Simon Atkinson 201255483
Dependencies: mbed
Snake Game
Hello and welcome to my Snake Game. Snake is a simple game where you control a snake and eat an apple which increases your size. Normally touching the walls will kill you, always touching yourself will make you die!
The Controls for this game are simple the Start button starts the game (who would have thought) this button is the left button on the bottom of the gamepad next to the two blue potentiometers. The Reset button on the right of the potentiometers resets the game. Once the game starts use the left thumbstick to control the movement of the snake.
If you hit the wall with your snake you will die and the game will end.
Bugs/Missing Features
Unfortunatley I wasn't able to get the game eating the apple to work, when I tried I could never get it to detect the collisions I tried a few different ways but ran out of time. Because that doesn't work the score doesn't increase and the apple doesn't spawn in a different place. I will try continue to work on this when I have time as I enjoyed doing this project even though it was very frustrating at times!