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00001 #include "RosenEngine.h"
00003 DigitalIn A(PTB9);
00005 // Constructor
00006 RosenEngine::RosenEngine()
00007 {
00009 }
00010 // Destructor
00011 RosenEngine::~RosenEngine()
00012 {
00014 }
00017 void RosenEngine::init(int ship_width,int ship_height,int ship_speed,int ship_xpos,int ship_ypos)
00018 {
00019     // initialise the game parameters
00020     _ship.init(ship_width,ship_height,ship_speed,ship_xpos,ship_ypos);
00021     _no_shooters = 0;
00022     _no_seekers = 0;
00023     _enemy.init(_no_shooters,_no_seekers);
00024     _menu.init(16);
00025     _health.init(_shipUsed);
00026     _times_run = 0;
00027     _score = 0;
00028     _dead = false;
00029     _intro = false;
00030     _wait_time = 2.25;
00032 }
00033 void RosenEngine::reset()
00034 {
00035     // reinitialize parameters once back is pressed and game is exited
00036     _enemy.init(_no_shooters,_no_seekers);
00037     _health.init(_shipUsed);
00038     _wait_time = 2.25;
00039     _times_run = 0;
00040     _score = 0;
00041     _no_shooters = 0;
00042     _dead = false;
00043     _no_seekers = 0;
00044 }
00046 void RosenEngine::read_input(Gamepad &pad)
00047 {
00048     // read all inputs from the gamepad
00049     Vector2D mapped_coord = pad.get_coord();
00050     _joystick.x = mapped_coord.x;
00051     _joystick.y = mapped_coord.y;
00052     _d = pad.get_direction();
00053     wait(0.1);
00054     // printf("_joystick.x ,_joystick.y = %f , %f\n",_joystick.x, _joystick.y);
00055 }
00057 void RosenEngine::draw(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &pad)
00058 {
00059     // Draw border
00060     lcd.drawRect(0,0,78,48,FILL_TRANSPARENT);
00061     // Draw all other game assets 
00062     _health.draw_health(lcd,_shipUsed);
00063     _health.draw_shields(lcd);
00064     _enemy.draw_seeker(lcd);
00065     _enemy.draw_shooter(lcd);
00066     _enemy.draw_shw(lcd,pad);
00067     draw_ship(lcd,pad);
00068     disp_points(lcd);
00069     // if player dies display death scene
00070     if(_dead == true) {
00071         game_over(lcd);
00072     }
00073 }
00074 void RosenEngine::draw_ship(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &pad)
00075 {
00076         // find the closest enemy (used in orions firing)
00077         Vector2D inde = find_closest1();
00078         int index = inde.x;
00079         Vector2D closest = find_closest2(index);
00080         // Draw ships and set ship parameters depending on the ship being used
00081         switch (_shipUsed) {
00082         case kestrel:
00083             _ship.set_parameters(9,6,4);
00084             _ship.draw_ship(lcd,_shipUsed);
00085             _weapons.draw(lcd,pad,_shipUsed,closest);
00086             break;
00087         case imperion:
00088             _ship.set_parameters(7,10,2);
00089             _ship.draw_ship(lcd,_shipUsed);
00090             _weapons.draw(lcd,pad,_shipUsed,closest);
00091             break;
00092         case orion:
00093             _ship.set_parameters(7,10,3);
00094             _ship.draw_ship(lcd,_shipUsed);
00095             _weapons.draw(lcd,pad,_shipUsed,closest);
00096             break;
00097     }
00098     //printf("_shipUsed = %d\n",_shipUsed);
00099 }
00101 void RosenEngine::update(Gamepad &pad)
00102 {
00103     // set the ship in use (kestrel imperion or orion)
00104     set_shipUsed();
00105     // update enemies
00106     _enemy.update_seeker(_shipPos.x, _shipPos.y);
00107     _enemy.update_shooter(_shipPos.x, _shipPos.y);
00108     _enemy.update_shw();
00109     // update ship weapons
00110     update_ship_weapon(pad);
00111     // check collisions
