Rosie Gillman

Dependencies:   mbed Gamepad2 ELEC2645_Project_el18rg

Dependents:   ELEC2645_Project_el18rg

Rosemary Gillman 201265952


The goal of the game is to splat the bug as fast as you can using the swatter.


1 - Joystick - left/right to control the swatter 2 - Start button - starts the game 3 - Reset - resets the game 4 - Volume pot - adjusts the volume


  1. Turn the gamepad on
  2. Wait for start screen and press start
  3. Move the joystick to control the swatter
  4. Splat the bug as fast as you can
  5. Press reset to play again


Start Screen 1

  • Low pad tone plays for 0.5s
  • Pad lights flash (200ms on/200ms off)
  • Text saying "Bug Splat Leeds Edition" is displayed
  • After 5 flashes the screen changes to Start Screen 2

Start Screen 2

  • Pad lights stay on constantly
  • Text reads "Splat the bug as fast as you can! Press start"
  • When start is pressed the screen changes to Gamplay Screen

Gameplay Screen

  • The timer begins
  • Bug appears in the top right corner
  • Swatter appears in the bottom left corner
  • The bug bounces (with random velocity/direction) off the sides
  • When the bug bounces off the wall a low pad tone is played each time for 0.1 seconds
  • Swatter is controlled left to right with the joystick
  • When the bug and swatter overlap the screen changes to the Ending Screen

Ending Screen

  • Low pad tone plays for 0.5s
  • The timer ends and its value is displayed
  • Text reads "SPLAT (time) secs"
  • Splats are drawn on the screen


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
24:6e6bcdd22159 2020-05-29 el18rg Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity default tip
23:aa2a10451586 2020-05-29 el18rg Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity.
22:0b207694a5f7 2020-05-29 el18rg Final check through
21:8afaec5e280f 2020-05-29 el18rg test is given comments
20:51e644c5f3a1 2020-05-29 el18rg check position tests done
19:bdfab290446a 2020-05-29 el18rg All comments finished/checked
18:879daedaff42 2020-05-29 el18rg Final code working
17:a50b273253ef 2020-05-29 el18rg Timer working
16:33d8b58a1a65 2020-05-29 el18rg Timer fully working
15:4ed54ff548cf 2020-05-29 el18rg Adding doxygen stage 2 (still having global autocorrect isues)
14:9b4a219dd91e 2020-05-29 el18rg Adding doxygen stage 1 (having problems with global autocorrect)
13:09bc615e6665 2020-05-29 el18rg Trying timer
12:a8196d72a3e7 2020-05-28 el18rg Neaten 2
11:93da75c1849d 2020-05-28 el18rg Neaten 1
10:b6e45e4acde7 2020-05-28 el18rg Changing cup(s) to swatter
9:e7dce4de0910 2020-05-28 el18rg Changing ball to bug
8:c5a8576b2e8d 2020-05-28 el18rg Splat complete;
7:b5ef03efe784 2020-05-27 el18rg Got splat working
6:98e08a6b385b 2020-05-27 el18rg Setting the collision width correctly;
5:21e92c8bd093 2020-05-27 el18rg Changing cup and ball to fly squatter and bug
4:5cc1b81999a9 2020-05-27 el18rg random wall collision on all sides completed
3:2f4a7787beb3 2020-05-27 el18rg Basic collision working
2:b936aa854de2 2020-05-27 el18rg Basic function working (start-up, cup x movement, ball y movement, boundaries etc.)
1:8fdb6a804c74 2020-04-09 el18rg 2nd commit - ironing out commit flaws
0:77899648f88b 2020-04-09 el18rg 1st commit - setup;