Snake Project ELEC2645 John A. C. Richards 200869600

Dependencies:   N5110 SDFileSystem mbed



File content as of revision 0:3ea41570bc9f:

@file main.h
@brief Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables.
@author John A. C. Richards
@date   April 20156
#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H

#include "mbed.h"
#include "N5110.h" 
#include "string" 
#include "SDFileSystem.h"

#define maxPlayerSize 1000 

@namespace red_led
@brief GPIO output for game-over LED
DigitalOut red_led(LED_RED);

@namespace green_led
@brief GPIO output for game-playing LED
DigitalOut green_led(LED_GREEN);

@namespace N5110_lcd 
@brief GPIO output for Nokia screen
N5110 lcd (PTE26 , PTA0 , PTC4 , PTD0 , PTD2 , PTD1 , PTC3);

@namespace yellowLED
@brief GPIO output for collision warning
DigitalOut yellowLED(PTA2);

@namespace greenLED
@brief GPIO output for eating food
DigitalOut greenLED(PTC2);

@namespace xPot
@brief GPIO output for joystick in x plane
AnalogIn xPot(PTB2);

@namespace yPot
@brief GPIO output for joystick in y plane
AnalogIn yPot(PTB3);

@namespace buzzer
@brief GPIO output for buzzer
PwmOut buzzer(PTA1);

@namespace volume
@brief GPIO output for potentiometer
AnalogIn volume(PTB10);

@namespace sd
@brief GPIO output for SDcard
SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd"); // MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS

volatile int playerLength; /*!<length of player*/

volatile int playerPositionsX[maxPlayerSize]; /*!<max player size x*/
volatile int playerPositionsY[maxPlayerSize]; /*!<max player size y*/

volatile int areaWidth = 41; /*!<width of game map*/
volatile int areaHeight = 19; /*!<height of game map*/

@brief Sets flag for bringing the next frame
void nextFrame(); //go to next frame function

@brief Sets the bool timerDone as true 
void timerTrigger(); //function to set bool as true to be used again

@brief Timeout which keeps the program at one point for a while
@param seconds Time delayed, in seconds
void screenDelay(float seconds); // timeout function

@brief Turns off external green LED
void greenOff (); 

@brief Checks is snake has hit wall or self
@param x - set x plane
@param y - set y plane
@returns true or false
bool checkCollision(int x,int y); 

@brief read default positions of the joystick to calibrate later readings
void calibrateJoystick();

@brief read current joystick values relative to calibrated values and calculate direction depending on x,y values
void updateJoystick();

@brief Contains all of the snake code 
void snake();