00112     shooter_ship_collision(pad);
00113     seeker_ship_collision(pad);
00114     shooterw_ship_collision(pad);
00115     imperionw_seeker_collision(pad);
00116     kestrelw_shooter_collision(pad);
00117     imperionw_shooter_collision(pad);
00118     orionw_collision(pad);
00119     // check health
00120     check_health();
00121     // increase difficulty over time
00122     scaling(timer(12));
00124 }
00125 void RosenEngine::update_ship_weapon(Gamepad &pad)
00126 {
00127     // update ship weapons based on ship being used
00128     if(_shipUsed == kestrel) {
00129         _ship.update_ship(_joystick.x,_joystick.y);
00130         _weapons.update();
00131         kestrelw_seeker_collision(pad);
00132     }
00133     if(_shipUsed == imperion && A == false) {
00134         _ship.update_ship(_joystick.x,_joystick.y);
00135         _weapons.update();
00136     }
00137     if(_shipUsed == orion) {
00138         _ship.update_ship(_joystick.x,_joystick.y);
00139         _weapons.update();
00140     }
00141 }
00142 void RosenEngine::get_pos()
00143 {
00144     // get ship position
00145     _shipPos = _ship.get_pos();
00146     // get enemy position
00147     _seekerPos[0] = _enemy.get_seekerpos(1);
00148     _seekerPos[1] = _enemy.get_seekerpos(2);
00149     _seekerPos[2] = _enemy.get_seekerpos(3);
00150     _shooterPos[0] = _enemy.get_shooterpos(1);
00151     _shooterPos[1] = _enemy.get_shooterpos(2);
00152     _shooterPos[2] = _enemy.get_shooterpos(3);
00153     _shooterWPos[0] = _enemy.get_shwpos(1);
00154     _shooterWPos[1] = _enemy.get_shwpos(2);
00155     _shooterWPos[2] = _enemy.get_shwpos(3);
00156     // set ship size
00157     set_ship_size();
00158     // weapons are initialized here to pass accurate size values to the weapon class
00159     _weapons.init(_shipPos.x, _shipPos.y, _shipWidth);
00160     _ycursor = _menu.get_ycursor();
00161 }
00162 void RosenEngine::set_ship_size()
00163 {
00164     // change ship size depending on ship being used
00165     switch (_shipUsed) {
00166         case kestrel:
00167             _shipWidth = 9;
00168             _shipHeight = 6;
00169             break;
00170         case imperion:
00171             _shipWidth = 7;
00172             _shipHeight = 10;
00173             break;
00174         case orion:
00175             _shipWidth = 7;
00176             _shipHeight = 10;
00177             break;
00178     }
00179 }
00180 void RosenEngine::title(N5110 &lcd)
00181 {
00182     // display main menu screen
00183     _menu.title(lcd,_shipUsed);
00184     _menu.update(_d,_joystick);
00185 }
00186 int RosenEngine::get_ycursor()
00187 {
00188     _ycursor = _menu.get_ycursor();
00189     return _ycursor;
00190 }
00191 void RosenEngine::set_shipUsed()
00192 {
00193     // assign the ship being used based on xcursor which is the cursor in
00194     // the ship select part of the menu
00195     int shipno = _menu.get_xcursor();
00196     _shipUsed = (SHIP)shipno;
00197 }
00198 void RosenEngine::ship_select(N5110 &lcd)
00199 {
00200     _menu.update(_d,_joystick);
00201     _menu.disp_ships(lcd);
00202 }
00203 void RosenEngine::help(N5110 &lcd)
00204 {
00205     _lore.help(lcd);
00206 }
00207 bool RosenEngine::check_collision(int xpos1, int ypos1,int width1,int height1,int xpos2, int ypos2,int width2,int height2)
00208 {
00209     // Create arrays of all positions with appropriate height and length
00210     int xpos1_array[width1];
00211     int ypos1_array[height1];
00212     int xpos2_array[width2];
00213     int ypos2_array[height2];
00214     bool xcol = false;
00215     bool ycol = false;
00216     bool col = false;
00217     //printf("variables declared\n");
