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00001 #ifndef ROBOT_H
00002 #define ROBOT_H
00003 #include "QEI.h"
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "rtos.h"
00006 #include "HC05.h"
00007 #include "MPU6050.h"
00008 #include "I2Cdev.h"
00010 #include "motors.h"
00011 //#include "MPU6050.h"
00012 //#include "HC05.h"
00013 //#include "ACS712.h"
00014 //#include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h"
00015 //#include "DMP.h"
00016 //#include "IMUDATA.h"
00017 //#include "ADNS5090.h"
00018 #define BaudRate_bt 115200      //Baud rate of 9600
00019 #define tx_bt       PTA2        //Bluetooth connection pins
00020 #define rx_bt       PTA1        //Bluetooth connection pins
00021 #define EN_BT       PTA4        //Bluetooth connection pins
00022 //#define tx_mpu      PTE0    //MPU connection pins
00023 //#define rx_mpu      PTE1    //MPU connection pins
00024 //#define mpu_bandwidth MPU6050_BW_20 //set the MPU low pass filter bandwidth to 20hz
00026 #define myledd PTB8        //status LED pin
00030 #define CURRENT_R1 180 //160.0     //values of the current sensor opamp resistors
00031 #define CURRENT_R2 10
00032 #define CURRENT_R3 80
00033 #define CURRENT_R4 84.7
00034 #define VREF3_3 3.3        //digital logic voltage
00035 #define VREF5 5.0       //5v voltage        //NOTE: 5v voltage is consistent when using new batts, but not using old blue batts
00038 //#define irL PTB1
00039 //#define irC PTB3
00040 //#define irR PTB2
00042 #define LDR1 PTB1
00043 #define LDR2 PTB2
00044 #define buzz PTC8
00046 #define MOT_PWMA_PIN   PTA5    //Motor control pins    
00047 #define MOT_PWMB_PIN   PTA12
00048 #define MOT_STBY_PIN   PTE31
00049 #define MOT_AIN1_PIN   PTE30
00050 #define MOT_AIN2_PIN   PTE29
00051 #define MOT_BIN1_PIN   PTE24
00052 #define MOT_BIN2_PIN   PTE25
00054 #define M_PI 3.14159265359  //PI
00055 #define gyroCorrect 3720    //divide raw gyro data by this to get result in RAD/SECOND (if gyroRange is 500 rad/s)
00057 //Correct direction of motors. If number = 1, forward. If number = 0, backwards (for if motors are wired backwards)
00058 #define MOTOR_R_DIRECTION   1
00059 #define MOTOR_L_DIRECTION   1
00060 #define L_MOTOR_SCALE               1
00061 #define R_MOTOR_SCALE               1
00062 #define MOTOR_INTERVAL 20     //defines the interval (in milliseconds) between when motor can be set
00063 //NOTE: Can't make this less than 20ms, because that is the PWM frequency
00065 //Key bindings for remote control robot - for the future try to use arrow keys instead of 'asdw'
00066 #define ctrl_forward    'i'         //forward
00067 #define ctrl_backward   'k'         //back
00068 #define ctrl_left       'j'         //turn left
00069 #define ctrl_right      'l'         //turn right
00070 #define ctrl_calibrate  'c'         //re-calibrate the accelerometer and gyro
00071 #define ctrl_turn_angle_cw    'o'         // turn angle
00072 #define ctrl_turn_angle_ccw    'p'
00073 // The nRF24L01+ supports transfers from 1 to 32 bytes, but Sparkfun's
00074 //  "Nordic Serial Interface Board" (
00075 //  only handles 4 byte transfers in the ATMega code.
00076 #define TRANSFER_SIZE   4
00077 #define ulrL PTD6
00078 #define ulL PTD5
00079 #define ulF PTD1
00080 #define ulR PTC2
00081 #define ulrR PTC1
00082 #define ulB PTC0
00085 extern Motors motors;
00086 extern   HC05 bt;  //bluetooth connection
00087 //extern   Serial bt;
00088 //extern  QEI wheel;
00089 extern QEI left;
00090 extern QEI right;
00091 //extern    MPU6050 mpu;   //MPU connection
00092 extern    DigitalOut myled;   //(PTE3) Processor LED (1 = off, 0 = on)
00093 //extern    DigitalOut btSwitch;
00094 //extern    AnalogIn currentSensor;
00095 extern    DigitalOut buzzer;
00096 extern    DigitalOut key;\
00097 //extern    PwmOut buzzer;
00098 extern    AnalogIn LDRsensor1;
00099 extern    AnalogIn LDRsensor2;
00100 //extern    AnalogIn voltageSensor;
00101     ///////////   Motor control variables   ///////////
00102 extern    PwmOut PWMA;//(MOT_PWMA_PIN);
00103 extern    PwmOut PWMB;//(MOT_PWMB_PIN);
00104 extern    DigitalOut AIN1;//(MOT_AIN1_PIN);
00105 extern    DigitalOut AIN2;//(MOT_AIN2_PIN);
00106 extern    DigitalOut BIN1;//(MOT_BIN1_PIN);
00107 extern    DigitalOut BIN2;//(MOT_BIN2_PIN);
00108 extern    DigitalOut STBY;//(MOT_STBY_PIN);
00110 extern    DigitalOut SRX;
00112 extern AnalogIn uL;
00113 extern AnalogIn uF;
00114 extern AnalogIn uR;
00115 extern AnalogIn urR;
00116 extern AnalogIn urL;
00117 extern AnalogIn uB;
00118 extern int dy;
00119 extern int dx;
00120 extern int Rmotor_speed;
00121 extern int Lmotor_speed;
00122     int r_time ();
00123     void motor_control(int Lspeed, int Rspeed);  //Input speed for motors. Integer between 0 and 100
00124     void stop();                           //stop motors
00125     void set_direction(double angle);            //set angle for the robot to face (from origin)
00126     void set_direction_deg(double angle);
00127     void set_speed(int Speed );      //set speed for robot to travel at
00128     void auto_enable(bool x);
00129     /**
00130     *   MPU CONTROLS
00131     */
00132     //  calibrate the gyro and accelerometer  //
00133    void calibrate();
00134     /**
00135     *   Status: find the distance, orientation, battery values, etc of the robot
00136     */
00137     //void distanceTravelled(double x[3])
00138     //void orientation(something quaternion? on xy plane?)
00139     double getCurrent();   //Get the current drawn by the robot
00140     double getCurrent(int n); //get the current, averaged over n samples
00141     double getVoltage();    //get the battery voltage (ask connor for completed function)
00142     double ldrread1();
00143     double ldrread2();
00144     void Led_on();
00145     void Led_off();
00146     void initRobot();
00147     extern double pl_buzzer();
00148     extern void pl_buzzer(int freq, int f_time);
00149     extern void Imu_yaw(void const *args);
00150     extern void encoder_thread(void const *args);
00151     extern int freq; 
00152     extern int rMotor;
00153     extern int lMotor ;
00154     extern int m_speed;
00155     extern Mutex stdio_mutex; 
00156     extern MPU6050 accelgyro;
00157     extern int16_t ax, ay, az;
00158     extern int16_t gx, gy, gz;
00159     extern int heading;
00160     extern int software_interuupt;
00161     extern int Encoder_x;
00162     extern int Encoder_y;
00163     extern char Selected_robot;
00164     extern bool bt_connected;
00165     //Wireless connections
00167 #endif