Mouse code for the MacroRat

Dependencies:   ITG3200 QEI



File content as of revision 30:11f4316a5ba7:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "irpair.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "motor.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stack>          // std::stack
#include <utility>      // std::pair, std::make_pair

#include "ITG3200.h"
#include "stm32f4xx.h"
#include "QEI.h"

//IRSAvg= >: 0.143701, 0.128285
        //facing wall ir2 and ir3
        //0.144562, 0.113971 in maze
        // normal hall ir2 and ir3
        //0.013665, 0.010889  in maze
        //0.014462, 0.009138 
        // 0.013888, 0.010530 
        //no walls ir2 and ir3
        //0.003265, 0.002904  in maze9
        //0.003162, 0.003123 
//0.005297, 0.007064 

void pidOnEncoders();

void moveForwardCellEncoder(double cellNum){
    int desiredCount0 = encoder0.getPulses() + oneCellCountMomentum*cellNum;
    int desiredCount1 = encoder1.getPulses() + oneCellCountMomentum*cellNum;
    while (encoder0.getPulses() <= desiredCount0 && encoder1.getPulses() <= desiredCount1){
        receiverTwoReading = IRP_2.getSamples(100);
        receiverThreeReading = IRP_3.getSamples(100);
        // serial.printf("Average 2: %f Average 3: %f Sensor 2: %f Sensor 3: %f\n", IRP_2.sensorAvg, IRP_3.sensorAvg, receiverTwoReading, receiverThreeReading);
        if (receiverThreeReading < ir3base){
            // redLed.write(1);
            // blueLed.write(0);
            turnFlag |= RIGHT_FLAG;
        else if (receiverTwoReading < ir2base){
            // redLed.write(0);
            // blueLed.write(1);
            turnFlag |= LEFT_FLAG;
void moveForwardEncoder(double num){
    int count0;
    int count1;
    count0 = encoder0.getPulses();
    count1 = encoder1.getPulses();
    int initial1 = count1;
    int initial0 = count0;
    int diff = count0 - count1;
    double kp = 0.00015;
    double kd = 0.00019;
    int prev = 0;

    double speed0 = 0.10;
    double speed1 = 0.12;
    while(  ((encoder0.getPulses() - initial0) <= (oneCellCountMomentum-200)*num && (encoder1.getPulses() - initial1) <= (oneCellCountMomentum-200)*num)  ||   IRP_1.getSamples(50) > IRP_1.sensorAvg*0.8 || IRP_4.getSamples(50) > IRP_4.sensorAvg*0.8){
    //while(     (IRP_1.getSamples(50) + IRP_4.getSamples(50))/2 < ((IRP_1.sensorAvg+IRP_2.sensorAvg)/2)*0.4   ){
        //serial.printf("IRS= >: %f, %f \r\n", IRP_2.getSamples( 100 ), IRP_3.getSamples( 100 ));
        count0 = encoder0.getPulses() - initial0;
        count1 = encoder1.getPulses() - initial1;
        int x = count0 - count1;
        //double d = kp * x + kd * ( x - prev );
        double kppart = kp * x;
        double kdpart = kd * (x-prev);
        double d = kppart + kdpart;
        //serial.printf( "x: %d,\t prev: %d,\t d: %f,\t kppart: %f,\t kdpart: %f\n", x, prev, d, kppart, kdpart );
        if( x < diff - 40 ) // count1 is bigger, right wheel pushed forward
            left_motor.move( speed1-0.8*d );
            right_motor.move( speed0+d );
        else if( x > diff + 40 )
            left_motor.move( speed1-0.8*d );
            right_motor.move( speed0+d );
        // else
        // {
        //     left_motor.brake();
        //     right_motor.brake();   
        // }
        prev = x; 
void moveForwardWallEncoder(){
 int count0;
    int count1;
    count0 = encoder0.getPulses();
    count1 = encoder1.getPulses();
    int initial1 = count1;
    int initial0 = count0;
    int diff = count0 - count1;
    double kp = 0.00015;
    double kd = 0.00019;
    int prev = 0;