00218     // Loop through both height and width to get a 2D aray of the sprites position
00219     // and compare all positionr returning true is any match
00220     for(int cx = 0; cx<width1; cx=cx+1) {
00221         xpos1_array[cx]= xpos1 + cx;
00222         for(int nx = 0; nx<width2; nx=nx+1) {
00223             xpos2_array[nx]= xpos2 + nx;
00224             if(xpos2_array[nx] == xpos1_array[cx]) {
00225                 xcol = true;
00226             }
00227         }
00228     }
00229     //printf("first loop done\n");
00230     for(int cy = 0; cy<height1; cy=cy+1) {
00231         ypos1_array[cy]= ypos1 + cy;
00232         for(int ny = 0; ny<height2; ny=ny+1) {
00233             ypos2_array[ny]= ypos2 + ny;
00234             if(ypos2_array[ny] == ypos1_array[cy]) {
00235                 ycol = true;
00236             }
00237         }
00238     }
00239     // if both the hight and width position values are equal a collision has occured
00240     col = (xcol & ycol);
00241     return col;
00242 }
00243 bool RosenEngine::check_collision1(int xpos1,int width1,int xpos2,int width2)
00244 {
00245     // Create arrays of all positions with appropriate width values
00246     int xpos1_array[width1];
00247     int xpos2_array[width2];
00248     bool xcol = false;
00249     // loop through both arrays comparing their values and return true if any are equal
00250     for(int cx = 0; cx<width1; cx=cx+1) {
00251         xpos1_array[cx]= xpos1 + cx;
00252         for(int nx = 0; nx<width2; nx=nx+1) {
00253             xpos2_array[nx]= xpos2 + nx;
00254             if(xpos2_array[nx] == xpos1_array[cx]) {
00255                 xcol = true;
00256             }
00257         }
00258     }
00259     return xcol;
00260 }
00262 void RosenEngine::seeker_ship_collision(Gamepad &pad)
00263 {
00264     bool col1,col2,col3;
00265     // Check for any collisions using the check_collision function
00266     col1 = check_collision(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,9,6,_seekerPos[0].x, _seekerPos[0].y,10,7);
00267     col2 = check_collision(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,9,6,_seekerPos[1].x, _seekerPos[1].y,10,7);
00268     col3 = check_collision(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,9,6,_seekerPos[2].x, _seekerPos[2].y,10,7);
00269     int sel = 0;
00270     if (col1 == true && _no_seekers >= 1) {
00271         sel = 1;
00272     }
00273     if (col2 == true && _no_seekers >= 2) {
00274         sel = 2;
00275     }
00276     if (col3 == true && _no_seekers >= 3) {
00277         sel = 3;
00278     }
00279     // printf("col1 = %d, col2 = %d, col3 = %d, no_seekers = %d\n",col1,col2,col3,_no_seekers);
00280     // if there is a collision between any seeker and the ship update both the seeker and the ships health
00281     if(sel != 0) {
00282         _health.update(5,pad);
00283         _health.seekerh_update(sel,10);
00284         pad.tone(500,0.05);
00285         wait(0.05);
00286     }
00287 }
00288 void RosenEngine::shooter_ship_collision(Gamepad &pad)
00289 {
00290     bool col1,col2,col3;
00291     int sel = 0;
00292     // Check for any collisions using the check_collision function
00293     col1 = check_collision(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,9,6,_shooterPos[0].x, _shooterPos[1].y,10,7);
00294     col2 = check_collision(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,9,6,_shooterPos[1].x, _shooterPos[0].y,10,7);
00295     col3 = check_collision(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,9,6,_shooterPos[2].x, _shooterPos[0].y,10,7);
00297     if(col1 == true && _no_shooters >= 1) {
00298         sel = 1;
