF10_MASK                       0x4u
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF10_SHIFT                      2
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF11_MASK                       0x8u
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF11_SHIFT                      3
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF12_MASK                       0x10u
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF12_SHIFT                      4
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF13_MASK                       0x20u
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF13_SHIFT                      5
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF14_MASK                       0x40u
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF14_SHIFT                      6
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF15_MASK                       0x80u
+#define LLWU_F2_WUF15_SHIFT                      7
+/* F3 Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF0_MASK                       0x1u
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF0_SHIFT                      0
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF1_MASK                       0x2u
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF1_SHIFT                      1
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF2_MASK                       0x4u
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF2_SHIFT                      2
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF3_MASK                       0x8u
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF3_SHIFT                      3
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF4_MASK                       0x10u
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF4_SHIFT                      4
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF5_MASK                       0x20u
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF5_SHIFT                      5
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF6_MASK                       0x40u
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF6_SHIFT                      6
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF7_MASK                       0x80u
+#define LLWU_F3_MWUF7_SHIFT                      7
+/* FILT1 Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL_MASK                  0xFu
+#define LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL_SHIFT                 0
+#define LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL_SHIFT))&LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL_MASK)
+#define LLWU_FILT1_FILTE_MASK                    0x60u
+#define LLWU_FILT1_FILTE_SHIFT                   5
+#define LLWU_FILT1_FILTE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_FILT1_FILTE_SHIFT))&LLWU_FILT1_FILTE_MASK)
+#define LLWU_FILT1_FILTF_MASK                    0x80u
+#define LLWU_FILT1_FILTF_SHIFT                   7
+/* FILT2 Bit Fields */
+#define LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL_MASK                  0xFu
+#define LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL_SHIFT                 0
+#define LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL_SHIFT))&LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL_MASK)
+#define LLWU_FILT2_FILTE_MASK                    0x60u
+#define LLWU_FILT2_FILTE_SHIFT                   5
+#define LLWU_FILT2_FILTE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<LLWU_FILT2_FILTE_SHIFT))&LLWU_FILT2_FILTE_MASK)
+#define LLWU_FILT2_FILTF_MASK                    0x80u
+#define LLWU_FILT2_FILTF_SHIFT                   7
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group LLWU_Register_Masks */
+/* LLWU - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral LLWU base pointer */
+#define LLWU_BASE_PTR                            ((LLWU_MemMapPtr)0x4007C000u)
+/** Array initializer of LLWU peripheral base pointers */
+#define LLWU_BASE_PTRS                           { LLWU_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- LLWU - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup LLWU_Register_Accessor_Macros LLWU - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* LLWU - Register instance definitions */
+/* LLWU */
+#define LLWU_PE1                                 LLWU_PE1_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+#define LLWU_PE2                                 LLWU_PE2_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+#define LLWU_PE3                                 LLWU_PE3_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+#define LLWU_PE4                                 LLWU_PE4_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+#define LLWU_ME                                  LLWU_ME_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+#define LLWU_F1                                  LLWU_F1_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+#define LLWU_F2                                  LLWU_F2_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+#define LLWU_F3                                  LLWU_F3_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+#define LLWU_FILT1                               LLWU_FILT1_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+#define LLWU_FILT2                               LLWU_FILT2_REG(LLWU_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group LLWU_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group LLWU_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- LPTMR
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup LPTMR_Peripheral LPTMR
+ * @{
+ */
+/** LPTMR - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct LPTMR_MemMap {
+  uint32_t CSR;                                    /**< Low Power Timer Control Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint32_t PSR;                                    /**< Low Power Timer Prescale Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t CMR;                                    /**< Low Power Timer Compare Register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint32_t CNR;                                    /**< Low Power Timer Counter Register, offset: 0xC */
+} volatile *LPTMR_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- LPTMR - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup LPTMR_Register_Accessor_Macros LPTMR - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* LPTMR - Register accessors */
+#define LPTMR_CSR_REG(base)                      ((base)->CSR)
+#define LPTMR_PSR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PSR)
+#define LPTMR_CMR_REG(base)                      ((base)->CMR)
+#define LPTMR_CNR_REG(base)                      ((base)->CNR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group LPTMR_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- LPTMR Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup LPTMR_Register_Masks LPTMR Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CSR Bit Fields */
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TEN_MASK                       0x1u
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TEN_SHIFT                      0
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TMS_MASK                       0x2u
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TMS_SHIFT                      1
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TFC_MASK                       0x4u
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TFC_SHIFT                      2
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TPP_MASK                       0x8u
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TPP_SHIFT                      3
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TPS_MASK                       0x30u
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TPS_SHIFT                      4
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TPS(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<LPTMR_CSR_TPS_SHIFT))&LPTMR_CSR_TPS_MASK)
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TIE_MASK                       0x40u
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TIE_SHIFT                      6
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK                       0x80u
+#define LPTMR_CSR_TCF_SHIFT                      7
+/* PSR Bit Fields */
+#define LPTMR_PSR_PCS_MASK                       0x3u
+#define LPTMR_PSR_PCS_SHIFT                      0
+#define LPTMR_PSR_PCS(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<LPTMR_PSR_PCS_SHIFT))&LPTMR_PSR_PCS_MASK)
+#define LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_MASK                      0x4u
+#define LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_SHIFT                     2
+#define LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE_MASK                  0x78u
+#define LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE_SHIFT                 3
+#define LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE_SHIFT))&LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE_MASK)
+/* CMR Bit Fields */
+#define LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE_MASK                   0xFFFFu
+#define LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE_SHIFT                  0
+#define LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE_SHIFT))&LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE_MASK)
+/* CNR Bit Fields */
+#define LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER_MASK                   0xFFFFu
+#define LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER_SHIFT                  0
+#define LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER_SHIFT))&LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group LPTMR_Register_Masks */
+/* LPTMR - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral LPTMR0 base pointer */
+#define LPTMR0_BASE_PTR                          ((LPTMR_MemMapPtr)0x40040000u)
+/** Array initializer of LPTMR peripheral base pointers */
+#define LPTMR_BASE_PTRS                          { LPTMR0_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- LPTMR - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup LPTMR_Register_Accessor_Macros LPTMR - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* LPTMR - Register instance definitions */
+/* LPTMR0 */
+#define LPTMR0_CSR                               LPTMR_CSR_REG(LPTMR0_BASE_PTR)
+#define LPTMR0_PSR                               LPTMR_PSR_REG(LPTMR0_BASE_PTR)
+#define LPTMR0_CMR                               LPTMR_CMR_REG(LPTMR0_BASE_PTR)
+#define LPTMR0_CNR                               LPTMR_CNR_REG(LPTMR0_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group LPTMR_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group LPTMR_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MCG
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MCG_Peripheral MCG
+ * @{
+ */
+/** MCG - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct MCG_MemMap {
+  uint8_t C1;                                      /**< MCG Control 1 Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t C2;                                      /**< MCG Control 2 Register, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t C3;                                      /**< MCG Control 3 Register, offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t C4;                                      /**< MCG Control 4 Register, offset: 0x3 */
+  uint8_t C5;                                      /**< MCG Control 5 Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t C6;                                      /**< MCG Control 6 Register, offset: 0x5 */
+  uint8_t S;                                       /**< MCG Status Register, offset: 0x6 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[1];
+  uint8_t SC;                                      /**< MCG Status and Control Register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[1];
+  uint8_t ATCVH;                                   /**< MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register, offset: 0xA */
+  uint8_t ATCVL;                                   /**< MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register, offset: 0xB */
+  uint8_t C7;                                      /**< MCG Control 7 Register, offset: 0xC */
+  uint8_t C8;                                      /**< MCG Control 8 Register, offset: 0xD */
+  uint8_t C9;                                      /**< MCG Control 9 Register, offset: 0xE */
+  uint8_t C10;                                     /**< MCG Control 10 Register, offset: 0xF */
+} volatile *MCG_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MCG - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MCG_Register_Accessor_Macros MCG - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MCG - Register accessors */
+#define MCG_C1_REG(base)                         ((base)->C1)
+#define MCG_C2_REG(base)                         ((base)->C2)
+#define MCG_C3_REG(base)                         ((base)->C3)
+#define MCG_C4_REG(base)                         ((base)->C4)
+#define MCG_C5_REG(base)                         ((base)->C5)
+#define MCG_C6_REG(base)                         ((base)->C6)
+#define MCG_S_REG(base)                          ((base)->S)
+#define MCG_SC_REG(base)                         ((base)->SC)
+#define MCG_ATCVH_REG(base)                      ((base)->ATCVH)
+#define MCG_ATCVL_REG(base)                      ((base)->ATCVL)
+#define MCG_C7_REG(base)                         ((base)->C7)
+#define MCG_C8_REG(base)                         ((base)->C8)
+#define MCG_C9_REG(base)                         ((base)->C9)
+#define MCG_C10_REG(base)                        ((base)->C10)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MCG_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MCG Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MCG_Register_Masks MCG Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* C1 Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_C1_IREFSTEN_MASK                     0x1u
+#define MCG_C1_IREFSTEN_SHIFT                    0
+#define MCG_C1_IRCLKEN_MASK                      0x2u
+#define MCG_C1_IRCLKEN_SHIFT                     1
+#define MCG_C1_IREFS_MASK                        0x4u
+#define MCG_C1_IREFS_SHIFT                       2
+#define MCG_C1_FRDIV_MASK                        0x38u
+#define MCG_C1_FRDIV_SHIFT                       3
+#define MCG_C1_FRDIV(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_C1_FRDIV_SHIFT))&MCG_C1_FRDIV_MASK)
+#define MCG_C1_CLKS_MASK                         0xC0u
+#define MCG_C1_CLKS_SHIFT                        6
+#define MCG_C1_CLKS(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_C1_CLKS_SHIFT))&MCG_C1_CLKS_MASK)
+/* C2 Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_C2_IRCS_MASK                         0x1u
+#define MCG_C2_IRCS_SHIFT                        0
+#define MCG_C2_LP_MASK                           0x2u
+#define MCG_C2_LP_SHIFT                          1
+#define MCG_C2_EREFS0_MASK                       0x4u
+#define MCG_C2_EREFS0_SHIFT                      2
+#define MCG_C2_HGO0_MASK                         0x8u
+#define MCG_C2_HGO0_SHIFT                        3
+#define MCG_C2_RANGE0_MASK                       0x30u
+#define MCG_C2_RANGE0_SHIFT                      4
+#define MCG_C2_RANGE0(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_C2_RANGE0_SHIFT))&MCG_C2_RANGE0_MASK)
+#define MCG_C2_LOCRE0_MASK                       0x80u
+#define MCG_C2_LOCRE0_SHIFT                      7
+/* C3 Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_C3_SCTRIM_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define MCG_C3_SCTRIM_SHIFT                      0
+#define MCG_C3_SCTRIM(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_C3_SCTRIM_SHIFT))&MCG_C3_SCTRIM_MASK)
+/* C4 Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK                      0x1u
+#define MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_SHIFT                     0
+#define MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK                       0x1Eu
+#define MCG_C4_FCTRIM_SHIFT                      1
+#define MCG_C4_FCTRIM(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_C4_FCTRIM_SHIFT))&MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK)
+#define MCG_C4_DRST_DRS_MASK                     0x60u
+#define MCG_C4_DRST_DRS_SHIFT                    5
+#define MCG_C4_DRST_DRS(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_C4_DRST_DRS_SHIFT))&MCG_C4_DRST_DRS_MASK)
+#define MCG_C4_DMX32_MASK                        0x80u
+#define MCG_C4_DMX32_SHIFT                       7
+/* C5 Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_C5_PRDIV0_MASK                       0x1Fu
+#define MCG_C5_PRDIV0_SHIFT                      0
+#define MCG_C5_PRDIV0(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_C5_PRDIV0_SHIFT))&MCG_C5_PRDIV0_MASK)
+#define MCG_C5_PLLSTEN0_MASK                     0x20u
+#define MCG_C5_PLLSTEN0_SHIFT                    5
+#define MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_MASK                    0x40u
+#define MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_SHIFT                   6
+/* C6 Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_C6_VDIV0_MASK                        0x1Fu
+#define MCG_C6_VDIV0_SHIFT                       0
+#define MCG_C6_VDIV0(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_C6_VDIV0_SHIFT))&MCG_C6_VDIV0_MASK)
+#define MCG_C6_CME0_MASK                         0x20u
+#define MCG_C6_CME0_SHIFT                        5
+#define MCG_C6_PLLS_MASK                         0x40u
+#define MCG_C6_PLLS_SHIFT                        6
+#define MCG_C6_LOLIE0_MASK                       0x80u
+#define MCG_C6_LOLIE0_SHIFT                      7
+/* S Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_S_IRCST_MASK                         0x1u
+#define MCG_S_IRCST_SHIFT                        0
+#define MCG_S_OSCINIT0_MASK                      0x2u
+#define MCG_S_OSCINIT0_SHIFT                     1
+#define MCG_S_CLKST_MASK                         0xCu
+#define MCG_S_CLKST_SHIFT                        2
+#define MCG_S_CLKST(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_S_CLKST_SHIFT))&MCG_S_CLKST_MASK)
+#define MCG_S_IREFST_MASK                        0x10u
+#define MCG_S_IREFST_SHIFT                       4
+#define MCG_S_PLLST_MASK                         0x20u
+#define MCG_S_PLLST_SHIFT                        5
+#define MCG_S_LOCK0_MASK                         0x40u
+#define MCG_S_LOCK0_SHIFT                        6
+#define MCG_S_LOLS0_MASK                         0x80u
+#define MCG_S_LOLS0_SHIFT                        7
+/* SC Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_SC_LOCS0_MASK                        0x1u
+#define MCG_SC_LOCS0_SHIFT                       0
+#define MCG_SC_FCRDIV_MASK                       0xEu
+#define MCG_SC_FCRDIV_SHIFT                      1
+#define MCG_SC_FCRDIV(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_SC_FCRDIV_SHIFT))&MCG_SC_FCRDIV_MASK)
+#define MCG_SC_FLTPRSRV_MASK                     0x10u
+#define MCG_SC_FLTPRSRV_SHIFT                    4
+#define MCG_SC_ATMF_MASK                         0x20u
+#define MCG_SC_ATMF_SHIFT                        5
+#define MCG_SC_ATMS_MASK                         0x40u
+#define MCG_SC_ATMS_SHIFT                        6
+#define MCG_SC_ATME_MASK                         0x80u
+#define MCG_SC_ATME_SHIFT                        7
+/* ATCVH Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH_SHIFT                    0
+#define MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH_SHIFT))&MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH_MASK)
+/* ATCVL Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL_SHIFT                    0
+#define MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL_SHIFT))&MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL_MASK)
+/* C8 Bit Fields */
+#define MCG_C8_LOLRE_MASK                        0x40u
+#define MCG_C8_LOLRE_SHIFT                       6
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MCG_Register_Masks */
+/* MCG - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral MCG base pointer */
+#define MCG_BASE_PTR                             ((MCG_MemMapPtr)0x40064000u)
+/** Array initializer of MCG peripheral base pointers */
+#define MCG_BASE_PTRS                            { MCG_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MCG - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MCG_Register_Accessor_Macros MCG - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MCG - Register instance definitions */
+/* MCG */
+#define MCG_C1                                   MCG_C1_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_C2                                   MCG_C2_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_C3                                   MCG_C3_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_C4                                   MCG_C4_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_C5                                   MCG_C5_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_C6                                   MCG_C6_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_S                                    MCG_S_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_SC                                   MCG_SC_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_ATCVH                                MCG_ATCVH_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_ATCVL                                MCG_ATCVL_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_C7                                   MCG_C7_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_C8                                   MCG_C8_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_C9                                   MCG_C9_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCG_C10                                  MCG_C10_REG(MCG_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MCG_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MCG_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MCM
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MCM_Peripheral MCM
+ * @{
+ */
+/** MCM - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct MCM_MemMap {
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[8];
+  uint16_t PLASC;                                  /**< Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint16_t PLAMC;                                  /**< Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration, offset: 0xA */
+  uint32_t PLACR;                                  /**< Platform Control Register, offset: 0xC */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[48];
+  uint32_t CPO;                                    /**< Compute Operation Control Register, offset: 0x40 */
+} volatile *MCM_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MCM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MCM_Register_Accessor_Macros MCM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MCM - Register accessors */
+#define MCM_PLASC_REG(base)                      ((base)->PLASC)
+#define MCM_PLAMC_REG(base)                      ((base)->PLAMC)
+#define MCM_PLACR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PLACR)
+#define MCM_CPO_REG(base)                        ((base)->CPO)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MCM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MCM Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MCM_Register_Masks MCM Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PLASC Bit Fields */
+#define MCM_PLASC_ASC_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define MCM_PLASC_ASC_SHIFT                      0
+#define MCM_PLASC_ASC(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x))<<MCM_PLASC_ASC_SHIFT))&MCM_PLASC_ASC_MASK)
+/* PLAMC Bit Fields */
+#define MCM_PLAMC_AMC_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define MCM_PLAMC_AMC_SHIFT                      0
+#define MCM_PLAMC_AMC(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x))<<MCM_PLAMC_AMC_SHIFT))&MCM_PLAMC_AMC_MASK)
+/* PLACR Bit Fields */
+#define MCM_PLACR_ARB_MASK                       0x200u
+#define MCM_PLACR_ARB_SHIFT                      9
+#define MCM_PLACR_CFCC_MASK                      0x400u
+#define MCM_PLACR_CFCC_SHIFT                     10
+#define MCM_PLACR_DFCDA_MASK                     0x800u
+#define MCM_PLACR_DFCDA_SHIFT                    11
+#define MCM_PLACR_DFCIC_MASK                     0x1000u
+#define MCM_PLACR_DFCIC_SHIFT                    12
+#define MCM_PLACR_DFCC_MASK                      0x2000u
+#define MCM_PLACR_DFCC_SHIFT                     13
+#define MCM_PLACR_EFDS_MASK                      0x4000u
+#define MCM_PLACR_EFDS_SHIFT                     14
+#define MCM_PLACR_DFCS_MASK                      0x8000u
+#define MCM_PLACR_DFCS_SHIFT                     15
+#define MCM_PLACR_ESFC_MASK                      0x10000u
+#define MCM_PLACR_ESFC_SHIFT                     16
+/* CPO Bit Fields */
+#define MCM_CPO_CPOREQ_MASK                      0x1u
+#define MCM_CPO_CPOREQ_SHIFT                     0
+#define MCM_CPO_CPOACK_MASK                      0x2u
+#define MCM_CPO_CPOACK_SHIFT                     1
+#define MCM_CPO_CPOWOI_MASK                      0x4u
+#define MCM_CPO_CPOWOI_SHIFT                     2
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MCM_Register_Masks */
+/* MCM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral MCM base pointer */
+#define MCM_BASE_PTR                             ((MCM_MemMapPtr)0xF0003000u)
+/** Array initializer of MCM peripheral base pointers */
+#define MCM_BASE_PTRS                            { MCM_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MCM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MCM_Register_Accessor_Macros MCM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MCM - Register instance definitions */
+/* MCM */
+#define MCM_PLASC                                MCM_PLASC_REG(MCM_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCM_PLAMC                                MCM_PLAMC_REG(MCM_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCM_PLACR                                MCM_PLACR_REG(MCM_BASE_PTR)
+#define MCM_CPO                                  MCM_CPO_REG(MCM_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MCM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MCM_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MTB
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MTB_Peripheral MTB
+ * @{
+ */
+/** MTB - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct MTB_MemMap {
+  uint32_t POSITION;                               /**< MTB Position Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint32_t MASTER;                                 /**< MTB Master Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t FLOW;                                   /**< MTB Flow Register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint32_t BASE;                                   /**< MTB Base Register, offset: 0xC */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[3824];
+  uint32_t MODECTRL;                               /**< Integration Mode Control Register, offset: 0xF00 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[156];
+  uint32_t TAGSET;                                 /**< Claim TAG Set Register, offset: 0xFA0 */
+  uint32_t TAGCLEAR;                               /**< Claim TAG Clear Register, offset: 0xFA4 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_2[8];
+  uint32_t LOCKACCESS;                             /**< Lock Access Register, offset: 0xFB0 */
+  uint32_t LOCKSTAT;                               /**< Lock Status Register, offset: 0xFB4 */
+  uint32_t AUTHSTAT;                               /**< Authentication Status Register, offset: 0xFB8 */
+  uint32_t DEVICEARCH;                             /**< Device Architecture Register, offset: 0xFBC */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_3[8];
+  uint32_t DEVICECFG;                              /**< Device Configuration Register, offset: 0xFC8 */
+  uint32_t DEVICETYPID;                            /**< Device Type Identifier Register, offset: 0xFCC */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID[8];                            /**< Peripheral ID Register, array offset: 0xFD0, array step: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t COMPID[4];                              /**< Component ID Register, array offset: 0xFF0, array step: 0x4 */
+} volatile *MTB_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MTB - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MTB_Register_Accessor_Macros MTB - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MTB - Register accessors */
+#define MTB_POSITION_REG(base)                   ((base)->POSITION)
+#define MTB_MASTER_REG(base)                     ((base)->MASTER)
+#define MTB_FLOW_REG(base)                       ((base)->FLOW)
+#define MTB_BASE_REG(base)                       ((base)->BASE)
+#define MTB_MODECTRL_REG(base)                   ((base)->MODECTRL)
+#define MTB_TAGSET_REG(base)                     ((base)->TAGSET)
+#define MTB_TAGCLEAR_REG(base)                   ((base)->TAGCLEAR)
+#define MTB_LOCKACCESS_REG(base)                 ((base)->LOCKACCESS)
+#define MTB_LOCKSTAT_REG(base)                   ((base)->LOCKSTAT)
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT_REG(base)                   ((base)->AUTHSTAT)
+#define MTB_DEVICEARCH_REG(base)                 ((base)->DEVICEARCH)
+#define MTB_DEVICECFG_REG(base)                  ((base)->DEVICECFG)
+#define MTB_DEVICETYPID_REG(base)                ((base)->DEVICETYPID)
+#define MTB_PERIPHID_REG(base,index)             ((base)->PERIPHID[index])
+#define MTB_COMPID_REG(base,index)               ((base)->COMPID[index])
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MTB_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MTB Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MTB_Register_Masks MTB Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* POSITION Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_POSITION_WRAP_MASK                   0x4u
+#define MTB_POSITION_WRAP_SHIFT                  2
+#define MTB_POSITION_POINTER_MASK                0xFFFFFFF8u
+#define MTB_POSITION_POINTER_SHIFT               3
+#define MTB_POSITION_POINTER(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_POSITION_POINTER_SHIFT))&MTB_POSITION_POINTER_MASK)
+/* MASTER Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_MASTER_MASK_MASK                     0x1Fu
+#define MTB_MASTER_MASK_SHIFT                    0
+#define MTB_MASTER_MASK(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_MASTER_MASK_SHIFT))&MTB_MASTER_MASK_MASK)
+#define MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_MASK                 0x20u
+#define MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_SHIFT                5
+#define MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_MASK                  0x40u
+#define MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_SHIFT                 6
+#define MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_MASK                 0x80u
+#define MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_SHIFT                7
+#define MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_MASK                  0x100u
+#define MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_SHIFT                 8
+#define MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_MASK                  0x200u
+#define MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_SHIFT                 9
+#define MTB_MASTER_EN_MASK                       0x80000000u
+#define MTB_MASTER_EN_SHIFT                      31
+/* FLOW Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_MASK                   0x1u
+#define MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_SHIFT                  0
+#define MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_MASK                   0x2u
+#define MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_SHIFT                  1
+#define MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_MASK                  0xFFFFFFF8u
+#define MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_SHIFT                 3
+#define MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_SHIFT))&MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_MASK)
+/* BASE Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_BASE_BASEADDR_MASK                   0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define MTB_BASE_BASEADDR_SHIFT                  0
+#define MTB_BASE_BASEADDR(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_BASE_BASEADDR_SHIFT))&MTB_BASE_BASEADDR_MASK)
+/* MODECTRL Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_MODECTRL_MODECTRL_SHIFT              0
+#define MTB_MODECTRL_MODECTRL(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_MODECTRL_MODECTRL_SHIFT))&MTB_MODECTRL_MODECTRL_MASK)
+/* TAGSET Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET_MASK                   0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET_SHIFT                  0
+#define MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET_SHIFT))&MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET_MASK)
+/* TAGCLEAR Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_TAGCLEAR_TAGCLEAR_SHIFT              0
+#define MTB_TAGCLEAR_TAGCLEAR(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_TAGCLEAR_TAGCLEAR_SHIFT))&MTB_TAGCLEAR_TAGCLEAR_MASK)
+/* LOCKACCESS Bit Fields */
+/* LOCKSTAT Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_LOCKSTAT_LOCKSTAT_SHIFT              0
+#define MTB_LOCKSTAT_LOCKSTAT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_LOCKSTAT_LOCKSTAT_SHIFT))&MTB_LOCKSTAT_LOCKSTAT_MASK)
+/* AUTHSTAT Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT0_MASK                   0x1u
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT0_SHIFT                  0
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT1_MASK                   0x2u
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT1_SHIFT                  1
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT2_MASK                   0x4u
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT2_SHIFT                  2
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT3_MASK                   0x8u
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT3_SHIFT                  3
+/* DEVICEARCH Bit Fields */
+/* DEVICECFG Bit Fields */
+/* DEVICETYPID Bit Fields */
+/* PERIPHID Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_PERIPHID_PERIPHID_SHIFT              0
+#define MTB_PERIPHID_PERIPHID(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_PERIPHID_PERIPHID_SHIFT))&MTB_PERIPHID_PERIPHID_MASK)
+/* COMPID Bit Fields */
+#define MTB_COMPID_COMPID_MASK                   0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define MTB_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT                  0
+#define MTB_COMPID_COMPID(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTB_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT))&MTB_COMPID_COMPID_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MTB_Register_Masks */
+/* MTB - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral MTB base pointer */
+#define MTB_BASE_PTR                             ((MTB_MemMapPtr)0xF0000000u)
+/** Array initializer of MTB peripheral base pointers */
+#define MTB_BASE_PTRS                            { MTB_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MTB - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MTB_Register_Accessor_Macros MTB - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MTB - Register instance definitions */
+/* MTB */
+#define MTB_POSITION                             MTB_POSITION_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_MASTER                               MTB_MASTER_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_FLOW                                 MTB_FLOW_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+//#define MTB_BASE                                 MTB_BASE_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_MODECTRL                             MTB_MODECTRL_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_TAGSET                               MTB_TAGSET_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_TAGCLEAR                             MTB_TAGCLEAR_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_LOCKACCESS                           MTB_LOCKACCESS_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_LOCKSTAT                             MTB_LOCKSTAT_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_AUTHSTAT                             MTB_AUTHSTAT_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_DEVICEARCH                           MTB_DEVICEARCH_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_DEVICECFG                            MTB_DEVICECFG_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_DEVICETYPID                          MTB_DEVICETYPID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTB_PERIPHID4                            MTB_PERIPHID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define MTB_PERIPHID5                            MTB_PERIPHID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define MTB_PERIPHID6                            MTB_PERIPHID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define MTB_PERIPHID7                            MTB_PERIPHID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define MTB_PERIPHID0                            MTB_PERIPHID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define MTB_PERIPHID1                            MTB_PERIPHID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define MTB_PERIPHID2                            MTB_PERIPHID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,6)
