Smart barn work with sensor DHT22 measure temp. & Hum.

Dependencies:   DHT mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Dec 09 08:36:36 2015 +0000
Commit message:
A5 Smart Barn

Changed in this revision

DHT.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r f45f2181e4f5 DHT.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DHT.lib	Wed Dec 09 08:36:36 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r f45f2181e4f5 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 09 08:36:36 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "DHT.h"
+Serial hm_tp (PA_11, PA_12);  // PA_11 - tx, PA_12 - rx via bluetooth
+DigitalOut lamp(D11); // Hydrogyn lamp for heat
+DigitalOut waterIn(D9); // Fake springer
+DigitalOut waterOut(D10); // Fake springer
+DigitalOut led1(D7); // Status 0f DHT22-1
+DigitalOut led2(D8); // Status 0f DHT22-2
+DigitalOut fanL(D5); // motor Fan for control way
+DigitalOut fanR(D6);
+DHT sensorOut(D3,DHT22); // Use the AM2302 sensor
+DHT sensorIn(D4,DHT22); // sensorOut is outside, sensorIn is inside
+int main()
+    //int err1, err2;
+    //float refTemp = 0, refHum = 0;
+    uint8_t hedSelect = 0, state_show = 0, state_exit = 0, HedJa;
+    int stop = 0;
+    hm_tp.printf("Hello Sir / Madam!!\nPls choose your mushroom\n");
+    while(1) {
+        if(state_show == 0) {
+            hm_tp.printf("Menu\n");
+            hm_tp.printf("1.Hed Ya na ngi\n"); //25-32 78-80
+            hm_tp.printf("2.Hed Fang\n"); //30-38 70-80
+            state_show = 1;
+        }
+        if(hm_tp.readable()) {
+            HedJa = hm_tp.getc();
+            hm_tp.printf("\n");
+            state_show = 0;
+            state_exit = 0;
+            switch(HedJa) {
+                case '1':
+                    do {
+                        if(hedSelect == 0) {
+                            hm_tp.printf("Hed Ya na ngi\nTemp. 25-32'c\nHum. 78-80% \n");
+                            hm_tp.printf("a : Start Process\nb : Change Type/Stop Process\n");
+                            hedSelect = 1;
+                        }
+                        if(hm_tp.readable()) {
+                            HedJa = hm_tp.getc();
+                            hm_tp.printf("\n");
+                            hedSelect = 0;
+                            switch(HedJa) {
+                                case 'a' :
+                                    hm_tp.printf("*When you enough to see value pls press '1'*\n");
+                                    led1 = 1;
+                                    led2 = 1;
+                                    if(sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS)) 
+                                    {
+                                                if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 25 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32) {
+                                                    fanL = 1;
+                                                    fanR = 0; //fan run - wind come in
+                                                    wait(15);
+                                                    fanL = 0;
+                                                    fanR = 0; // off fan
+                                                } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 25 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 25 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 32) {
+                                                    lamp = 1; //lamp run
+                                                    wait(30);
+                                                    lamp = 0; //lamp stop
+                                                } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) >= 25 && sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) <= 32 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32) {
+                                                    //spinger out run estimate 30 mins. in real but in show just run 10 sec.