00299     }
00300     if(col2 == true && _no_shooters >= 2) {
00301         sel = 2;
00302     }
00303     if(col3 == true && _no_shooters >= 3) {
00304         sel = 3;
00305     }
00306     // if there is a collision between any shooter and the ship update both the shooter and the ships health
00307     if(sel != 0) {// sel is default 0 and will only change if a collision occurs
00308         _health.update(1,pad);
00309         _health.shooterh_update(sel,10);
00310         pad.tone(500,0.05);
00311         wait(0.05);
00312     }
00313 }
00314 void RosenEngine::shooterw_ship_collision(Gamepad &pad)
00315 {
00316     bool col1,col2,col3;
00317     int sel = 0;
00318     // Check for any collisions using the check_collision function
00319     col1 = check_collision(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,9,6,_shooterWPos[0].x, _shooterWPos[1].y,2,2);
00320     col2 = check_collision(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,9,6,_shooterWPos[1].x, _shooterWPos[2].y,2,2);
00321     col3 = check_collision(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,9,6,_shooterWPos[2].x, _shooterWPos[2].y,2,2);
00323     if(col1 == true && _no_shooters >= 1) {
00324         sel = 1;
00325     }
00326     if(col2 == true && _no_shooters >= 2) {
00327         sel = 2;
00328     }
00329     if(col3 == true && _no_shooters >= 3) {
00330         sel = 3;
00331     }
00332     // if there is a collision and the ship was hit update the ships damage
00333     if(sel != 0) {// sel is default 0 and will only change if a collision occurs
00334         _health.update(1,pad);
00335         pad.tone(500,0.05);
00336         wait(0.05);
00337     }
00338 }
00339 void RosenEngine::kestrelw_seeker_collision(Gamepad &pad)
00340 {   // the kestrel fires a projectile whose x and y values must be checked with the
00341     // x, and y, values of every enemy to check for a collision
00342     bool col1, col2, col3;
00343     int sel = 0;
00344     Vector2D missle_pos = _weapons.get_pos(_shipUsed);  // get the kestrel's projectile position
00345     // Check for any collisions using the check_collision function
00346     col1 = check_collision(_seekerPos[0].x,_seekerPos[0].y,9,6,missle_pos.x,missle_pos.y,1,1);
00347     col2 = check_collision(_seekerPos[1].x,_seekerPos[1].y,9,6,missle_pos.x,missle_pos.y,1,1);
00348     col3 = check_collision(_seekerPos[2].x,_seekerPos[2].y,9,6,missle_pos.x,missle_pos.y,1,1);
00349     if (col1 == true && _no_seekers >= 1) {
00350         sel = 1;
00351     }
00352     if (col2 == true && _no_seekers >= 2) {
00353         sel = 2;
00354     }
00355     if (col3 == true && _no_seekers >= 3) {
00356         sel = 3;
00357     }
00358     // if there are collisions update the seekers health
00359     if(sel != 0) {// sel is default 0 and will only change if a collision occurs
00360         pad.tone(500,0.05);
00361         _health.seekerh_update(sel,5);
00362         wait(0.05);
00363     }
00364 }
00365 void RosenEngine::imperionw_seeker_collision(Gamepad &pad)
00366 {   // the imperion fires a lazer to the top of screen as such we don't need to check all the
00367     // x, y values for the sprite to be sure of collisions just the x value. as long as the ship is above 
00368     // the targetted enemy a collision will register
00369     bool col1,col2,col3;
00370     int sel = 0;
00371     if(_shipUsed == imperion) {
00372         if(_shipPos.y > _seekerPos[0].y + 6) { // only regiser if seeker is above ship
00373             col1 = check_collision1(_seekerPos[0].x,9,_shipPos.x  + 2,3); // check for collision using the check_collision1 function