+#define MTB_PERIPHID3                            MTB_PERIPHID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,7)
+#define MTB_COMPID0                              MTB_COMPID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define MTB_COMPID1                              MTB_COMPID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define MTB_COMPID2                              MTB_COMPID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define MTB_COMPID3                              MTB_COMPID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,3)
+/* MTB - Register array accessors */
+#define MTB_PERIPHID(index)                      MTB_PERIPHID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define MTB_COMPID(index)                        MTB_COMPID_REG(MTB_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MTB_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MTB_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MTBDWT
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MTBDWT_Peripheral MTBDWT
+ * @{
+ */
+/** MTBDWT - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct MTBDWT_MemMap {
+  uint32_t CTRL;                                   /**< MTB DWT Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[28];
+  struct {                                         /* offset: 0x20, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t COMP;                                   /**< MTB_DWT Comparator Register, array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t MASK;                                   /**< MTB_DWT Comparator Mask Register, array offset: 0x24, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t FCT;                                    /**< MTB_DWT Comparator Function Register 0..MTB_DWT Comparator Function Register 1, array offset: 0x28, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint8_t RESERVED_0[4];
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[448];
+  uint32_t TBCTRL;                                 /**< MTB_DWT Trace Buffer Control Register, offset: 0x200 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_2[3524];
+  uint32_t DEVICECFG;                              /**< Device Configuration Register, offset: 0xFC8 */
+  uint32_t DEVICETYPID;                            /**< Device Type Identifier Register, offset: 0xFCC */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID[8];                            /**< Peripheral ID Register, array offset: 0xFD0, array step: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t COMPID[4];                              /**< Component ID Register, array offset: 0xFF0, array step: 0x4 */
+} volatile *MTBDWT_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MTBDWT - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MTBDWT_Register_Accessor_Macros MTBDWT - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MTBDWT - Register accessors */
+#define MTBDWT_CTRL_REG(base)                    ((base)->CTRL)
+#define MTBDWT_COMP_REG(base,index)              ((base)->COMPARATOR[index].COMP)
+#define MTBDWT_MASK_REG(base,index)              ((base)->COMPARATOR[index].MASK)
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_REG(base,index)               ((base)->COMPARATOR[index].FCT)
+#define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_REG(base)                  ((base)->TBCTRL)
+#define MTBDWT_DEVICECFG_REG(base)               ((base)->DEVICECFG)
+#define MTBDWT_DEVICETYPID_REG(base)             ((base)->DEVICETYPID)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(base,index)          ((base)->PERIPHID[index])
+#define MTBDWT_COMPID_REG(base,index)            ((base)->COMPID[index])
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MTBDWT_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MTBDWT Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MTBDWT_Register_Masks MTBDWT Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CTRL Bit Fields */
+#define MTBDWT_CTRL_DWTCFGCTRL_SHIFT             0
+#define MTBDWT_CTRL_DWTCFGCTRL(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTBDWT_CTRL_DWTCFGCTRL_SHIFT))&MTBDWT_CTRL_DWTCFGCTRL_MASK)
+#define MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP_MASK                  0xF0000000u
+#define MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP_SHIFT                 28
+#define MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP_SHIFT))&MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP_MASK)
+/* COMP Bit Fields */
+#define MTBDWT_COMP_COMP_MASK                    0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define MTBDWT_COMP_COMP_SHIFT                   0
+#define MTBDWT_COMP_COMP(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTBDWT_COMP_COMP_SHIFT))&MTBDWT_COMP_COMP_MASK)
+/* MASK Bit Fields */
+#define MTBDWT_MASK_MASK_MASK                    0x1Fu
+#define MTBDWT_MASK_MASK_SHIFT                   0
+#define MTBDWT_MASK_MASK(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTBDWT_MASK_MASK_SHIFT))&MTBDWT_MASK_MASK_MASK)
+/* FCT Bit Fields */
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION_MASK                 0xFu
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION_SHIFT                0
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION_SHIFT))&MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION_MASK)
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVMATCH_MASK               0x100u
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVMATCH_SHIFT              8
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE_MASK                0xC00u
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE_SHIFT               10
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE_SHIFT))&MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE_MASK)
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0_MASK               0xF000u
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0_SHIFT              12
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0_SHIFT))&MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0_MASK)
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_MATCHED_MASK                  0x1000000u
+#define MTBDWT_FCT_MATCHED_SHIFT                 24
+/* TBCTRL Bit Fields */
+#define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP0_MASK                0x1u
+#define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP0_SHIFT               0
+#define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP1_MASK                0x2u
+#define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP1_SHIFT               1
+#define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP_MASK               0xF0000000u
+#define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP_SHIFT              28
+#define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP_SHIFT))&MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP_MASK)
+/* DEVICECFG Bit Fields */
+/* DEVICETYPID Bit Fields */
+/* PERIPHID Bit Fields */
+/* COMPID Bit Fields */
+#define MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID_MASK                0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT               0
+#define MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT))&MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MTBDWT_Register_Masks */
+/* MTBDWT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral MTBDWT base pointer */
+#define MTBDWT_BASE_PTR                          ((MTBDWT_MemMapPtr)0xF0001000u)
+/** Array initializer of MTBDWT peripheral base pointers */
+#define MTBDWT_BASE_PTRS                         { MTBDWT_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- MTBDWT - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup MTBDWT_Register_Accessor_Macros MTBDWT - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MTBDWT - Register instance definitions */
+/* MTBDWT */
+#define MTBDWT_CTRL                              MTBDWT_CTRL_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTBDWT_COMP0                             MTBDWT_COMP_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define MTBDWT_MASK0                             MTBDWT_MASK_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define MTBDWT_FCT0                              MTBDWT_FCT_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define MTBDWT_COMP1                             MTBDWT_COMP_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define MTBDWT_MASK1                             MTBDWT_MASK_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define MTBDWT_FCT1                              MTBDWT_FCT_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define MTBDWT_TBCTRL                            MTBDWT_TBCTRL_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID4                         MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID5                         MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID6                         MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID7                         MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID0                         MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID1                         MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID2                         MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,6)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID3                         MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,7)
+#define MTBDWT_COMPID0                           MTBDWT_COMPID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define MTBDWT_COMPID1                           MTBDWT_COMPID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define MTBDWT_COMPID2                           MTBDWT_COMPID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define MTBDWT_COMPID3                           MTBDWT_COMPID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,3)
+/* MTBDWT - Register array accessors */
+#define MTBDWT_COMP(index)                       MTBDWT_COMP_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define MTBDWT_MASK(index)                       MTBDWT_MASK_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define MTBDWT_FCT(index)                        MTBDWT_FCT_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define MTBDWT_PERIPHID(index)                   MTBDWT_PERIPHID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define MTBDWT_COMPID(index)                     MTBDWT_COMPID_REG(MTBDWT_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MTBDWT_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group MTBDWT_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- NV
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup NV_Peripheral NV
+ * @{
+ */
+/** NV - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct NV_MemMap {
+  uint8_t BACKKEY3;                                /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 3., offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t BACKKEY2;                                /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 2., offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t BACKKEY1;                                /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 1., offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t BACKKEY0;                                /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 0., offset: 0x3 */
+  uint8_t BACKKEY7;                                /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 7., offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t BACKKEY6;                                /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 6., offset: 0x5 */
+  uint8_t BACKKEY5;                                /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 5., offset: 0x6 */
+  uint8_t BACKKEY4;                                /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 4., offset: 0x7 */
+  uint8_t FPROT3;                                  /**< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 1 - Low Register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint8_t FPROT2;                                  /**< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 1 - High Register, offset: 0x9 */
+  uint8_t FPROT1;                                  /**< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 0 - Low Register, offset: 0xA */
+  uint8_t FPROT0;                                  /**< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 0 - High Register, offset: 0xB */
+  uint8_t FSEC;                                    /**< Non-volatile Flash Security Register, offset: 0xC */
+  uint8_t FOPT;                                    /**< Non-volatile Flash Option Register, offset: 0xD */
+} volatile *NV_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- NV - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup NV_Register_Accessor_Macros NV - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* NV - Register accessors */
+#define NV_BACKKEY3_REG(base)                    ((base)->BACKKEY3)
+#define NV_BACKKEY2_REG(base)                    ((base)->BACKKEY2)
+#define NV_BACKKEY1_REG(base)                    ((base)->BACKKEY1)
+#define NV_BACKKEY0_REG(base)                    ((base)->BACKKEY0)
+#define NV_BACKKEY7_REG(base)                    ((base)->BACKKEY7)
+#define NV_BACKKEY6_REG(base)                    ((base)->BACKKEY6)
+#define NV_BACKKEY5_REG(base)                    ((base)->BACKKEY5)
+#define NV_BACKKEY4_REG(base)                    ((base)->BACKKEY4)
+#define NV_FPROT3_REG(base)                      ((base)->FPROT3)
+#define NV_FPROT2_REG(base)                      ((base)->FPROT2)
+#define NV_FPROT1_REG(base)                      ((base)->FPROT1)
+#define NV_FPROT0_REG(base)                      ((base)->FPROT0)
+#define NV_FSEC_REG(base)                        ((base)->FSEC)
+#define NV_FOPT_REG(base)                        ((base)->FOPT)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group NV_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- NV Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup NV_Register_Masks NV Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* BACKKEY3 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_BACKKEY3_KEY_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define NV_BACKKEY3_KEY_SHIFT                    0
+#define NV_BACKKEY3_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_BACKKEY3_KEY_SHIFT))&NV_BACKKEY3_KEY_MASK)
+/* BACKKEY2 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_BACKKEY2_KEY_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define NV_BACKKEY2_KEY_SHIFT                    0
+#define NV_BACKKEY2_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_BACKKEY2_KEY_SHIFT))&NV_BACKKEY2_KEY_MASK)
+/* BACKKEY1 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_BACKKEY1_KEY_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define NV_BACKKEY1_KEY_SHIFT                    0
+#define NV_BACKKEY1_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_BACKKEY1_KEY_SHIFT))&NV_BACKKEY1_KEY_MASK)
+/* BACKKEY0 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_BACKKEY0_KEY_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define NV_BACKKEY0_KEY_SHIFT                    0
+#define NV_BACKKEY0_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_BACKKEY0_KEY_SHIFT))&NV_BACKKEY0_KEY_MASK)
+/* BACKKEY7 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_BACKKEY7_KEY_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define NV_BACKKEY7_KEY_SHIFT                    0
+#define NV_BACKKEY7_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_BACKKEY7_KEY_SHIFT))&NV_BACKKEY7_KEY_MASK)
+/* BACKKEY6 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_BACKKEY6_KEY_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define NV_BACKKEY6_KEY_SHIFT                    0
+#define NV_BACKKEY6_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_BACKKEY6_KEY_SHIFT))&NV_BACKKEY6_KEY_MASK)
+/* BACKKEY5 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_BACKKEY5_KEY_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define NV_BACKKEY5_KEY_SHIFT                    0
+#define NV_BACKKEY5_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_BACKKEY5_KEY_SHIFT))&NV_BACKKEY5_KEY_MASK)
+/* BACKKEY4 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_BACKKEY4_KEY_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define NV_BACKKEY4_KEY_SHIFT                    0
+#define NV_BACKKEY4_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_BACKKEY4_KEY_SHIFT))&NV_BACKKEY4_KEY_MASK)
+/* FPROT3 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_FPROT3_PROT_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define NV_FPROT3_PROT_SHIFT                     0
+#define NV_FPROT3_PROT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_FPROT3_PROT_SHIFT))&NV_FPROT3_PROT_MASK)
+/* FPROT2 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_FPROT2_PROT_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define NV_FPROT2_PROT_SHIFT                     0
+#define NV_FPROT2_PROT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_FPROT2_PROT_SHIFT))&NV_FPROT2_PROT_MASK)
+/* FPROT1 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_FPROT1_PROT_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define NV_FPROT1_PROT_SHIFT                     0
+#define NV_FPROT1_PROT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_FPROT1_PROT_SHIFT))&NV_FPROT1_PROT_MASK)
+/* FPROT0 Bit Fields */
+#define NV_FPROT0_PROT_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define NV_FPROT0_PROT_SHIFT                     0
+#define NV_FPROT0_PROT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_FPROT0_PROT_SHIFT))&NV_FPROT0_PROT_MASK)
+/* FSEC Bit Fields */
+#define NV_FSEC_SEC_MASK                         0x3u
+#define NV_FSEC_SEC_SHIFT                        0
+#define NV_FSEC_SEC(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_FSEC_SEC_SHIFT))&NV_FSEC_SEC_MASK)
+#define NV_FSEC_FSLACC_MASK                      0xCu
+#define NV_FSEC_FSLACC_SHIFT                     2
+#define NV_FSEC_FSLACC(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_FSEC_FSLACC_SHIFT))&NV_FSEC_FSLACC_MASK)
+#define NV_FSEC_MEEN_MASK                        0x30u
+#define NV_FSEC_MEEN_SHIFT                       4
+#define NV_FSEC_MEEN(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_FSEC_MEEN_SHIFT))&NV_FSEC_MEEN_MASK)
+#define NV_FSEC_KEYEN_MASK                       0xC0u
+#define NV_FSEC_KEYEN_SHIFT                      6
+#define NV_FSEC_KEYEN(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<NV_FSEC_KEYEN_SHIFT))&NV_FSEC_KEYEN_MASK)
+/* FOPT Bit Fields */
+#define NV_FOPT_LPBOOT0_MASK                     0x1u
+#define NV_FOPT_LPBOOT0_SHIFT                    0
+#define NV_FOPT_NMI_DIS_MASK                     0x4u
+#define NV_FOPT_NMI_DIS_SHIFT                    2
+#define NV_FOPT_RESET_PIN_CFG_MASK               0x8u
+#define NV_FOPT_RESET_PIN_CFG_SHIFT              3
+#define NV_FOPT_LPBOOT1_MASK                     0x10u
+#define NV_FOPT_LPBOOT1_SHIFT                    4
+#define NV_FOPT_FAST_INIT_MASK                   0x20u
+#define NV_FOPT_FAST_INIT_SHIFT                  5
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group NV_Register_Masks */
+/* NV - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral FTFA_FlashConfig base pointer */
+#define FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR                ((NV_MemMapPtr)0x400u)
+/** Array initializer of NV peripheral base pointers */
+#define NV_BASE_PTRS                             { FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- NV - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup NV_Register_Accessor_Macros NV - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* NV - Register instance definitions */
+/* FTFA_FlashConfig */
+#define NV_BACKKEY3                              NV_BACKKEY3_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_BACKKEY2                              NV_BACKKEY2_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_BACKKEY1                              NV_BACKKEY1_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_BACKKEY0                              NV_BACKKEY0_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_BACKKEY7                              NV_BACKKEY7_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_BACKKEY6                              NV_BACKKEY6_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_BACKKEY5                              NV_BACKKEY5_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_BACKKEY4                              NV_BACKKEY4_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_FPROT3                                NV_FPROT3_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_FPROT2                                NV_FPROT2_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_FPROT1                                NV_FPROT1_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_FPROT0                                NV_FPROT0_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_FSEC                                  NV_FSEC_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+#define NV_FOPT                                  NV_FOPT_REG(FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group NV_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group NV_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- NVIC
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup NVIC_Peripheral NVIC
+ * @{
+ */
+/** NVIC - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct NVIC_MemMap {
+  uint32_t ISER;                                   /**< Interrupt Set Enable Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[124];
+  uint32_t ICER;                                   /**< Interrupt Clear Enable Register, offset: 0x80 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[124];
+  uint32_t ISPR;                                   /**< Interrupt Set Pending Register, offset: 0x100 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_2[124];
+  uint32_t ICPR;                                   /**< Interrupt Clear Pending Register, offset: 0x180 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_3[380];
+  uint32_t IP[8];                                  /**< Interrupt Priority Register n, array offset: 0x300, array step: 0x4 */
+} volatile *NVIC_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- NVIC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup NVIC_Register_Accessor_Macros NVIC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* NVIC - Register accessors */
+#define NVIC_ISER_REG(base)                      ((base)->ISER)
+#define NVIC_ICER_REG(base)                      ((base)->ICER)
+#define NVIC_ISPR_REG(base)                      ((base)->ISPR)
+#define NVIC_ICPR_REG(base)                      ((base)->ICPR)
+#define NVIC_IP_REG(base,index)                  ((base)->IP[index])
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group NVIC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- NVIC Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup NVIC_Register_Masks NVIC Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ISER Bit Fields */
+#define NVIC_ISER_SETENA_MASK                    0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define NVIC_ISER_SETENA_SHIFT                   0
+#define NVIC_ISER_SETENA(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_ISER_SETENA_SHIFT))&NVIC_ISER_SETENA_MASK)
+/* ICER Bit Fields */
+#define NVIC_ICER_CLRENA_MASK                    0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define NVIC_ICER_CLRENA_SHIFT                   0
+#define NVIC_ICER_CLRENA(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_ICER_CLRENA_SHIFT))&NVIC_ICER_CLRENA_MASK)
+/* ISPR Bit Fields */
+#define NVIC_ISPR_SETPEND_MASK                   0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define NVIC_ISPR_SETPEND_SHIFT                  0
+#define NVIC_ISPR_SETPEND(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_ISPR_SETPEND_SHIFT))&NVIC_ISPR_SETPEND_MASK)
+/* ICPR Bit Fields */
+#define NVIC_ICPR_CLRPEND_MASK                   0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define NVIC_ICPR_CLRPEND_SHIFT                  0
+#define NVIC_ICPR_CLRPEND(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_ICPR_CLRPEND_SHIFT))&NVIC_ICPR_CLRPEND_MASK)
+/* IP Bit Fields */
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_0_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_0_SHIFT                      0
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_0(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_0_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_0_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_28_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_28_SHIFT                     0
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_28(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_28_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_28_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_24_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_24_SHIFT                     0
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_24(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_24_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_24_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_20_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_20_SHIFT                     0
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_20(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_20_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_20_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_4_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_4_SHIFT                      0
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_4(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_4_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_4_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_16_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_16_SHIFT                     0
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_16(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_16_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_16_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_12_MASK                      0xFFu
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_12_SHIFT                     0
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_12(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_12_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_12_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_8_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_8_SHIFT                      0
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_8(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_8_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_8_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_13_MASK                      0xFF00u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_13_SHIFT                     8
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_13(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_13_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_13_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_21_MASK                      0xFF00u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_21_SHIFT                     8
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_21(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_21_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_21_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_29_MASK                      0xFF00u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_29_SHIFT                     8
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_29(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_29_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_29_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_1_MASK                       0xFF00u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_1_SHIFT                      8
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_1(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_1_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_1_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_9_MASK                       0xFF00u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_9_SHIFT                      8
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_9(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_9_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_9_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_17_MASK                      0xFF00u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_17_SHIFT                     8
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_17(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_17_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_17_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_25_MASK                      0xFF00u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_25_SHIFT                     8
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_25(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_25_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_25_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_5_MASK                       0xFF00u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_5_SHIFT                      8
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_5(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_5_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_5_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_2_MASK                       0xFF0000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_2_SHIFT                      16
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_2(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_2_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_2_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_26_MASK                      0xFF0000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_26_SHIFT                     16
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_26(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_26_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_26_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_18_MASK                      0xFF0000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_18_SHIFT                     16
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_18(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_18_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_18_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_14_MASK                      0xFF0000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_14_SHIFT                     16
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_14(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_14_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_14_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_6_MASK                       0xFF0000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_6_SHIFT                      16
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_6(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_6_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_6_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_30_MASK                      0xFF0000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_30_SHIFT                     16
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_30(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_30_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_30_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_22_MASK                      0xFF0000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_22_SHIFT                     16
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_22(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_22_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_22_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_10_MASK                      0xFF0000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_10_SHIFT                     16
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_10(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_10_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_10_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_31_MASK                      0xFF000000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_31_SHIFT                     24
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_31(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_31_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_31_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_27_MASK                      0xFF000000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_27_SHIFT                     24
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_27(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_27_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_27_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_23_MASK                      0xFF000000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_23_SHIFT                     24
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_23(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_23_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_23_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_3_MASK                       0xFF000000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_3_SHIFT                      24
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_3(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_3_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_3_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_19_MASK                      0xFF000000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_19_SHIFT                     24
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_19(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_19_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_19_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_15_MASK                      0xFF000000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_15_SHIFT                     24
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_15(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_15_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_15_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_11_MASK                      0xFF000000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_11_SHIFT                     24
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_11(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_11_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_11_MASK)
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_7_MASK                       0xFF000000u
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_7_SHIFT                      24
+#define NVIC_IP_PRI_7(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<NVIC_IP_PRI_7_SHIFT))&NVIC_IP_PRI_7_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group NVIC_Register_Masks */
+/* NVIC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral NVIC base pointer */
+#define NVIC_BASE_PTR                            ((NVIC_MemMapPtr)0xE000E100u)
+/** Array initializer of NVIC peripheral base pointers */
+#define NVIC_BASE_PTRS                           { NVIC_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- NVIC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup NVIC_Register_Accessor_Macros NVIC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* NVIC - Register instance definitions */
+/* NVIC */
+#define NVIC_ISER                                NVIC_ISER_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR)
+#define NVIC_ICER                                NVIC_ICER_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR)
+#define NVIC_ISPR                                NVIC_ISPR_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR)
+#define NVIC_ICPR                                NVIC_ICPR_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR)
+#define NVIC_IPR0                                NVIC_IP_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define NVIC_IPR1                                NVIC_IP_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define NVIC_IPR2                                NVIC_IP_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define NVIC_IPR3                                NVIC_IP_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define NVIC_IPR4                                NVIC_IP_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define NVIC_IPR5                                NVIC_IP_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define NVIC_IPR6                                NVIC_IP_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR,6)
+#define NVIC_IPR7                                NVIC_IP_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR,7)
+/* NVIC - Register array accessors */