    double speed0 = 0.11;
    double speed1 = 0.13;

    float ir1 = IRP_1.getSamples(50);
    float ir4 = IRP_4.getSamples(50);

    if((ir1 + ir4)/2 > ((IRP_1.sensorAvg+IRP_4.sensorAvg)/2)*0.4){

    //while((encoder0.getPulses() - initial0) <= (oneCellCountMomentum-200) && (encoder1.getPulses() - initial1) <= (oneCellCountMomentum-200)) {
    //while(     (ir1 + ir4)/2 < ((IRP_1.sensorAvg+IRP_4.sensorAvg)/2)*0.4   ){
    while(  ir1 < IRP_1.sensorAvg*0.7 || ir4 < IRP_4.sensorAvg*0.7 ){
        //serial.printf("IRS= >: %f, %f \r\n", IRP_2.getSamples( 100 ), IRP_3.getSamples( 100 ));
        count0 = encoder0.getPulses() - initial0;
        count1 = encoder1.getPulses() - initial1;
        int x = count0 - count1;
        //double d = kp * x + kd * ( x - prev );
        double kppart = kp * x;
        double kdpart = kd * (x-prev);
        double d = kppart + kdpart;
        //serial.printf( "x: %d,\t prev: %d,\t d: %f,\t kppart: %f,\t kdpart: %f\n", x, prev, d, kppart, kdpart );
        if( x < diff - 40 ) // count1 is bigger, right wheel pushed forward
            left_motor.move( speed1-0.8*d );
            right_motor.move( speed0+d );
        else if( x > diff + 40 )
            left_motor.move( speed1-0.8*d );
            right_motor.move( speed0+d );
        // else
        // {
        //     left_motor.brake();
        //     right_motor.brake();   
        // }
        prev = x; 
        ir1 = IRP_1.getSamples(50);
        ir4 = IRP_4.getSamples(50);

void moveForwardUntilWallIr()
    double currentError = 0;
    double previousError = 0;
    double derivError = 0;
    double sumError = 0;

    double HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE = 0.1;

    double rightSpeed = 0.25;
    double leftSpeed = 0.23;

    float ir2 = IRP_2.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM );
    float ir3 = IRP_3.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM );

    int count = encoder0.getPulses();
    while ((IRP_1.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM ) + IRP_4.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM ) )/2 < 0.05f) { // while the front facing IR's arent covered
        if((IRP_2.getSamples(SAMPLE_NUM) < 0.005 || IRP_3.getSamples(SAMPLE_NUM) < 0.005)) {
        }else if(IRP_2.getSamples(SAMPLE_NUM) < 0.005){ // left wall gone
        }else if(IRP_3.getSamples(SAMPLE_NUM) < 0.005){ // right wall gone
        // will move forward using encoders only 
        // if cell ahead doesn't have a wall on either one side or both sides

            int pulseCount = (encoder0.getPulses()-count) % 5600;
            if (pulseCount > 5400 && pulseCount < 5800) {
            } else {
            sumError += currentError;
            currentError = ( (IRP_2.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM ) - IRP_2.sensorAvg/initAverageL) ) - ( (IRP_3.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM ) - IRP_3.sensorAvg/initAverageR) ) ;
            derivError = currentError - previousError;
            double PIDSum = IP_CONSTANT*currentError + II_CONSTANT*sumError + ID_CONSTANT*derivError;
            if (PIDSum > 0) { // this means the leftWheel is faster than the right. So right speeds up, left slows down
                rightSpeed = HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE - abs(PIDSum*HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE);
                leftSpeed = HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE + abs(PIDSum*HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE);
            } else { // r is faster than L. speed up l, slow down r
                rightSpeed = HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE + abs(PIDSum*HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE);
                leftSpeed = HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE - abs(PIDSum*HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE);

