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00001 #ifndef PLAYER_H
00002 #define PLAYER_H
00004 #include "Maze.h"
00005 #include "Vector2Di.h"
00007 /** Player Class
00008  * @brief This class exists to store information about the player's location in the maze.
00009  * @brief more specifically, it stores their coordinates and their direction, both as vectors.
00010  * @brief It also facilitates the player's control of the camera via the gamepad.
00011  *
00012  * @brief Version 1.0
00013  * @author Thomas Caine
00014  * @date May 2019
00015  */
00016 class Player {
00018     public:
00019         /** Create a Player object
00020          * @param maze - a maze object so the Player class has access to the maze matrix
00021          * @details This constructor does not set the player's position (not to the desired position anyway).
00022          * @details The player's proper position is assigned after the Player object's initial creation.
00023          */
00024         Player(Maze* maze);
00025         /** Check's the value of the cell in a specified direction from the current cell.
00026          * @param origin - vector of the co-ordinates to check from. Not necessarily the Player's current position.
00027          * @param angle - double representing the angle to rotate by before checking in front, will always be a multiple of PI/2.
00028          * @param checkVal - integer, checkLocation returns true if the checked cell has this value.
00029          */
00030         bool checkLocation(Vector2Di origin, double angle, int checkVal);
00031         /** Move the player's position forward one in their current direction.
00032          *  Performs validity check first. Won't increment position if cell infront is solid (i.e. 1)
00033          */
00034         void walk();
00035         /** Rotates the player's current direction by 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
00036          */
00037         void turnLeft();
00038         /** Rotates the player's current direction by 90 degrees clockwise.
00039          */
00040         void turnRight();
00041         /** Moves the player one cell backwards.
00042          *  Will not work if the cell behind the player is not open.
00043          */
00044         void stepBack();
00046         Vector2Di pos;
00047         Vector2Di direction;
00048         Maze* maze;
00050 };
00052 #endif // PLAYER_H