+#define NVIC_IP(index)                           NVIC_IP_REG(NVIC_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group NVIC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group NVIC_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- OSC
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup OSC_Peripheral OSC
+ * @{
+ */
+/** OSC - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct OSC_MemMap {
+  uint8_t CR;                                      /**< OSC Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
+} volatile *OSC_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- OSC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup OSC_Register_Accessor_Macros OSC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* OSC - Register accessors */
+#define OSC_CR_REG(base)                         ((base)->CR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group OSC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- OSC Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup OSC_Register_Masks OSC Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CR Bit Fields */
+#define OSC_CR_SC16P_MASK                        0x1u
+#define OSC_CR_SC16P_SHIFT                       0
+#define OSC_CR_SC8P_MASK                         0x2u
+#define OSC_CR_SC8P_SHIFT                        1
+#define OSC_CR_SC4P_MASK                         0x4u
+#define OSC_CR_SC4P_SHIFT                        2
+#define OSC_CR_SC2P_MASK                         0x8u
+#define OSC_CR_SC2P_SHIFT                        3
+#define OSC_CR_EREFSTEN_MASK                     0x20u
+#define OSC_CR_EREFSTEN_SHIFT                    5
+#define OSC_CR_ERCLKEN_MASK                      0x80u
+#define OSC_CR_ERCLKEN_SHIFT                     7
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group OSC_Register_Masks */
+/* OSC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral OSC0 base pointer */
+#define OSC0_BASE_PTR                            ((OSC_MemMapPtr)0x40065000u)
+/** Array initializer of OSC peripheral base pointers */
+#define OSC_BASE_PTRS                            { OSC0_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- OSC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup OSC_Register_Accessor_Macros OSC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* OSC - Register instance definitions */
+/* OSC0 */
+#define OSC0_CR                                  OSC_CR_REG(OSC0_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group OSC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group OSC_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PIT
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PIT_Peripheral PIT
+ * @{
+ */
+/** PIT - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct PIT_MemMap {
+  uint32_t MCR;                                    /**< PIT Module Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[220];
+  uint32_t LTMR64H;                                /**< PIT Upper Lifetime Timer Register, offset: 0xE0 */
+  uint32_t LTMR64L;                                /**< PIT Lower Lifetime Timer Register, offset: 0xE4 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[24];
+  struct {                                         /* offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t LDVAL;                                  /**< Timer Load Value Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t CVAL;                                   /**< Current Timer Value Register, array offset: 0x104, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t TCTRL;                                  /**< Timer Control Register, array offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10 */
+    uint32_t TFLG;                                   /**< Timer Flag Register, array offset: 0x10C, array step: 0x10 */
+  } CHANNEL[2];
+} volatile *PIT_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PIT - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PIT_Register_Accessor_Macros PIT - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PIT - Register accessors */
+#define PIT_MCR_REG(base)                        ((base)->MCR)
+#define PIT_LTMR64H_REG(base)                    ((base)->LTMR64H)
+#define PIT_LTMR64L_REG(base)                    ((base)->LTMR64L)
+#define PIT_LDVAL_REG(base,index)                ((base)->CHANNEL[index].LDVAL)
+#define PIT_CVAL_REG(base,index)                 ((base)->CHANNEL[index].CVAL)
+#define PIT_TCTRL_REG(base,index)                ((base)->CHANNEL[index].TCTRL)
+#define PIT_TFLG_REG(base,index)                 ((base)->CHANNEL[index].TFLG)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PIT_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PIT Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PIT_Register_Masks PIT Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MCR Bit Fields */
+#define PIT_MCR_FRZ_MASK                         0x1u
+#define PIT_MCR_FRZ_SHIFT                        0
+#define PIT_MCR_MDIS_MASK                        0x2u
+#define PIT_MCR_MDIS_SHIFT                       1
+/* LTMR64H Bit Fields */
+#define PIT_LTMR64H_LTH_MASK                     0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define PIT_LTMR64H_LTH_SHIFT                    0
+#define PIT_LTMR64H_LTH(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PIT_LTMR64H_LTH_SHIFT))&PIT_LTMR64H_LTH_MASK)
+/* LTMR64L Bit Fields */
+#define PIT_LTMR64L_LTL_MASK                     0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define PIT_LTMR64L_LTL_SHIFT                    0
+#define PIT_LTMR64L_LTL(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PIT_LTMR64L_LTL_SHIFT))&PIT_LTMR64L_LTL_MASK)
+/* LDVAL Bit Fields */
+#define PIT_LDVAL_TSV_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define PIT_LDVAL_TSV_SHIFT                      0
+#define PIT_LDVAL_TSV(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PIT_LDVAL_TSV_SHIFT))&PIT_LDVAL_TSV_MASK)
+/* CVAL Bit Fields */
+#define PIT_CVAL_TVL_MASK                        0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define PIT_CVAL_TVL_SHIFT                       0
+#define PIT_CVAL_TVL(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PIT_CVAL_TVL_SHIFT))&PIT_CVAL_TVL_MASK)
+/* TCTRL Bit Fields */
+#define PIT_TCTRL_TEN_MASK                       0x1u
+#define PIT_TCTRL_TEN_SHIFT                      0
+#define PIT_TCTRL_TIE_MASK                       0x2u
+#define PIT_TCTRL_TIE_SHIFT                      1
+#define PIT_TCTRL_CHN_MASK                       0x4u
+#define PIT_TCTRL_CHN_SHIFT                      2
+/* TFLG Bit Fields */
+#define PIT_TFLG_TIF_MASK                        0x1u
+#define PIT_TFLG_TIF_SHIFT                       0
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PIT_Register_Masks */
+/* PIT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral PIT base pointer */
+#define PIT_BASE_PTR                             ((PIT_MemMapPtr)0x40037000u)
+/** Array initializer of PIT peripheral base pointers */
+#define PIT_BASE_PTRS                            { PIT_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PIT - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PIT_Register_Accessor_Macros PIT - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PIT - Register instance definitions */
+/* PIT */
+#define PIT_MCR                                  PIT_MCR_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR)
+#define PIT_LTMR64H                              PIT_LTMR64H_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR)
+#define PIT_LTMR64L                              PIT_LTMR64L_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR)
+#define PIT_LDVAL0                               PIT_LDVAL_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define PIT_CVAL0                                PIT_CVAL_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define PIT_TCTRL0                               PIT_TCTRL_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define PIT_TFLG0                                PIT_TFLG_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define PIT_LDVAL1                               PIT_LDVAL_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define PIT_CVAL1                                PIT_CVAL_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define PIT_TCTRL1                               PIT_TCTRL_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define PIT_TFLG1                                PIT_TFLG_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,1)
+/* PIT - Register array accessors */
+#define PIT_LDVAL(index)                         PIT_LDVAL_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define PIT_CVAL(index)                          PIT_CVAL_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define PIT_TCTRL(index)                         PIT_TCTRL_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define PIT_TFLG(index)                          PIT_TFLG_REG(PIT_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PIT_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PIT_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PMC
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PMC_Peripheral PMC
+ * @{
+ */
+/** PMC - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct PMC_MemMap {
+  uint8_t LVDSC1;                                  /**< Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t LVDSC2;                                  /**< Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t REGSC;                                   /**< Regulator Status And Control register, offset: 0x2 */
+} volatile *PMC_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PMC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PMC_Register_Accessor_Macros PMC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PMC - Register accessors */
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_REG(base)                     ((base)->LVDSC1)
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_REG(base)                     ((base)->LVDSC2)
+#define PMC_REGSC_REG(base)                      ((base)->REGSC)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PMC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PMC Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PMC_Register_Masks PMC Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* LVDSC1 Bit Fields */
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV_MASK                     0x3u
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV_SHIFT                    0
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV_SHIFT))&PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV_MASK)
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDRE_MASK                    0x10u
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDRE_SHIFT                   4
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDIE_MASK                    0x20u
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDIE_SHIFT                   5
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDACK_MASK                   0x40u
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDACK_SHIFT                  6
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDF_MASK                     0x80u
+#define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDF_SHIFT                    7
+/* LVDSC2 Bit Fields */
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV_MASK                     0x3u
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV_SHIFT                    0
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV_SHIFT))&PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV_MASK)
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWIE_MASK                    0x20u
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWIE_SHIFT                   5
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWACK_MASK                   0x40u
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWACK_SHIFT                  6
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWF_MASK                     0x80u
+#define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWF_SHIFT                    7
+/* REGSC Bit Fields */
+#define PMC_REGSC_BGBE_MASK                      0x1u
+#define PMC_REGSC_BGBE_SHIFT                     0
+#define PMC_REGSC_REGONS_MASK                    0x4u
+#define PMC_REGSC_REGONS_SHIFT                   2
+#define PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_MASK                    0x8u
+#define PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_SHIFT                   3
+#define PMC_REGSC_BGEN_MASK                      0x10u
+#define PMC_REGSC_BGEN_SHIFT                     4
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PMC_Register_Masks */
+/* PMC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral PMC base pointer */
+#define PMC_BASE_PTR                             ((PMC_MemMapPtr)0x4007D000u)
+/** Array initializer of PMC peripheral base pointers */
+#define PMC_BASE_PTRS                            { PMC_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PMC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PMC_Register_Accessor_Macros PMC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PMC - Register instance definitions */
+/* PMC */
+#define PMC_LVDSC1                               PMC_LVDSC1_REG(PMC_BASE_PTR)
+#define PMC_LVDSC2                               PMC_LVDSC2_REG(PMC_BASE_PTR)
+#define PMC_REGSC                                PMC_REGSC_REG(PMC_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PMC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PMC_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PORT
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PORT_Peripheral PORT
+ * @{
+ */
+/** PORT - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct PORT_MemMap {
+  uint32_t PCR[32];                                /**< Pin Control Register n, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t GPCLR;                                  /**< Global Pin Control Low Register, offset: 0x80 */
+  uint32_t GPCHR;                                  /**< Global Pin Control High Register, offset: 0x84 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[24];
+  uint32_t ISFR;                                   /**< Interrupt Status Flag Register, offset: 0xA0 */
+} volatile *PORT_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PORT - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PORT_Register_Accessor_Macros PORT - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PORT - Register accessors */
+#define PORT_PCR_REG(base,index)                 ((base)->PCR[index])
+#define PORT_GPCLR_REG(base)                     ((base)->GPCLR)
+#define PORT_GPCHR_REG(base)                     ((base)->GPCHR)
+#define PORT_ISFR_REG(base)                      ((base)->ISFR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PORT_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PORT Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PORT_Register_Masks PORT Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PCR Bit Fields */
+#define PORT_PCR_PS_MASK                         0x1u
+#define PORT_PCR_PS_SHIFT                        0
+#define PORT_PCR_PE_MASK                         0x2u
+#define PORT_PCR_PE_SHIFT                        1
+#define PORT_PCR_SRE_MASK                        0x4u
+#define PORT_PCR_SRE_SHIFT                       2
+#define PORT_PCR_PFE_MASK                        0x10u
+#define PORT_PCR_PFE_SHIFT                       4
+#define PORT_PCR_DSE_MASK                        0x40u
+#define PORT_PCR_DSE_SHIFT                       6
+#define PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK                        0x700u
+#define PORT_PCR_MUX_SHIFT                       8
+#define PORT_PCR_MUX(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PORT_PCR_MUX_SHIFT))&PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK)
+#define PORT_PCR_IRQC_MASK                       0xF0000u
+#define PORT_PCR_IRQC_SHIFT                      16
+#define PORT_PCR_IRQC(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PORT_PCR_IRQC_SHIFT))&PORT_PCR_IRQC_MASK)
+#define PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK                        0x1000000u
+#define PORT_PCR_ISF_SHIFT                       24
+/* GPCLR Bit Fields */
+#define PORT_GPCLR_GPWD_MASK                     0xFFFFu
+#define PORT_GPCLR_GPWD_SHIFT                    0
+#define PORT_GPCLR_GPWD(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PORT_GPCLR_GPWD_SHIFT))&PORT_GPCLR_GPWD_MASK)
+#define PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_MASK                     0xFFFF0000u
+#define PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_SHIFT                    16
+#define PORT_GPCLR_GPWE(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_SHIFT))&PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_MASK)
+/* GPCHR Bit Fields */
+#define PORT_GPCHR_GPWD_MASK                     0xFFFFu
+#define PORT_GPCHR_GPWD_SHIFT                    0
+#define PORT_GPCHR_GPWD(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PORT_GPCHR_GPWD_SHIFT))&PORT_GPCHR_GPWD_MASK)
+#define PORT_GPCHR_GPWE_MASK                     0xFFFF0000u
+#define PORT_GPCHR_GPWE_SHIFT                    16
+#define PORT_GPCHR_GPWE(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PORT_GPCHR_GPWE_SHIFT))&PORT_GPCHR_GPWE_MASK)
+/* ISFR Bit Fields */
+#define PORT_ISFR_ISF_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define PORT_ISFR_ISF_SHIFT                      0
+#define PORT_ISFR_ISF(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PORT_ISFR_ISF_SHIFT))&PORT_ISFR_ISF_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PORT_Register_Masks */
+/* PORT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral PORTA base pointer */
+#define PORTA_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x40049000u)
+/** Peripheral PORTB base pointer */
+#define PORTB_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x4004A000u)
+/** Peripheral PORTC base pointer */
+#define PORTC_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x4004B000u)
+/** Peripheral PORTD base pointer */
+#define PORTD_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x4004C000u)
+/** Peripheral PORTE base pointer */
+#define PORTE_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x4004D000u)
+/** Array initializer of PORT peripheral base pointers */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- PORT - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup PORT_Register_Accessor_Macros PORT - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PORT - Register instance definitions */
+/* PORTA */
+#define PORTA_PCR0                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define PORTA_PCR1                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define PORTA_PCR2                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define PORTA_PCR3                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define PORTA_PCR4                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define PORTA_PCR5                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define PORTA_PCR6                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,6)
+#define PORTA_PCR7                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,7)
+#define PORTA_PCR8                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,8)
+#define PORTA_PCR9                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,9)
+#define PORTA_PCR10                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,10)
+#define PORTA_PCR11                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,11)
+#define PORTA_PCR12                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,12)
+#define PORTA_PCR13                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,13)
+#define PORTA_PCR14                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,14)
+#define PORTA_PCR15                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,15)
+#define PORTA_PCR16                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,16)
+#define PORTA_PCR17                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,17)
+#define PORTA_PCR18                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,18)
+#define PORTA_PCR19                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,19)
+#define PORTA_PCR20                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,20)
+#define PORTA_PCR21                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,21)
+#define PORTA_PCR22                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,22)
+#define PORTA_PCR23                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,23)
+#define PORTA_PCR24                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,24)
+#define PORTA_PCR25                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,25)
+#define PORTA_PCR26                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,26)
+#define PORTA_PCR27                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,27)
+#define PORTA_PCR28                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,28)
+#define PORTA_PCR29                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,29)
+#define PORTA_PCR30                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,30)
+#define PORTA_PCR31                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,31)
+#define PORTA_GPCLR                              PORT_GPCLR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTA_GPCHR                              PORT_GPCHR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTA_ISFR                               PORT_ISFR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR)
+/* PORTB */
+#define PORTB_PCR0                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define PORTB_PCR1                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define PORTB_PCR2                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define PORTB_PCR3                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define PORTB_PCR4                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define PORTB_PCR5                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define PORTB_PCR6                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,6)
+#define PORTB_PCR7                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,7)
+#define PORTB_PCR8                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,8)
+#define PORTB_PCR9                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,9)
+#define PORTB_PCR10                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,10)
+#define PORTB_PCR11                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,11)
+#define PORTB_PCR12                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,12)
+#define PORTB_PCR13                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,13)
+#define PORTB_PCR14                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,14)
+#define PORTB_PCR15                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,15)
+#define PORTB_PCR16                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,16)
+#define PORTB_PCR17                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,17)
+#define PORTB_PCR18                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,18)
+#define PORTB_PCR19                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,19)
+#define PORTB_PCR20                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,20)
+#define PORTB_PCR21                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,21)
+#define PORTB_PCR22                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,22)
+#define PORTB_PCR23                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,23)
+#define PORTB_PCR24                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,24)
+#define PORTB_PCR25                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,25)
+#define PORTB_PCR26                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,26)
+#define PORTB_PCR27                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,27)
+#define PORTB_PCR28                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,28)
+#define PORTB_PCR29                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,29)
+#define PORTB_PCR30                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,30)
+#define PORTB_PCR31                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,31)
+#define PORTB_GPCLR                              PORT_GPCLR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTB_GPCHR                              PORT_GPCHR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTB_ISFR                               PORT_ISFR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR)
+/* PORTC */
+#define PORTC_PCR0                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define PORTC_PCR1                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define PORTC_PCR2                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define PORTC_PCR3                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define PORTC_PCR4                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define PORTC_PCR5                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define PORTC_PCR6                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,6)
+#define PORTC_PCR7                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,7)
+#define PORTC_PCR8                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,8)
+#define PORTC_PCR9                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,9)
+#define PORTC_PCR10                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,10)
+#define PORTC_PCR11                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,11)
+#define PORTC_PCR12                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,12)
+#define PORTC_PCR13                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,13)
+#define PORTC_PCR14                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,14)
+#define PORTC_PCR15                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,15)
+#define PORTC_PCR16                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,16)
+#define PORTC_PCR17                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,17)
+#define PORTC_PCR18                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,18)
+#define PORTC_PCR19                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,19)
+#define PORTC_PCR20                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,20)
+#define PORTC_PCR21                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,21)
+#define PORTC_PCR22                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,22)
+#define PORTC_PCR23                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,23)
+#define PORTC_PCR24                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,24)
+#define PORTC_PCR25                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,25)
+#define PORTC_PCR26                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,26)
+#define PORTC_PCR27                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,27)
+#define PORTC_PCR28                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,28)
+#define PORTC_PCR29                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,29)
+#define PORTC_PCR30                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,30)
+#define PORTC_PCR31                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,31)
+#define PORTC_GPCLR                              PORT_GPCLR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTC_GPCHR                              PORT_GPCHR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTC_ISFR                               PORT_ISFR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR)
+/* PORTD */
+#define PORTD_PCR0                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define PORTD_PCR1                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define PORTD_PCR2                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define PORTD_PCR3                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define PORTD_PCR4                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define PORTD_PCR5                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define PORTD_PCR6                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,6)
+#define PORTD_PCR7                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,7)
+#define PORTD_PCR8                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,8)
+#define PORTD_PCR9                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,9)
+#define PORTD_PCR10                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,10)
+#define PORTD_PCR11                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,11)
+#define PORTD_PCR12                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,12)
+#define PORTD_PCR13                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,13)
+#define PORTD_PCR14                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,14)
+#define PORTD_PCR15                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,15)
+#define PORTD_PCR16                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,16)
+#define PORTD_PCR17                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,17)
+#define PORTD_PCR18                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,18)
+#define PORTD_PCR19                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,19)
+#define PORTD_PCR20                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,20)
+#define PORTD_PCR21                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,21)
+#define PORTD_PCR22                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,22)
+#define PORTD_PCR23                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,23)
+#define PORTD_PCR24                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,24)
+#define PORTD_PCR25                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,25)
+#define PORTD_PCR26                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,26)
+#define PORTD_PCR27                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,27)
+#define PORTD_PCR28                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,28)
+#define PORTD_PCR29                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,29)
+#define PORTD_PCR30                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,30)
+#define PORTD_PCR31                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,31)
+#define PORTD_GPCLR                              PORT_GPCLR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTD_GPCHR                              PORT_GPCHR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTD_ISFR                               PORT_ISFR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR)
+/* PORTE */
+#define PORTE_PCR0                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define PORTE_PCR1                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define PORTE_PCR2                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define PORTE_PCR3                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define PORTE_PCR4                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define PORTE_PCR5                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define PORTE_PCR6                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,6)
+#define PORTE_PCR7                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,7)
+#define PORTE_PCR8                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,8)
+#define PORTE_PCR9                               PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,9)
+#define PORTE_PCR10                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,10)
+#define PORTE_PCR11                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,11)
+#define PORTE_PCR12                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,12)
+#define PORTE_PCR13                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,13)
+#define PORTE_PCR14                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,14)
+#define PORTE_PCR15                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,15)
+#define PORTE_PCR16                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,16)
+#define PORTE_PCR17                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,17)
+#define PORTE_PCR18                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,18)
+#define PORTE_PCR19                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,19)
+#define PORTE_PCR20                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,20)
+#define PORTE_PCR21                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,21)
+#define PORTE_PCR22                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,22)
+#define PORTE_PCR23                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,23)
+#define PORTE_PCR24                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,24)
+#define PORTE_PCR25                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,25)
+#define PORTE_PCR26                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,26)
+#define PORTE_PCR27                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,27)
+#define PORTE_PCR28                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,28)
+#define PORTE_PCR29                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,29)
+#define PORTE_PCR30                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,30)
+#define PORTE_PCR31                              PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,31)
+#define PORTE_GPCLR                              PORT_GPCLR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTE_GPCHR                              PORT_GPCHR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR)
+#define PORTE_ISFR                               PORT_ISFR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR)
+/* PORT - Register array accessors */
+#define PORTA_PCR(index)                         PORT_PCR_REG(PORTA_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define PORTB_PCR(index)                         PORT_PCR_REG(PORTB_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define PORTC_PCR(index)                         PORT_PCR_REG(PORTC_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define PORTD_PCR(index)                         PORT_PCR_REG(PORTD_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define PORTE_PCR(index)                         PORT_PCR_REG(PORTE_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PORT_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group PORT_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- RCM
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup RCM_Peripheral RCM
+ * @{
+ */
+/** RCM - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct RCM_MemMap {
+  uint8_t SRS0;                                    /**< System Reset Status Register 0, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t SRS1;                                    /**< System Reset Status Register 1, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[2];
+  uint8_t RPFC;                                    /**< Reset Pin Filter Control register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t RPFW;                                    /**< Reset Pin Filter Width register, offset: 0x5 */
+} volatile *RCM_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- RCM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup RCM_Register_Accessor_Macros RCM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* RCM - Register accessors */
+#define RCM_SRS0_REG(base)                       ((base)->SRS0)
+#define RCM_SRS1_REG(base)                       ((base)->SRS1)
+#define RCM_RPFC_REG(base)                       ((base)->RPFC)
+#define RCM_RPFW_REG(base)                       ((base)->RPFW)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group RCM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- RCM Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup RCM_Register_Masks RCM Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SRS0 Bit Fields */
+#define RCM_SRS0_WAKEUP_MASK                     0x1u
+#define RCM_SRS0_WAKEUP_SHIFT                    0
+#define RCM_SRS0_LVD_MASK                        0x2u
+#define RCM_SRS0_LVD_SHIFT                       1
+#define RCM_SRS0_LOC_MASK                        0x4u
+#define RCM_SRS0_LOC_SHIFT                       2