            if (leftSpeed > 0.30) leftSpeed = 0.30;
            if (leftSpeed < 0) leftSpeed = 0;
            if (rightSpeed > 0.30) rightSpeed = 0.30;
            if (rightSpeed < 0) rightSpeed = 0;


            previousError = currentError;

            ir2 = IRP_2.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM );
            ir3 = IRP_3.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM );



void printDipFlag()
    if (DEBUGGING) serial.printf("Flag value is %d", dipFlags);
void enableButton1()
    dipFlags |= BUTTON1_FLAG;
void enableButton2()
    dipFlags |= BUTTON2_FLAG;
void enableButton3()
    dipFlags |= BUTTON3_FLAG;
void enableButton4()
    dipFlags |= BUTTON4_FLAG;
void disableButton1()
    dipFlags &= ~BUTTON1_FLAG;
void disableButton2()
    dipFlags &= ~BUTTON2_FLAG;
void disableButton3()
    dipFlags &= ~BUTTON3_FLAG;
void disableButton4()
    dipFlags &= ~BUTTON4_FLAG;
void pidOnEncoders()
    int count0;
    int count1;
    count0 = encoder0.getPulses();
    count1 = encoder1.getPulses();
    int diff = count0 - count1;
    double kp = 0.00013;
    double kd = 0.00016;
    int prev = 0;
    int counter = 0;
        count0 = encoder0.getPulses();
        count1 = encoder1.getPulses();
        int x = count0 - count1;
        //double d = kp * x + kd * ( x - prev );
        double kppart = kp * x;
        double kdpart = kd * (x-prev);
        double d = kppart + kdpart;
        //serial.printf( "x: %d,\t prev: %d,\t d: %f,\t kppart: %f,\t kdpart: %f\n", x, prev, d, kppart, kdpart );
        if( x < diff - 60 ) // count1 is bigger, right wheel pushed forward
            left_motor.move( -d );
            right_motor.move( d );
        else if( x > diff + 60 )
            left_motor.move( -d );
            right_motor.move( d );
        // else
        // {
        //     left_motor.brake();
        //     right_motor.brake();   
        // }
        prev = x;
        if (counter == 10)
void nCellEncoderAndIR(double cellCount){
    double currentError = 0;
    double previousError = 0;
    double derivError = 0;
    double sumError = 0;

    double HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_R = 0.15;
    double HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_L = 0.16;

    double rightSpeed = 0.15;
    double leftSpeed = 0.16;

    int desiredCount0 = encoder0.getPulses() + oneCellCountMomentum*cellCount;
    int desiredCount1 = encoder1.getPulses() + oneCellCountMomentum*cellCount;


    float ir2 = IRP_2.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM );
    float ir3 = IRP_3.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM );

    // float previr2 = ir2;
    // float previr3 = ir3;

    int state = 0;

    while (encoder0.getPulses() <= desiredCount0 && encoder1.getPulses() <= desiredCount1){
        receiverTwoReading = IRP_2.getSamples(100);
        receiverThreeReading = IRP_3.getSamples(100);
        receiverOneReading = IRP_1.getSamples(100);
        receiverFourReading = IRP_4.getSamples(100);

        if(  receiverOneReading > IRP_1.sensorAvg*0.70 || receiverFourReading > IRP_4.sensorAvg*0.70 ){
            if (currDir % 4 == 0){
                wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX] |= F_WALL;
            else if (currDir % 4 == 1){
                wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX] |= R_WALL;
            else if (currDir % 4 == 2){
                wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX] |= L_WALL;
            else if (currDir % 4 == 3){
                wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX] |= B_WALL;