+                                                    waterOut = 1;
+                                                    wait(10);
+                                                    waterOut = 0;
+                                                                if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() < 78) {
+                                                                    waterIn = 1;
+                                                                    wait(1);
+                                                                    waterIn = 0;
+                                                                } else if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() >= 78 && sensorIn.ReadHumidity() <= 80) {
+                                                                    break;
+                                                                } else { // sensorIn.ReadHumidity() > 80
+                                                                    //fan run - wind come in
+                                                                    fanL = 1;
+                                                                    fanR = 0; // fan run
+                                                                    wait(15);
+                                                                    fanL = 0;
+                                                                    fanR = 0; //fan stop
+                                                                }
+                                                } else { // sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32
+                                                    fanL = 0;
+                                                    fanR = 1; //wind get out
+                                                    wait(20);
+                                                    fanL = 0; //fan stop
+                                                    fanR = 0;
+                                                    waterOut = 1; //springer out run
+                                                    wait(10);
+                                                    waterOut = 0;
+                                                }
+                                    } else if(sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS)) {
+                                                if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 25 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 32) {
+                                                    fanL = 1;
+                                                    fanR = 0; //fan run - wind come in
+                                                    wait(15);
+                                                    fanL = 0;
+                                                    fanR = 0; // off fan
+                                                } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) >= 25 && sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) <= 32 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 25) {
+                                                            if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() < 78) {
+                                                                waterIn = 1;
+                                                                wait(1);
+                                                                waterIn = 0;
+                                                            } else if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() >= 78 && sensorIn.ReadHumidity() <= 80) {
+                                                                break;
+                                                            } else { // sensorIn.ReadHumidity() > 80
+                                                                //fan run - wind come in
+                                                                fanL = 1;
+                                                                fanR = 0; // fan run
+                                                                wait(15);
+                                                                fanL = 0;
+                                                                fanR = 0; //fan stop
+                                                            }
+                                                } else { // sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32
+                                                    fanL = 0;
+                                                    fanR = 1; //wind get out
+                                                    wait(20);
+                                                    fanL = 0; //fan stop
+                                                    fanR = 0;
+                                                    waterOut = 1; //springer out run
+                                                    wait(10);
+                                                    waterOut = 0;
+                                                    break;
+                                                }
+                                    } else { //sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) == sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS)
+                                                if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 25 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32) {
+                                                    fanL = 1;
+                                                    fanR = 0; //fan run - wind come in
+                                                    wait(15);
+                                                    fanL = 0;
+                                                    fanR = 0; // off fan
+                                                    break;
+                                                } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 25 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 25 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 32) {
+                                                    lamp = 1; //lamp run
+                                                    wait(30);
+                                                    lamp = 0; //lamp stop
+                                                    break;
+                                                } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) >= 25 && sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) <= 32 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32) {
+                                                    //spinger out run estimate 30 mins. in real but in show just run 10 sec.
+                                                    waterOut = 1;
+                                                    wait(10);
+                                                    waterOut = 0;
+                                                                if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() < 78) {
+                                                                    waterIn = 1;
+                                                                    wait(5);
+                                                                    waterIn = 0;
+                                                                } else if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() >= 78 && sensorIn.ReadHumidity() <= 80) {
+                                                                    break;
+                                                                } else { // sensorIn.ReadHumidity() > 80
+                                                                    //fan run - wind come in
+                                                                    fanL = 1;
+                                                                    fanR = 0; // fan run
+                                                                    wait(15);
+                                                                    fanL = 0;
+                                                                    fanR = 0; //fan stop
+                                                                }
+                                                } else { // sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 32
+                                                    fanL = 0;
+                                                    fanR = 1; //wind get out
+                                                    wait(20);
+                                                    fanL = 0; //fan stop
+                                                    fanR = 0;
+                                                    waterOut = 1; //springer out run
+                                                    wait(10);
+                                                    waterOut = 0;
+                                                }
+                                    }
+                                    led1 = 0;
+                                    led2 = 0;
+                                    wait(5);
+                                    scanf("%d",&stop);
+                                    if(stop == '1') {
+                                        hedSelect = 0;
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                case 'b' :
+                                    state_exit = 0;
+                                    state_show = 0;
+                                default :
+                                    hm_tp.printf("please choose a or b only\n");
+                                    break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    while(state_exit == 0);
+                    hm_tp.printf("\n\n");
+                    state_exit = 1;
+                    state_show = 0;
+                    break;
+                case '2':
+                    do {if(hedSelect == 0) {
+                            hm_tp.printf("Hed Fang\nTemp. 30-38'c\nHum. 70-80% \n");
+                            hm_tp.printf("a : Start Process\nb : Change Type/Stop Process\n");
+                            //hedSelect = 1;
+                        }
+                        if(hm_tp.readable()) {
+                            HedJa = hm_tp.getc();
+                            hm_tp.printf("\n");
+                            //hedSelect = 0;
+                            switch(HedJa) {
+                                case 'a' :
+                                    hm_tp.printf("*When you enough to see value pls press '1'*\n");
+                                    led1 = 1;
+                                    led2 = 1;
+                                    if(sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS)) {
+                                        if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 30 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38) {
+                                            fanL = 1;
+                                            fanR = 0; //fan run - wind come in
+                                            wait(15);
+                                            fanL = 0;
+                                            fanR = 0; // off fan
+                                        } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 30 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 30 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 38) {
+                                            lamp = 1; //lamp run
+                                            wait(30);
+                                            lamp = 0; //lamp stop
+                                        } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) >= 30 && sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) <= 38 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38) {
+                                            //spinger out run estimate 30 mins. in real but in show just run 10 sec.