+#define RCM_SRS0_LOL_MASK                        0x8u
+#define RCM_SRS0_LOL_SHIFT                       3
+#define RCM_SRS0_WDOG_MASK                       0x20u
+#define RCM_SRS0_WDOG_SHIFT                      5
+#define RCM_SRS0_PIN_MASK                        0x40u
+#define RCM_SRS0_PIN_SHIFT                       6
+#define RCM_SRS0_POR_MASK                        0x80u
+#define RCM_SRS0_POR_SHIFT                       7
+/* SRS1 Bit Fields */
+#define RCM_SRS1_LOCKUP_MASK                     0x2u
+#define RCM_SRS1_LOCKUP_SHIFT                    1
+#define RCM_SRS1_SW_MASK                         0x4u
+#define RCM_SRS1_SW_SHIFT                        2
+#define RCM_SRS1_MDM_AP_MASK                     0x8u
+#define RCM_SRS1_MDM_AP_SHIFT                    3
+#define RCM_SRS1_SACKERR_MASK                    0x20u
+#define RCM_SRS1_SACKERR_SHIFT                   5
+/* RPFC Bit Fields */
+#define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW_MASK                  0x3u
+#define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW_SHIFT                 0
+#define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW_SHIFT))&RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW_MASK)
+#define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSS_MASK                   0x4u
+#define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSS_SHIFT                  2
+/* RPFW Bit Fields */
+#define RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL_MASK                  0x1Fu
+#define RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL_SHIFT                 0
+#define RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL_SHIFT))&RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group RCM_Register_Masks */
+/* RCM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral RCM base pointer */
+#define RCM_BASE_PTR                             ((RCM_MemMapPtr)0x4007F000u)
+/** Array initializer of RCM peripheral base pointers */
+#define RCM_BASE_PTRS                            { RCM_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- RCM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup RCM_Register_Accessor_Macros RCM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* RCM - Register instance definitions */
+/* RCM */
+#define RCM_SRS0                                 RCM_SRS0_REG(RCM_BASE_PTR)
+#define RCM_SRS1                                 RCM_SRS1_REG(RCM_BASE_PTR)
+#define RCM_RPFC                                 RCM_RPFC_REG(RCM_BASE_PTR)
+#define RCM_RPFW                                 RCM_RPFW_REG(RCM_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group RCM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group RCM_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- ROM
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup ROM_Peripheral ROM
+ * @{
+ */
+/** ROM - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct ROM_MemMap {
+  uint32_t ENTRY[3];                               /**< Entry, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t TABLEMARK;                              /**< End of Table Marker Register, offset: 0xC */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[4028];
+  uint32_t SYSACCESS;                              /**< System Access Register, offset: 0xFCC */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID4;                              /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD0 */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID5;                              /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD4 */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID6;                              /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD8 */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID7;                              /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFDC */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID0;                              /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE0 */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID1;                              /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE4 */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID2;                              /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE8 */
+  uint32_t PERIPHID3;                              /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFEC */
+  uint32_t COMPID[4];                              /**< Component ID Register, array offset: 0xFF0, array step: 0x4 */
+} volatile *ROM_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- ROM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup ROM_Register_Accessor_Macros ROM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ROM - Register accessors */
+#define ROM_ENTRY_REG(base,index)                ((base)->ENTRY[index])
+#define ROM_TABLEMARK_REG(base)                  ((base)->TABLEMARK)
+#define ROM_SYSACCESS_REG(base)                  ((base)->SYSACCESS)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID4_REG(base)                  ((base)->PERIPHID4)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID5_REG(base)                  ((base)->PERIPHID5)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID6_REG(base)                  ((base)->PERIPHID6)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID7_REG(base)                  ((base)->PERIPHID7)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID0_REG(base)                  ((base)->PERIPHID0)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID1_REG(base)                  ((base)->PERIPHID1)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID2_REG(base)                  ((base)->PERIPHID2)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID3_REG(base)                  ((base)->PERIPHID3)
+#define ROM_COMPID_REG(base,index)               ((base)->COMPID[index])
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group ROM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- ROM Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup ROM_Register_Masks ROM Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ENTRY Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY_MASK                     0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY_SHIFT                    0
+#define ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY_SHIFT))&ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY_MASK)
+/* TABLEMARK Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK_MASK                  0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK_SHIFT                 0
+#define ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK_SHIFT))&ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK_MASK)
+/* SYSACCESS Bit Fields */
+/* PERIPHID4 Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_SHIFT             0
+#define ROM_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_SHIFT))&ROM_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_MASK)
+/* PERIPHID5 Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_SHIFT             0
+#define ROM_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_SHIFT))&ROM_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_MASK)
+/* PERIPHID6 Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_SHIFT             0
+#define ROM_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_SHIFT))&ROM_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_MASK)
+/* PERIPHID7 Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_SHIFT             0
+#define ROM_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_SHIFT))&ROM_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_MASK)
+/* PERIPHID0 Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_SHIFT             0
+#define ROM_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_SHIFT))&ROM_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_MASK)
+/* PERIPHID1 Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_SHIFT             0
+#define ROM_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_SHIFT))&ROM_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_MASK)
+/* PERIPHID2 Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_SHIFT             0
+#define ROM_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_SHIFT))&ROM_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_MASK)
+/* PERIPHID3 Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_SHIFT             0
+#define ROM_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_SHIFT))&ROM_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_MASK)
+/* COMPID Bit Fields */
+#define ROM_COMPID_COMPID_MASK                   0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define ROM_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT                  0
+#define ROM_COMPID_COMPID(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<ROM_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT))&ROM_COMPID_COMPID_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group ROM_Register_Masks */
+/* ROM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral ROM base pointer */
+#define ROM_BASE_PTR                             ((ROM_MemMapPtr)0xF0002000u)
+/** Array initializer of ROM peripheral base pointers */
+#define ROM_BASE_PTRS                            { ROM_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- ROM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup ROM_Register_Accessor_Macros ROM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ROM - Register instance definitions */
+/* ROM */
+#define ROM_ENTRY0                               ROM_ENTRY_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define ROM_ENTRY1                               ROM_ENTRY_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define ROM_ENTRY2                               ROM_ENTRY_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define ROM_TABLEMARK                            ROM_TABLEMARK_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_SYSACCESS                            ROM_SYSACCESS_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID4                            ROM_PERIPHID4_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID5                            ROM_PERIPHID5_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID6                            ROM_PERIPHID6_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID7                            ROM_PERIPHID7_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID0                            ROM_PERIPHID0_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID1                            ROM_PERIPHID1_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID2                            ROM_PERIPHID2_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_PERIPHID3                            ROM_PERIPHID3_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR)
+#define ROM_COMPID0                              ROM_COMPID_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define ROM_COMPID1                              ROM_COMPID_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define ROM_COMPID2                              ROM_COMPID_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define ROM_COMPID3                              ROM_COMPID_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR,3)
+/* ROM - Register array accessors */
+#define ROM_ENTRY(index)                         ROM_ENTRY_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define ROM_COMPID(index)                        ROM_COMPID_REG(ROM_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group ROM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group ROM_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- RTC
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup RTC_Peripheral RTC
+ * @{
+ */
+/** RTC - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct RTC_MemMap {
+  uint32_t TSR;                                    /**< RTC Time Seconds Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint32_t TPR;                                    /**< RTC Time Prescaler Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t TAR;                                    /**< RTC Time Alarm Register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint32_t TCR;                                    /**< RTC Time Compensation Register, offset: 0xC */
+  uint32_t CR;                                     /**< RTC Control Register, offset: 0x10 */
+  uint32_t SR;                                     /**< RTC Status Register, offset: 0x14 */
+  uint32_t LR;                                     /**< RTC Lock Register, offset: 0x18 */
+  uint32_t IER;                                    /**< RTC Interrupt Enable Register, offset: 0x1C */
+} volatile *RTC_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- RTC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup RTC_Register_Accessor_Macros RTC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* RTC - Register accessors */
+#define RTC_TSR_REG(base)                        ((base)->TSR)
+#define RTC_TPR_REG(base)                        ((base)->TPR)
+#define RTC_TAR_REG(base)                        ((base)->TAR)
+#define RTC_TCR_REG(base)                        ((base)->TCR)
+#define RTC_CR_REG(base)                         ((base)->CR)
+#define RTC_SR_REG(base)                         ((base)->SR)
+#define RTC_LR_REG(base)                         ((base)->LR)
+#define RTC_IER_REG(base)                        ((base)->IER)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group RTC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- RTC Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup RTC_Register_Masks RTC Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* TSR Bit Fields */
+#define RTC_TSR_TSR_MASK                         0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define RTC_TSR_TSR_SHIFT                        0
+#define RTC_TSR_TSR(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<RTC_TSR_TSR_SHIFT))&RTC_TSR_TSR_MASK)
+/* TPR Bit Fields */
+#define RTC_TPR_TPR_MASK                         0xFFFFu
+#define RTC_TPR_TPR_SHIFT                        0
+#define RTC_TPR_TPR(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<RTC_TPR_TPR_SHIFT))&RTC_TPR_TPR_MASK)
+/* TAR Bit Fields */
+#define RTC_TAR_TAR_MASK                         0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define RTC_TAR_TAR_SHIFT                        0
+#define RTC_TAR_TAR(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<RTC_TAR_TAR_SHIFT))&RTC_TAR_TAR_MASK)
+/* TCR Bit Fields */
+#define RTC_TCR_TCR_MASK                         0xFFu
+#define RTC_TCR_TCR_SHIFT                        0
+#define RTC_TCR_TCR(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<RTC_TCR_TCR_SHIFT))&RTC_TCR_TCR_MASK)
+#define RTC_TCR_CIR_MASK                         0xFF00u
+#define RTC_TCR_CIR_SHIFT                        8
+#define RTC_TCR_CIR(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<RTC_TCR_CIR_SHIFT))&RTC_TCR_CIR_MASK)
+#define RTC_TCR_TCV_MASK                         0xFF0000u
+#define RTC_TCR_TCV_SHIFT                        16
+#define RTC_TCR_TCV(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<RTC_TCR_TCV_SHIFT))&RTC_TCR_TCV_MASK)
+#define RTC_TCR_CIC_MASK                         0xFF000000u
+#define RTC_TCR_CIC_SHIFT                        24
+#define RTC_TCR_CIC(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<RTC_TCR_CIC_SHIFT))&RTC_TCR_CIC_MASK)
+/* CR Bit Fields */
+#define RTC_CR_SWR_MASK                          0x1u
+#define RTC_CR_SWR_SHIFT                         0
+#define RTC_CR_WPE_MASK                          0x2u
+#define RTC_CR_WPE_SHIFT                         1
+#define RTC_CR_SUP_MASK                          0x4u
+#define RTC_CR_SUP_SHIFT                         2
+#define RTC_CR_UM_MASK                           0x8u
+#define RTC_CR_UM_SHIFT                          3
+#define RTC_CR_OSCE_MASK                         0x100u
+#define RTC_CR_OSCE_SHIFT                        8
+#define RTC_CR_CLKO_MASK                         0x200u
+#define RTC_CR_CLKO_SHIFT                        9
+#define RTC_CR_SC16P_MASK                        0x400u
+#define RTC_CR_SC16P_SHIFT                       10
+#define RTC_CR_SC8P_MASK                         0x800u
+#define RTC_CR_SC8P_SHIFT                        11
+#define RTC_CR_SC4P_MASK                         0x1000u
+#define RTC_CR_SC4P_SHIFT                        12
+#define RTC_CR_SC2P_MASK                         0x2000u
+#define RTC_CR_SC2P_SHIFT                        13
+/* SR Bit Fields */
+#define RTC_SR_TIF_MASK                          0x1u
+#define RTC_SR_TIF_SHIFT                         0
+#define RTC_SR_TOF_MASK                          0x2u
+#define RTC_SR_TOF_SHIFT                         1
+#define RTC_SR_TAF_MASK                          0x4u
+#define RTC_SR_TAF_SHIFT                         2
+#define RTC_SR_TCE_MASK                          0x10u
+#define RTC_SR_TCE_SHIFT                         4
+/* LR Bit Fields */
+#define RTC_LR_TCL_MASK                          0x8u
+#define RTC_LR_TCL_SHIFT                         3
+#define RTC_LR_CRL_MASK                          0x10u
+#define RTC_LR_CRL_SHIFT                         4
+#define RTC_LR_SRL_MASK                          0x20u
+#define RTC_LR_SRL_SHIFT                         5
+#define RTC_LR_LRL_MASK                          0x40u
+#define RTC_LR_LRL_SHIFT                         6
+/* IER Bit Fields */
+#define RTC_IER_TIIE_MASK                        0x1u
+#define RTC_IER_TIIE_SHIFT                       0
+#define RTC_IER_TOIE_MASK                        0x2u
+#define RTC_IER_TOIE_SHIFT                       1
+#define RTC_IER_TAIE_MASK                        0x4u
+#define RTC_IER_TAIE_SHIFT                       2
+#define RTC_IER_TSIE_MASK                        0x10u
+#define RTC_IER_TSIE_SHIFT                       4
+#define RTC_IER_WPON_MASK                        0x80u
+#define RTC_IER_WPON_SHIFT                       7
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group RTC_Register_Masks */
+/* RTC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral RTC base pointer */
+#define RTC_BASE_PTR                             ((RTC_MemMapPtr)0x4003D000u)
+/** Array initializer of RTC peripheral base pointers */
+#define RTC_BASE_PTRS                            { RTC_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- RTC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup RTC_Register_Accessor_Macros RTC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* RTC - Register instance definitions */
+/* RTC */
+#define RTC_TSR                                  RTC_TSR_REG(RTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define RTC_TPR                                  RTC_TPR_REG(RTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define RTC_TAR                                  RTC_TAR_REG(RTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define RTC_TCR                                  RTC_TCR_REG(RTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define RTC_CR                                   RTC_CR_REG(RTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define RTC_SR                                   RTC_SR_REG(RTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define RTC_LR                                   RTC_LR_REG(RTC_BASE_PTR)
+#define RTC_IER                                  RTC_IER_REG(RTC_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group RTC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group RTC_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SCB
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SCB_Peripheral SCB
+ * @{
+ */
+/** SCB - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct SCB_MemMap {
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[8];
+  uint32_t ACTLR;                                  /**< Auxiliary Control Register,, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[3316];
+  uint32_t CPUID;                                  /**< CPUID Base Register, offset: 0xD00 */
+  uint32_t ICSR;                                   /**< Interrupt Control and State Register, offset: 0xD04 */
+  uint32_t VTOR;                                   /**< Vector Table Offset Register, offset: 0xD08 */
+  uint32_t AIRCR;                                  /**< Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register, offset: 0xD0C */
+  uint32_t SCR;                                    /**< System Control Register, offset: 0xD10 */
+  uint32_t CCR;                                    /**< Configuration and Control Register, offset: 0xD14 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_2[4];
+  uint32_t SHPR2;                                  /**< System Handler Priority Register 2, offset: 0xD1C */
+  uint32_t SHPR3;                                  /**< System Handler Priority Register 3, offset: 0xD20 */
+  uint32_t SHCSR;                                  /**< System Handler Control and State Register, offset: 0xD24 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_3[8];
+  uint32_t DFSR;                                   /**< Debug Fault Status Register, offset: 0xD30 */
+} volatile *SCB_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SCB - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SCB_Register_Accessor_Macros SCB - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SCB - Register accessors */
+#define SCB_ACTLR_REG(base)                      ((base)->ACTLR)
+#define SCB_CPUID_REG(base)                      ((base)->CPUID)
+#define SCB_ICSR_REG(base)                       ((base)->ICSR)
+#define SCB_VTOR_REG(base)                       ((base)->VTOR)
+#define SCB_AIRCR_REG(base)                      ((base)->AIRCR)
+#define SCB_SCR_REG(base)                        ((base)->SCR)
+#define SCB_CCR_REG(base)                        ((base)->CCR)
+#define SCB_SHPR2_REG(base)                      ((base)->SHPR2)
+#define SCB_SHPR3_REG(base)                      ((base)->SHPR3)
+#define SCB_SHCSR_REG(base)                      ((base)->SHCSR)
+#define SCB_DFSR_REG(base)                       ((base)->DFSR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SCB_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SCB Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SCB_Register_Masks SCB Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CPUID Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_CPUID_REVISION_MASK                  0xFu
+#define SCB_CPUID_REVISION_SHIFT                 0
+#define SCB_CPUID_REVISION(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_CPUID_REVISION_SHIFT))&SCB_CPUID_REVISION_MASK)
+#define SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_MASK                    0xFFF0u
+#define SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_SHIFT                   4
+#define SCB_CPUID_PARTNO(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_SHIFT))&SCB_CPUID_PARTNO_MASK)
+#define SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_MASK                   0xF00000u
+#define SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_SHIFT                  20
+#define SCB_CPUID_VARIANT(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_SHIFT))&SCB_CPUID_VARIANT_MASK)
+#define SCB_CPUID_IMPLEMENTER_MASK               0xFF000000u
+#define SCB_CPUID_IMPLEMENTER_SHIFT              24
+#define SCB_CPUID_IMPLEMENTER(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_CPUID_IMPLEMENTER_SHIFT))&SCB_CPUID_IMPLEMENTER_MASK)
+/* ICSR Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_MASK                 0x3Fu
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_SHIFT                0
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_SHIFT))&SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_MASK)
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_MASK                0x3F000u
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_SHIFT               12
+#define SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_SHIFT))&SCB_ICSR_VECTPENDING_MASK)
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPENDING_MASK                 0x400000u
+#define SCB_ICSR_ISRPENDING_SHIFT                22
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTCLR_MASK                  0x2000000u
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTCLR_SHIFT                 25
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET_MASK                  0x4000000u
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET_SHIFT                 26
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVCLR_MASK                  0x8000000u
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVCLR_SHIFT                 27
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET_MASK                  0x10000000u
+#define SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET_SHIFT                 28
+#define SCB_ICSR_NMIPENDSET_MASK                 0x80000000u
+#define SCB_ICSR_NMIPENDSET_SHIFT                31
+/* VTOR Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_MASK                     0xFFFFFF80u
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_SHIFT                    7
+#define SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_SHIFT))&SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_MASK)
+/* AIRCR Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTCLRACTIVE_MASK             0x2u
+#define SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_MASK               0x4u
+#define SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_SHIFT              2
+#define SCB_AIRCR_ENDIANNESS_MASK                0x8000u
+#define SCB_AIRCR_ENDIANNESS_SHIFT               15
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_MASK                   0xFFFF0000u
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_SHIFT                  16
+#define SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_SHIFT))&SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_MASK)
+/* SCR Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT_MASK                 0x2u
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPONEXIT_SHIFT                1
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_MASK                   0x4u
+#define SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_SHIFT                  2
+#define SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_MASK                   0x10u
+#define SCB_SCR_SEVONPEND_SHIFT                  4
+/* CCR Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_CCR_UNALIGN_TRP_MASK                 0x8u
+#define SCB_CCR_UNALIGN_TRP_SHIFT                3
+#define SCB_CCR_STKALIGN_MASK                    0x200u
+#define SCB_CCR_STKALIGN_SHIFT                   9
+/* SHPR2 Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_SHPR2_PRI_11_MASK                    0xFF000000u
+#define SCB_SHPR2_PRI_11_SHIFT                   24
+#define SCB_SHPR2_PRI_11(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_SHPR2_PRI_11_SHIFT))&SCB_SHPR2_PRI_11_MASK)
+/* SHPR3 Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_SHPR3_PRI_14_MASK                    0xFF0000u
+#define SCB_SHPR3_PRI_14_SHIFT                   16
+#define SCB_SHPR3_PRI_14(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_SHPR3_PRI_14_SHIFT))&SCB_SHPR3_PRI_14_MASK)
+#define SCB_SHPR3_PRI_15_MASK                    0xFF000000u
+#define SCB_SHPR3_PRI_15_SHIFT                   24
+#define SCB_SHPR3_PRI_15(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SCB_SHPR3_PRI_15_SHIFT))&SCB_SHPR3_PRI_15_MASK)
+/* SHCSR Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLPENDED_MASK              0x8000u
+#define SCB_SHCSR_SVCALLPENDED_SHIFT             15
+/* DFSR Bit Fields */
+#define SCB_DFSR_HALTED_MASK                     0x1u
+#define SCB_DFSR_HALTED_SHIFT                    0
+#define SCB_DFSR_BKPT_MASK                       0x2u
+#define SCB_DFSR_BKPT_SHIFT                      1
+#define SCB_DFSR_DWTTRAP_MASK                    0x4u
+#define SCB_DFSR_DWTTRAP_SHIFT                   2
+#define SCB_DFSR_VCATCH_MASK                     0x8u
+#define SCB_DFSR_VCATCH_SHIFT                    3
+#define SCB_DFSR_EXTERNAL_MASK                   0x10u
+#define SCB_DFSR_EXTERNAL_SHIFT                  4
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SCB_Register_Masks */
+/* SCB - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral SystemControl base pointer */
+#define SystemControl_BASE_PTR                   ((SCB_MemMapPtr)0xE000E000u)
+/** Array initializer of SCB peripheral base pointers */
+#define SCB_BASE_PTRS                            { SystemControl_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SCB - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SCB_Register_Accessor_Macros SCB - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SCB - Register instance definitions */
+/* SystemControl */
+#define SCB_ACTLR                                SCB_ACTLR_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_CPUID                                SCB_CPUID_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_ICSR                                 SCB_ICSR_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_VTOR                                 SCB_VTOR_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_AIRCR                                SCB_AIRCR_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_SCR                                  SCB_SCR_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_CCR                                  SCB_CCR_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_SHPR2                                SCB_SHPR2_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_SHPR3                                SCB_SHPR3_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_SHCSR                                SCB_SHCSR_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+#define SCB_DFSR                                 SCB_DFSR_REG(SystemControl_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SCB_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SCB_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SIM
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SIM_Peripheral SIM
+ * @{
+ */
+/** SIM - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct SIM_MemMap {
+  uint32_t SOPT1;                                  /**< System Options Register 1, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint32_t SOPT1CFG;                               /**< SOPT1 Configuration Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[4092];
+  uint32_t SOPT2;                                  /**< System Options Register 2, offset: 0x1004 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[4];
+  uint32_t SOPT4;                                  /**< System Options Register 4, offset: 0x100C */
+  uint32_t SOPT5;                                  /**< System Options Register 5, offset: 0x1010 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_2[4];
+  uint32_t SOPT7;                                  /**< System Options Register 7, offset: 0x1018 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_3[8];
+  uint32_t SDID;                                   /**< System Device Identification Register, offset: 0x1024 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_4[12];
+  uint32_t SCGC4;                                  /**< System Clock Gating Control Register 4, offset: 0x1034 */
+  uint32_t SCGC5;                                  /**< System Clock Gating Control Register 5, offset: 0x1038 */
+  uint32_t SCGC6;                                  /**< System Clock Gating Control Register 6, offset: 0x103C */
+  uint32_t SCGC7;                                  /**< System Clock Gating Control Register 7, offset: 0x1040 */
+  uint32_t CLKDIV1;                                /**< System Clock Divider Register 1, offset: 0x1044 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_5[4];
+  uint32_t FCFG1;                                  /**< Flash Configuration Register 1, offset: 0x104C */
+  uint32_t FCFG2;                                  /**< Flash Configuration Register 2, offset: 0x1050 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_6[4];
+  uint32_t UIDMH;                                  /**< Unique Identification Register Mid-High, offset: 0x1058 */
+  uint32_t UIDML;                                  /**< Unique Identification Register Mid Low, offset: 0x105C */
+  uint32_t UIDL;                                   /**< Unique Identification Register Low, offset: 0x1060 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_7[156];
+  uint32_t COPC;                                   /**< COP Control Register, offset: 0x1100 */
+  uint32_t SRVCOP;                                 /**< Service COP Register, offset: 0x1104 */
+} volatile *SIM_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SIM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SIM_Register_Accessor_Macros SIM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SIM - Register accessors */
+#define SIM_SOPT1_REG(base)                      ((base)->SOPT1)
+#define SIM_SOPT1CFG_REG(base)                   ((base)->SOPT1CFG)
+#define SIM_SOPT2_REG(base)                      ((base)->SOPT2)
+#define SIM_SOPT4_REG(base)                      ((base)->SOPT4)
+#define SIM_SOPT5_REG(base)                      ((base)->SOPT5)
+#define SIM_SOPT7_REG(base)                      ((base)->SOPT7)
+#define SIM_SDID_REG(base)                       ((base)->SDID)
+#define SIM_SCGC4_REG(base)                      ((base)->SCGC4)
+#define SIM_SCGC5_REG(base)                      ((base)->SCGC5)
+#define SIM_SCGC6_REG(base)                      ((base)->SCGC6)
+#define SIM_SCGC7_REG(base)                      ((base)->SCGC7)
+#define SIM_CLKDIV1_REG(base)                    ((base)->CLKDIV1)
+#define SIM_FCFG1_REG(base)                      ((base)->FCFG1)
+#define SIM_FCFG2_REG(base)                      ((base)->FCFG2)
+#define SIM_UIDMH_REG(base)                      ((base)->UIDMH)
+#define SIM_UIDML_REG(base)                      ((base)->UIDML)
+#define SIM_UIDL_REG(base)                       ((base)->UIDL)
+#define SIM_COPC_REG(base)                       ((base)->COPC)
+#define SIM_SRVCOP_REG(base)                     ((base)->SRVCOP)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SIM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SIM Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SIM_Register_Masks SIM Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SOPT1 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_MASK                 0xC0000u
+#define SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_SHIFT                18
+#define SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_SHIFT))&SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_MASK)
+#define SIM_SOPT1_USBVSTBY_MASK                  0x20000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT1_USBVSTBY_SHIFT                 29
+#define SIM_SOPT1_USBSSTBY_MASK                  0x40000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT1_USBSSTBY_SHIFT                 30
+#define SIM_SOPT1_USBREGEN_MASK                  0x80000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT1_USBREGEN_SHIFT                 31
+/* SOPT1CFG Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SOPT1CFG_URWE_MASK                   0x1000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT1CFG_URWE_SHIFT                  24
+#define SIM_SOPT1CFG_UVSWE_MASK                  0x2000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT1CFG_UVSWE_SHIFT                 25
+#define SIM_SOPT1CFG_USSWE_MASK                  0x4000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT1CFG_USSWE_SHIFT                 26
+/* SOPT2 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SOPT2_RTCCLKOUTSEL_MASK              0x10u
+#define SIM_SOPT2_RTCCLKOUTSEL_SHIFT             4
+#define SIM_SOPT2_CLKOUTSEL_MASK                 0xE0u
+#define SIM_SOPT2_CLKOUTSEL_SHIFT                5
+#define SIM_SOPT2_CLKOUTSEL(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SOPT2_CLKOUTSEL_SHIFT))&SIM_SOPT2_CLKOUTSEL_MASK)
+#define SIM_SOPT2_PLLFLLSEL_MASK                 0x10000u
+#define SIM_SOPT2_PLLFLLSEL_SHIFT                16
+#define SIM_SOPT2_USBSRC_MASK                    0x40000u
+#define SIM_SOPT2_USBSRC_SHIFT                   18
+#define SIM_SOPT2_TPMSRC_MASK                    0x3000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT2_TPMSRC_SHIFT                   24
+#define SIM_SOPT2_TPMSRC(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SOPT2_TPMSRC_SHIFT))&SIM_SOPT2_TPMSRC_MASK)
+#define SIM_SOPT2_UART0SRC_MASK                  0xC000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT2_UART0SRC_SHIFT                 26
+#define SIM_SOPT2_UART0SRC(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SOPT2_UART0SRC_SHIFT))&SIM_SOPT2_UART0SRC_MASK)
+/* SOPT4 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM1CH0SRC_MASK                0x40000u
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM1CH0SRC_SHIFT               18
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM2CH0SRC_MASK                0x100000u
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM2CH0SRC_SHIFT               20
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM0CLKSEL_MASK                0x1000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM0CLKSEL_SHIFT               24
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM1CLKSEL_MASK                0x2000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM1CLKSEL_SHIFT               25
