emma controller code in production board v1

Dependencies:   ADE7758_v1 Crypto DHT11 MQTT MbedJSONValueEmma SDFileSystem TFT_ILI9341 SWSPI SetRTC TFT_fonts Touch W5500Interface mbed-rtos mbed-src SoftSerial

Fork of emma_controller_energy by Emma

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Oct 01 06:47:14 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Edit to fit display for Emma 3D printing casing.

Changed in this revision

emmaCode.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 5af876b95f10 -r 2409502c3e32 emmaCode.cpp
--- a/emmaCode.cpp	Sat Sep 26 16:52:33 2015 +0000
+++ b/emmaCode.cpp	Thu Oct 01 06:47:14 2015 +0000
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
     TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Lato27x27);
-    TFT.set_orientation(1);
+    TFT.set_orientation(3);
@@ -198,36 +198,36 @@
     Coordinate ScreenSample[3];
     //lcd type 1
-    //matrix.An = 580;
-    //matrix.Bn = 75980;
-    //matrix.Cn = -3410580;
-    //matrix.Dn = 57855;
-    //matrix.En = -2465;
-    //matrix.Fn = -3483515;
-    //matrix.Divider = 209144;
+    matrix.An = 580;
+    matrix.Bn = 75980;
+    matrix.Cn = -3410580;
+    matrix.Dn = 57855;
+    matrix.En = -2465;
+    matrix.Fn = -3483515;
+    matrix.Divider = 209144;
-    //ScreenSample[0].x = 230;
-    //ScreenSample[0].y = 167;
-    //ScreenSample[1].x = 754;
-    //ScreenSample[1].y = 163;
-    //ScreenSample[2].x = 771;
-    //ScreenSample[2].y = 562;
+    ScreenSample[0].x = 230;
+    ScreenSample[0].y = 167;
+    ScreenSample[1].x = 754;
+    ScreenSample[1].y = 163;
+    ScreenSample[2].x = 771;
+    ScreenSample[2].y = 562;
     //lcd type 2
-    matrix.An = 1305;
-    matrix.Bn = -77430;
-    matrix.Cn = 75296670;
-    matrix.Dn = -57275;
-    matrix.En = -1160;
-    matrix.Fn = 55285220;
-    matrix.Divider = 211002;
+    //matrix.An = 1305;
+    //matrix.Bn = -77430;
+    //matrix.Cn = 75296670;
+    //matrix.Dn = -57275;
+    //matrix.En = -1160;
+    //matrix.Fn = 55285220;
+    //matrix.Divider = 211002;
-    ScreenSample[0].x = 782;
-    ScreenSample[0].y = 863;
-    ScreenSample[1].x = 248;
-    ScreenSample[1].y = 854;
-    ScreenSample[2].x = 256;
-    ScreenSample[2].y = 459;
+    //ScreenSample[0].x = 782;
+    //ScreenSample[0].y = 863;
+    //ScreenSample[1].x = 248;
+    //ScreenSample[1].y = 854;
+    //ScreenSample[2].x = 256;
+    //ScreenSample[2].y = 459;
     TP.SetCalibration(&matrix, &ScreenSample[0]);