Reverse Parking sensor

Dependencies:   N5110 SRF02 buzzer mbed

Fork of ParkingSENSOR by Renosi Momoh

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for ParkingSENSOR


main.cpp [code] Program implementationRenosi Momoh 1st May 2016
main.h [code] Header file containg functions, variables and prototypes


Active Mode in centimetres Main functionality that essentially reads the distance from the sensor and conveys the information via The display and buzzer
AnalogIn Potentiometer
Average Distance This function allows us to take ten sensor readings and find the average to improve accuracy
Beeping Function,
Buzzer Piezo type buzzer that can produce notes and vary the frequency as well
Distance Variable for storing integer value for distance in cm(default)
Introductory Tune
LCD Display
Led Changes color depending on distance
Main Function
Radar Fucntion calling radar mode so as to allow for use of interrupts
Screen Selection Allow the screen to refresh when the potentiometer is set to reflect output mode due to pot selection
Shows Parking sensor distances in inches
SW2 Button
SW3 Button
Sweep Speed Function that varies the rate at which the radar sweeps with the sensor distance
Sweeping Functions Each of these functions will read the distance from the sensor and set the radar arrow speed across the screen appropriately
Ultrasonic Sensor connected in I2C mode