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This code example demonstrates connecting to an enterprise network with one of the following protocols EAP, PEAP or EAP-TTLS

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This code example demonstrates how to use Cypress’s Cypress’s best in class Wi-Fi enabled
PSoC6 devices to connect to enterprise Wi-Fi networks using various Extensible
Authentication Protocols (EAP) supported by enterprise security middleware library

This application demonstrates connecting to an enterprise network with one of EAP, PEAP or EAP-TTLS

Supported Platforms


  • Supports following EAP security protocols:
    • EAP-TLS
    • PEAPv0 with MSCHAPv2
    • EAP-TTLS with EAP-MSCHAPv2
  • Supports TLS session (session ID based) resumption
  • Supports ‘PEAP Fast reconnect’ (this is applicable only for PEAP protocol).
  • Supports roaming across APs in the enterprise network (vanilla roaming)
  • Supports TLS versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2

RADIUS Servers

This application has been verified with enterprise Wi-Fi networks configured using following RADIUS servers * IAS 2012 * FreeRadius 3.0.19

Supported Toolchains

  • IAR
  • ARMC6


This section provides the list of dependency libraries required for this
middleware library to work. * ARM mbed-os stack version 5.14 and above * Cypress Connectivity Utilities Library * Enterprise Security Library

Instructions to build enterprise security code example

This section provides the steps to build and download the application on Cypress target platform.
1. Prepare the cloned working directory for mbed
- $ mbed config root .

  1. Pull the necessary library dependencies. This will pull mbed-os, CY enterprise security library and its internal 3rd party dependencies (if any)

    • $ mbed deploy
  2. Configure Root CA certificate, Client certificate, and Client private key in the certificate.h file

  3. Configure the following Wi-Fi network credentials to connect to the enterprise network with the desired protocol

    • Set ENT_SSID refers to of the 802.1x enabled WiFi network in enterprise_security_app.cpp
      • #define ENT_SSID < SSID > / ssid of 802.1x enabled WiFi network /
    • Set ENT_IDENTITY refers to user name in enterprise_security_app.cpp
      • #define ENT_IDENTITY < username > / username /
    • Set ENT_PASSWORD refers to password in enterprise_security_app.cpp
      • #define ENT_PASSWORD < password > / password /
    • Set ENT_EAP_TYPE refers to one of the following EAP authentication protocol to use in enterprise_security_app.cpp:
      • #define ENT_EAP_TYPE CY_SUPPLICANT_EAP_TYPE_TLS / refers to authentication protocol to use eap_tls /
      • #define ENT_EAP_TYPE CY_SUPPLICANT_EAP_TYPE_PEAP / refers to authentication protocol to use peapv0-mschapv2 /
      • #define ENT_EAP_TYPE CY_SUPPLICANT_EAP_TYPE_TTLS / refers to authentication protocol to use eap_ttls with eap-mschapv2 /
  4. Build and download the application on Cypress target platform

    • $ mbed compile -t GCC_ARM -m CY8CPROTO_062_4343W -f
  5. Reset the board and check serial console logs. Board shall boot and attempt to join the configured enterprise Wi-Fi network.