
Dependents:   EInkShield_HelloWorld EinkShield_HelloWorld_ARM_KL25Z

Fork of libEinkShield_mbedcli_ARM_KL25Z by kevin tseng

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00001 /*
00002 Copyright (c) 2017-2018, E Ink Holdings Inc., All Rights Reserved
00003 SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005 This file and the related binary are licensed under the Permissive Binary 
00006 License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use these files except in 
00007 compliance with the License.
00009 You may obtain a copy of the License here: 
00010 LICENSE-permissive-binary-license-1.0.txt and at
00013 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations 
00014 under the License.
00015 */
00016 /**
00017  * \mainpage EinkShield usage sample code
00018  * \code
00019  * #include "mbed.h"
00020  * #include "EinkShield.h"
00021  * #include "image3.h"
00022  * int main() {        
00023  *     EinkShield epd(EL029TR1,
00024  *                  D7,
00025  *                  D6,
00026  *                  D5,
00027  *                  D10,
00028  *                  D2,
00029  *                  D13,
00030  *                  D11);        
00031  *     epd.EPD_Init();   
00032  *     epd.EPD_Display_Red();
00033  *     wait_ms(2000); 
00034  *     while(1) {  
00035  *        epd.EPD_Display_KWR(sale2_KW, sale2_R);
00036  *        wait_ms(2000); 
00037  *    } 
00038  * }
00039  * \endcode
00040  */
00041 #ifndef EINK_SHIELD_H
00042 #define EINK_SHIELD_H
00044 typedef enum {
00045     EL029TR1,  
00046 } EPD_driver;
00049 /** @class EinkShield EinkShield.h */
00050 /** class EinkShield for mbed-os */
00051 class EinkShield {
00052 private:
00053     DigitalOut bsi  ;//(D7);
00054     DigitalOut rstn ;//(D6);
00055     DigitalIn  busyn;//(D5);
00056     DigitalOut csb  ;//(D10);
00057     DigitalOut dc   ;//(D2);
00058     DigitalOut scl  ;//(D13);
00059     DigitalOut sda  ;//(D11);
00061     EPD_driver driver;
00063 public:
00064    /**
00065     *    Constructor to set pin assignment and driver
00066     *    @param driver select different size display driver for EinkShield, for example: EL029TR1
00067     *    @param bsi_pin bus selection pin
00068     *    @param rstn_pin reset pin, L: driver will reset when low
00069     *    @param busyn_pin busy pin, L: driver is busy
00070     *    @param csb_pin chip-select pin
00071     *    @param dc_pin data/command pin
00072     *    @param scl_pin serial clock pin
00073     *    @param sda_pin serial data pin
00074     *    @return none
00075     */ 
00076     EinkShield(EPD_driver driver,
00077           PinName bsi_pin,
00078           PinName rstn_pin,
00079           PinName busyn_pin,
00080           PinName csb_pin,
00081           PinName dc_pin,
00082           PinName scl_pin,
00083           PinName sda_pin);
00084    /**
00085     *    Driver initial
00086     *    @param none
00087     *    @return none
00088     */          
00089     void EPD_Init(void);
00090    /**
00091     *    Display image with color: black, white and red.
00092     *    <pre>
00093     *    Resolution of EL029TR1 is 128x296.
00094     *    Pixel data alignment is from left to right and from top to bottom.
00095     *
00096     *    <STRONG>img_kw</STRONG> point to black and white raw pixel data of image, 
00097     *    1 bit per pixel, 0 = black, 1 = white,  
00098     *    Total size of img_kw is 128x296/8 = 4736 bytes for EL029TR1.
00099     *
00100     *    <STRONG>img_r</STRONG> point to red raw pixel data of image, 
00101     *    1 bit per pixel, 0 = red, 1 = reserved, 
00102     *    Total size of img_r is 128x296/8 = 4736 bytes for EL029TR1.
00103     *    </pre>
00104     *    
00105     *    @param img_kw <pre>point to black and white raw pixel data of image, 
00106     *    1 bit per pixel, 0 = black, 1 = white,</pre>
00107     *  
00108     *    @param img_r <pre>point to red raw pixel data of image, 
00109     *    1 bit per pixel, 0 = red, 1 = reserved,</pre>
00110     *    
00111     *    
00112     *    @return none
00113     */   
00114     void EPD_Display_KWR(unsigned char const *img_kw, unsigned char const *img_r);
00115    /**
00116     *    Display full screen red
00117     *    
00118     *    @param none
00119     *    @return none
00120     */   
00121     void EPD_Display_Red(void);          
00122 };
00126 #endif