
Dependencies:   NOKIA_5110 mbed

Fork of Lost-Found_BOX by FRA221:A

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Dec 07 14:43:15 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Dec 07 18:12:36 2015 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include "myESP.h"
 #include "myRFID.h"
 #include "myLCD4884.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
 DigitalOut LedGreen(LED1);
 DigitalOut spi_address[2] = {SPI_CS,PB_4};
 //Serial connection to PC for output
@@ -84,60 +85,160 @@
     myLcd.DrawString("Welcome to LOST & FOUND BOX V.1");   
-    getStatus("","/l-f-box/getdata.php?check=1",stat_uid);
-    if(stat_uid[0] > 0){
-        mode = 0; //It have an item
-    }else{
-        mode = 1;  //Doesn't have an item
-    }
+    while(true){//Loop around
+        wait(1);
+        getStatus("","/l-f-box/getdata.php?check=1",stat_uid); //Recheck now status
+        if(isalnum((int)stat_uid[0])){
+            mode = 0; //It have an item
+            submode=-1;
+        }else{
+            mode = 1;  //Doesn't have an item
+            submode=0; 
+        }
-    while(mode == 0){
-        if(submode == 0){
-            myLcd.InitLcd();  
-            myLcd.DrawString("PLEASE TAP A CARD");   
-            myLcd.stop();
-            submode++;
-        }
-        if(submode == 1){
-            if ( ! RfChip.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
-            {
-                 wait_ms(500);
-                continue;
-             }
-            // Select one of the cards
-            if ( ! RfChip.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
-            {
-              wait_ms(500);
-              continue;
+        while(mode == 0){ //Withdraw Process (Item in the box!)
+        pc.printf("Withdraw process...");
+             if(stat_uid[0] == 'X'){ //Unlocked!
+                speak.speakRight();
+                wait(0.5);
+                myLcd.InitLcd();
+                myLcd.SetXY(20,2);
+                myLcd.DrawString("UNLOCKED!");
+                myLcd.SetXY(16,2);
+                myLcd.DrawString("TAP A CARD...");
+                myLcd.stop(); 
+                submode = 0; 
+             }else{
+                wait(1);
+                getStatus("","/l-f-box/getdata.php?check=1",stat_uid); //Recheck now status
+            }
+            if(submode == 0){ //Get RFID for update withdrawer
+                if ( ! RfChip.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
+                    {
+                         wait_ms(500);
+                        continue;
+                     }
+                    // Select one of the cards
+                    if ( ! RfChip.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
+                    {
+                      wait_ms(500);
+                      continue;
+                    }
+                    speak.speak();
+                    wait(0.5);
+                    myLcd.InitLcd();  
+                    myLcd.DrawString("WAITING...");
+                    myLcd.stop();  
+                    GetID(RFID);
+                    getDataHTTP("","/l-f-box/getdata.php?rfid=",IDs,sid,name,tel); // Data of withdrawer
+                    submode ++;    
+            }
+            if(submode == 1){
+                updateWithdrawer("","/l-f-box/update.php",sid);
+                wait(0.5);
+                myLcd.InitLcd();
+                myLcd.SetXY(20,2);
+                myLcd.DrawString("WITHDRAW");
+                myLcd.SetXY(16,2);
+                myLcd.DrawString("SUCCESSFUL");
+                myLcd.stop();  
+                submode++;
+                }
+            if(submode == 2){//Check for item & return to empty position
+                    mode = -1;    
-            speak.speak();
-            submode ++;
-        }
-        if(submode == 2){
-            wait(0.5);
-            myLcd.InitLcd();  
-            myLcd.DrawString("WAITING...");
-            myLcd.stop();  
-            GetID(RFID);
-            getDataHTTP("","/l-f-box/getdata.php?rfid=",IDs,sid,name,tel);
-            submode ++;
-        if(submode == 3){
-            wait(0.5);
-            myLcd.InitLcd();  
-            myLcd.DrawString("NAME : ");   
-            myLcd.DrawString(name);   
-            myLcd.SetXY(0,1);
-            myLcd.DrawString("TEL : ");   
-            myLcd.DrawString(tel);   
-            myLcd.stop();
+        while(mode == 1){ //Deposit Process (No item in the box)
+            if(submode == 0){ //Ask for deposit
+                myLcd.InitLcd();  
+                myLcd.SetXY(20,1);
+                myLcd.DrawString("PLEASE");   
+                myLcd.SetXY(8,3);
+                myLcd.DrawString("TAP A CARD");   
+                myLcd.stop();
+                submode++;
+            }
+            if(submode == 1){ //Wait and Get Tap Card
+                if ( ! RfChip.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
+                {
+                     wait_ms(500);
+                    continue;
+                 }
+                // Select one of the cards
+                if ( ! RfChip.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
+                {
+                  wait_ms(500);
+                  continue;
+                }
+                speak.speak();
+                submode ++;
+            }
+            if(submode == 2){ //Get depositor data. & Show depositor data
+                wait(0.5);
+                myLcd.InitLcd();  
+                myLcd.DrawString("WAITING...");
+                myLcd.stop();  
+                GetID(RFID);
+                getDataHTTP("","/l-f-box/getdata.php?rfid=",IDs,sid,name,tel);
+                submode ++;
+                wait(0.5);
+                myLcd.InitLcd();  
+                myLcd.DrawString("NAME : ");   
+                            myLcd.SetXY(5,1);
+                myLcd.DrawString(name);   
+                myLcd.SetXY(0,3);
+                myLcd.DrawString("TEL : ");   
+                            myLcd.SetXY(5,4);
+                myLcd.DrawString(tel);   
+                myLcd.stop();        
+            }
+            if(submode == 3){ // Show depositor data on screen
+                newDepositor("","/l-f-box/update.php",sid);
+                wait(0.5);
+                myLcd.InitLcd();  
+                myLcd.SetXY(20,1);
+                myLcd.DrawString("PLEASE");   
+                myLcd.SetXY(4,3);
+                myLcd.DrawString("CHECK ON WEB");   
+                myLcd.stop();
+                wait(3);
+                myLcd.InitLcd();  
+                myLcd.SetXY(10,0);
+                myLcd.DrawString("==CONTACT==");   
+                    myLcd.SetXY(5,2);
+                myLcd.DrawString("NAME : ");   
+                            myLcd.SetXY(5,3);
+                myLcd.DrawString(name);   
+                myLcd.SetXY(0,4);
+                myLcd.DrawString("TEL : ");   
+                            myLcd.SetXY(5,5);
+                myLcd.DrawString(tel);   
+                myLcd.stop();
+                submode=0;
+                mode = 0;
+            } // End Deposit Process
     while (true) {
     LedGreen = 1;