       if((receiverThreeReading <  3*IRP_3.sensorAvg/(averageDivR)) && (receiverTwoReading < 3*IRP_2.sensorAvg/(averageDivL))){
            // both sides gone
            int prev0 = encoder0.getPulses();
            int prev1 = encoder1.getPulses();
            int diff0 = desiredCount0 - prev0;
            int diff1 = desiredCount1 - prev1;
            int valToPass = ((diff0 + diff1)/2)/(oneCellCountMomentum);
        else if (receiverThreeReading < 3*IRP_3.sensorAvg/averageDivR){// right wall gone
            // if (currDir % 4 == 0){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] |= L_WALL;
            // }
            // else if (currDir % 4 == 1){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX+1] |= F_WALL;
            // }
            // else if (currDir % 4 == 2){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX] |= R_WALL;
            // }
            // else if (currDir % 4 == 3){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX-1] |= B_WALL;
            // }
            // RED RED RED RED RED
            state = 1;
        }else if (receiverTwoReading < 3*IRP_2.sensorAvg/averageDivL){// left wall gone
            // if (currDir % 4 == 0){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] |= R_WALL;
            // }
            // else if (currDir % 4 == 1){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX+1] |= B_WALL;
            // }
            // else if (currDir % 4 == 2){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX] |= L_WALL;
            // }
            // else if (currDir % 4 == 3){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX-1] |= F_WALL;
            // }
            // BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE
            state = 2;
        }else if ((receiverTwoReading > ((IRP_2.sensorAvg/initAverageL)*averageDivUpper)) && (receiverThreeReading > ((IRP_3.sensorAvg/initAverageR)*averageDivUpper))){
            // if (currDir % 4 == 0){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] |= R_WALL;
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] |= L_WALL;
            // }
            // else if (currDir % 4 == 1){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX+1] |= F_WALL;
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX+1] |= B_WALL;
            // }
            // else if (currDir % 4 == 2){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX] |= R_WALL;
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX] |= L_WALL;
            // }
            // else if (currDir % 4 == 3){
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX-1] |= F_WALL;
            //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX-1] |= B_WALL;
            // }
            // both walls there
            state = 0;

            case(0):{ // both walls there
                currentError = ( receiverTwoReading - IRP_2.sensorAvg/initAverageL)  - ( receiverThreeReading - IRP_3.sensorAvg/initAverageR);
            case(1):{// RED RED RED RED RED
                currentError = (receiverTwoReading - IRP_2.sensorAvg/initAverageL) - (IRP_2.sensorAvg/initAverageL);
            case(2):{// blue
                currentError =  (IRP_3.sensorAvg/initAverageR) - (receiverThreeReading - IRP_3.sensorAvg/initAverageR);
                currentError = ( receiverTwoReading - IRP_2.sensorAvg/initAverageL)  - ( receiverThreeReading - IRP_3.sensorAvg/initAverageR);

        sumError += currentError;
        derivError = currentError - previousError;
        double PIDSum = IP_CONSTANT*currentError + II_CONSTANT*sumError + ID_CONSTANT*derivError;
        if (PIDSum > 0) { // this means the leftWheel is faster than the right. So right speeds up, left slows down
            rightSpeed = HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_R - abs(PIDSum*HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_R);
            leftSpeed = HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_L + abs(PIDSum*HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_L);
        } else { // r is faster than L. speed up l, slow down r
            rightSpeed = HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_R + abs(PIDSum*HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_R);
            leftSpeed = HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_L - abs(PIDSum*HIGH_PWM_VOLTAGE_L);
        if (leftSpeed > 0.30) leftSpeed = 0.30;
        if (leftSpeed < 0) leftSpeed = 0;
        if (rightSpeed > 0.30) rightSpeed = 0.30;
        if (rightSpeed < 0) rightSpeed = 0;
        previousError = currentError;
    if (encoder0.getPulses() >= 0.6*desiredCount0 && encoder1.getPulses() >= 0.6*desiredCount1){
        if (currDir % 4 == 0){
        mouseY += 1;
        else if (currDir % 4 == 1){
            mouseX + 1;
        else if (currDir % 4 == 2){
            mouseY -= 1;
        else if (currDir % 4 == 3){
            mouseX -= 1;