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM2CLKSEL_MASK                0x4000000u
+#define SIM_SOPT4_TPM2CLKSEL_SHIFT               26
+/* SOPT5 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART0TXSRC_MASK                0x3u
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART0TXSRC_SHIFT               0
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART0TXSRC(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SOPT5_UART0TXSRC_SHIFT))&SIM_SOPT5_UART0TXSRC_MASK)
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART0RXSRC_MASK                0x4u
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART0RXSRC_SHIFT               2
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART1TXSRC_MASK                0x30u
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART1TXSRC_SHIFT               4
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART1TXSRC(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SOPT5_UART1TXSRC_SHIFT))&SIM_SOPT5_UART1TXSRC_MASK)
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART1RXSRC_MASK                0x40u
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART1RXSRC_SHIFT               6
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART0ODE_MASK                  0x10000u
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART0ODE_SHIFT                 16
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART1ODE_MASK                  0x20000u
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART1ODE_SHIFT                 17
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART2ODE_MASK                  0x40000u
+#define SIM_SOPT5_UART2ODE_SHIFT                 18
+/* SOPT7 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SOPT7_ADC0TRGSEL_MASK                0xFu
+#define SIM_SOPT7_ADC0TRGSEL_SHIFT               0
+#define SIM_SOPT7_ADC0TRGSEL(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SOPT7_ADC0TRGSEL_SHIFT))&SIM_SOPT7_ADC0TRGSEL_MASK)
+#define SIM_SOPT7_ADC0PRETRGSEL_MASK             0x10u
+#define SIM_SOPT7_ADC0PRETRGSEL_SHIFT            4
+#define SIM_SOPT7_ADC0ALTTRGEN_MASK              0x80u
+#define SIM_SOPT7_ADC0ALTTRGEN_SHIFT             7
+/* SDID Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SDID_PINID_MASK                      0xFu
+#define SIM_SDID_PINID_SHIFT                     0
+#define SIM_SDID_PINID(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SDID_PINID_SHIFT))&SIM_SDID_PINID_MASK)
+#define SIM_SDID_DIEID_MASK                      0xF80u
+#define SIM_SDID_DIEID_SHIFT                     7
+#define SIM_SDID_DIEID(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SDID_DIEID_SHIFT))&SIM_SDID_DIEID_MASK)
+#define SIM_SDID_REVID_MASK                      0xF000u
+#define SIM_SDID_REVID_SHIFT                     12
+#define SIM_SDID_REVID(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SDID_REVID_SHIFT))&SIM_SDID_REVID_MASK)
+#define SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE_MASK                   0xF0000u
+#define SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE_SHIFT                  16
+#define SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE_SHIFT))&SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE_MASK)
+#define SIM_SDID_SERIESID_MASK                   0xF00000u
+#define SIM_SDID_SERIESID_SHIFT                  20
+#define SIM_SDID_SERIESID(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SDID_SERIESID_SHIFT))&SIM_SDID_SERIESID_MASK)
+#define SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID_MASK                   0xF000000u
+#define SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID_SHIFT                  24
+#define SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID_SHIFT))&SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID_MASK)
+#define SIM_SDID_FAMID_MASK                      0xF0000000u
+#define SIM_SDID_FAMID_SHIFT                     28
+#define SIM_SDID_FAMID(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SDID_FAMID_SHIFT))&SIM_SDID_FAMID_MASK)
+/* SCGC4 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SCGC4_I2C0_MASK                      0x40u
+#define SIM_SCGC4_I2C0_SHIFT                     6
+#define SIM_SCGC4_I2C1_MASK                      0x80u
+#define SIM_SCGC4_I2C1_SHIFT                     7
+#define SIM_SCGC4_UART0_MASK                     0x400u
+#define SIM_SCGC4_UART0_SHIFT                    10
+#define SIM_SCGC4_UART1_MASK                     0x800u
+#define SIM_SCGC4_UART1_SHIFT                    11
+#define SIM_SCGC4_UART2_MASK                     0x1000u
+#define SIM_SCGC4_UART2_SHIFT                    12
+#define SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG_MASK                    0x40000u
+#define SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG_SHIFT                   18
+#define SIM_SCGC4_CMP_MASK                       0x80000u
+#define SIM_SCGC4_CMP_SHIFT                      19
+#define SIM_SCGC4_SPI0_MASK                      0x400000u
+#define SIM_SCGC4_SPI0_SHIFT                     22
+#define SIM_SCGC4_SPI1_MASK                      0x800000u
+#define SIM_SCGC4_SPI1_SHIFT                     23
+/* SCGC5 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SCGC5_LPTMR_MASK                     0x1u
+#define SIM_SCGC5_LPTMR_SHIFT                    0
+#define SIM_SCGC5_TSI_MASK                       0x20u
+#define SIM_SCGC5_TSI_SHIFT                      5
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_MASK                     0x200u
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_SHIFT                    9
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTB_MASK                     0x400u
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTB_SHIFT                    10
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTC_MASK                     0x800u
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTC_SHIFT                    11
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_MASK                     0x1000u
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT                    12
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_MASK                     0x2000u
+#define SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_SHIFT                    13
+/* SCGC6 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SCGC6_FTF_MASK                       0x1u
+#define SIM_SCGC6_FTF_SHIFT                      0
+#define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX_MASK                    0x2u
+#define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX_SHIFT                   1
+#define SIM_SCGC6_PIT_MASK                       0x800000u
+#define SIM_SCGC6_PIT_SHIFT                      23
+#define SIM_SCGC6_TPM0_MASK                      0x1000000u
+#define SIM_SCGC6_TPM0_SHIFT                     24
+#define SIM_SCGC6_TPM1_MASK                      0x2000000u
+#define SIM_SCGC6_TPM1_SHIFT                     25
+#define SIM_SCGC6_TPM2_MASK                      0x4000000u
+#define SIM_SCGC6_TPM2_SHIFT                     26
+#define SIM_SCGC6_ADC0_MASK                      0x8000000u
+#define SIM_SCGC6_ADC0_SHIFT                     27
+#define SIM_SCGC6_RTC_MASK                       0x20000000u
+#define SIM_SCGC6_RTC_SHIFT                      29
+#define SIM_SCGC6_DAC0_MASK                      0x80000000u
+#define SIM_SCGC6_DAC0_SHIFT                     31
+/* SCGC7 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SCGC7_DMA_MASK                       0x100u
+#define SIM_SCGC7_DMA_SHIFT                      8
+/* CLKDIV1 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV4_MASK                 0x70000u
+#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV4_SHIFT                16
+#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV4(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV4_SHIFT))&SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV4_MASK)
+#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1_MASK                 0xF0000000u
+#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1_SHIFT                28
+#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1_SHIFT))&SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1_MASK)
+/* FCFG1 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDIS_MASK                  0x1u
+#define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDIS_SHIFT                 0
+#define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDOZE_MASK                 0x2u
+#define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDOZE_SHIFT                1
+#define SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE_MASK                    0xF000000u
+#define SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE_SHIFT                   24
+#define SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE_SHIFT))&SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE_MASK)
+/* FCFG2 Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR0_MASK                  0x7F000000u
+#define SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR0_SHIFT                 24
+#define SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR0(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR0_SHIFT))&SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR0_MASK)
+/* UIDMH Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_UIDMH_UID_MASK                       0xFFFFu
+#define SIM_UIDMH_UID_SHIFT                      0
+#define SIM_UIDMH_UID(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_UIDMH_UID_SHIFT))&SIM_UIDMH_UID_MASK)
+/* UIDML Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_UIDML_UID_MASK                       0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define SIM_UIDML_UID_SHIFT                      0
+#define SIM_UIDML_UID(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_UIDML_UID_SHIFT))&SIM_UIDML_UID_MASK)
+/* UIDL Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_UIDL_UID_MASK                        0xFFFFFFFFu
+#define SIM_UIDL_UID_SHIFT                       0
+#define SIM_UIDL_UID(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_UIDL_UID_SHIFT))&SIM_UIDL_UID_MASK)
+/* COPC Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_COPC_COPW_MASK                       0x1u
+#define SIM_COPC_COPW_SHIFT                      0
+#define SIM_COPC_COPCLKS_MASK                    0x2u
+#define SIM_COPC_COPCLKS_SHIFT                   1
+#define SIM_COPC_COPT_MASK                       0xCu
+#define SIM_COPC_COPT_SHIFT                      2
+#define SIM_COPC_COPT(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_COPC_COPT_SHIFT))&SIM_COPC_COPT_MASK)
+/* SRVCOP Bit Fields */
+#define SIM_SRVCOP_SRVCOP_MASK                   0xFFu
+#define SIM_SRVCOP_SRVCOP_SHIFT                  0
+#define SIM_SRVCOP_SRVCOP(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SIM_SRVCOP_SRVCOP_SHIFT))&SIM_SRVCOP_SRVCOP_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SIM_Register_Masks */
+/* SIM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral SIM base pointer */
+#define SIM_BASE_PTR                             ((SIM_MemMapPtr)0x40047000u)
+/** Array initializer of SIM peripheral base pointers */
+#define SIM_BASE_PTRS                            { SIM_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SIM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SIM_Register_Accessor_Macros SIM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SIM - Register instance definitions */
+/* SIM */
+#define SIM_SOPT1                                SIM_SOPT1_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SOPT1CFG                             SIM_SOPT1CFG_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SOPT2                                SIM_SOPT2_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SOPT4                                SIM_SOPT4_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SOPT5                                SIM_SOPT5_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SOPT7                                SIM_SOPT7_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SDID                                 SIM_SDID_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SCGC4                                SIM_SCGC4_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SCGC5                                SIM_SCGC5_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SCGC6                                SIM_SCGC6_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SCGC7                                SIM_SCGC7_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_CLKDIV1                              SIM_CLKDIV1_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_FCFG1                                SIM_FCFG1_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_FCFG2                                SIM_FCFG2_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_UIDMH                                SIM_UIDMH_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_UIDML                                SIM_UIDML_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_UIDL                                 SIM_UIDL_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_COPC                                 SIM_COPC_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+#define SIM_SRVCOP                               SIM_SRVCOP_REG(SIM_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SIM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SIM_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SMC
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SMC_Peripheral SMC
+ * @{
+ */
+/** SMC - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct SMC_MemMap {
+  uint8_t PMPROT;                                  /**< Power Mode Protection register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t PMCTRL;                                  /**< Power Mode Control register, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t STOPCTRL;                                /**< Stop Control Register, offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t PMSTAT;                                  /**< Power Mode Status register, offset: 0x3 */
+} volatile *SMC_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SMC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SMC_Register_Accessor_Macros SMC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SMC - Register accessors */
+#define SMC_PMPROT_REG(base)                     ((base)->PMPROT)
+#define SMC_PMCTRL_REG(base)                     ((base)->PMCTRL)
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL_REG(base)                   ((base)->STOPCTRL)
+#define SMC_PMSTAT_REG(base)                     ((base)->PMSTAT)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SMC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SMC Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SMC_Register_Masks SMC Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PMPROT Bit Fields */
+#define SMC_PMPROT_AVLLS_MASK                    0x2u
+#define SMC_PMPROT_AVLLS_SHIFT                   1
+#define SMC_PMPROT_ALLS_MASK                     0x8u
+#define SMC_PMPROT_ALLS_SHIFT                    3
+#define SMC_PMPROT_AVLP_MASK                     0x20u
+#define SMC_PMPROT_AVLP_SHIFT                    5
+/* PMCTRL Bit Fields */
+#define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM_MASK                    0x7u
+#define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM_SHIFT                   0
+#define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM_SHIFT))&SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM_MASK)
+#define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPA_MASK                    0x8u
+#define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPA_SHIFT                   3
+#define SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_MASK                     0x60u
+#define SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_SHIFT                    5
+#define SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_SHIFT))&SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_MASK)
+/* STOPCTRL Bit Fields */
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM_MASK                  0x7u
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM_SHIFT                 0
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM_SHIFT))&SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM_MASK)
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL_PORPO_MASK                  0x20u
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL_PORPO_SHIFT                 5
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO_MASK                 0xC0u
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO_SHIFT                6
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO_SHIFT))&SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO_MASK)
+/* PMSTAT Bit Fields */
+#define SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT_MASK                   0x7Fu
+#define SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT_SHIFT                  0
+#define SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT_SHIFT))&SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SMC_Register_Masks */
+/* SMC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral SMC base pointer */
+#define SMC_BASE_PTR                             ((SMC_MemMapPtr)0x4007E000u)
+/** Array initializer of SMC peripheral base pointers */
+#define SMC_BASE_PTRS                            { SMC_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SMC - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SMC_Register_Accessor_Macros SMC - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SMC - Register instance definitions */
+/* SMC */
+#define SMC_PMPROT                               SMC_PMPROT_REG(SMC_BASE_PTR)
+#define SMC_PMCTRL                               SMC_PMCTRL_REG(SMC_BASE_PTR)
+#define SMC_STOPCTRL                             SMC_STOPCTRL_REG(SMC_BASE_PTR)
+#define SMC_PMSTAT                               SMC_PMSTAT_REG(SMC_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SMC_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SMC_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SPI
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SPI_Peripheral SPI
+ * @{
+ */
+/** SPI - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct SPI_MemMap {
+  uint8_t C1;                                      /**< SPI control register 1, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t C2;                                      /**< SPI control register 2, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t BR;                                      /**< SPI baud rate register, offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t S;                                       /**< SPI status register, offset: 0x3 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[1];
+  uint8_t D;                                       /**< SPI data register, offset: 0x5 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[1];
+  uint8_t M;                                       /**< SPI match register, offset: 0x7 */
+} volatile *SPI_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SPI - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SPI_Register_Accessor_Macros SPI - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SPI - Register accessors */
+#define SPI_C1_REG(base)                         ((base)->C1)
+#define SPI_C2_REG(base)                         ((base)->C2)
+#define SPI_BR_REG(base)                         ((base)->BR)
+#define SPI_S_REG(base)                          ((base)->S)
+#define SPI_D_REG(base)                          ((base)->D)
+#define SPI_M_REG(base)                          ((base)->M)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SPI_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SPI Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SPI_Register_Masks SPI Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* C1 Bit Fields */
+#define SPI_C1_LSBFE_MASK                        0x1u
+#define SPI_C1_LSBFE_SHIFT                       0
+#define SPI_C1_SSOE_MASK                         0x2u
+#define SPI_C1_SSOE_SHIFT                        1
+#define SPI_C1_CPHA_MASK                         0x4u
+#define SPI_C1_CPHA_SHIFT                        2
+#define SPI_C1_CPOL_MASK                         0x8u
+#define SPI_C1_CPOL_SHIFT                        3
+#define SPI_C1_MSTR_MASK                         0x10u
+#define SPI_C1_MSTR_SHIFT                        4
+#define SPI_C1_SPTIE_MASK                        0x20u
+#define SPI_C1_SPTIE_SHIFT                       5
+#define SPI_C1_SPE_MASK                          0x40u
+#define SPI_C1_SPE_SHIFT                         6
+#define SPI_C1_SPIE_MASK                         0x80u
+#define SPI_C1_SPIE_SHIFT                        7
+/* C2 Bit Fields */
+#define SPI_C2_SPC0_MASK                         0x1u
+#define SPI_C2_SPC0_SHIFT                        0
+#define SPI_C2_SPISWAI_MASK                      0x2u
+#define SPI_C2_SPISWAI_SHIFT                     1
+#define SPI_C2_RXDMAE_MASK                       0x4u
+#define SPI_C2_RXDMAE_SHIFT                      2
+#define SPI_C2_BIDIROE_MASK                      0x8u
+#define SPI_C2_BIDIROE_SHIFT                     3
+#define SPI_C2_MODFEN_MASK                       0x10u
+#define SPI_C2_MODFEN_SHIFT                      4
+#define SPI_C2_TXDMAE_MASK                       0x20u
+#define SPI_C2_TXDMAE_SHIFT                      5
+#define SPI_C2_SPMIE_MASK                        0x80u
+#define SPI_C2_SPMIE_SHIFT                       7
+/* BR Bit Fields */
+#define SPI_BR_SPR_MASK                          0xFu
+#define SPI_BR_SPR_SHIFT                         0
+#define SPI_BR_SPR(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<SPI_BR_SPR_SHIFT))&SPI_BR_SPR_MASK)
+#define SPI_BR_SPPR_MASK                         0x70u
+#define SPI_BR_SPPR_SHIFT                        4
+#define SPI_BR_SPPR(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<SPI_BR_SPPR_SHIFT))&SPI_BR_SPPR_MASK)
+/* S Bit Fields */
+#define SPI_S_MODF_MASK                          0x10u
+#define SPI_S_MODF_SHIFT                         4
+#define SPI_S_SPTEF_MASK                         0x20u
+#define SPI_S_SPTEF_SHIFT                        5
+#define SPI_S_SPMF_MASK                          0x40u
+#define SPI_S_SPMF_SHIFT                         6
+#define SPI_S_SPRF_MASK                          0x80u
+#define SPI_S_SPRF_SHIFT                         7
+/* D Bit Fields */
+#define SPI_D_Bits_MASK                          0xFFu
+#define SPI_D_Bits_SHIFT                         0
+#define SPI_D_Bits(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<SPI_D_Bits_SHIFT))&SPI_D_Bits_MASK)
+/* M Bit Fields */
+#define SPI_M_Bits_MASK                          0xFFu
+#define SPI_M_Bits_SHIFT                         0
+#define SPI_M_Bits(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<SPI_M_Bits_SHIFT))&SPI_M_Bits_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SPI_Register_Masks */
+/* SPI - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral SPI0 base pointer */
+#define SPI0_BASE_PTR                            ((SPI_MemMapPtr)0x40076000u)
+/** Peripheral SPI1 base pointer */
+#define SPI1_BASE_PTR                            ((SPI_MemMapPtr)0x40077000u)
+/** Array initializer of SPI peripheral base pointers */
+#define SPI_BASE_PTRS                            { SPI0_BASE_PTR, SPI1_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SPI - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SPI_Register_Accessor_Macros SPI - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SPI - Register instance definitions */
+/* SPI0 */
+#define SPI0_C1                                  SPI_C1_REG(SPI0_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI0_C2                                  SPI_C2_REG(SPI0_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI0_BR                                  SPI_BR_REG(SPI0_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI0_S                                   SPI_S_REG(SPI0_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI0_D                                   SPI_D_REG(SPI0_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI0_M                                   SPI_M_REG(SPI0_BASE_PTR)
+/* SPI1 */
+#define SPI1_C1                                  SPI_C1_REG(SPI1_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI1_C2                                  SPI_C2_REG(SPI1_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI1_BR                                  SPI_BR_REG(SPI1_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI1_S                                   SPI_S_REG(SPI1_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI1_D                                   SPI_D_REG(SPI1_BASE_PTR)
+#define SPI1_M                                   SPI_M_REG(SPI1_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SPI_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SPI_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SysTick
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SysTick_Peripheral SysTick
+ * @{
+ */
+/** SysTick - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct SysTick_MemMap {
+  uint32_t CSR;                                    /**< SysTick Control and Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint32_t RVR;                                    /**< SysTick Reload Value Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t CVR;                                    /**< SysTick Current Value Register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint32_t CALIB;                                  /**< SysTick Calibration Value Register, offset: 0xC */
+} volatile *SysTick_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SysTick - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SysTick_Register_Accessor_Macros SysTick - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SysTick - Register accessors */
+#define SysTick_CSR_REG(base)                    ((base)->CSR)
+#define SysTick_RVR_REG(base)                    ((base)->RVR)
+#define SysTick_CVR_REG(base)                    ((base)->CVR)
+#define SysTick_CALIB_REG(base)                  ((base)->CALIB)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SysTick_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SysTick Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SysTick_Register_Masks SysTick Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CSR Bit Fields */
+#define SysTick_CSR_ENABLE_MASK                  0x1u
+#define SysTick_CSR_ENABLE_SHIFT                 0
+#define SysTick_CSR_TICKINT_MASK                 0x2u
+#define SysTick_CSR_TICKINT_SHIFT                1
+#define SysTick_CSR_CLKSOURCE_MASK               0x4u
+#define SysTick_CSR_CLKSOURCE_SHIFT              2
+#define SysTick_CSR_COUNTFLAG_MASK               0x10000u
+#define SysTick_CSR_COUNTFLAG_SHIFT              16
+/* RVR Bit Fields */
+#define SysTick_RVR_RELOAD_MASK                  0xFFFFFFu
+#define SysTick_RVR_RELOAD_SHIFT                 0
+#define SysTick_RVR_RELOAD(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SysTick_RVR_RELOAD_SHIFT))&SysTick_RVR_RELOAD_MASK)
+/* CVR Bit Fields */
+#define SysTick_CVR_CURRENT_MASK                 0xFFFFFFu
+#define SysTick_CVR_CURRENT_SHIFT                0
+#define SysTick_CVR_CURRENT(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SysTick_CVR_CURRENT_SHIFT))&SysTick_CVR_CURRENT_MASK)
+/* CALIB Bit Fields */
+#define SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_MASK                 0xFFFFFFu
+#define SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_SHIFT                0
+#define SysTick_CALIB_TENMS(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_SHIFT))&SysTick_CALIB_TENMS_MASK)
+#define SysTick_CALIB_SKEW_MASK                  0x40000000u
+#define SysTick_CALIB_SKEW_SHIFT                 30
+#define SysTick_CALIB_NOREF_MASK                 0x80000000u
+#define SysTick_CALIB_NOREF_SHIFT                31
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SysTick_Register_Masks */
+/* SysTick - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral SysTick base pointer */
+#define SysTick_BASE_PTR                         ((SysTick_MemMapPtr)0xE000E010u)
+/** Array initializer of SysTick peripheral base pointers */
+#define SysTick_BASE_PTRS                        { SysTick_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- SysTick - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup SysTick_Register_Accessor_Macros SysTick - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SysTick - Register instance definitions */
+/* SysTick */
+#define SYST_CSR                                 SysTick_CSR_REG(SysTick_BASE_PTR)
+#define SYST_RVR                                 SysTick_RVR_REG(SysTick_BASE_PTR)
+#define SYST_CVR                                 SysTick_CVR_REG(SysTick_BASE_PTR)
+#define SYST_CALIB                               SysTick_CALIB_REG(SysTick_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SysTick_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group SysTick_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- TPM
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup TPM_Peripheral TPM
+ * @{
+ */
+/** TPM - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct TPM_MemMap {
+  uint32_t SC;                                     /**< Status and Control, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint32_t CNT;                                    /**< Counter, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t MOD;                                    /**< Modulo, offset: 0x8 */
+  struct {                                         /* offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8 */
+    uint32_t CnSC;                                   /**< Channel (n) Status and Control, array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x8 */
+    uint32_t CnV;                                    /**< Channel (n) Value, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8 */
+  } CONTROLS[6];
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[20];
+  uint32_t STATUS;                                 /**< Capture and Compare Status, offset: 0x50 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[48];
+  uint32_t CONF;                                   /**< Configuration, offset: 0x84 */
+} volatile *TPM_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- TPM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup TPM_Register_Accessor_Macros TPM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* TPM - Register accessors */
+#define TPM_SC_REG(base)                         ((base)->SC)
+#define TPM_CNT_REG(base)                        ((base)->CNT)
+#define TPM_MOD_REG(base)                        ((base)->MOD)
+#define TPM_CnSC_REG(base,index)                 ((base)->CONTROLS[index].CnSC)
+#define TPM_CnV_REG(base,index)                  ((base)->CONTROLS[index].CnV)
+#define TPM_STATUS_REG(base)                     ((base)->STATUS)
+#define TPM_CONF_REG(base)                       ((base)->CONF)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group TPM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- TPM Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup TPM_Register_Masks TPM Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SC Bit Fields */
+#define TPM_SC_PS_MASK                           0x7u
+#define TPM_SC_PS_SHIFT                          0
+#define TPM_SC_PS(x)                             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TPM_SC_PS_SHIFT))&TPM_SC_PS_MASK)
+#define TPM_SC_CMOD_MASK                         0x18u
+#define TPM_SC_CMOD_SHIFT                        3
+#define TPM_SC_CMOD(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TPM_SC_CMOD_SHIFT))&TPM_SC_CMOD_MASK)
+#define TPM_SC_CPWMS_MASK                        0x20u
+#define TPM_SC_CPWMS_SHIFT                       5
+#define TPM_SC_TOIE_MASK                         0x40u
+#define TPM_SC_TOIE_SHIFT                        6
+#define TPM_SC_TOF_MASK                          0x80u
+#define TPM_SC_TOF_SHIFT                         7
+#define TPM_SC_DMA_MASK                          0x100u
+#define TPM_SC_DMA_SHIFT                         8
+/* CNT Bit Fields */
+#define TPM_CNT_COUNT_MASK                       0xFFFFu
+#define TPM_CNT_COUNT_SHIFT                      0
+#define TPM_CNT_COUNT(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TPM_CNT_COUNT_SHIFT))&TPM_CNT_COUNT_MASK)
+/* MOD Bit Fields */
+#define TPM_MOD_MOD_MASK                         0xFFFFu
+#define TPM_MOD_MOD_SHIFT                        0
+#define TPM_MOD_MOD(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TPM_MOD_MOD_SHIFT))&TPM_MOD_MOD_MASK)
+/* CnSC Bit Fields */
+#define TPM_CnSC_DMA_MASK                        0x1u
+#define TPM_CnSC_DMA_SHIFT                       0
+#define TPM_CnSC_ELSA_MASK                       0x4u
+#define TPM_CnSC_ELSA_SHIFT                      2
+#define TPM_CnSC_ELSB_MASK                       0x8u
+#define TPM_CnSC_ELSB_SHIFT                      3
+#define TPM_CnSC_MSA_MASK                        0x10u
+#define TPM_CnSC_MSA_SHIFT                       4
+#define TPM_CnSC_MSB_MASK                        0x20u
+#define TPM_CnSC_MSB_SHIFT                       5
+#define TPM_CnSC_CHIE_MASK                       0x40u
+#define TPM_CnSC_CHIE_SHIFT                      6
+#define TPM_CnSC_CHF_MASK                        0x80u
+#define TPM_CnSC_CHF_SHIFT                       7
+/* CnV Bit Fields */
+#define TPM_CnV_VAL_MASK                         0xFFFFu
+#define TPM_CnV_VAL_SHIFT                        0
+#define TPM_CnV_VAL(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TPM_CnV_VAL_SHIFT))&TPM_CnV_VAL_MASK)
+/* STATUS Bit Fields */
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH0F_MASK                     0x1u
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH0F_SHIFT                    0
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH1F_MASK                     0x2u
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH1F_SHIFT                    1
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH2F_MASK                     0x4u
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH2F_SHIFT                    2
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH3F_MASK                     0x8u
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH3F_SHIFT                    3
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH4F_MASK                     0x10u
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH4F_SHIFT                    4
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH5F_MASK                     0x20u
+#define TPM_STATUS_CH5F_SHIFT                    5
+#define TPM_STATUS_TOF_MASK                      0x100u
+#define TPM_STATUS_TOF_SHIFT                     8
+/* CONF Bit Fields */
+#define TPM_CONF_DOZEEN_MASK                     0x20u
+#define TPM_CONF_DOZEEN_SHIFT                    5
+#define TPM_CONF_DBGMODE_MASK                    0xC0u
+#define TPM_CONF_DBGMODE_SHIFT                   6
+#define TPM_CONF_DBGMODE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TPM_CONF_DBGMODE_SHIFT))&TPM_CONF_DBGMODE_MASK)
+#define TPM_CONF_GTBEEN_MASK                     0x200u
+#define TPM_CONF_GTBEEN_SHIFT                    9
+#define TPM_CONF_CSOT_MASK                       0x10000u
+#define TPM_CONF_CSOT_SHIFT                      16
+#define TPM_CONF_CSOO_MASK                       0x20000u
+#define TPM_CONF_CSOO_SHIFT                      17
+#define TPM_CONF_CROT_MASK                       0x40000u
+#define TPM_CONF_CROT_SHIFT                      18
+#define TPM_CONF_TRGSEL_MASK                     0xF000000u
+#define TPM_CONF_TRGSEL_SHIFT                    24
+#define TPM_CONF_TRGSEL(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TPM_CONF_TRGSEL_SHIFT))&TPM_CONF_TRGSEL_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group TPM_Register_Masks */
+/* TPM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral TPM0 base pointer */
+#define TPM0_BASE_PTR                            ((TPM_MemMapPtr)0x40038000u)
+/** Peripheral TPM1 base pointer */
+#define TPM1_BASE_PTR                            ((TPM_MemMapPtr)0x40039000u)
+/** Peripheral TPM2 base pointer */
+#define TPM2_BASE_PTR                            ((TPM_MemMapPtr)0x4003A000u)
+/** Array initializer of TPM peripheral base pointers */
+#define TPM_BASE_PTRS                            { TPM0_BASE_PTR, TPM1_BASE_PTR, TPM2_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- TPM - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup TPM_Register_Accessor_Macros TPM - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* TPM - Register instance definitions */
+/* TPM0 */
+#define TPM0_SC                                  TPM_SC_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM0_CNT                                 TPM_CNT_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM0_MOD                                 TPM_MOD_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM0_C0SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define TPM0_C0V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define TPM0_C1SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define TPM0_C1V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define TPM0_C2SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define TPM0_C2V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define TPM0_C3SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define TPM0_C3V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define TPM0_C4SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define TPM0_C4V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define TPM0_C5SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define TPM0_C5V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define TPM0_STATUS                              TPM_STATUS_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM0_CONF                                TPM_CONF_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR)
