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00001 #include "Player.h"
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00004 const Vector2Di UP = {0,1};
00005 const Vector2Di DOWN = {0,-1};
00007 Player::Player(Maze* mazePtr) {
00008     maze = mazePtr;
00009     pos = UP; // {0,1} is a temporary value to initialise the variable
00010     direction = DOWN; // due to matrices index increasing as you go down
00011     // and their acces being [row][column], the standard (x,y) co-ordinate system is
00012     // effectively reversed so even though the direction is down, from our perspective
00013     // (if we were looking down on the maze) it would be up.
00014 }
00016 /* Function used to check the value of a cell in the maze from any given cell
00017    (not necessarily the player's current position)
00018    this function is used a lot in the Drawer (along with other information from the player)
00019    so it is important the function is not bound to the player's current location
00020 */
00021 bool Player::checkLocation(Vector2Di origin, double angle, int checkVal) {
00022     Vector2Di peekDirection = direction;
00023     peekDirection.rotateVector(angle);
00024     origin.addVector(peekDirection);
00025     if (maze->mazeMatrix[origin.y][origin.x] == checkVal) {
00026         // eg if index == 1 that indicates a solid cell
00027         // or if index == 2 that is the maze exit 
00028         return true;
00029     } else {
00030         return false;
00031     }
00032 }
00034 void Player::walk() { 
00035     if (checkLocation(pos,0,0)) {
00036         printf("v = (%i, %i)\nwalking\n", pos.x, pos.y);
00037         pos.addVector(direction); 
00038         printf("v = (%i, %i)\n", pos.x, pos.y);
00039     }
00040 };
00042 void Player::turnLeft() { direction.rotateVector(-PI/2); };
00044 void Player::turnRight() { direction.rotateVector(PI/2); };
00046 void Player::stepBack() {
00047     if (checkLocation(pos,PI,0)) {
00048         pos.addVector(-direction);
00049     }
00050 };