bool isWallInFront(int x, int y){
    return (wallArray[MAZE_LEN - y - 1][x]  & F_WALL);
bool isWallInBack(int x, int y){
    return (wallArray[MAZE_LEN - y - 1][x]  & B_WALL);
bool isWallOnRight(int x, int y){
    return (wallArray[MAZE_LEN - y - 1][x]  & R_WALL);
bool isWallOnLeft(int x, int y){
    return (wallArray[MAZE_LEN - y - 1][x]  & L_WALL);

int chooseNextMovement(){
    int currentDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX];
    if (goingToCenter && (currentDistance == 0)){
        goingToCenter = false;
    else if (!goingToCenter && (currentDistance == 0)){
        goingToCenter == true;

    visitedCells[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX] = 1;
    int currX = 0;
    int currY = 0;
    int currDist = 0;
    int dirToGo = 0;
    if (!justTurned){
        cellsToVisit.push(make_pair(mouseX, mouseY));
        while (!cellsToVisit.empty()) {
            pair<int, int> curr =;
            currX = curr.first;
            currY = curr.second;
            currDist = manhattanDistances[(MAZE_LEN - 1) - currY][currX];
            int minDist = INT_MAX;

             if (hasVisited(currX, currY)) { // then we want to actually see where the walls are, else we treat it as if there are no walls!
                if (currX + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallOnRight(currX, currY)) {
                    if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - currY][currX + 1] < minDist) {
                        minDist = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - currY][currX + 1];
                if (currX - 1 >= 0 && !isWallOnLeft(currX, currY)) {
                    if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - currY][currX - 1] < minDist) {
                        minDist = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - currY][currX - 1];
                if (currY + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallInFront( currX,  currY)) {
                    if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (currY + 1)][currX] < minDist) {
                        minDist = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (currY + 1)][currX];
                if (currY - 1 >= 0 && !isWallInBack(currX,  currY)) {
                    if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (currY - 1)][currX] < minDist) {
                        minDist = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (currY - 1)][currX];
            } else {
                if (currX + 1 < MAZE_LEN) {
                    if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - currY][currX + 1] < minDist) {
                        minDist = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - currY][currX + 1];
                if (currX - 1 >= 0) {
                    if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - currY][currX - 1] < minDist) {
                        minDist = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - currY][currX - 1];
                if (currY + 1 < MAZE_LEN) {
                    if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (currY + 1)][currX] < minDist) {
                        minDist = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (currY + 1)][currX];
                if (currY - 1 >= 0) {
                    if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (currY - 1)][currX] < minDist) {
                        minDist = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (currY - 1)][currX];

            if (minDist == INT_MAX)
            if (currDist > minDist)
            if (currDist <= minDist) {
                manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - currY][currX] = minDist + 1;
            if (hasVisited(currX, currY)) {
                if (currY + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallInFront(currX, currY)) {
                    cellsToVisit.push(make_pair(currX, currY + 1));
                if (currX + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallOnRight(currX, currY)) {
                    cellsToVisit.push(make_pair(currX + 1, currY));
                if (currY - 1 >= 0 && !isWallInBack(currX, currY)) {
                    cellsToVisit.push(make_pair(currX, currY - 1));
                if (currX - 1 >= 0 && !isWallOnLeft( currX, currY)) {
                    cellsToVisit.push(make_pair(currX - 1, currY));
            } else {
                if (currY + 1 < MAZE_LEN) {
                    cellsToVisit.push(make_pair(currX, currY + 1));
                if (currX + 1 < MAZE_LEN) {
                    cellsToVisit.push(make_pair(currX + 1, currY));
                if (currY - 1 >= 0) {
                    cellsToVisit.push(make_pair(currX, currY - 1));
                if (currX - 1 >= 0) {
                    cellsToVisit.push(make_pair(currX - 1, currY));