+/* TPM1 */
+#define TPM1_SC                                  TPM_SC_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM1_CNT                                 TPM_CNT_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM1_MOD                                 TPM_MOD_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM1_C0SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define TPM1_C0V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define TPM1_C1SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define TPM1_C1V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define TPM1_STATUS                              TPM_STATUS_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM1_CONF                                TPM_CONF_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR)
+/* TPM2 */
+#define TPM2_SC                                  TPM_SC_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM2_CNT                                 TPM_CNT_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM2_MOD                                 TPM_MOD_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM2_C0SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define TPM2_C0V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define TPM2_C1SC                                TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define TPM2_C1V                                 TPM_CnV_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define TPM2_STATUS                              TPM_STATUS_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR)
+#define TPM2_CONF                                TPM_CONF_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR)
+/* TPM - Register array accessors */
+#define TPM0_CnSC(index)                         TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define TPM1_CnSC(index)                         TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define TPM2_CnSC(index)                         TPM_CnSC_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define TPM0_CnV(index)                          TPM_CnV_REG(TPM0_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define TPM1_CnV(index)                          TPM_CnV_REG(TPM1_BASE_PTR,index)
+#define TPM2_CnV(index)                          TPM_CnV_REG(TPM2_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group TPM_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group TPM_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- TSI
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup TSI_Peripheral TSI
+ * @{
+ */
+/** TSI - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct TSI_MemMap {
+  uint32_t GENCS;                                  /**< TSI General Control and Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint32_t DATA;                                   /**< TSI DATA Register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint32_t TSHD;                                   /**< TSI Threshold Register, offset: 0x8 */
+} volatile *TSI_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- TSI - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup TSI_Register_Accessor_Macros TSI - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* TSI - Register accessors */
+#define TSI_GENCS_REG(base)                      ((base)->GENCS)
+#define TSI_DATA_REG(base)                       ((base)->DATA)
+#define TSI_TSHD_REG(base)                       ((base)->TSHD)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group TSI_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- TSI Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup TSI_Register_Masks TSI Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* GENCS Bit Fields */
+#define TSI_GENCS_CURSW_MASK                     0x2u
+#define TSI_GENCS_CURSW_SHIFT                    1
+#define TSI_GENCS_EOSF_MASK                      0x4u
+#define TSI_GENCS_EOSF_SHIFT                     2
+#define TSI_GENCS_SCNIP_MASK                     0x8u
+#define TSI_GENCS_SCNIP_SHIFT                    3
+#define TSI_GENCS_STM_MASK                       0x10u
+#define TSI_GENCS_STM_SHIFT                      4
+#define TSI_GENCS_STPE_MASK                      0x20u
+#define TSI_GENCS_STPE_SHIFT                     5
+#define TSI_GENCS_TSIIEN_MASK                    0x40u
+#define TSI_GENCS_TSIIEN_SHIFT                   6
+#define TSI_GENCS_TSIEN_MASK                     0x80u
+#define TSI_GENCS_TSIEN_SHIFT                    7
+#define TSI_GENCS_NSCN_MASK                      0x1F00u
+#define TSI_GENCS_NSCN_SHIFT                     8
+#define TSI_GENCS_NSCN(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_GENCS_NSCN_SHIFT))&TSI_GENCS_NSCN_MASK)
+#define TSI_GENCS_PS_MASK                        0xE000u
+#define TSI_GENCS_PS_SHIFT                       13
+#define TSI_GENCS_PS(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_GENCS_PS_SHIFT))&TSI_GENCS_PS_MASK)
+#define TSI_GENCS_EXTCHRG_MASK                   0x70000u
+#define TSI_GENCS_EXTCHRG_SHIFT                  16
+#define TSI_GENCS_EXTCHRG(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_GENCS_EXTCHRG_SHIFT))&TSI_GENCS_EXTCHRG_MASK)
+#define TSI_GENCS_DVOLT_MASK                     0x180000u
+#define TSI_GENCS_DVOLT_SHIFT                    19
+#define TSI_GENCS_DVOLT(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_GENCS_DVOLT_SHIFT))&TSI_GENCS_DVOLT_MASK)
+#define TSI_GENCS_REFCHRG_MASK                   0xE00000u
+#define TSI_GENCS_REFCHRG_SHIFT                  21
+#define TSI_GENCS_REFCHRG(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_GENCS_REFCHRG_SHIFT))&TSI_GENCS_REFCHRG_MASK)
+#define TSI_GENCS_MODE_MASK                      0xF000000u
+#define TSI_GENCS_MODE_SHIFT                     24
+#define TSI_GENCS_MODE(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_GENCS_MODE_SHIFT))&TSI_GENCS_MODE_MASK)
+#define TSI_GENCS_ESOR_MASK                      0x10000000u
+#define TSI_GENCS_ESOR_SHIFT                     28
+#define TSI_GENCS_OUTRGF_MASK                    0x80000000u
+#define TSI_GENCS_OUTRGF_SHIFT                   31
+/* DATA Bit Fields */
+#define TSI_DATA_TSICNT_MASK                     0xFFFFu
+#define TSI_DATA_TSICNT_SHIFT                    0
+#define TSI_DATA_TSICNT(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_DATA_TSICNT_SHIFT))&TSI_DATA_TSICNT_MASK)
+#define TSI_DATA_SWTS_MASK                       0x400000u
+#define TSI_DATA_SWTS_SHIFT                      22
+#define TSI_DATA_DMAEN_MASK                      0x800000u
+#define TSI_DATA_DMAEN_SHIFT                     23
+#define TSI_DATA_TSICH_MASK                      0xF0000000u
+#define TSI_DATA_TSICH_SHIFT                     28
+#define TSI_DATA_TSICH(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_DATA_TSICH_SHIFT))&TSI_DATA_TSICH_MASK)
+/* TSHD Bit Fields */
+#define TSI_TSHD_THRESL_MASK                     0xFFFFu
+#define TSI_TSHD_THRESL_SHIFT                    0
+#define TSI_TSHD_THRESL(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_TSHD_THRESL_SHIFT))&TSI_TSHD_THRESL_MASK)
+#define TSI_TSHD_THRESH_MASK                     0xFFFF0000u
+#define TSI_TSHD_THRESH_SHIFT                    16
+#define TSI_TSHD_THRESH(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<TSI_TSHD_THRESH_SHIFT))&TSI_TSHD_THRESH_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group TSI_Register_Masks */
+/* TSI - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral TSI0 base pointer */
+#define TSI0_BASE_PTR                            ((TSI_MemMapPtr)0x40045000u)
+/** Array initializer of TSI peripheral base pointers */
+#define TSI_BASE_PTRS                            { TSI0_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- TSI - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup TSI_Register_Accessor_Macros TSI - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* TSI - Register instance definitions */
+/* TSI0 */
+#define TSI0_GENCS                               TSI_GENCS_REG(TSI0_BASE_PTR)
+#define TSI0_DATA                                TSI_DATA_REG(TSI0_BASE_PTR)
+#define TSI0_TSHD                                TSI_TSHD_REG(TSI0_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group TSI_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group TSI_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- UART
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup UART_Peripheral UART
+ * @{
+ */
+/** UART - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct UART_MemMap {
+  uint8_t BDH;                                     /**< UART Baud Rate Register: High, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t BDL;                                     /**< UART Baud Rate Register: Low, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t C1;                                      /**< UART Control Register 1, offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t C2;                                      /**< UART Control Register 2, offset: 0x3 */
+  uint8_t S1;                                      /**< UART Status Register 1, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t S2;                                      /**< UART Status Register 2, offset: 0x5 */
+  uint8_t C3;                                      /**< UART Control Register 3, offset: 0x6 */
+  uint8_t D;                                       /**< UART Data Register, offset: 0x7 */
+  uint8_t C4;                                      /**< UART Control Register 4, offset: 0x8 */
+} volatile *UART_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- UART - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup UART_Register_Accessor_Macros UART - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* UART - Register accessors */
+#define UART_BDH_REG(base)                       ((base)->BDH)
+#define UART_BDL_REG(base)                       ((base)->BDL)
+#define UART_C1_REG(base)                        ((base)->C1)
+#define UART_C2_REG(base)                        ((base)->C2)
+#define UART_S1_REG(base)                        ((base)->S1)
+#define UART_S2_REG(base)                        ((base)->S2)
+#define UART_C3_REG(base)                        ((base)->C3)
+#define UART_D_REG(base)                         ((base)->D)
+#define UART_C4_REG(base)                        ((base)->C4)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group UART_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- UART Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup UART_Register_Masks UART Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* BDH Bit Fields */
+#define UART_BDH_SBR_MASK                        0x1Fu
+#define UART_BDH_SBR_SHIFT                       0
+#define UART_BDH_SBR(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<UART_BDH_SBR_SHIFT))&UART_BDH_SBR_MASK)
+#define UART_BDH_SBNS_MASK                       0x20u
+#define UART_BDH_SBNS_SHIFT                      5
+#define UART_BDH_RXEDGIE_MASK                    0x40u
+#define UART_BDH_RXEDGIE_SHIFT                   6
+#define UART_BDH_LBKDIE_MASK                     0x80u
+#define UART_BDH_LBKDIE_SHIFT                    7
+/* BDL Bit Fields */
+#define UART_BDL_SBR_MASK                        0xFFu
+#define UART_BDL_SBR_SHIFT                       0
+#define UART_BDL_SBR(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<UART_BDL_SBR_SHIFT))&UART_BDL_SBR_MASK)
+/* C1 Bit Fields */
+#define UART_C1_PT_MASK                          0x1u
+#define UART_C1_PT_SHIFT                         0
+#define UART_C1_PE_MASK                          0x2u
+#define UART_C1_PE_SHIFT                         1
+#define UART_C1_ILT_MASK                         0x4u
+#define UART_C1_ILT_SHIFT                        2
+#define UART_C1_WAKE_MASK                        0x8u
+#define UART_C1_WAKE_SHIFT                       3
+#define UART_C1_M_MASK                           0x10u
+#define UART_C1_M_SHIFT                          4
+#define UART_C1_RSRC_MASK                        0x20u
+#define UART_C1_RSRC_SHIFT                       5
+#define UART_C1_UARTSWAI_MASK                    0x40u
+#define UART_C1_UARTSWAI_SHIFT                   6
+#define UART_C1_LOOPS_MASK                       0x80u
+#define UART_C1_LOOPS_SHIFT                      7
+/* C2 Bit Fields */
+#define UART_C2_SBK_MASK                         0x1u
+#define UART_C2_SBK_SHIFT                        0
+#define UART_C2_RWU_MASK                         0x2u
+#define UART_C2_RWU_SHIFT                        1
+#define UART_C2_RE_MASK                          0x4u
+#define UART_C2_RE_SHIFT                         2
+#define UART_C2_TE_MASK                          0x8u
+#define UART_C2_TE_SHIFT                         3
+#define UART_C2_ILIE_MASK                        0x10u
+#define UART_C2_ILIE_SHIFT                       4
+#define UART_C2_RIE_MASK                         0x20u
+#define UART_C2_RIE_SHIFT                        5
+#define UART_C2_TCIE_MASK                        0x40u
+#define UART_C2_TCIE_SHIFT                       6
+#define UART_C2_TIE_MASK                         0x80u
+#define UART_C2_TIE_SHIFT                        7
+/* S1 Bit Fields */
+#define UART_S1_PF_MASK                          0x1u
+#define UART_S1_PF_SHIFT                         0
+#define UART_S1_FE_MASK                          0x2u
+#define UART_S1_FE_SHIFT                         1
+#define UART_S1_NF_MASK                          0x4u
+#define UART_S1_NF_SHIFT                         2
+#define UART_S1_OR_MASK                          0x8u
+#define UART_S1_OR_SHIFT                         3
+#define UART_S1_IDLE_MASK                        0x10u
+#define UART_S1_IDLE_SHIFT                       4
+#define UART_S1_RDRF_MASK                        0x20u
+#define UART_S1_RDRF_SHIFT                       5
+#define UART_S1_TC_MASK                          0x40u
+#define UART_S1_TC_SHIFT                         6
+#define UART_S1_TDRE_MASK                        0x80u
+#define UART_S1_TDRE_SHIFT                       7
+/* S2 Bit Fields */
+#define UART_S2_RAF_MASK                         0x1u
+#define UART_S2_RAF_SHIFT                        0
+#define UART_S2_LBKDE_MASK                       0x2u
+#define UART_S2_LBKDE_SHIFT                      1
+#define UART_S2_BRK13_MASK                       0x4u
+#define UART_S2_BRK13_SHIFT                      2
+#define UART_S2_RWUID_MASK                       0x8u
+#define UART_S2_RWUID_SHIFT                      3
+#define UART_S2_RXINV_MASK                       0x10u
+#define UART_S2_RXINV_SHIFT                      4
+#define UART_S2_RXEDGIF_MASK                     0x40u
+#define UART_S2_RXEDGIF_SHIFT                    6
+#define UART_S2_LBKDIF_MASK                      0x80u
+#define UART_S2_LBKDIF_SHIFT                     7
+/* C3 Bit Fields */
+#define UART_C3_PEIE_MASK                        0x1u
+#define UART_C3_PEIE_SHIFT                       0
+#define UART_C3_FEIE_MASK                        0x2u
+#define UART_C3_FEIE_SHIFT                       1
+#define UART_C3_NEIE_MASK                        0x4u
+#define UART_C3_NEIE_SHIFT                       2
+#define UART_C3_ORIE_MASK                        0x8u
+#define UART_C3_ORIE_SHIFT                       3
+#define UART_C3_TXINV_MASK                       0x10u
+#define UART_C3_TXINV_SHIFT                      4
+#define UART_C3_TXDIR_MASK                       0x20u
+#define UART_C3_TXDIR_SHIFT                      5
+#define UART_C3_T8_MASK                          0x40u
+#define UART_C3_T8_SHIFT                         6
+#define UART_C3_R8_MASK                          0x80u
+#define UART_C3_R8_SHIFT                         7
+/* D Bit Fields */
+#define UART_D_R0T0_MASK                         0x1u
+#define UART_D_R0T0_SHIFT                        0
+#define UART_D_R1T1_MASK                         0x2u
+#define UART_D_R1T1_SHIFT                        1
+#define UART_D_R2T2_MASK                         0x4u
+#define UART_D_R2T2_SHIFT                        2
+#define UART_D_R3T3_MASK                         0x8u
+#define UART_D_R3T3_SHIFT                        3
+#define UART_D_R4T4_MASK                         0x10u
+#define UART_D_R4T4_SHIFT                        4
+#define UART_D_R5T5_MASK                         0x20u
+#define UART_D_R5T5_SHIFT                        5
+#define UART_D_R6T6_MASK                         0x40u
+#define UART_D_R6T6_SHIFT                        6
+#define UART_D_R7T7_MASK                         0x80u
+#define UART_D_R7T7_SHIFT                        7
+/* C4 Bit Fields */
+#define UART_C4_RDMAS_MASK                       0x20u
+#define UART_C4_RDMAS_SHIFT                      5
+#define UART_C4_TDMAS_MASK                       0x80u
+#define UART_C4_TDMAS_SHIFT                      7
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group UART_Register_Masks */
+/* UART - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral UART1 base pointer */
+#define UART1_BASE_PTR                           ((UART_MemMapPtr)0x4006B000u)
+/** Peripheral UART2 base pointer */
+#define UART2_BASE_PTR                           ((UART_MemMapPtr)0x4006C000u)
+/** Array initializer of UART peripheral base pointers */
+#define UART_BASE_PTRS                           { UART1_BASE_PTR, UART2_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- UART - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup UART_Register_Accessor_Macros UART - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* UART - Register instance definitions */
+/* UART1 */
+#define UART1_BDH                                UART_BDH_REG(UART1_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART1_BDL                                UART_BDL_REG(UART1_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART1_C1                                 UART_C1_REG(UART1_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART1_C2                                 UART_C2_REG(UART1_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART1_S1                                 UART_S1_REG(UART1_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART1_S2                                 UART_S2_REG(UART1_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART1_C3                                 UART_C3_REG(UART1_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART1_D                                  UART_D_REG(UART1_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART1_C4                                 UART_C4_REG(UART1_BASE_PTR)
+/* UART2 */
+#define UART2_BDH                                UART_BDH_REG(UART2_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART2_BDL                                UART_BDL_REG(UART2_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART2_C1                                 UART_C1_REG(UART2_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART2_C2                                 UART_C2_REG(UART2_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART2_S1                                 UART_S1_REG(UART2_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART2_S2                                 UART_S2_REG(UART2_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART2_C3                                 UART_C3_REG(UART2_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART2_D                                  UART_D_REG(UART2_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART2_C4                                 UART_C4_REG(UART2_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group UART_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group UART_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- UART0
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup UART0_Peripheral UART0
+ * @{
+ */
+/** UART0 - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct UART0_MemMap {
+  uint8_t BDH;                                     /**< UART Baud Rate Register High, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t BDL;                                     /**< UART Baud Rate Register Low, offset: 0x1 */
+  uint8_t C1;                                      /**< UART Control Register 1, offset: 0x2 */
+  uint8_t C2;                                      /**< UART Control Register 2, offset: 0x3 */
+  uint8_t S1;                                      /**< UART Status Register 1, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t S2;                                      /**< UART Status Register 2, offset: 0x5 */
+  uint8_t C3;                                      /**< UART Control Register 3, offset: 0x6 */
+  uint8_t D;                                       /**< UART Data Register, offset: 0x7 */
+  uint8_t MA1;                                     /**< UART Match Address Registers 1, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint8_t MA2;                                     /**< UART Match Address Registers 2, offset: 0x9 */
+  uint8_t C4;                                      /**< UART Control Register 4, offset: 0xA */
+  uint8_t C5;                                      /**< UART Control Register 5, offset: 0xB */
+} volatile *UART0_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- UART0 - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup UART0_Register_Accessor_Macros UART0 - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* UART0 - Register accessors */
+#define UART0_BDH_REG(base)                      ((base)->BDH)
+#define UART0_BDL_REG(base)                      ((base)->BDL)
+#define UART0_C1_REG(base)                       ((base)->C1)
+#define UART0_C2_REG(base)                       ((base)->C2)
+#define UART0_S1_REG(base)                       ((base)->S1)
+#define UART0_S2_REG(base)                       ((base)->S2)
+#define UART0_C3_REG(base)                       ((base)->C3)
+#define UART0_D_REG(base)                        ((base)->D)
+#define UART0_MA1_REG(base)                      ((base)->MA1)
+#define UART0_MA2_REG(base)                      ((base)->MA2)
+#define UART0_C4_REG(base)                       ((base)->C4)
+#define UART0_C5_REG(base)                       ((base)->C5)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group UART0_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- UART0 Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup UART0_Register_Masks UART0 Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* BDH Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_BDH_SBR_MASK                       0x1Fu
+#define UART0_BDH_SBR_SHIFT                      0
+#define UART0_BDH_SBR(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<UART0_BDH_SBR_SHIFT))&UART0_BDH_SBR_MASK)
+#define UART0_BDH_SBNS_MASK                      0x20u
+#define UART0_BDH_SBNS_SHIFT                     5
+#define UART0_BDH_RXEDGIE_MASK                   0x40u
+#define UART0_BDH_RXEDGIE_SHIFT                  6
+#define UART0_BDH_LBKDIE_MASK                    0x80u
+#define UART0_BDH_LBKDIE_SHIFT                   7
+/* BDL Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_BDL_SBR_MASK                       0xFFu
+#define UART0_BDL_SBR_SHIFT                      0
+#define UART0_BDL_SBR(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<UART0_BDL_SBR_SHIFT))&UART0_BDL_SBR_MASK)
+/* C1 Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_C1_PT_MASK                         0x1u
+#define UART0_C1_PT_SHIFT                        0
+#define UART0_C1_PE_MASK                         0x2u
+#define UART0_C1_PE_SHIFT                        1
+#define UART0_C1_ILT_MASK                        0x4u
+#define UART0_C1_ILT_SHIFT                       2
+#define UART0_C1_WAKE_MASK                       0x8u
+#define UART0_C1_WAKE_SHIFT                      3
+#define UART0_C1_M_MASK                          0x10u
+#define UART0_C1_M_SHIFT                         4
+#define UART0_C1_RSRC_MASK                       0x20u
+#define UART0_C1_RSRC_SHIFT                      5
+#define UART0_C1_DOZEEN_MASK                     0x40u
+#define UART0_C1_DOZEEN_SHIFT                    6
+#define UART0_C1_LOOPS_MASK                      0x80u
+#define UART0_C1_LOOPS_SHIFT                     7
+/* C2 Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_C2_SBK_MASK                        0x1u
+#define UART0_C2_SBK_SHIFT                       0
+#define UART0_C2_RWU_MASK                        0x2u
+#define UART0_C2_RWU_SHIFT                       1
+#define UART0_C2_RE_MASK                         0x4u
+#define UART0_C2_RE_SHIFT                        2
+#define UART0_C2_TE_MASK                         0x8u
+#define UART0_C2_TE_SHIFT                        3
+#define UART0_C2_ILIE_MASK                       0x10u
+#define UART0_C2_ILIE_SHIFT                      4
+#define UART0_C2_RIE_MASK                        0x20u
+#define UART0_C2_RIE_SHIFT                       5
+#define UART0_C2_TCIE_MASK                       0x40u
+#define UART0_C2_TCIE_SHIFT                      6
+#define UART0_C2_TIE_MASK                        0x80u
+#define UART0_C2_TIE_SHIFT                       7
+/* S1 Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_S1_PF_MASK                         0x1u
+#define UART0_S1_PF_SHIFT                        0
+#define UART0_S1_FE_MASK                         0x2u
+#define UART0_S1_FE_SHIFT                        1
+#define UART0_S1_NF_MASK                         0x4u
+#define UART0_S1_NF_SHIFT                        2
+#define UART0_S1_OR_MASK                         0x8u
+#define UART0_S1_OR_SHIFT                        3
+#define UART0_S1_IDLE_MASK                       0x10u
+#define UART0_S1_IDLE_SHIFT                      4
+#define UART0_S1_RDRF_MASK                       0x20u
+#define UART0_S1_RDRF_SHIFT                      5
+#define UART0_S1_TC_MASK                         0x40u
+#define UART0_S1_TC_SHIFT                        6
+#define UART0_S1_TDRE_MASK                       0x80u
+#define UART0_S1_TDRE_SHIFT                      7
+/* S2 Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_S2_RAF_MASK                        0x1u
+#define UART0_S2_RAF_SHIFT                       0
+#define UART0_S2_LBKDE_MASK                      0x2u
+#define UART0_S2_LBKDE_SHIFT                     1
+#define UART0_S2_BRK13_MASK                      0x4u
+#define UART0_S2_BRK13_SHIFT                     2
+#define UART0_S2_RWUID_MASK                      0x8u
+#define UART0_S2_RWUID_SHIFT                     3
+#define UART0_S2_RXINV_MASK                      0x10u
+#define UART0_S2_RXINV_SHIFT                     4
+#define UART0_S2_MSBF_MASK                       0x20u
+#define UART0_S2_MSBF_SHIFT                      5
+#define UART0_S2_RXEDGIF_MASK                    0x40u
+#define UART0_S2_RXEDGIF_SHIFT                   6
+#define UART0_S2_LBKDIF_MASK                     0x80u
+#define UART0_S2_LBKDIF_SHIFT                    7
+/* C3 Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_C3_PEIE_MASK                       0x1u
+#define UART0_C3_PEIE_SHIFT                      0
+#define UART0_C3_FEIE_MASK                       0x2u
+#define UART0_C3_FEIE_SHIFT                      1
+#define UART0_C3_NEIE_MASK                       0x4u
+#define UART0_C3_NEIE_SHIFT                      2
+#define UART0_C3_ORIE_MASK                       0x8u
+#define UART0_C3_ORIE_SHIFT                      3
+#define UART0_C3_TXINV_MASK                      0x10u
+#define UART0_C3_TXINV_SHIFT                     4
+#define UART0_C3_TXDIR_MASK                      0x20u
+#define UART0_C3_TXDIR_SHIFT                     5
+#define UART0_C3_R9T8_MASK                       0x40u
+#define UART0_C3_R9T8_SHIFT                      6
+#define UART0_C3_R8T9_MASK                       0x80u
+#define UART0_C3_R8T9_SHIFT                      7
+/* D Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_D_R0T0_MASK                        0x1u
+#define UART0_D_R0T0_SHIFT                       0
+#define UART0_D_R1T1_MASK                        0x2u
+#define UART0_D_R1T1_SHIFT                       1
+#define UART0_D_R2T2_MASK                        0x4u
+#define UART0_D_R2T2_SHIFT                       2
+#define UART0_D_R3T3_MASK                        0x8u
+#define UART0_D_R3T3_SHIFT                       3
+#define UART0_D_R4T4_MASK                        0x10u
+#define UART0_D_R4T4_SHIFT                       4
+#define UART0_D_R5T5_MASK                        0x20u
+#define UART0_D_R5T5_SHIFT                       5
+#define UART0_D_R6T6_MASK                        0x40u
+#define UART0_D_R6T6_SHIFT                       6
+#define UART0_D_R7T7_MASK                        0x80u
+#define UART0_D_R7T7_SHIFT                       7
+/* MA1 Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_MA1_MA_MASK                        0xFFu
+#define UART0_MA1_MA_SHIFT                       0
+#define UART0_MA1_MA(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<UART0_MA1_MA_SHIFT))&UART0_MA1_MA_MASK)
+/* MA2 Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_MA2_MA_MASK                        0xFFu
+#define UART0_MA2_MA_SHIFT                       0
+#define UART0_MA2_MA(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<UART0_MA2_MA_SHIFT))&UART0_MA2_MA_MASK)
+/* C4 Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_C4_OSR_MASK                        0x1Fu
+#define UART0_C4_OSR_SHIFT                       0
+#define UART0_C4_OSR(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<UART0_C4_OSR_SHIFT))&UART0_C4_OSR_MASK)
+#define UART0_C4_M10_MASK                        0x20u
+#define UART0_C4_M10_SHIFT                       5
+#define UART0_C4_MAEN2_MASK                      0x40u
+#define UART0_C4_MAEN2_SHIFT                     6
+#define UART0_C4_MAEN1_MASK                      0x80u
+#define UART0_C4_MAEN1_SHIFT                     7
+/* C5 Bit Fields */
+#define UART0_C5_RESYNCDIS_MASK                  0x1u
+#define UART0_C5_RESYNCDIS_SHIFT                 0
+#define UART0_C5_BOTHEDGE_MASK                   0x2u
+#define UART0_C5_BOTHEDGE_SHIFT                  1
+#define UART0_C5_RDMAE_MASK                      0x20u
+#define UART0_C5_RDMAE_SHIFT                     5
+#define UART0_C5_TDMAE_MASK                      0x80u
+#define UART0_C5_TDMAE_SHIFT                     7
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group UART0_Register_Masks */
+/* UART0 - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral UART0 base pointer */
+#define UART0_BASE_PTR                           ((UART0_MemMapPtr)0x4006A000u)
+/** Array initializer of UART0 peripheral base pointers */
+#define UART0_BASE_PTRS                          { UART0_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- UART0 - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup UART0_Register_Accessor_Macros UART0 - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* UART0 - Register instance definitions */
+/* UART0 */
+#define UART0_BDH                                UART0_BDH_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_BDL                                UART0_BDL_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_C1                                 UART0_C1_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_C2                                 UART0_C2_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_S1                                 UART0_S1_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_S2                                 UART0_S2_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_C3                                 UART0_C3_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_D                                  UART0_D_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_MA1                                UART0_MA1_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_MA2                                UART0_MA2_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_C4                                 UART0_C4_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+#define UART0_C5                                 UART0_C5_REG(UART0_BASE_PTR)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group UART0_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group UART0_Peripheral */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- USB
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup USB_Peripheral USB
+ * @{
+ */
+/** USB - Peripheral register structure */
+typedef struct USB_MemMap {
+  uint8_t PERID;                                   /**< Peripheral ID register, offset: 0x0 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_0[3];
+  uint8_t IDCOMP;                                  /**< Peripheral ID Complement register, offset: 0x4 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_1[3];
+  uint8_t REV;                                     /**< Peripheral Revision register, offset: 0x8 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_2[3];
+  uint8_t ADDINFO;                                 /**< Peripheral Additional Info register, offset: 0xC */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_3[3];
+  uint8_t OTGISTAT;                                /**< OTG Interrupt Status register, offset: 0x10 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_4[3];
+  uint8_t OTGICR;                                  /**< OTG Interrupt Control Register, offset: 0x14 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_5[3];
+  uint8_t OTGSTAT;                                 /**< OTG Status register, offset: 0x18 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_6[3];
+  uint8_t OTGCTL;                                  /**< OTG Control register, offset: 0x1C */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_7[99];
+  uint8_t ISTAT;                                   /**< Interrupt Status register, offset: 0x80 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_8[3];
+  uint8_t INTEN;                                   /**< Interrupt Enable register, offset: 0x84 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_9[3];
+  uint8_t ERRSTAT;                                 /**< Error Interrupt Status register, offset: 0x88 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_10[3];
+  uint8_t ERREN;                                   /**< Error Interrupt Enable register, offset: 0x8C */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_11[3];
+  uint8_t STAT;                                    /**< Status register, offset: 0x90 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_12[3];
+  uint8_t CTL;                                     /**< Control register, offset: 0x94 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_13[3];
+  uint8_t ADDR;                                    /**< Address register, offset: 0x98 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_14[3];
+  uint8_t BDTPAGE1;                                /**< BDT Page Register 1, offset: 0x9C */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_15[3];
+  uint8_t FRMNUML;                                 /**< Frame Number Register Low, offset: 0xA0 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_16[3];
+  uint8_t FRMNUMH;                                 /**< Frame Number Register High, offset: 0xA4 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_17[3];
+  uint8_t TOKEN;                                   /**< Token register, offset: 0xA8 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_18[3];
+  uint8_t SOFTHLD;                                 /**< SOF Threshold Register, offset: 0xAC */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_19[3];
+  uint8_t BDTPAGE2;                                /**< BDT Page Register 2, offset: 0xB0 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_20[3];
+  uint8_t BDTPAGE3;                                /**< BDT Page Register 3, offset: 0xB4 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_21[11];
+  struct {                                         /* offset: 0xC0, array step: 0x4 */
+    uint8_t ENDPT;                                   /**< Endpoint Control register, array offset: 0xC0, array step: 0x4 */
+    uint8_t RESERVED_0[3];
+  } ENDPOINT[16];
+  uint8_t USBCTRL;                                 /**< USB Control register, offset: 0x100 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_22[3];
+  uint8_t OBSERVE;                                 /**< USB OTG Observe register, offset: 0x104 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_23[3];
+  uint8_t CONTROL;                                 /**< USB OTG Control register, offset: 0x108 */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_24[3];
+  uint8_t USBTRC0;                                 /**< USB Transceiver Control Register 0, offset: 0x10C */
+  uint8_t RESERVED_25[7];
+  uint8_t USBFRMADJUST;                            /**< Frame Adjust Register, offset: 0x114 */
+} volatile *USB_MemMapPtr;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- USB - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup USB_Register_Accessor_Macros USB - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* USB - Register accessors */
+#define USB_PERID_REG(base)                      ((base)->PERID)
