L3GD20 Library using FIFO and Interrupt

Fork of L3GD20_SPI by Tatsuki Fukuda

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00001 #ifndef MBED_SPI
00002 #define MBED_SPI
00003 #include "mbed.h"
00004 #include "L3GD20_Resister.h"
00005 /** L3GD20(SPI) class
00006 *
00007 * This is the L3GD20 class.
00008 * @code
00009 #include "mbed.h"
00010 #include "L3GD20.h"
00012 Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);//tx,rx
00013 L3GD20 L3GD20(p11,p12,p13,p14,p15);//miso,mosi,sck,cs,interrupt
00015 void interruption(anglerrates *val)
00016 {
00017     printf("X:%+05d\tY:%+05d\tZ:%+05d level:%02d\r\n",(val->X),(val->Y),(val->Z),(L3GD20.FIFO.level));
00018 }
00019 int main()
00020 {
00021     L3GD20.start(L3GD20::XYZ,&interruption);
00022     while(1) {
00023         sleep();
00024     }
00025 }
00026 * @endcode
00027 */
00028 class L3GD20
00029 {
00030 public:
00031     L3GD20(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName scl, PinName cs,PinName interrupt2=NC);
00032     typedef enum {
00033         null=0x00,WhoAmI=0x0F,CtrlReg1=0x20,CtrlReg2=0x21,CtrlReg3=0x22,CtrlReg4=0x23,CtrlReg5=0x24,Reference=0x25,OutTemp=0x26,StatusReg=0x27,OutXL=0x28,OutXH=0x29,OutYL=0x2A,OutYH=0x2B,OutZL=0x2C,OutZH=0x2D,FIFOCtrlReg=0x2E,FIFOSrcReg=0x2F,INT1Cfg=0x30,INT1Src=0x31,INT1ThsXH=0x32,INT1ThsXL=0x33,INT1ThsYH=0x34,INT1ThsYL=0x35,INT1ThsZH=0x36,INT1ThsZL=0x37,INT1Duration=0x38,READ=0x80
00034     } RESISTER;
00035     /** @enum DIRECTION
00036     *   enable direction\n
00037     *   Example...L3GD20::XY,L3GD20::XYZ
00038     */
00039     typedef enum {
00040         Y=0x1,
00041         X=0x1<<1,
00042         Z=0x1<<2,
00043         XY=X|Y,
00044         XZ=X|Z,
00045         YZ=Y|Z,
00046         XYZ=X|Y|Z
00047     } DIRECTION;
00048     /** @enum FIFO_mode
00049     *   FIFO mode\n
00050     *   Example...L3GD20::FIFOmode\n
00051     *   See Datasheet 4.2_FIFO(p.16/44)
00052     */
00053     typedef enum {
00054         BYPASSmode=0x0,FIFOmode,STREAMmode,STREAMtoFIFOmode,BYPASStoSTREAMmode
00055     } FIFO_mode;
00056     /**
00057     *   FIFO status for cause of interruption\n
00058     *   Example...L3GD20::watermark\n
00059     *   See Datasheet 7.4_CTRL_REG3(p.33/44)
00060     */
00061     typedef enum {
00062         none=0,empty,watermark,overrun
00063     } FIFOstatus;
00064     /** 
00065     *   @brief  FIFO status info
00066     */
00067     struct {
00068         FIFOstatus status;///< Type of status is enum "FIFOstatus". cause of interruption(none,empty,watermark,overrun)
00069         int level;        ///< FIFO buffer level
00070     } FIFO;
00071     struct config {
00072 //read and write resister
00073         union CTRL_REG1 CTRL_REG1;
00074         union CTRL_REG2 CTRL_REG2;
00075         union CTRL_REG3 CTRL_REG3;
00076         union CTRL_REG4 CTRL_REG4;
00077         union CTRL_REG5 CTRL_REG5;
00078         union REF_DATACAP REF_DATACAP;
00079         union OUT_TEMP OUT_TEMP;
00080         union STATUS_REG STATUS_REG;
00081         union FIFO_CTRL_REG FIFO_CTRL_REG;
00082         union INT1_CFG INT1_CFG;
00083         union INT1_TSH_XH INT1_TSH_XH;
00084         union INT1_TSH_XL INT1_TSH_XL;
00085         union INT1_TSH_YH INT1_TSH_YH;
00086         union INT1_TSH_YL INT1_TSH_YL;
00087         union INT1_TSH_ZH INT1_TSH_ZH;
00088         union INT1_TSH_ZL INT1_TSH_ZL;
00089         union INT1_DURATION INT1_DURATION;
00090     } _config;