00374             if (col1 == true && A == true && _no_seekers >= 1) {    
00375                 sel = 1;        // if there is a collision set an appropriate select value
00376             }
00377         }
00378         if(_shipPos.y > _seekerPos[1].y + 6) {
00379             col2 = check_collision1(_seekerPos[1].x,9,_shipPos.x  + 2,3);
00380             if (col2 == true && A == true && _no_seekers >= 2) {
00381                 sel = 2;
00382             }
00383         }
00384         if(_shipPos.y > _seekerPos[0].y + 6) {
00385             col3 = check_collision1(_seekerPos[2].x,9,_shipPos.x  + 2,3);
00386             if (col3 == true && A == true && _no_seekers >= 3) {
00387                 sel = 3;
00388             }
00389         }
00390     }
00391     // if a collision occured update the seekers health
00392     if(sel != 0) {// sel is default 0 and will only change if a collision occurs
00393         _health.seekerh_update(sel,10);
00394         pad.tone(500,0.05);
00395         wait(0.05);
00396     }
00397 }
00398 void RosenEngine::kestrelw_shooter_collision(Gamepad &pad)
00399 {
00400     Vector2D missle_pos = _weapons.get_pos(_shipUsed); // get the kestrel's projectile position
00401     bool col1, col2, col3;
00402     int sel = 0;
00403     // Check for any collisions using the check_collision function
00404     col1 = check_collision(_shooterPos[0].x,_shooterPos[0].y,9,6,missle_pos.x,missle_pos.y,1,1);
00405     col2 = check_collision(_shooterPos[1].x,_shooterPos[1].y,9,6,missle_pos.x,missle_pos.y,1,1);
00406     col3 = check_collision(_shooterPos[2].x,_shooterPos[2].y,9,6,missle_pos.x,missle_pos.y,1,1);
00407     if (col1 == true && _no_shooters >= 1) {
00408         sel = 1;
00409     }
00410     if (col2 == true && _no_shooters >= 2) {
00411         sel = 2;
00412     }
00413     if (col3 == true && _no_shooters >= 3) {
00414         sel = 3;
00415     }
00416     // if a collision did occur update the right shooter using the select value
00417     if(sel != 0) {  // sel is default 0 and will only change if a collision occurs
00418         pad.tone(500,0.05);
00419         _health.shooterh_update(sel,5);
00420         wait(0.05);
00421     }
00422 }
00423 void RosenEngine::imperionw_shooter_collision(Gamepad &pad)
00424 {
00425     bool col1,col2,col3;
00426     int sel = 0;
00427     // check collision using check_collision1 function
00428     if(_shipUsed == imperion) {
00429         if(_shipPos.y > _shooterPos[0].y + 6) {
00430             col1 = check_collision1(_shooterPos[0].x,9,_shipPos.x  + 2,3);
00431             if (col1 == true && A == true && _no_shooters >= 1) {
00432                 sel = 1;
00433             }
00434         }
00435         if(_shipPos.y > _shooterPos[1].y + 6) {
00436             col2 = check_collision1(_shooterPos[1].x,9,_shipPos.x  + 2,3);
00437             if (col2 == true && A == true && _no_shooters >= 2) {
00438                 sel = 2;
00439             }
00440         }
00441         if(_shipPos.y > _shooterPos[2].y + 6) {
00442             col3 = check_collision1(_shooterPos[2].x,9,_shipPos.x  + 2,3);
00443             if (col3 == true && A == true && _no_shooters >= 3) {
00444                 sel = 3;
00445             }
00446         }
00447     }
00448     // if a collision did occur update the shooters health
00449     if(sel != 0) {// sel is default 0 and will only change if a collision occurs
00450         _health.shooterh_update(sel,10);
00451         pad.tone(500,0.05);
00452         wait(0.05);
00453     }
00454 }
00455 void RosenEngine::orionw_collision(Gamepad &pad)
00456 {   // the orions weapon is an arc weapon that latches on to the nearest enemy.