+#define USB_IDCOMP_REG(base)                     ((base)->IDCOMP)
+#define USB_REV_REG(base)                        ((base)->REV)
+#define USB_ADDINFO_REG(base)                    ((base)->ADDINFO)
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_REG(base)                   ((base)->OTGISTAT)
+#define USB_OTGICR_REG(base)                     ((base)->OTGICR)
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_REG(base)                    ((base)->OTGSTAT)
+#define USB_OTGCTL_REG(base)                     ((base)->OTGCTL)
+#define USB_ISTAT_REG(base)                      ((base)->ISTAT)
+#define USB_INTEN_REG(base)                      ((base)->INTEN)
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_REG(base)                    ((base)->ERRSTAT)
+#define USB_ERREN_REG(base)                      ((base)->ERREN)
+#define USB_STAT_REG(base)                       ((base)->STAT)
+#define USB_CTL_REG(base)                        ((base)->CTL)
+#define USB_ADDR_REG(base)                       ((base)->ADDR)
+#define USB_BDTPAGE1_REG(base)                   ((base)->BDTPAGE1)
+#define USB_FRMNUML_REG(base)                    ((base)->FRMNUML)
+#define USB_FRMNUMH_REG(base)                    ((base)->FRMNUMH)
+#define USB_TOKEN_REG(base)                      ((base)->TOKEN)
+#define USB_SOFTHLD_REG(base)                    ((base)->SOFTHLD)
+#define USB_BDTPAGE2_REG(base)                   ((base)->BDTPAGE2)
+#define USB_BDTPAGE3_REG(base)                   ((base)->BDTPAGE3)
+#define USB_ENDPT_REG(base,index)                ((base)->ENDPOINT[index].ENDPT)
+#define USB_USBCTRL_REG(base)                    ((base)->USBCTRL)
+#define USB_OBSERVE_REG(base)                    ((base)->OBSERVE)
+#define USB_CONTROL_REG(base)                    ((base)->CONTROL)
+#define USB_USBTRC0_REG(base)                    ((base)->USBTRC0)
+#define USB_USBFRMADJUST_REG(base)               ((base)->USBFRMADJUST)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group USB_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- USB Register Masks
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup USB_Register_Masks USB Register Masks
+ * @{
+ */
+/* PERID Bit Fields */
+#define USB_PERID_ID_MASK                        0x3Fu
+#define USB_PERID_ID_SHIFT                       0
+#define USB_PERID_ID(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_PERID_ID_SHIFT))&USB_PERID_ID_MASK)
+/* IDCOMP Bit Fields */
+#define USB_IDCOMP_NID_MASK                      0x3Fu
+#define USB_IDCOMP_NID_SHIFT                     0
+#define USB_IDCOMP_NID(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_IDCOMP_NID_SHIFT))&USB_IDCOMP_NID_MASK)
+/* REV Bit Fields */
+#define USB_REV_REV_MASK                         0xFFu
+#define USB_REV_REV_SHIFT                        0
+#define USB_REV_REV(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_REV_REV_SHIFT))&USB_REV_REV_MASK)
+/* ADDINFO Bit Fields */
+#define USB_ADDINFO_IEHOST_MASK                  0x1u
+#define USB_ADDINFO_IEHOST_SHIFT                 0
+#define USB_ADDINFO_IRQNUM_MASK                  0xF8u
+#define USB_ADDINFO_IRQNUM_SHIFT                 3
+#define USB_ADDINFO_IRQNUM(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_ADDINFO_IRQNUM_SHIFT))&USB_ADDINFO_IRQNUM_MASK)
+/* OTGISTAT Bit Fields */
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_AVBUSCHG_MASK               0x1u
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_AVBUSCHG_SHIFT              0
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_B_SESS_CHG_MASK             0x4u
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_B_SESS_CHG_SHIFT            2
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_SESSVLDCHG_MASK             0x8u
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_LINE_STATE_CHG_MASK         0x20u
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_ONEMSEC_MASK                0x40u
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_ONEMSEC_SHIFT               6
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_IDCHG_MASK                  0x80u
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_IDCHG_SHIFT                 7
+/* OTGICR Bit Fields */
+#define USB_OTGICR_AVBUSEN_MASK                  0x1u
+#define USB_OTGICR_AVBUSEN_SHIFT                 0
+#define USB_OTGICR_BSESSEN_MASK                  0x4u
+#define USB_OTGICR_BSESSEN_SHIFT                 2
+#define USB_OTGICR_SESSVLDEN_MASK                0x8u
+#define USB_OTGICR_SESSVLDEN_SHIFT               3
+#define USB_OTGICR_LINESTATEEN_MASK              0x20u
+#define USB_OTGICR_LINESTATEEN_SHIFT             5
+#define USB_OTGICR_ONEMSECEN_MASK                0x40u
+#define USB_OTGICR_ONEMSECEN_SHIFT               6
+#define USB_OTGICR_IDEN_MASK                     0x80u
+#define USB_OTGICR_IDEN_SHIFT                    7
+/* OTGSTAT Bit Fields */
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_AVBUSVLD_MASK                0x1u
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_AVBUSVLD_SHIFT               0
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_BSESSEND_MASK                0x4u
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_BSESSEND_SHIFT               2
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_SESS_VLD_MASK                0x8u
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_SESS_VLD_SHIFT               3
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_ONEMSECEN_MASK               0x40u
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_ONEMSECEN_SHIFT              6
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_ID_MASK                      0x80u
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_ID_SHIFT                     7
+/* OTGCTL Bit Fields */
+#define USB_OTGCTL_OTGEN_MASK                    0x4u
+#define USB_OTGCTL_OTGEN_SHIFT                   2
+#define USB_OTGCTL_DMLOW_MASK                    0x10u
+#define USB_OTGCTL_DMLOW_SHIFT                   4
+#define USB_OTGCTL_DPLOW_MASK                    0x20u
+#define USB_OTGCTL_DPLOW_SHIFT                   5
+#define USB_OTGCTL_DPHIGH_MASK                   0x80u
+#define USB_OTGCTL_DPHIGH_SHIFT                  7
+/* ISTAT Bit Fields */
+#define USB_ISTAT_USBRST_MASK                    0x1u
+#define USB_ISTAT_USBRST_SHIFT                   0
+#define USB_ISTAT_ERROR_MASK                     0x2u
+#define USB_ISTAT_ERROR_SHIFT                    1
+#define USB_ISTAT_SOFTOK_MASK                    0x4u
+#define USB_ISTAT_SOFTOK_SHIFT                   2
+#define USB_ISTAT_TOKDNE_MASK                    0x8u
+#define USB_ISTAT_TOKDNE_SHIFT                   3
+#define USB_ISTAT_SLEEP_MASK                     0x10u
+#define USB_ISTAT_SLEEP_SHIFT                    4
+#define USB_ISTAT_RESUME_MASK                    0x20u
+#define USB_ISTAT_RESUME_SHIFT                   5
+#define USB_ISTAT_ATTACH_MASK                    0x40u
+#define USB_ISTAT_ATTACH_SHIFT                   6
+#define USB_ISTAT_STALL_MASK                     0x80u
+#define USB_ISTAT_STALL_SHIFT                    7
+/* INTEN Bit Fields */
+#define USB_INTEN_USBRSTEN_MASK                  0x1u
+#define USB_INTEN_USBRSTEN_SHIFT                 0
+#define USB_INTEN_ERROREN_MASK                   0x2u
+#define USB_INTEN_ERROREN_SHIFT                  1
+#define USB_INTEN_SOFTOKEN_MASK                  0x4u
+#define USB_INTEN_SOFTOKEN_SHIFT                 2
+#define USB_INTEN_TOKDNEEN_MASK                  0x8u
+#define USB_INTEN_TOKDNEEN_SHIFT                 3
+#define USB_INTEN_SLEEPEN_MASK                   0x10u
+#define USB_INTEN_SLEEPEN_SHIFT                  4
+#define USB_INTEN_RESUMEEN_MASK                  0x20u
+#define USB_INTEN_RESUMEEN_SHIFT                 5
+#define USB_INTEN_ATTACHEN_MASK                  0x40u
+#define USB_INTEN_ATTACHEN_SHIFT                 6
+#define USB_INTEN_STALLEN_MASK                   0x80u
+#define USB_INTEN_STALLEN_SHIFT                  7
+/* ERRSTAT Bit Fields */
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_PIDERR_MASK                  0x1u
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_PIDERR_SHIFT                 0
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_CRC5EOF_MASK                 0x2u
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_CRC5EOF_SHIFT                1
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_CRC16_MASK                   0x4u
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_CRC16_SHIFT                  2
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_DFN8_MASK                    0x8u
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_DFN8_SHIFT                   3
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_BTOERR_MASK                  0x10u
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_BTOERR_SHIFT                 4
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_DMAERR_MASK                  0x20u
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_DMAERR_SHIFT                 5
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_BTSERR_MASK                  0x80u
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_BTSERR_SHIFT                 7
+/* ERREN Bit Fields */
+#define USB_ERREN_PIDERREN_MASK                  0x1u
+#define USB_ERREN_PIDERREN_SHIFT                 0
+#define USB_ERREN_CRC5EOFEN_MASK                 0x2u
+#define USB_ERREN_CRC5EOFEN_SHIFT                1
+#define USB_ERREN_CRC16EN_MASK                   0x4u
+#define USB_ERREN_CRC16EN_SHIFT                  2
+#define USB_ERREN_DFN8EN_MASK                    0x8u
+#define USB_ERREN_DFN8EN_SHIFT                   3
+#define USB_ERREN_BTOERREN_MASK                  0x10u
+#define USB_ERREN_BTOERREN_SHIFT                 4
+#define USB_ERREN_DMAERREN_MASK                  0x20u
+#define USB_ERREN_DMAERREN_SHIFT                 5
+#define USB_ERREN_BTSERREN_MASK                  0x80u
+#define USB_ERREN_BTSERREN_SHIFT                 7
+/* STAT Bit Fields */
+#define USB_STAT_ODD_MASK                        0x4u
+#define USB_STAT_ODD_SHIFT                       2
+#define USB_STAT_TX_MASK                         0x8u
+#define USB_STAT_TX_SHIFT                        3
+#define USB_STAT_ENDP_MASK                       0xF0u
+#define USB_STAT_ENDP_SHIFT                      4
+#define USB_STAT_ENDP(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_STAT_ENDP_SHIFT))&USB_STAT_ENDP_MASK)
+/* CTL Bit Fields */
+#define USB_CTL_USBENSOFEN_MASK                  0x1u
+#define USB_CTL_USBENSOFEN_SHIFT                 0
+#define USB_CTL_ODDRST_MASK                      0x2u
+#define USB_CTL_ODDRST_SHIFT                     1
+#define USB_CTL_RESUME_MASK                      0x4u
+#define USB_CTL_RESUME_SHIFT                     2
+#define USB_CTL_HOSTMODEEN_MASK                  0x8u
+#define USB_CTL_HOSTMODEEN_SHIFT                 3
+#define USB_CTL_RESET_MASK                       0x10u
+#define USB_CTL_RESET_SHIFT                      4
+#define USB_CTL_SE0_MASK                         0x40u
+#define USB_CTL_SE0_SHIFT                        6
+#define USB_CTL_JSTATE_MASK                      0x80u
+#define USB_CTL_JSTATE_SHIFT                     7
+/* ADDR Bit Fields */
+#define USB_ADDR_ADDR_MASK                       0x7Fu
+#define USB_ADDR_ADDR_SHIFT                      0
+#define USB_ADDR_ADDR(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_ADDR_ADDR_SHIFT))&USB_ADDR_ADDR_MASK)
+#define USB_ADDR_LSEN_MASK                       0x80u
+#define USB_ADDR_LSEN_SHIFT                      7
+/* BDTPAGE1 Bit Fields */
+#define USB_BDTPAGE1_BDTBA_MASK                  0xFEu
+#define USB_BDTPAGE1_BDTBA_SHIFT                 1
+#define USB_BDTPAGE1_BDTBA(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_BDTPAGE1_BDTBA_SHIFT))&USB_BDTPAGE1_BDTBA_MASK)
+/* FRMNUML Bit Fields */
+#define USB_FRMNUML_FRM_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define USB_FRMNUML_FRM_SHIFT                    0
+#define USB_FRMNUML_FRM(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_FRMNUML_FRM_SHIFT))&USB_FRMNUML_FRM_MASK)
+/* FRMNUMH Bit Fields */
+#define USB_FRMNUMH_FRM_MASK                     0x7u
+#define USB_FRMNUMH_FRM_SHIFT                    0
+#define USB_FRMNUMH_FRM(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_FRMNUMH_FRM_SHIFT))&USB_FRMNUMH_FRM_MASK)
+/* TOKEN Bit Fields */
+#define USB_TOKEN_TOKENENDPT_MASK                0xFu
+#define USB_TOKEN_TOKENENDPT_SHIFT               0
+#define USB_TOKEN_TOKENENDPT(x)                  (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_TOKEN_TOKENENDPT_SHIFT))&USB_TOKEN_TOKENENDPT_MASK)
+#define USB_TOKEN_TOKENPID_MASK                  0xF0u
+#define USB_TOKEN_TOKENPID_SHIFT                 4
+#define USB_TOKEN_TOKENPID(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_TOKEN_TOKENPID_SHIFT))&USB_TOKEN_TOKENPID_MASK)
+/* SOFTHLD Bit Fields */
+#define USB_SOFTHLD_CNT_MASK                     0xFFu
+#define USB_SOFTHLD_CNT_SHIFT                    0
+#define USB_SOFTHLD_CNT(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_SOFTHLD_CNT_SHIFT))&USB_SOFTHLD_CNT_MASK)
+/* BDTPAGE2 Bit Fields */
+#define USB_BDTPAGE2_BDTBA_MASK                  0xFFu
+#define USB_BDTPAGE2_BDTBA_SHIFT                 0
+#define USB_BDTPAGE2_BDTBA(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_BDTPAGE2_BDTBA_SHIFT))&USB_BDTPAGE2_BDTBA_MASK)
+/* BDTPAGE3 Bit Fields */
+#define USB_BDTPAGE3_BDTBA_MASK                  0xFFu
+#define USB_BDTPAGE3_BDTBA_SHIFT                 0
+#define USB_BDTPAGE3_BDTBA(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_BDTPAGE3_BDTBA_SHIFT))&USB_BDTPAGE3_BDTBA_MASK)
+/* ENDPT Bit Fields */
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPHSHK_MASK                    0x1u
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPHSHK_SHIFT                   0
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPSTALL_MASK                   0x2u
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPSTALL_SHIFT                  1
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPTXEN_MASK                    0x4u
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPTXEN_SHIFT                   2
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPRXEN_MASK                    0x8u
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPRXEN_SHIFT                   3
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPCTLDIS_MASK                  0x10u
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPCTLDIS_SHIFT                 4
+#define USB_ENDPT_RETRYDIS_MASK                  0x40u
+#define USB_ENDPT_RETRYDIS_SHIFT                 6
+#define USB_ENDPT_HOSTWOHUB_MASK                 0x80u
+#define USB_ENDPT_HOSTWOHUB_SHIFT                7
+/* USBCTRL Bit Fields */
+#define USB_USBCTRL_PDE_MASK                     0x40u
+#define USB_USBCTRL_PDE_SHIFT                    6
+#define USB_USBCTRL_SUSP_MASK                    0x80u
+#define USB_USBCTRL_SUSP_SHIFT                   7
+/* OBSERVE Bit Fields */
+#define USB_OBSERVE_DMPD_MASK                    0x10u
+#define USB_OBSERVE_DMPD_SHIFT                   4
+#define USB_OBSERVE_DPPD_MASK                    0x40u
+#define USB_OBSERVE_DPPD_SHIFT                   6
+#define USB_OBSERVE_DPPU_MASK                    0x80u
+#define USB_OBSERVE_DPPU_SHIFT                   7
+/* CONTROL Bit Fields */
+/* USBTRC0 Bit Fields */
+#define USB_USBTRC0_USB_RESUME_INT_MASK          0x1u
+#define USB_USBTRC0_SYNC_DET_MASK                0x2u
+#define USB_USBTRC0_SYNC_DET_SHIFT               1
+#define USB_USBTRC0_USBRESMEN_MASK               0x20u
+#define USB_USBTRC0_USBRESMEN_SHIFT              5
+#define USB_USBTRC0_USBRESET_MASK                0x80u
+#define USB_USBTRC0_USBRESET_SHIFT               7
+/* USBFRMADJUST Bit Fields */
+#define USB_USBFRMADJUST_ADJ_MASK                0xFFu
+#define USB_USBFRMADJUST_ADJ_SHIFT               0
+#define USB_USBFRMADJUST_ADJ(x)                  (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x))<<USB_USBFRMADJUST_ADJ_SHIFT))&USB_USBFRMADJUST_ADJ_MASK)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group USB_Register_Masks */
+/* USB - Peripheral instance base addresses */
+/** Peripheral USB0 base pointer */
+#define USB0_BASE_PTR                            ((USB_MemMapPtr)0x40072000u)
+/** Array initializer of USB peripheral base pointers */
+#define USB_BASE_PTRS                            { USB0_BASE_PTR }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- USB - Register accessor macros
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup USB_Register_Accessor_Macros USB - Register accessor macros
+ * @{
+ */
+/* USB - Register instance definitions */
+/* USB0 */
+#define USB0_PERID                               USB_PERID_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_IDCOMP                              USB_IDCOMP_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_REV                                 USB_REV_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_ADDINFO                             USB_ADDINFO_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_OTGISTAT                            USB_OTGISTAT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_OTGICR                              USB_OTGICR_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_OTGSTAT                             USB_OTGSTAT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_OTGCTL                              USB_OTGCTL_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_ISTAT                               USB_ISTAT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_INTEN                               USB_INTEN_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_ERRSTAT                             USB_ERRSTAT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_ERREN                               USB_ERREN_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_STAT                                USB_STAT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_CTL                                 USB_CTL_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_ADDR                                USB_ADDR_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_BDTPAGE1                            USB_BDTPAGE1_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_FRMNUML                             USB_FRMNUML_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_FRMNUMH                             USB_FRMNUMH_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_TOKEN                               USB_TOKEN_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_SOFTHLD                             USB_SOFTHLD_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_BDTPAGE2                            USB_BDTPAGE2_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_BDTPAGE3                            USB_BDTPAGE3_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_ENDPT0                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,0)
+#define USB0_ENDPT1                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,1)
+#define USB0_ENDPT2                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,2)
+#define USB0_ENDPT3                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,3)
+#define USB0_ENDPT4                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,4)
+#define USB0_ENDPT5                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,5)
+#define USB0_ENDPT6                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,6)
+#define USB0_ENDPT7                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,7)
+#define USB0_ENDPT8                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,8)
+#define USB0_ENDPT9                              USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,9)
+#define USB0_ENDPT10                             USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,10)
+#define USB0_ENDPT11                             USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,11)
+#define USB0_ENDPT12                             USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,12)
+#define USB0_ENDPT13                             USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,13)
+#define USB0_ENDPT14                             USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,14)
+#define USB0_ENDPT15                             USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,15)
+#define USB0_USBCTRL                             USB_USBCTRL_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_OBSERVE                             USB_OBSERVE_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_CONTROL                             USB_CONTROL_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+#define USB0_USBTRC0                             USB_USBTRC0_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR)
+/* USB - Register array accessors */
+#define USB0_ENDPT(index)                        USB_ENDPT_REG(USB0_BASE_PTR,index)
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group USB_Register_Accessor_Macros */
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group USB_Peripheral */
+** End of section using anonymous unions
+#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
+  #pragma pop
+#elif defined(__CWCC__)
+  #pragma pop
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+  /* leave anonymous unions enabled */
+#elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
+  #pragma language=default
+  #error Not supported compiler type
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group Peripheral_defines */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   -- Backward Compatibility
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @addtogroup Backward_Compatibility_Symbols Backward Compatibility
+ * @{
+ */
+#define DMA_REQC_ARR_REG(base,index2)            This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define DMA_REQC_ARR_DMAC_MASK                   This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define DMA_REQC_ARR_DMAC_SHIFT                  This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define DMA_REQC_ARR_DMAC(x)                     This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define DMA_REQC_ARR_CFSM_MASK                   This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define DMA_REQC_ARR_CFSM_SHIFT                  This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+#define DMA_REQC0                                This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+#define DMA_REQC1                                This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+#define DMA_REQC2                                This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+#define DMA_REQC3                                This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+#define DMA_REQC_ARR(index2)                     This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define MCG_S_LOLS_MASK                          MCG_S_LOLS0_MASK
+//#define MCG_S_LOLS_SHIFT                         MCG_S_LOLS0_SHIFT
+//#define SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR_MASK                   SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR0_MASK
+//#define SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR_SHIFT                  SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR0_SHIFT
+//#define SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR                        SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR0
+//#define SPI_C2_SPLPIE_MASK                       This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define SPI_C2_SPLPIE_SHIFT                      This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define UART_C4_LBKDDMAS_MASK                    This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define UART_C4_LBKDDMAS_SHIFT                   This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define UART_C4_ILDMAS_MASK                      This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define UART_C4_ILDMAS_SHIFT                     This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define UART_C4_TCDMAS_MASK                      This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+//#define UART_C4_TCDMAS_SHIFT                     This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+#define UARTLP_MemMap                            UART0_MemMap
+#define UARTLP_MemMapPtr                         UART0_MemMapPtr
+#define UARTLP_BDH_REG                           UART0_BDH_REG
+#define UARTLP_BDL_REG                           UART0_BDL_REG
+#define UARTLP_C1_REG                            UART0_C1_REG
+#define UARTLP_C2_REG                            UART0_C2_REG
+#define UARTLP_S1_REG                            UART0_S1_REG
+#define UARTLP_S2_REG                            UART0_S2_REG
+#define UARTLP_C3_REG                            UART0_C3_REG
+#define UARTLP_D_REG                             UART0_D_REG
+#define UARTLP_MA1_REG                           UART0_MA1_REG
+#define UARTLP_MA2_REG                           UART0_MA2_REG
+#define UARTLP_C4_REG                            UART0_C4_REG
+#define UARTLP_C5_REG                            UART0_C5_REG
+//#define UARTLP_BDH_SBR_MASK                      UART0_BDH_SBR_MASK
+//#define UARTLP_BDH_SBR_SHIFT                     UART0_BDH_SBR_SHIFT
+//#define UARTLP_BDH_SBR(x)                        UART0_BDH_SBR(x)
+//#define UARTLP_BDH_SBNS_MASK                     UART0_BDH_SBNS_MASK
+//#define UARTLP_BDH_SBNS_SHIFT                    UART0_BDH_SBNS_SHIFT
+//#define UARTLP_BDH_LBKDIE_MASK                   UART0_BDH_LBKDIE_MASK
+//#define UARTLP_BDL_SBR_MASK                      UART0_BDL_SBR_MASK
+//#define UARTLP_BDL_SBR_SHIFT                     UART0_BDL_SBR_SHIFT
+//#define UARTLP_BDL_SBR(x)                        UART0_BDL_SBR(x)
+/*#define UARTLP_C1_PT_MASK                        UART0_C1_PT_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C1_PT_SHIFT                       UART0_C1_PT_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C1_PE_MASK                        UART0_C1_PE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C1_PE_SHIFT                       UART0_C1_PE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C1_ILT_MASK                       UART0_C1_ILT_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C1_ILT_SHIFT                      UART0_C1_ILT_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C1_WAKE_MASK                      UART0_C1_WAKE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C1_WAKE_SHIFT                     UART0_C1_WAKE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C1_M_MASK                         UART0_C1_M_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C1_M_SHIFT                        UART0_C1_M_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C1_RSRC_MASK                      UART0_C1_RSRC_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C1_RSRC_SHIFT                     UART0_C1_RSRC_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C1_DOZEEN_MASK                    UART0_C1_DOZEEN_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C1_DOZEEN_SHIFT                   UART0_C1_DOZEEN_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C1_LOOPS_MASK                     UART0_C1_LOOPS_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C1_LOOPS_SHIFT                    UART0_C1_LOOPS_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C2_SBK_MASK                       UART0_C2_SBK_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C2_SBK_SHIFT                      UART0_C2_SBK_SHIFT*/
+/*#define UARTLP_C2_RWU_MASK                       UART0_C2_RWU_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C2_RWU_SHIFT                      UART0_C2_RWU_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C2_RE_MASK                        UART0_C2_RE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C2_RE_SHIFT                       UART0_C2_RE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C2_TE_MASK                        UART0_C2_TE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C2_TE_SHIFT                       UART0_C2_TE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C2_ILIE_MASK                      UART0_C2_ILIE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C2_ILIE_SHIFT                     UART0_C2_ILIE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C2_RIE_MASK                       UART0_C2_RIE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C2_RIE_SHIFT                      UART0_C2_RIE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C2_TCIE_MASK                      UART0_C2_TCIE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C2_TCIE_SHIFT                     UART0_C2_TCIE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C2_TIE_MASK                       UART0_C2_TIE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C2_TIE_SHIFT                      UART0_C2_TIE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S1_PF_MASK                        UART0_S1_PF_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S1_PF_SHIFT                       UART0_S1_PF_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S1_FE_MASK                        UART0_S1_FE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S1_FE_SHIFT                       UART0_S1_FE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S1_NF_MASK                        UART0_S1_NF_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S1_NF_SHIFT                       UART0_S1_NF_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S1_OR_MASK                        UART0_S1_OR_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S1_OR_SHIFT                       UART0_S1_OR_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S1_IDLE_MASK                      UART0_S1_IDLE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S1_IDLE_SHIFT                     UART0_S1_IDLE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S1_RDRF_MASK                      UART0_S1_RDRF_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S1_RDRF_SHIFT                     UART0_S1_RDRF_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S1_TC_MASK                        UART0_S1_TC_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S1_TC_SHIFT                       UART0_S1_TC_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S1_TDRE_MASK                      UART0_S1_TDRE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S1_TDRE_SHIFT                     UART0_S1_TDRE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S2_RAF_MASK                       UART0_S2_RAF_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S2_RAF_SHIFT                      UART0_S2_RAF_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S2_LBKDE_MASK                     UART0_S2_LBKDE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S2_LBKDE_SHIFT                    UART0_S2_LBKDE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S2_BRK13_MASK                     UART0_S2_BRK13_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S2_BRK13_SHIFT                    UART0_S2_BRK13_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S2_RWUID_MASK                     UART0_S2_RWUID_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S2_RWUID_SHIFT                    UART0_S2_RWUID_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S2_RXINV_MASK                     UART0_S2_RXINV_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S2_RXINV_SHIFT                    UART0_S2_RXINV_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S2_MSBF_MASK                      UART0_S2_MSBF_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S2_MSBF_SHIFT                     UART0_S2_MSBF_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S2_RXEDGIF_MASK                   UART0_S2_RXEDGIF_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S2_RXEDGIF_SHIFT                  UART0_S2_RXEDGIF_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_S2_LBKDIF_MASK                    UART0_S2_LBKDIF_MASK
+#define UARTLP_S2_LBKDIF_SHIFT                   UART0_S2_LBKDIF_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C3_PEIE_MASK                      UART0_C3_PEIE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C3_PEIE_SHIFT                     UART0_C3_PEIE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C3_FEIE_MASK                      UART0_C3_FEIE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C3_FEIE_SHIFT                     UART0_C3_FEIE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C3_NEIE_MASK                      UART0_C3_NEIE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C3_NEIE_SHIFT                     UART0_C3_NEIE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C3_ORIE_MASK                      UART0_C3_ORIE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C3_ORIE_SHIFT                     UART0_C3_ORIE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C3_TXINV_MASK                     UART0_C3_TXINV_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C3_TXINV_SHIFT                    UART0_C3_TXINV_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C3_TXDIR_MASK                     UART0_C3_TXDIR_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C3_TXDIR_SHIFT                    UART0_C3_TXDIR_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C3_R9T8_MASK                      UART0_C3_R9T8_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C3_R9T8_SHIFT                     UART0_C3_R9T8_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C3_R8T9_MASK                      UART0_C3_R8T9_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C3_R8T9_SHIFT                     UART0_C3_R8T9_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_D_R0T0_MASK                       UART0_D_R0T0_MASK
+#define UARTLP_D_R0T0_SHIFT                      UART0_D_R0T0_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_D_R1T1_MASK                       UART0_D_R1T1_MASK
+#define UARTLP_D_R1T1_SHIFT                      UART0_D_R1T1_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_D_R2T2_MASK                       UART0_D_R2T2_MASK
+#define UARTLP_D_R2T2_SHIFT                      UART0_D_R2T2_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_D_R3T3_MASK                       UART0_D_R3T3_MASK
+#define UARTLP_D_R3T3_SHIFT                      UART0_D_R3T3_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_D_R4T4_MASK                       UART0_D_R4T4_MASK
+#define UARTLP_D_R4T4_SHIFT                      UART0_D_R4T4_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_D_R5T5_MASK                       UART0_D_R5T5_MASK
+#define UARTLP_D_R5T5_SHIFT                      UART0_D_R5T5_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_D_R6T6_MASK                       UART0_D_R6T6_MASK
+#define UARTLP_D_R6T6_SHIFT                      UART0_D_R6T6_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_D_R7T7_MASK                       UART0_D_R7T7_MASK
+#define UARTLP_D_R7T7_SHIFT                      UART0_D_R7T7_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_MA1_MA_MASK                       UART0_MA1_MA_MASK
+#define UARTLP_MA1_MA_SHIFT                      UART0_MA1_MA_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_MA1_MA(x)                         UART0_MA1_MA(x)
+#define UARTLP_MA2_MA_MASK                       UART0_MA2_MA_MASK
+#define UARTLP_MA2_MA_SHIFT                      UART0_MA2_MA_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_MA2_MA(x)                         UART0_MA2_MA(x)
+#define UARTLP_C4_OSR_MASK                       UART0_C4_OSR_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C4_OSR_SHIFT                      UART0_C4_OSR_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C4_OSR(x)                         UART0_C4_OSR(x)
+#define UARTLP_C4_M10_MASK                       UART0_C4_M10_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C4_M10_SHIFT                      UART0_C4_M10_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C4_MAEN2_MASK                     UART0_C4_MAEN2_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C4_MAEN2_SHIFT                    UART0_C4_MAEN2_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C4_MAEN1_MASK                     UART0_C4_MAEN1_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C4_MAEN1_SHIFT                    UART0_C4_MAEN1_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C5_BOTHEDGE_MASK                  UART0_C5_BOTHEDGE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C5_RDMAE_MASK                     UART0_C5_RDMAE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C5_RDMAE_SHIFT                    UART0_C5_RDMAE_SHIFT
+#define UARTLP_C5_TDMAE_MASK                     UART0_C5_TDMAE_MASK
+#define UARTLP_C5_TDMAE_SHIFT                    UART0_C5_TDMAE_SHIFT*/
+#define UARTLP_BASE_PTRS                         UART0_BASE_PTRS
+#define NV_FOPT_EZPORT_DIS_MASK                  This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+#define NV_FOPT_EZPORT_DIS_SHIFT                 This_symbol_has_been_deprecated
+ * @}
+ */ /* end of group Backward_Compatibility_Symbols */
+#else /* #if !defined(MCU_MKL25Z4) */
+  /* There is already included the same memory map. Check if it is compatible (has the same major version) */
+  #if (MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION != 0x0100u)
+      #warning There are included two not compatible versions of memory maps. Please check possible differences.
