Pixy (cmucam5) Library HelloWorld Program

Dependencies:   Pixy mbed

Fork of TestPixy by FRC - Hackathon

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Jun 01 10:28:25 2018 +0000
Commit message:
Test and Helloworld program for Pixy (CMUCAM5) smart camera Library

Changed in this revision

Pixy.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Pixy.lib	Thu May 31 17:37:26 2018 +0000
+++ b/Pixy.lib	Fri Jun 01 10:28:25 2018 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Thu May 31 17:37:26 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jun 01 10:28:25 2018 +0000
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "Pixy.h"
-Serial      pc          (PA_2, PA_3, 921600);
-PIXY        Pixy        (PA_0, PA_1, 230400);
+Serial      pc          (PA_2, PA_3, 921600);                   // Serial link with PC
+PIXY        Pixy        (PA_0, PA_1, 230400);                   // The PIXY
-DigitalOut  led1        (PA_5);
-DigitalOut  led2        (PD_2);
-DigitalOut  disquette   (PA_12);
+DigitalOut  led1        (PA_5);                                 // Led1 is for test purpose
+DigitalOut  led2        (PD_2);                                 // Led2 is for test purpose
+DigitalOut  disquette   (PA_12);                                // Baloon destructor command signal (must be set to 0 if not used)
 int main()
-    int                 nbCC, nbNM, cr;
-    Byte                msg, brightness = 50;
-    T_pixyCCBloc        CCBuf;
-    T_pixyNMBloc        NMBuf;
+    int                 nbCC, nbNM, cr;                         // Local treatment variables
+    Byte                msg, brightness = 50;                   
+    T_pixyCCBloc        CCBuf;                                  // Color code object buffer
+    T_pixyNMBloc        NMBuf;                                  // Normal object buffer
-    pc.printf ("\r\nHelloWorld\r\n");
-    led1 = 1;
-    led2 = 0;
-    disquette = 0;
+    pc.printf ("\r\nHelloWorld\r\n");                           // display "HelloWorld"
+    led1 = 1;                                                   // Switch ON Led1
+    led2 = 0;                                                   // Switch OFF Led2
+    disquette = 0;                                              // Baloon destructor set to OFF
-    wait (5);
-    if (Pixy.checkPixy() == -1) {
-        pc.printf ("\rNo Pixy\n\r");
-        while(1);
-    } else {
-        pc.printf ("\rLet's go\n\r");
+    wait (5);                                                   // Wait for PIXY to boot up
+    if (Pixy.checkPixy() == -1) {                               // If no pixy is transmitting (neither pixy not teached or not connected or else)
+        pc.printf ("\rNo Pixy\n\r");                            // display error message            
+        while(1);                                               // Hang
+    } else {                                                    // If pixy is talking
+        pc.printf ("\rRock'n'Roll\n\r");                        // Let fun begin
     do {
-        Pixy.setBrightness (brightness);
-        wait (0.2);
-        cr = Pixy.detectedObject (&nbNM, &nbCC);
+        Pixy.setBrightness (brightness);                        // Set brightness  (note that 0 brightness is ajustable in PIXYMON)
+        wait (0.2);                                             // Wait for brightness to establish
+        cr = Pixy.detectedObject (&nbNM, &nbCC);                // Read the number of objects detected
         pc.printf ("\r\nBrightness = %3d => nbCC = %2d - nbNM = %2d : cr = %2d ? ", brightness, nbCC, nbNM, cr);
-        msg = pc.getc();
-        pc.printf("%c\r\n", msg);
-        if (msg=='a') brightness += 5;
-        if (msg=='q') brightness -= 5;
-        if (msg=='z') brightness += 1;
-        if (msg=='s') brightness -= 1;
-    } while (msg != 'X');
+        msg = pc.getc();                                        // Wait for user to choose what to do
+        pc.printf("%c\r\n", msg);                               // Echo
+        if (msg=='a') brightness += 5;                          // if message is 'a' then increase brightness by 5
+        if (msg=='q') brightness -= 5;                          // if message is 'q' then decrease brightness by 5
+        if (msg=='z') brightness += 1;                          // if message is 'z' then increase brightness by 1
+        if (msg=='s') brightness -= 1;                          // if message is 's' then decrease brightness by 1
+    } while (msg != 'X');                                       // Une 'X' to quit
     while (1) {
-        if (Pixy.checkNewImage()) {
-            cr = Pixy.detectedObject (&nbNM, &nbCC);
+        if (Pixy.checkNewImage()) {                                             //Wait for new image
+            cr = Pixy.detectedObject (&nbNM, &nbCC);                            // Get detected object list and display it
             pc.printf ("\r\tnbCC = %2d - nbNM = %2d : cr = %2d\n", nbCC, nbNM, cr);
-            while (nbCC > 0) {
-                CCBuf = Pixy.getCCBloc ();
+            while (nbCC > 0) {                                                  // while there are some CC Blocks to read
+                CCBuf = Pixy.getCCBloc ();                                      // Read them from FIFO and display them
                 pc.printf ("\rCC %5d : x=%5d, y=%5d - w=%5d, h=%5d, a=%5d\n", CCBuf.signature, CCBuf.x, CCBuf.y, CCBuf.width, CCBuf.height, (short)CCBuf.angle);
-            while (nbNM > 0) {
-                NMBuf = Pixy.getNMBloc ();
+            while (nbNM > 0) {                                                  // while there are some NM Blocks to read
+                NMBuf = Pixy.getNMBloc ();                                      // Read them from FIFO and display them
                 pc.printf ("\rNM %4x : x=%5d, y=%5d - w=%5d, h=%5d\n", NMBuf.signature, NMBuf.x, NMBuf.y, NMBuf.width, NMBuf.height);
-            led1 = !led1;
-            led2 = !led2;
+            led1 = !led1;                                       // Switch Led1
+            led2 = !led2;                                       // Switch Led2