LCD display

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TextLCD Class Reference

TextLCD Class Reference

A TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit 16x2 KS0066U LCD. More...

#include <TextLCD.h>

Public Member Functions

 TextLCD (PinName rs, PinName rw, PinName e, PinName d4, PinName d5, PinName d6, PinName d7, const char *name=NULL)
 Create a TextLCD interface and initiated 16x2 char mode.
void writeLcdBitD4toD7 (char data)
 Writes the low nible of data to the LCD-module.
void lcdCommand (unsigned char cmd)
 Writes a Command to the LCD-module.
void lcdData (unsigned char data)
 Writes charecters to the LCD display.
void gotoxy (int, int)
 moves text cursor to a screen column and row
int putc (int c)
 Write a character to the LCD.
int printf (const char *format,...)
 Write a formatted string to the LCD.

Detailed Description

A TextLCD interface for driving 4-bit 16x2 KS0066U LCD.

Simple example:

 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "TextLCD.h"

 TextLCD lcd(D11,D10,D9,D5,D4,D3,D2);
 int main()

    lcd.printf("       World");

    while(1) {

Definition at line 47 of file TextLCD.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TextLCD ( PinName  rs,
PinName  rw,
PinName  e,
PinName  d4,
PinName  d5,
PinName  d6,
PinName  d7,
const char *  name = NULL 

Create a TextLCD interface and initiated 16x2 char mode.

rsInstruction/data control line
rwRead/Write (is forced to '1')
eEnable line (clock)
d4-d7Data lines for using as a 4-bit interface
nameI/O stream name (Optional) Stream example:

 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "TextLCD.h"

 TextLCD lcd(D11,D10,D9,D5,D4,D3,D2,"lcdOut");
 int main()
     freopen("/lcdOut", "w", stdout);
     printf("Hello World");
     while(1) {

Definition at line 14 of file TextLCD.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void gotoxy ( int  x,
int  y 

moves text cursor to a screen column and row

columnThe horizontal position from the left, indexed from 0
rowThe vertical position from the top, indexed from 0

Definition at line 131 of file TextLCD.cpp.

void lcdCommand ( unsigned char  cmd )

Writes a Command to the LCD-module.

cmdcommand to be sendt to the LCD-Controller

Definition at line 99 of file TextLCD.cpp.

void lcdData ( unsigned char  data )

Writes charecters to the LCD display.

datachar to be sendt to the LCD-Controller

Definition at line 115 of file TextLCD.cpp.

int printf ( const char *  format,

Write a formatted string to the LCD.

formatA printf-style format string, followed by the variables to use in formatting the string.
int putc ( int  c )

Write a character to the LCD.

cThe character to write to the display
void writeLcdBitD4toD7 ( char  data )

Writes the low nible of data to the LCD-module.

dataWrites the low-nible to the LCD data pins D4 to D7

Definition at line 50 of file TextLCD.cpp.