00457     // as the nearest enemy position has already been found in dind_closest()
00458     // all we need to do now is ensure that the enemy is within range of the orions weapon
00459     Vector2D inde = find_closest1();
00460     int index1 = inde.x;
00461     int index2 = inde.x - 3;
00462     int distance = inde.y;
00464     // enemy 1,2 and 3 are shooters
00465     if(_no_shooters >= index1 && A == true && distance < 15) {// the wepon fires when a is pressed and the enemy ship is within the distaance
00466         _health.shooterh_update(index1,10);
00467         pad.tone(500,0.05);
00468         wait(0.05);
00469     }
00470     // enemy 4,5 and 6 are seekers so 3 is subtracted from inde.x to compensate
00471     if(_no_seekers >= index2 && A == true && distance < 15) {
00472         _health.seekerh_update(index2,10);
00473         pad.tone(500,0.05);
00474         wait(0.05);
00475     }
00478 }
00479 void RosenEngine::check_health()
00480 {
00481     // check player and enemy health
00482     check_se_health();
00483     check_sh_health();
00484     Vector2D hp = _health.get_hp();
00485     if(hp.x <= 0) {
00486         // printf("player deaad\n");
00487         _dead = true;
00488     }
00490 }
00491 void RosenEngine::check_se_health()
00492 {
00493     // set sel (select) as default 0
00494     int sel = 0;
00495     // get the seekers health
00496     int seeker1_health = _health.get_seekerh(1);
00497     int seeker2_health = _health.get_seekerh(2);
00498     int seeker3_health = _health.get_seekerh(3);
00499     // printf("seeker1_h = %d, seeker2_h = %d, seeker3_h = %d\n",seeker1_health,seeker2_health,seeker3_health);
00500     // set sel (select) depending on if any seekers health falls below zero
00501     if(seeker1_health == 0) {
00502         sel = 1;
00503     }
00504     if(seeker2_health == 0) {
00505         sel = 2;
00506     }
00507     if(seeker3_health == 0) {
00508         sel = 3;
00509     }
00510     // reset seeker and update score when seekers health goes to zero
00511     if(sel != 0) { 
00512         _enemy.reset_seeker(sel);
00513         _health.reset_seekerh(sel);
00514         _score = _score + 10;
00515     }
00516 }
00517 void RosenEngine::check_sh_health()
00518 {   // set sel (select) as default 0
00519     int sel = 0;
00520     // get the shooters health
00521     int shooter1_health = _health.get_shooterh(1);
00522     int shooter2_health = _health.get_shooterh(2);
00523     int shooter3_health = _health.get_shooterh(3);
00524     // set sel depending on if any shooters health falls below zero
00525     if(shooter1_health == 0) {
00526         sel = 1;
00527     }
00528     if(shooter2_health == 0) {
00529         sel = 2;
00530     }
00531     if(shooter3_health == 0) {
00532         sel = 3;
00533     }
00534     // reset shooter and update score when shooter health goes to zero
00535     if(sel != 0) {
00536         _enemy.reset_shooter(sel);
00537         _health.reset_shooterh(sel);
00538         _score = _score + 20;
00539     }
00540 }
00541 int RosenEngine::rand_no()
00542 {
00543     // seeds and returns a random number using the ctime library
00544     srand(time(NULL));
00545     int rand_no = (rand() %45) + 1;
00546     return rand_no;
00547 }
00548 float RosenEngine::timer(int fps)
00549 {
00550     // using the amount of times run and the frames per second set the amount of
00551     // time past is calculated
00552     _times_run = _times_run + 1;
00553     float time_frame = 1.0f/fps;
00554     float time_elapsed = _times_run * time_frame;
00555     // printf("time elapsed = %f,time frame = %f, _times_run = %d\n",time_elapsed,time_frame,_times_run);
00556     return time_elapsed;
00557 }
00558 void RosenEngine::score(int points)
00559 {
00560     _score = _score + points;
00561 }
00562 bool RosenEngine::dead()
00563 {
00564     return _dead;
00565 }
00567 void RosenEngine::scaling(float time_elapsed)
00568 {
00569     // increases difficulty as game progresses
