Elmo Terminal provides functionality to test Lora radio and access SX1272 chip registers delivered with Elmo board. This firmware allows the user to control the LoRa radio parameters (eg. frequency, bandwidth, spreading factor etc.) by entering console commands via serial terminal. Application also contains "Ping-Pong" and data transmission functionalities.

Dependencies:   SX1272lib mbed

Fork of Elmo-Terminal by Michal Leksinski

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Readme.txt	Mon Oct 05 08:29:51 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+All current SW functionality is implemented in MCU. 
+Communication with Elmo board is provided via USART1_TX / USART1_RX.
+SX1272 driver is based on project:
+  https://developer.mbed.org/users/netblocks/code/SX1272Lib/file/a5c9fd1a1ea6/sx1272 
+which is C++ implementation of official Semtech driver (written in C).
+Terminal commands with examples:
+- h: shows help
+- gr: prints all registers, examples: ...
+#	gr
+	> Radio start LORA Mode <
+		  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
+	 00   00 80 1a 0b 00 52 d9 00 00 0f 19 2b 03 01 80 00
+	 10   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8a 74 05
+	 20   00 08 01 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 14 40
+	 30   00 c3 05 27 1c 0a 00 0a 42 12 65 1d 01 a1 00 00
+	 40   00 00 22 13 0e 5b db 24 0e 81 3a 2e 00 03 00 00
+	 50   00 00 04 23 00 41 00 22 09 05 84 0b d0 0b d0 32
+	 60   2b 14 00 00 11 00 00 00 0f e0 00 0c f2 14 25 07
+	 70   00
+	> Radio stop <
+- tx: transmit string - tx [string], examples: ...
+#	tx label
+	> Radio start LORA Mode <
+	Performing tx
+	sent data: label
+	sent data: label
+	sent data: label
+	...
+	sent data: label
+	> Radio stop <
+#	tx
+	> Radio start LORA Mode <
+	Performing tx
+	sent data: TXTXTX
+	sent data: TXTXTX
+	...
+	> Radio stop <
+- rx: enables receive mode (looped)- rx, examples: ...
+#	rx
+	> Radio start LORA Mode <
+	Performing rx
+	received: PING, rssi: -139
+	> Radio stop <
+- pp: ping pong test, examples: ...
+#	pp
+	Starting Ping-Pong loop
+	...Ping
+	Pong...
+	...Ping
+	Pong...
+	...Ping
+	> Radio stop <
+- sv: sets variables - sv [variable1 value1 [variable2 value2 [....]]], examples: ...
+#	sv
+	freq: the frequency
+		860000...1020000 kHz
+	power: the output power
+		-1...20 dBm
+	bandwidth: the bandwidth
+		0: 125 kHz
+		1: 250 kHz
+		2: 500 kHz
+	dataRate: the Datarate / spreading factor
+		6: 64
+		7: 128
+		8: 256
+		9: 512
+		10: 1024
+		11: 2048
+		12: 4096
+	codeRate: the coding rate
+		1: 4/5
+		2: 4/6
+		3: 4/7
+		4: 4/8
+	preambleLen: the Preamble length
+		6...65535 symbols
+	symbTimeout: the RxSingle timeout value
+		4...1023 symbols
+	paBoost: forces PA_BOOST output
+		0: RFO pin
+		1: PA_BOOST pin
+	delay: tx delay in ms
+		0...100000 ms
+#	sv freq
+	no value for freq
+	the frequency
+		860000...1020000 kHz
+#	sv freq 1000000
+	set freq: 1000000kHz
+- gv: lists all variables, examples: ...
+#	gv
+	freq: 868000 kHz
+	power: 14 dBm
+	bandwidth: 2 - 500 kHz
+	dataRate: 7 - 128
+	codeRate: 1 - 4/5
+	preambleLen: 8 symbols
+	symbTimeout: 5 symbols
+	paBoost: 0 - RFO pin
+- Button starts ping-pong.
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