+                                            waterOut = 1;
+                                            wait(10);
+                                            waterOut = 0;
+                                            if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() < 70) {
+                                                waterIn = 1;
+                                                wait(1);
+                                                waterIn = 0;
+                                            } else if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() >= 70 && sensorIn.ReadHumidity() <= 80) {
+                                                break;
+                                            } else { // sensorIn.ReadHumidity() > 80
+                                                //fan run - wind come in
+                                                fanL = 1;
+                                                fanR = 0; // fan run
+                                                wait(15);
+                                                fanL = 0;
+                                                fanR = 0; //fan stop
+                                            }
+                                        } else { // sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38
+                                            fanL = 0;
+                                            fanR = 1; //wind get out
+                                            wait(20);
+                                            fanL = 0; //fan stop
+                                            fanR = 0;
+                                            waterOut = 1; //springer out run
+                                            wait(10);
+                                            waterOut = 0;
+                                        }
+                                    } else if(sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS)) {
+                                        if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 30 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38) {
+                                            fanL = 1;
+                                            fanR = 0; //fan run - wind come in
+                                            wait(15);
+                                            fanL = 0;
+                                            fanR = 0; // off fan
+                                        } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 30 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 38) {
+                                            lamp = 1; //lamp run
+                                            wait(30);
+                                            lamp = 0; //lamp stop
+                                        } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) >= 30 && sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) <= 38 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38) {
+                                            //spinger out run estimate 30 mins. in real but in show just run 10 sec.
+                                            waterOut = 1;
+                                            wait(10);
+                                            waterOut = 0;
+                                            if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() < 70) {
+                                                waterIn = 1;
+                                                wait(1);
+                                                waterIn = 0;
+                                            } else if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() >= 70 && sensorIn.ReadHumidity() <= 80) {
+                                            } else { // sensorIn.ReadHumidity() > 80
+                                                //fan run - wind come in
+                                                fanL = 1;
+                                                fanR = 0; // fan run
+                                                wait(15);
+                                                fanL = 0;
+                                                fanR = 0; //fan stop
+                                            }
+                                        } else { // sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38
+                                            fanL = 0;
+                                            fanR = 1; //wind get out
+                                            wait(20);
+                                            fanL = 0; //fan stop
+                                            fanR = 0;
+                                            waterOut = 1; //springer out run
+                                            wait(10);
+                                            waterOut = 0;
+                                        }
+                                    } else { //sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) == sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS)
+                                        if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 30 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38) {
+                                            fanL = 1;
+                                            fanR = 0; //fan run - wind come in
+                                            wait(15);
+                                            fanL = 0;
+                                            fanR = 0; // off fan
+                                        } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 30 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 30 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) < 38) {
+                                            lamp = 1; //lamp run
+                                            wait(30);
+                                            lamp = 0; //lamp stop
+                                        } else if(sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) >= 30 && sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) <= 38 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38) {
+                                            //spinger out run estimate 30 mins. in real but in show just run 10 sec.
+                                            waterOut = 1;
+                                            wait(10);
+                                            waterOut = 0;
+                                            if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() < 70) {
+                                                waterIn = 1;
+                                                wait(5);
+                                                waterIn = 0;
+                                            } else if(sensorIn.ReadHumidity() >= 70 && sensorIn.ReadHumidity() <= 80) {
+                                                break;
+                                            } else { // sensorIn.ReadHumidity() > 80
+                                                //fan run - wind come in
+                                                fanL = 1;
+                                                fanR = 0; // fan run
+                                                wait(15);
+                                                fanL = 0;
+                                                fanR = 0; //fan stop
+                                            }
+                                        } else { // sensorIn.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38 && sensorOut.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS) > 38
+                                            fanL = 0;
+                                            fanR = 1; //wind get out
+                                            wait(20);
+                                            fanL = 0; //fan stop
+                                            fanR = 0;
+                                            waterOut = 1; //springer out run
+                                            wait(10);
+                                            waterOut = 0;
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    led1 = 0;
+                                    led2 = 0;
+                                    wait(5);
+                                    hm_tp.scanf("%d",&stop);
+                                    if(stop == '1') {
+                                        hedSelect = 0;
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                case 'b' :
+                                    state_exit = 0;
+                                default :
+                                    hm_tp.printf("\nplease choose a or b only\n");
+                                    break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    while(state_exit == 0);
+                    hm_tp.printf("\n\n");
+                    state_exit = 1;
+                    state_show = 0;
+                    break;
+                case 0x00:
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    hm_tp.printf("\nplease choose 1 or 2 only\n");
+                    hm_tp.printf("\n\n");
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r f45f2181e4f5 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Dec 09 08:36:36 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file