00091     struct status {
00092 //read only resister
00093         int OUT_TEMP;
00094         int STATUS_REG;
00095         union FIFO_SRC_REG FIFO_SRC_REG;
00096         int INT1_SRC;
00097     } _status;
00098 //Class method
00099     /** @fn void L3GD20::start(DIRECTION enable);
00100     *   Start command send to module
00101     *   @param enable
00102     */
00103     void start(DIRECTION enable);
00104     /** @fn void L3GD20::start(DIRECTION enable,void (*func)(anglerrates*));
00105     *   Start with interrupt
00106     *   @param enable L3GD20 channel
00107     *   @param func user function(call by InterrtptIn)
00108     */
00109     void start(DIRECTION enable,void (*func)(anglerrates*));
00110     /** @fn void L3GD20::stop()
00111     *    stop sampling command send
00112     */
00113     void stop();
00114     /** @fn void L3GD20::sleep()
00115     *    sleep command send
00116     */
00117     void sleep();
00118     /** @fn void L3GD20::read(anglerrates* val,DIRECTION direction)
00119     *   read angler rates with direction(L3GD20::XY)\n
00120     *   This is read and calcurate dps, reading value is set to class instanse
00121     */
00122     void read(anglerrates* val,DIRECTION direction);
00123     /** @fn int L3GD20::readTemperature()
00124     *   read temperature without format
00125     *   (I don't know meaning of value.)
00126     */
00127     int readTemperature();
00128     /** @fn void L3GD20::enableFIFO(FIFO_mode mode,FIFOstatus interrupt,const int threshold)
00129     *   @brief   L3GD20mode need to reset(to bypass mode) when filled FIFObuffor
00130     *   @param mode        FIFOmode(L3GD20::BYPASSmode,FIFOmode,STREAMmode,STREAMtoFIFOmode,BYPASStoSTREAMmode)
00131     *   @param interrupt   cause of interrupt(L3GD20::none,empty,watermark,overrun)
00132     *   @param threshold   interruption threshold(1 to 30 vaild)
00133     */
00134     void enableFIFO(FIFO_mode mode,FIFOstatus interrupt,const int threshold=0);
00135     /** @fn int L3GD20::updateFIFO(void)
00136     *   @brief   Update FIFO status
00137     *   @return FIFO buffer level
00138     */
00139     int updateFIFO(void);
00140     void allReadOut();
00141     anglerrates value;///< @brief latest angler rates
00142 protected:
00143     //write command to resister
00144     void write(RESISTER reg,int val);
00145     //read resister for resister
00146     void read(RESISTER reg,int* val);
00147     //just send reboot command
00148     void reboot();
00149     //reset FIFO To restart data collection, resister must be written back to Bypass mode.
00150     void resetFIFO();
00151     //read all configration rester
00152     void configReadOut(void);
00153     //read all status rester
00154     void statusReadOut(void);
00155     //for InterruptIn function ,call userFunction in this methed
00156     void interrupt(void);
00157     /*
00158     void datarate(uint8_t rate,uint8_t bandwidth);
00159     void setDataFormat();
00160     void filter(uint8_t mode,uint8_t frequency);
00161     void channelSource(uint8_t channnel,uint8_t dataSelection,uint8_t interruptSelection);
00162     void FIFO(uint8_t mode,uint8_t watermark);
00163     void interrupt(uint8_t source,uint8_t threthold,uint8_t duration,uint8_t Wait);
00164     */
00165     void (*userFunction)(anglerrates*);
00166     SPI _spi;
00167     DigitalOut _cs;
00168     InterruptIn _int2;
00169 };
00171 #endif