        int minDistance = INT_MAX;
        if (currDir % 4 == 0) {
            if (mouseX + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallOnRight(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX + 1] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX + 1];
                    dirToGo = 1;
            if (mouseX - 1 >= 0 && !isWallOnLeft(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX - 1] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX - 1];
                    dirToGo = 2;
            if (mouseY + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallInFront(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX];
                    dirToGo = 3;
            if (mouseY - 1 >= 0 && !isWallInBack(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX];
                    dirToGo = 4;
        } else if (currDir % 4 == 2) {
            if (mouseX - 1 >= 0 && !isWallOnRight(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX - 1] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX - 1];
                    dirToGo = 1;
            if (mouseX + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallOnLeft(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX + 1] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX + 1];
                    dirToGo = 2;
            if (mouseY - 1 >= 0 && !isWallInFront(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX];
                    dirToGo = 3;
            if (mouseY + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallInBack(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX];
                    dirToGo = 4;
        } else if (currDir % 4 == 1) {
            if (mouseY - 1 >= 0 && !isWallOnRight(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX];
                    dirToGo = 1;
            if (mouseY + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallOnLeft(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX];
                    dirToGo = 2;
            if (mouseX + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallInFront(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX + 1] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX + 1];
                    dirToGo = 3;
            if (mouseX - 1 >= 0 && !isWallInBack(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX - 1] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX - 1];
                    dirToGo = 4;
        } else if (currDir % 4 == 3) {
            if (mouseY + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallOnRight(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX];
                    dirToGo = 1;
            if (mouseY - 1 >= 0 && !isWallOnLeft(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY - 1)][mouseX];
                    dirToGo = 2;
            if (mouseX - 1 >= 0 && !isWallInFront(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX - 1] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX - 1];
                    dirToGo = 3;
            if (mouseX + 1 < MAZE_LEN && !isWallInBack(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                if (manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX + 1] <= minDistance) {
                    minDistance = manhattanDistances[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY)][mouseX + 1];
                    dirToGo = 4;
        justTurned = false;
        dirToGo = 0;

    return dirToGo;

bool hasVisited(int x, int y){
    return visitedCells[MAZE_LEN - 1 - y][x];

void changeManhattanDistance(bool headCenter){
    if (headCenter){
        for (int i = 0; i < MAZE_LEN; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < MAZE_LEN; j++) {
                distanceToCenter[i][j] = manhattanDistances[i][j];
        for (int i = 0; i < MAZE_LEN; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < MAZE_LEN; j++) {
                manhattanDistances[i][j] = distanceToStart[i][j];
    else {
         for (int i = 0; i < MAZE_LEN; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < MAZE_LEN; j++) {
                distanceToStart[i][j] = manhattanDistances[i][j];
        for (int i = 0; i < MAZE_LEN; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < MAZE_LEN; j++) {
                manhattanDistances[i][j] = distanceToCenter[i][j];

