Program the 7 Segment display on your RenBed using this program. Import the program into your Compiler and edit the code to display your birthday (DD > 5s wait > MM).

Dependencies:   SevenSegmentDisplay mbed

Fork of Renbed_Seven_Segment by Renishaw

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00001 /*********************************************************
00002 *Renbed_Seven_Segment                                    *
00003 *Author: Dan Argust                                      *
00004 *                                                        *  
00005 *Edited for use at Cotham School by SL                   *
00006 *********************************************************/
00008 #include "mbed.h"
00009 #include "SevenSegmentDisplay.h"
00011 SevenSegmentDisplay seg(0); //creating the driver object
00013 int main(){
00014     seg.DisplayDigits(2,5); //display the digits 2 and 5 for the the 25th day
00015     wait(2);                //wait 2 seconds
00016     seg.DisplayDigits(1,2); //display the digits 1 and 2 for the 12th month
00017 }