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This code example demonstrates onboarding a device to a Wi-Fi network using ZipKey (or) SoftAP onboarding feature that is provided by the cirrent library.

Download repository: zip


This repository contains the Cirrent library code example for PSOC6 MCU family of devices bundled with connectivity.

This application demonstrates onboarding device to the required Wi-Fi network using Cirrent’s ZipKey and SoftAP onboarding feature.

Supported Platforms

This application and it’s features are supported on following Cypress platforms: * PSoC6 WiFi-BT Prototyping Kit (CY8CPROTO-062-4343W) * PSoC6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT)


This section provides the list of dependency libraries required for this application to work. * ARM mbed-os version 5.15 and above * Cypress Cirrent Library * Cypress HTTP Server Library * Cypress Connectivity Utilities Library * HTTP Client Library

Instructions to build this code example

1) Prepare the cloned working directory for mbed using
- mbed config root .
2) Pull the necessary dependencies using
- mbed deploy
3) Register your device with Cirrent Console to generate Account Id, Device Id and Device Secret. Refer article Registering Devices with Cirrent for details.
4) Generate config header file with the following command inside cirrent/pdm_tool. This script can only be run on Windows. For more information about this tool refer to README
5) Build and download the application on Cypress target platform
- mbed compile -t GCC_ARM -m CY8CPROTO_062_4343W -f
Note : The default application uses ZipKey onboarding feature. To enable SoftAP onboarding feature, set ca_init_config.softap_config.softap_enabled = true in main.cpp
6) Reset the board and check serial console logs. Board shall boot and start Cirrent Agent.

Additional Information