meurig phillips snake game - accidentally published to my account instead of to the group!

Dependencies:   Joystick N5110 SDFileSystem beep fsmMenu mbed

Fork of SnakeProjectRev1 by Meurig Phillips

--- a/main.h	Thu May 05 13:31:19 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.h	Thu May 05 14:19:50 2016 +0000
@@ -11,26 +11,59 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "beep.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "Joystick.h"
+#include "fsmMenu.h"
+@namespace lcd
+@brief GPIO for LCD screen
+N5110 lcd (PTD3, PTA0 , PTC4 , PTD0 , PTD2 , PTD1 , PTC3);
+@namespace sd
+@brief GPIO for SD card holder
+SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd");
 @namespace greenLed
 @brief GPIO output for green LED
+DigitalOut greenLed(PTC2);
 @namespace redLed
 @brief GPIO output for red LED
+DigitalOut redLed(PTA2);
 @namespace pot
 @brief GPIO input for the POT
+AnalogIn pot(PTB10);
 @namespace buzzer
 @brief GPIO output for buzzer
+Beep buzzer(PTA1);
+@namespace RB
+@brief GPIO input for Right Button
+InterruptIn RB(PTE24);
+@namespace LB
+@brief GPIO input for Left Button
+InterruptIn LB(PTE25);
+@namespace gameTicker
+@brief ticker to apply logic and update screen
+Ticker gameTicker;
-DigitalOut greenLed(PTC2);
-DigitalOut redLed(PTA2);
-AnalogIn pot(PTB10);
-Beep buzzer(PTA1);
-InterruptIn RB(PTE24);
-InterruptIn LB(PTE25);
-/// create enumerated type (0,1,2,3 etc. for current direction snake is travelling (not joystick reading))
+/*! Enum containing current direction of snake */
 enum CurrentDirection {
@@ -38,19 +71,23 @@
-CurrentDirection currentDirection = centre; /// intialise direction at beginning
+CurrentDirection currentDirection = centre; //initialise direction
-/// create enumerated type (0,1,2 etc. for different game modes on the menu)
+/*! Enum containing different game modes */
 enum GameType {
-GameType gameType = classicMode;
+GameType gameType = classicMode; //initialise
+//Volatile Integers for ISR
 volatile int game_timer_flag = 0; /*!< flag for game timer isr */
 volatile int rb_flag = 0; /*!< flag for right button isr */
 volatile int lb_flag = 0; /*!< flag for left button isr */
 int randomX =  rand() % 83 + 1; /*!< random number in the range of 1 to 83 assigned to randomX */
 int randomY =  rand() % 47 + 1; /*!< random number in the range of 1 to 47 assigned to randomY */  
 int randomXoddEven = randomX%2; /*!< distinguish whether randomX is odd or even */
@@ -67,10 +104,23 @@
 int prev_j; /*!< integer to store previous value of y/j */
 int prev2_i; /*!< integer to store previous, previous value of x/i */
 int prev2_j; /*!< integer to store previous, previous value of y/j */
-bool gamePlaying = false; /*!< bool to store whether the game is in play or not */
 int pauseCount; /*!< counts how many times the player has paused */
+// Booleans
+bool gamePlaying = false; /*!< bool to store whether the game is in play or not */
+// Function proto types
+/** @name ISR Functions
+ * Functions to raise flags
+ */
+void timer_isr(); /*!< Sets the gameTicker flag when called */
+void rb_isr(); /*!< Sets the Right Button flag when called */
+void lb_isr(); /*!< Sets the Left Button flag when called */
+//Other functions
 Displays new fruit