00570     if(time_elapsed == _wait_time) { // check if time elapsed is equal to the wit time
00571         _no_shooters = _no_shooters + 1; // update number of shooters and seekers after wait time
00572         _no_seekers = _no_seekers + 1;  //increase wait time
00573         _enemy.sh_scaling(time_elapsed);
00574         _wait_time = _wait_time + 10.00;
00575     }
00576     // limit the number of seekers and number of shooters to 3
00577     if(_no_shooters > 3) {
00578         _no_shooters = 3;
00579     }
00580     if(_no_seekers > 3) {
00581         _no_seekers = 3;
00582     }
00583     // set approriate enemy numbers
00584     _enemy.set_noshooters(_no_shooters);
00585     _enemy.set_noseekers(_no_seekers);
00586     // printf("time_elapsed = %f, no_shooters = %d, wait_time = %f\n",time_elapsed,_no_shooters,_wait_time);
00587 }
00588 void RosenEngine::game_over(N5110 &lcd)
00589 {
00590     // Display random tips after every loss
00591     _lore.display(lcd,rand_no());
00592 }
00593 void RosenEngine::intro(N5110 &lcd)
00594 {
00595     // display intro
00596     _lore.intro(lcd);
00597     _intro = true;
00598 }
00599 void RosenEngine::disp_points(N5110 &lcd)
00600 {
00601     // display players points on screen
00602     char buffer[10];
00603     sprintf(buffer,"%d",_score);
00604     lcd.printString(buffer,2,0);
00605 }
00606 Vector2D RosenEngine::get_enemynum()
00607 {
00608     // return the number of enemy shooters and seekers currently on play
00609     return{_no_shooters,_no_seekers};
00610 }
00611 int RosenEngine::range(int x1, int y1, float x2, float y2)
00612 {
00613     // calculates average distance between two points
00614     float rangex = (abs(x1 - x2));
00615     float rangey = (abs(y1 - y2));
00616     int distance = floor((rangex+rangey)/2);
00617     return distance;
00618 }
00619 Vector2D RosenEngine::find_closest1()
00620 {
00621     // get the distance for all enemies
00622     int sh1 = range(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,_shooterPos[0].x,_shooterPos[0].y);
00623     int sh2 = range(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,_shooterPos[1].x,_shooterPos[1].y);
00624     int sh3 = range(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,_shooterPos[2].x,_shooterPos[2].y);
00625     int se1 = range(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,_seekerPos[0].x,_seekerPos[0].y);
00626     int se2 = range(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,_seekerPos[1].x,_seekerPos[1].y);
00627     int se3 = range(_shipPos.x,_shipPos.y,_seekerPos[2].x,_seekerPos[2].y);
00629     int close[6] = {sh1,sh2,sh3,se1,se2,se3};
00630     // find index of the smallest element
00631     int index = 0;
00632     int smallest = close[0];
00633     for(int i=0; i<6; i=i+1) {
00634         if(smallest>close[i]) {
00635             smallest=close[i];
00636             index = i;
00637         }
00638     }
00639     // return the index, so we know what the closest enemy, and the distance to check its in range
00640     return {(index + 1),smallest};
00641 }
00642 Vector2D RosenEngine::find_closest2(int index)
00643 {
00644     // return the position of the closest enemy
00645     if(index == 1 && _no_shooters >= 1) {
00646         return {_shooterPos[0].x,_shooterPos[0].y};
00647     }
00648     if(index == 2 && _no_shooters >= 2) {
00649         return {_shooterPos[1].x,_shooterPos[1].y};
00650     }
00651     if(index == 3 && _no_shooters >= 3) {
00652         return {_shooterPos[2].x,_shooterPos[2].y};
00653     }
00654     if(index == 4 && _no_seekers >= 1 ) {
00655         return {_seekerPos[0].x,_seekerPos[0].y};
00656     }
00657     if(index == 5 && _no_seekers >= 2) {
00658         return {_seekerPos[1].x,_seekerPos[1].y};
00659     }
00660     if(index == 6 && _no_seekers >= 3) {
00661         return {_seekerPos[2].x,_seekerPos[2].y};
00662     }
00664 }
00665 Vector2D RosenEngine::get_shipPos()
00666 {
00667     return{_shipPos};
00668 }