+    #endif /* (!defined(MCU_MEM_MAP_SUPPRESS_VERSION_WARNING)) */
+  #endif /* (MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION != 0x0100u) */
+#endif  /* #if !defined(MCU_MKL25Z4) */
+/* MKL25Z4.h, eof. */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MMA8451Q.lib	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Mlib.cpp	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#include "Mlib.h"
+char middle_3(char *tab)
+    tri_a_bulle(tab, 3);
+    return tab[1];
+int middle_3U(int *tab)
+    tri_a_bulleU(tab, 3);
+    return tab[1];
+float middle_3F(float *tab)
+    return tri_a_bulleF(tab, 3);
+void tri_a_bulle(char* t, int const size) 
+    int en_desordre = 1;
+    int i,j;
+    for (i = 0; (i < size) && en_desordre; ++i)
+    {
+        en_desordre = 0;
+        for (j = 1; j < (size - i); ++j)
+        {
+            if (t[j-1] > t[j])
+            {
+                int temp = t[j-1];
+                t[j-1] = t[j];
+                t[j] = temp;
+                en_desordre = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void tri_a_bulleU(int* t, int const size) 
+    int en_desordre = 1;
+    int i,j;
+    for (i = 0; (i < size) && en_desordre; ++i)
+    {
+        en_desordre = 0;
+        for (j = 1; j < (size - i); ++j)
+        {
+            if (t[j-1] > t[j])
+            {
+                int temp = t[j-1];
+                t[j-1] = t[j];
+                t[j] = temp;
+                en_desordre = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+float tri_a_bulleF(float* t2, int const size) 
+    float t[3];
+    t[0] = t2[0];
+    t[1] = t2[1];
+    t[2] = t2[2];
+    int en_desordre = 1;
+    int i,j;
+    for (i = 0; (i < size) && en_desordre; ++i)
+    {
+        en_desordre = 0;
+        for (j = 1; j < (size - i); ++j)
+        {
+            if (t[j-1] > t[j])
+            {
+                float temp = t[j-1];
+                t[j-1] = t[j];
+                t[j] = temp;
+                en_desordre = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return t[1];
+unsigned char Moyenne(unsigned char *tab)
+    int i = 0;
+    int somme = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < 128;i++)
+    {
+        somme+=tab[i];
+    }
+    return somme/128.0;
+char Moyenne2(char *tab, int nb)
+    int i = 0;
+    int somme = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < nb;i++)
+    {
+        somme+=tab[i];
+    }
+    return float(somme/nb);
+void menu()
+    static int p = 0;
+    p++;
+        wait(0.1);
+        if(BP2)
+        {
+            seuil_der++;
+            if(seuil_der == 2) seuil_der = -1;
+            led1 = 0;
+            wait(0.5);
+        }
+        if(seuil_der == 0)
+        {
+            led1 = p%2;
+        }
+        else if(seuil_der == 1)
+        {
+            led1 = 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            led1 = 0;
+        }
+        if(S1 == 1)
+        {
+            led2 = 1;
+        }
+        else led2 = 0;
+        if(S2 == 1)
+        {
+            led3 = 1;
+        }
+        else led3= 0;
+void fin_course()
+    static int arr = 0;
+    if(somme_derivee >= (Moyenne2(last_five, 5) + (SEUIL_NB_DERRIVEE+5*seuil_der)) || arr != 0)
+    {
+        if( > 3 && S1 == 1 && arr == 0)
+        {
+           arr = t_debut.read_ms();
+        }
+        else if(arr != 0 && t_debut.read_ms() > arr+100)
+        {
+            VIT = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    for(int j = 4; j > 0; j--)
+    {
+        last_five[j] = last_five[j-1];
+//                pc.printf("%d\n", last_five[j]);
+    }
+//            pc.printf("%d     |     %d\n", (somme_derivee), (Moyenne2(last_five, 5)));
+    last_five[0] = somme_derivee;
+//void F_BalanceBlancs()
+//    unsigned char moy = 0;
+//    moy = Moyenne(cam_data);
+//    if(moy > LUMI_MOYENNE && tempsInte >= MIN_INTE) tempsInte-=INCREM_BALANCE;
+//    else if(tempsInte <= MAX_INTE) tempsInte+=INCREM_BALANCE;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Mlib.h	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#ifndef TEST
+#define TEST
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MMA8451Q.h"
+#include "motor.h"
+#define MMA8451_I2C_ADRESS (0x1d<<1)
+#define FRQ_CLK 15000
+#define FRQ_CYC 6000
+#define AMIDTAB 64
+#define BMIDTAB 63
+#define BANDSIZE 4
+#define MIN_INTE 0
+#define MAX_INTE FRQ_CYC-500
+#define INCREM_BALANCE 300
+#define MARGE_LIGNE 5
+#define LUMI_MOYENNE 80
+#define MAX_BATTERY 1.3
+#define KD 400
+#define KI 3
+#define BOSSE_ACTIVE S2
+#define VITESSE 40
+/**/     /****************CAMERA****************/   /**/
+/**/    void F_GetData();                           /**/
+/**/    void F_CLK();                               /**/
+/**/    void Impulse_SI();                          /**/
+/**/                                                /**/
+/**/    /***************SHIELD*****************/    /**/
+/**/    void moteurs_arriere();                     /**/
+/**/    void test_servo(int time);                  /**/
+/**/    void Get_pot_value();                       /**/
+/**/                                                /**/
+/**/    /**********TRAITEMENT_IMG************/      /**/
+/**/    void F_TraitementImage();                   /**/
+/**/    void F_BalanceBlancs();                     /**/
+/**/    void Gestion_bosse();                       /**/
+/**/    void T_image();                             /**/
+/**/                                                /**/
+/**/                                                /**/
+/**/    /***********AUTRES_FCT***************/      /**/
+/**/    char middle_3(char *tab);                   /**/
+/**/    int middle_3U(int *tab);                    /**/
+/**/    float middle_3F(float *tab);                /**/
+/**/    void tri_a_bulle(char* t, int const size);  /**/
+/**/    void tri_a_bulleU(int* t, int const size);  /**/
+/**/    float tri_a_bulleF(float*t, int const size);/**/
+/**/    unsigned char Moyenne(unsigned char *tab);  /**/
+/**/    char Moyenne2(char *tab, int nb);           /**/
+/**/    void menu();                                /**/
+/**/    void init_bary();                           /**/
+/**/    void fin_course();                          /**/   
+extern DigitalOut SI;
+extern DigitalOut CLK;
+extern AnalogIn AIN;
+extern unsigned char cam_data[128];
+extern InterruptIn Int_clk;
+extern char numero_data;
+extern char clk_active;
+extern char bosse;
+extern int ajust_vitesse;
+extern int vitesse_virage;
+extern DigitalOut BP1;
+extern DigitalOut BP2;
+extern DigitalOut led1;
+extern DigitalOut led2;
+extern DigitalOut led3;
+extern DigitalOut led4;
+extern DigitalIn S1;
+extern DigitalIn S2;
+extern DigitalIn S3;
+extern DigitalIn S4;
+extern AnalogIn pot1;
+extern AnalogIn pot2;
+extern Ticker t_clk; 
+extern Ticker t_finInte;
+extern int tempsInte;
+extern int baricentre;
+extern char arrivee;
+extern int somme_derivee;
+extern int seuil_der;
+extern float last_three[3];
+extern int bary_tab[3];
+extern int bary_tab_bis[3];
+extern int integral;
+extern int new_bari;
+extern int ralentire;
+extern MMA8451Q acc;
+extern char last_five[5];
+extern Ticker t_cyc; 
+extern Serial pc;
+extern Timer t_debut;
+extern Timer t_ligne;
+extern Timer timer;
+extern int begin;
+extern int VIT;
+extern int KP;
+extern int ligne_droite;
+#endif /* !MLIB_H*/
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/camera.cpp	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "Mlib.h"
+void F_GetData()
+    timer.reset();
+    begin = timer.read_us();
+    SI = 0;
+    char numero_data = 0;
+    while(timer.read_us() < begin+tempsInte);
+    clk_active = 1;
+    Impulse_SI();
+    while( == 0);
+    cam_data[0] = AIN.read_u16()>>8;
+    while( == 1);
+    for(numero_data = 1; numero_data < 128; numero_data++)
+    {
+        while( == 0);//On attends le front montant
+        cam_data[numero_data] = AIN.read_u16()>>8;//mémorisation des données
+        while( == 1);//on attends le front descendant
+    }
+    clk_active = 0;
+    SI = 1;
+void F_CLK()
+    if(clk_active)
+    {
+        CLK = 1-CLK;
+    }
+void Impulse_SI()
+    while(CLK == 0);
+    while(CLK == 1);
+    SI = 1;
+    while(CLK == 0);
+    SI = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include "Mlib.h"
+MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADRESS);
+DigitalOut activate_motor (PTE21);
+DigitalOut led1(PTB8);
+DigitalOut led2(PTB9);
+DigitalOut led3(PTB10);
+DigitalOut led4(PTB11);
+AnalogIn pot1 (PTB3);
+AnalogIn pot2 (PTB2);
+DigitalIn S1(PTE2);
+DigitalIn S2(PTE3);
+DigitalIn S3(PTE4);
+DigitalIn S4(PTE5);
+Timer t_ligne;
+Timer timer;
+int ralentire = 0;
+AnalogIn pot1 (PTB3);
+AnalogIn pot2 (PTB2);
+int tempsInte = MAX_INTE;
+unsigned char cam_data[128];
+int baricentre = 0;
+int begin = 0;
+char flag = 0;
+char clk_active = 0;
+char bosse = 0; 
+int bary_tab[3];
+int bary_tab_bis[3];
+char last_five[5];
+float last_three[3];
+Timer t_debut;
+int somme_derivee = 0;
+int VIT = 0;
+int KP = 80;
+int seuil_der = 0;
+int ajust_vitesse = 0;
+int new_bari = 0;
+int vitesse_virage = 0;
+int ligne_droite = 0;
+int integral;
+DigitalOut BP1(PTC13);//boutton A
+DigitalOut BP2(PTC17);//boutton B
+DigitalOut SI(PTD7);
+DigitalIn CLK_IN(PTE31);
+DigitalOut CLK(PTE1);
+AnalogIn AIN(PTD5);
+Ticker t_cyc; 
+Ticker t_clk;
+Ticker t_finInte;
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+void cycle()
+    flag = 1;
+void arret()
+    PWM_motor(MOTEUR_A, 0);
+    PWM_motor(MOTEUR_B, 0);
+    while(BP1);
+    while(!BP1);
+    while(BP1);
+    t_debut.reset();
+void Init_car()
+    motor_init();
+    init_bary();
+    Get_pot_value();
+    t_cyc.attach_us(&cycle, FRQ_CYC);//interruption cycle
+    clk_active = 0;//L'horloge est désactivée
+    t_clk.attach(&F_CLK, 1/(2.0*FRQ_CLK));//interruption horloge
+    timer.start();
+   angle_servo_moteur(0);//on met les roues droite pour commencer
+int main() {
+    Init_car();
+    while(!BP1)//tant que l'on appuie pas sur BP1
+    {
+        menu();
+    }
+    while(BP1);//on attends le relachement de BP1
+/***************Début de la course***************/   
+    t_debut.start();//Timer du début de la course
+    t_ligne.start();
+/**********On demarre les moteurs****************/
+    PWM_motor(MOTEUR_A, VIT);
+    PWM_motor(MOTEUR_B, VIT);
+    while(1) {//boucle principale
+        if(BP1)
+        {
+            arret();
+        }
+        if(flag == 1)//début du cycle
+        {
+            flag = 0;
+            /***************Récupération données*****************/
+            F_GetData();
+            /*****************Traitement Image*******************/
+            T_image();
+            /****************Gestion des Moteurs*****************/
+            angle_servo_moteur(new_bari);
+            moteurs_arriere();
+            /****************Balance des blancs******************/
+            F_BalanceBlancs();
+            /******************Gestion_bosse*********************/
+            Gestion_bosse();
+            /****************Detection_arrivee*******************/
+            fin_course();
+        }
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/motor.cpp	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "motor.h"
+PwmOut moteurA_avancer (PTC2);
+PwmOut moteurA_reculer (PTC1);
+PwmOut moteurB_avancer (PTC4);
+PwmOut moteurB_reculer (PTC3);
+PwmOut servo (PTB0);
+void PWM_motor (int vitesse_gauche ,int vitesse_droite)
+        if(vitesse_gauche >= 0)//On avance
+        {
+            moteurA_reculer.write(0);
+            moteurA_avancer.write((vitesse_gauche*CORRECTION)/100.0);
+        }
+        else//On recule
+        {
+            moteurA_avancer.write(0);
+            moteurA_reculer.write(vitesse_gauche/100.0);
+        }          
+        if(vitesse_droite >= 0)//On avance
+        {
+            moteurB_reculer.write(0);
+            moteurB_avancer.write(vitesse_droite/100.0);
+        }
+        else//On recule
+        {
+            moteurB_avancer.write(0);
+            moteurB_reculer.write(vitesse_droite/100.0);
+        }
+void motor_init()
+    moteurA_avancer.period(1.0/FREQ_PWM);
+    moteurB_avancer.write(0);
+    moteurA_avancer.write(0);
+    moteurB_reculer.write(0);
+    moteurA_reculer.write(0);
+    activate_motor = 1;
+void angle_servo_moteur (double angle)
+    if(angle > 30) angle = 30;
+    if(angle < -30) angle = -30;
+    angle = (angle * PWM_ANGLE_DROIT_MAX) / ANGLE_DROIT_MAX;
+    angle += 0.0725; 
+    servo.write(angle);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/motor.h	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#ifndef MOTOR_H
+#define MOTOR_H
+#include "MKL25Z4.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define MOTEUR_A 1
+#define MOTEUR_B 2
+#define AVANCER 1
+#define RECULER 2
+#define ATTENTE 3
+#define PWM_ANGLE_MILIEU 0              //0.0725-0.0725
+#define PWM_ANGLE_DROIT_MAX 0.02        //0.0925-0.0725
+#define PWM_ANGLE_GAUCHE_MAX 0.02       //0.0525-0.0725
+#define ANGLE_DROIT_MAX 30
+#define ANGLE_GAUCHE_MAX 30
+#define FREQ_PWM 5000
+#define CORRECTION 1
+#define AVANCE 4
+void PWM_motor (int moteur ,int vitesse);
+void angle_servo_moteur (double angle);
+void motor_init();
+extern DigitalOut activate_motor;
+extern PwmOut moteurA_avancer;
+extern PwmOut moteurA_reculer;
+extern PwmOut moteurB_avancer;
+extern PwmOut moteurB_reculer;
+extern PwmOut servo;
+#endif //MOTOR_H
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/shield.cpp	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include "Mlib.h"
+void moteurs_arriere()
+    vitesse_virage = new_bari/2;
+    ajust_vitesse = (ligne_droite*5)/2;
+    if(VIT == 0)
+    {
+        PWM_motor(0,0);
+    }
+    else if(ralentire == 1)
+    {
+        if(vitesse_virage > 0)
+        {
+            PWM_motor((VIT+ajust_vitesse) - vitesse_virage,(VIT)+ 4*vitesse_virage); 
+        }
+        else
+        { 
+            PWM_motor((VIT)- 4*vitesse_virage, (VIT+ajust_vitesse) + vitesse_virage);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(vitesse_virage > 0)
+        {
+            PWM_motor((VIT) - vitesse_virage, (VIT) + vitesse_virage);
+        }
+        else
+        { 
+            PWM_motor((VIT)- vitesse_virage,  (VIT) + vitesse_virage);
+        }
+    }
+void test_servo(int time)
+    Timer debut_fct;
+    debut_fct.start();
+    while( < time)
+    {
+        for(int i = -30; i < 30; i++)
+        {
+            angle_servo_moteur(i);
+            wait(0.01);
+        }
+        for(int i = 30; i > -30; i--)
+        {
+            angle_servo_moteur(i);
+            wait(0.01);
+        }
+    }
+    angle_servo_moteur(0);
+void Get_pot_value()
+    VIT = 0, KP = 0;
+    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+       VIT += ((*(25.0));
+        KP += ((*100); 
+    }
+    VIT /= 10;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/traitement_image.cpp	Thu Jan 26 07:37:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#include "Mlib.h"
+void F_TraitementImage()
+    unsigned char i;
+    signed short save_a;
+    signed short save_b;
+    int tempo = 0;
+    char mem_a, mem_b;
+    char tab[3];
+    char tab2[3];
+    mem_a = 100;
+    mem_b = 100;
+    save_b = MARGE_LIGNE;
+    save_a = MARGE_LIGNE;
+    somme_derivee = 0;
+     for(i = 0; i < 62-4; i++) 
+    {
+        tab[0] = cam_data[AMIDTAB+i];
+        tab[1] = cam_data[AMIDTAB+i+1];
+        tab[2] = cam_data[AMIDTAB+i+2];
+        tab2[0] = cam_data[AMIDTAB+i+3];
+        tab2[1] = cam_data[AMIDTAB+i+4];
+        tab2[2] = cam_data[AMIDTAB+i+5];
+        tempo = middle_3(tab)-middle_3(tab2);
+        if(tempo < 0) tempo = 0;
+        somme_derivee+= tempo;
+        if(save_a < tempo)
+        {
+            save_a = tempo;
+            mem_a = i;
+        }
+    }
+    for(i = 1; i < 63-4; i++) 
+    {
+        tab[0] = cam_data[AMIDTAB-i];
+        tab[1] = cam_data[AMIDTAB-i-1];
+        tab[2] = cam_data[AMIDTAB-i-2];
+        tab2[0] = cam_data[AMIDTAB-i-3];
+        tab2[1] = cam_data[AMIDTAB-i-4];
+        tab2[2] = cam_data[AMIDTAB-i-5];
+        tempo = middle_3(tab)-middle_3(tab2);
+        if(tempo < 0) tempo = 0;
+        somme_derivee+= tempo;
+        if(save_b < tempo)
+        {
+            save_b = tempo;
+            mem_b = i;
+        }
+    }
+    if (mem_b == 100 && mem_a == 100)
+    {
+        baricentre = 0;
+    }
+    else if (mem_b == 100)
+    {
+        //baricentre = (mem_a-MARGE_DISTANCE_LIGNE);
+        baricentre = (64-mem_a);
+    }
+    else if (mem_a == 100)
+    {
+        //baricentre = (MARGE_DISTANCE_LIGNE-mem_b);
+        baricentre = (64-mem_b);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        baricentre = (mem_b - mem_a);    
+        //baricentre = -baricentre;
+    }
+void F_BalanceBlancs()
+    static unsigned char moy = 0;
+    moy = Moyenne(cam_data);
+    tempsInte+=100*(LUMI_MOYENNE-moy);
+    if(tempsInte>MAX_INTE) tempsInte = MAX_INTE;
+    if(tempsInte<MIN_INTE) tempsInte = MIN_INTE;
+    somme_derivee = somme_derivee/(moy/10.0);
+void Gestion_bosse()
+    if(BOSSE_ACTIVE)//Si on active la détection de la bosse
+    {
+        static int tep = 0;
+        switch(bosse)
+        {
+            case 0:
+            led1 = 1;
+            led2 = 0;
+            break;
+            case 1:
+            led2 = 1;
+            led1= 0;
+            break;
+            case 2:
+            led3 = 1;
+            led2 = 0;
+            break;
+        }
+        last_three[2] = last_three[1];
+        last_three[1] = last_three[0];
+        last_three[0] = acc.getAccX();
+        if(bosse == 1)
+        ajust_vitesse = 20;
+        else if(bosse == 2)
+        ajust_vitesse = -10;
+        else ajust_vitesse = 0;
+        if((middle_3F(last_three) > 0.2 ) && (bosse == 0 && > 2))
+        {
+            bosse = 1;
+            tep = (int)t_debut.read_ms();
+        }
+        else if(bosse == 1 && (int)t_debut.read_ms() > (tep+1000))
+        {
+            bosse = 2;
+        }
+        else if(bosse == 2 && middle_3F(last_three) > 0.98)
+        {
+            bosse = 3;
+        }
+    }
+void T_image()
+    static int  last_bari = 0, bari_bis = 0;
+    static int retiens = 0;
+    F_TraitementImage();//donne une valeur au baricentre
+    bary_tab[2] = bary_tab[1];//décalage du tableau des 3 derniers bari
+    bary_tab[1] = bary_tab[0];
+    bary_tab[0] = baricentre;
+    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)//on rentre le tableau dans un autre tableau
+    {
+        bary_tab_bis[i] = bary_tab[i];
+    }
+    bari_bis = middle_3U(bary_tab_bis);//On calcul la médianne des 3 derniers bari
+    integral += bari_bis;
+    new_bari = (KI*integral+KP*bari_bis+KD*(bari_bis-last_bari))/1000;//On applique un KP et un KD (proportionnel et dérivé) au bari
+    last_bari = bari_bis;
+    led4 = ralentire;
+    if(S3)//gestion des lignes droite
+    {
+        if(abs(new_bari) < 15 && ligne_droite < 10 && ralentire == 0)
+        {
+            if(ligne_droite == 0)
+            {
+                t_ligne.reset();
+            }
+            ligne_droite++;
+        }
+        if(abs(new_bari) >= 15 && ligne_droite > 0 && ralentire == 0)
+        {
+            ralentire = 1;
+            retiens = t_ligne.read_ms();
+            t_ligne.reset();
+            if(retiens > 3000) retiens = 3000;
+            retiens = retiens /3;
+        }
+        if(ralentire) 
+        {
+            ligne_droite = (t_ligne.read_ms()-retiens)/4;
+            ligne_droite = -100;
+            if(t_ligne.read_ms()-retiens > 0)
+            {
+                ralentire = 0;
+                ligne_droite = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }   
+void init_bary()
+    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    {
+        bary_tab[i] = 0;
+        bary_tab_bis[i] = 0;
+    }
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