void initializeDistances(){
    for (int i = 0; i < MAZE_LEN / 2; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < MAZE_LEN / 2; j++) {
                distanceToStart[MAZE_LEN - 1 - j][i] = abs(0 - j) + abs(0 - i);
        for (int i = MAZE_LEN / 2; i < MAZE_LEN; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < MAZE_LEN / 2; j++) {
                distanceToStart[MAZE_LEN - 1 - j][i] = abs(0 - j) + abs(0 - i);
        for (int i = 0; i < MAZE_LEN / 2; i++) {
            for (int j = MAZE_LEN / 2; j < MAZE_LEN; j++) {
                distanceToStart[MAZE_LEN - 1 - j][i] = abs(0 - j) + abs(0 - i);
        for (int i = MAZE_LEN / 2; i < MAZE_LEN; i++) {
            for (int j = MAZE_LEN / 2; j < MAZE_LEN; j++) {
                distanceToStart[MAZE_LEN - 1 - j][i] = abs(0 - j) + abs(0 - i);
int main()
    //Set highest bandwidth.
    //serial.printf("The gyro's address is %s", gyro.getWhoAmI());
    wait (0.1);
    // PA_1 is A of right
    // PA_0 is B of right
    // PA_5 is A of left
    // PB_3 is B of left
    //QEI encoder0( PA_5, PB_3, NC, PULSES, QEI::X4_ENCODING );
    //    QEI encoder1( PA_1, PA_0, NC, PULSES, QEI::X4_ENCODING );
    // TODO: Setting all the registers and what not for Quadrature Encoders
    /*    RCC->APB1ENR |= 0x1001; // Enable clock for Tim2 (Bit 0) and Tim5 (Bit 3)
        RCC->AHB1ENR |= 0x11; // Enable GPIO port clock enables for Tim2(A) and Tim5(B)
        GPIOA->AFR[0] |= 0x10; // Set GPIO alternate function modes for Tim2
        GPIOB->AFR[0] |= 0x100; // Set GPIO alternate function modes for Tim5
    // set GPIO pins to alternate for the pins corresponding to A/B for eacah encoder, and 2 alternate function registers need to be selected for each type
    // of alternate function specified
    // 4 modes sets AHB1ENR
    // Now TMR: enable clock with timer, APB1ENR
    // set period, autoreload value, ARR value 2^32-1, CR1 - TMR resets itself, ARPE and EN
    // Encoder mode: disable timer before changing timer to encoder
    // CCMR1/2 1/2 depends on channel 1/2 or 3/4, depends on upper bits, depending which channels you use
    // CCMR sets sample rate and set the channel to input
    // CCER, which edge to trigger on, cannot be 11(not allowed for encoder mode), CCER for both channels
    // SMCR - encoder mode
    // CR1 reenabales
    // then read CNT reg of timer

    // if(dipFlags == 0x1){
    // }else{
    //     turnRight();
    //     IRP_1.calibrateSensor();
    //     IRP_4.calibrateSensor();
    //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] |= L_WALL;
    //     wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - (mouseY + 1)][mouseX] |= R_WALL;

    //     wait_ms(300);
    //     turnLeft();
    //     wait_ms(300);
    // }

    // init the wall, and mouse loc arrays:
    wallArray[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX] = 0xE;
    visitedCells[MAZE_LEN - 1 - mouseY][mouseX] = 1;

    int prevEncoder0Count = 0;
    int prevEncoder1Count = 0;
    int currEncoder0Count = 0;
    int currEncoder1Count = 0;

    bool overrideFloodFill = false;
    //right_motor.forward( 0.2 );
    //left_motor.forward( 0.2 );
    int nextMovement = 0;
    while (1) {
       // prevEncoder0Count = encoder0.getPulses();
//        prevEncoder1Count = encoder1.getPulses();
//        if (!overrideFloodFill){
//            nextMovement = chooseNextMovement();
//            if (nextMovement == 0){
//                nCellEncoderAndIR(1);
//            }
//            else if (nextMovement == 1){
//                justTurned = true;
//                turnRight();
//            }
//            else if (nextMovement == 2){
//                justTurned = true;
//                turnLeft();
//            }
//            else if (nextMovement == 3){
//                nCellEncoderAndIR(1);
//            }
//            else if (nextMovement == 4){
//                justTurned = true;
//                turnRight180();
//            }
//        }
//        else{
//            overrideFloodFill = false;
//            if ((rand()%2 + 1) == 1){
//                justTurned = true;
//                turnLeft();
//            }
//            else{
//                justTurned = true;
//                turnRight();
//            }
//        }
//        currEncoder0Count = encoder0.getPulses();
//        currEncoder1Count = encoder1.getPulses();
//        if (!justTurned && (currEncoder0Count <= prevEncoder0Count + 100) && (currEncoder1Count <= prevEncoder1Count + 100) && !overrideFloodFill){
//            overrideFloodFill = true;
//        }
//        wait_ms(300);                          // reduce this once we fine tune this!

        // nCellEncoderAndIR(1);
        // wait_ms(500);
        // turnRight();
        // wait_ms(500);
        // nCellEncoderAndIR(1);
        // wait_ms(500);
        // turnRight();
        // wait_ms(500);
        // nCellEncoderAndIR(1);
        // wait_ms(500);
        // turnLeft();
        // wait_ms(500);
        // nCellEncoderAndIR(2);
        // wait_ms(500);
        // turnRight();
        // wait_ms(500);
        // nCellEncoderAndIR(1);
        // wait_ms(500);
        // turnRight();
        // wait_ms(500);
        // nCellEncoderAndIR(5);
        // break;
        // turnRight180();
        // int number = rand() % 4 + 1;
        // switch(number){
        //     case(1):{//turn right
        //         turnRight();
        //         break;
        //     }
        //     case(2):{ // turn left
        //         turnLeft();
        //         break;
        //     }
        //     case(3):{// keep going
        //         break;
        //     }
        //     case(4):{// turnaround
        //         turnRight180();
        //         break;
        //     }
        //     default:{// keep going
        //         break;
        //     }
        // }
        // float irbase2 = IRP_2.sensorAvg/initAverageL/averageDivL;
        // float irbase3 = IRP_3.sensorAvg/initAverageR/averageDivR;
        // float ir3  = IRP_2.getSamples(100)/initAverageL;
        // float ir2  = IRP_3.getSamples(100)/initAverageR;

        ir2tot += IRP_2.getSamples(100);
        ir3tot += IRP_3.getSamples(100);
        ir2 = ir2tot/counter2;
        ir3 = ir3tot/counter3;
        serial.printf("IRS= >: %f, %f \r\n", ir2, ir3);
        //serial.printf("%f, %f \n", IRP_2.sensorAvg/initAverageL/averageDivL, IRP_3.sensorAvg/initAverageR/averageDivR);
        //serial.printf("IRBASEnowall= >: %f, %f \r\n", irbase2, irbase3);
        //serial.printf("IRS= >: %f, %f \r\n", IRP_2.getSamples(100), IRP_3.getSamples(100));
        //serial.printf("IRSAvg= >: %f, %f \r\n", ir2, ir3);
        //serial.printf("IRSAvg= >: %f, %f \r\n", IRP_2.sensorAvg, IRP_3.sensorAvg);
        //serial.printf("IRS= >: %f, %f, %f, %f \r\n", IRP_1.getSamples( 100 ), IRP_2.getSamples( 100 ), IRP_3.getSamples( 100 ), IRP_4.getSamples(100));

        //serial.printf("IRS= >: %f, %f \r\n", IRP_2.getSamples( 100 ), IRP_3.getSamples( 100 ));
        // moveForwardCellEncoder(1);
        // wait(0.5);
        // handleTurns();
        // wait(0.5);
        // moveForwardCellEncoder(1);
        // wait(0.5);
        // handleTurns();
       // moveForwardUntilWallIr();
        //serial.printf("Pulse Count=> e0:%d, e1:%d      \r\n", encoder0.getPulses(),encoder1.getPulses());
         double currentError = ( (IRP_2.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM ) - IRP_2.sensorAvg) ) - ( (IRP_3.getSamples( SAMPLE_NUM ) - IRP_3.sensorAvg) ) ;
        serial.printf("IRS= >: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f \r\n", IRP_1.getSamples( 100 ), IRP_2.getSamples( 100 ), IRP_3.getSamples( 100 ), IRP_4.getSamples(100), currentError );
        //reading =;
//        serial.printf("reading: %f\n", reading);