code de start qui marche a la fin du premier match, base pour la suite

Fork of CRAC-Strat_2017_homologation_petit_rob by CRAC Team

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00001 #include "debug.h"
00003 void debug_Instruction(struct S_Instruction instruction)
00004 {
00005     printf("\n********* Debug instruction *********\n");
00007     printf("* Line      => %d\n", instruction.lineNumber);
00008     printf("* Type      => %s\n", InstructionTypeToString(instruction.order));
00009     printf("* Direction => %s\n", InstructionDirectionToString(instruction.direction));
00011     printf("* Arg1      => %d\n", instruction.arg1);
00012     printf("* Arg2      => %d\n", instruction.arg2);
00013     printf("* Arg3      => %d\n", instruction.arg3);
00015     printf("* Recalage  => %s\n", InstructionPrecisionOuRecalageToString(instruction.precision));
00016     printf("* NextAction=> %s\n", InstructionNextActionTypeToString(instruction.nextActionType));
00017     printf("* JumpAction=> %s\n", InstructionNextActionJumpTypeToString(instruction.jumpAction));
00019     printf("* JumpTimeOrX   => %d\n", instruction.JumpTimeOrX);
00020     printf("* JumpY         => %d\n", instruction.JumpY);
00021     printf("* nextLineOK    => %d\n", instruction.nextLineOK);
00022     printf("* nextLineError => %d\n", instruction.nextLineError);
00024     printf("*************************************\n");
00025 }
00027 char* InstructionTypeToString(enum E_InstructionType type)
00028 {
00029     switch(type)
00030     {
00031         case MV_COURBURE:       return "Courbure";
00032         case MV_LINE:           return "Ligne";
00033         case MV_TURN:           return "Rotation";
00034         case MV_XYT:            return "Position XYT";
00035         case MV_RECALAGE:       return "Recalage";
00036         case ACTION:            return "Action";
00037         default:                return "Inconnue";
00038     }    
00039 }
00040 char* InstructionDirectionToString(enum E_InstructionDirection type)
00041 {
00042     switch(type)
00043     {
00044         case BACKWARD:      return "en arriere";
00045         case FORWARD:       return "en avant";
00046         case RELATIVE:      return "relatif";
00047         case ABSOLUTE:      return "absolu";
00048         default:            return "absent";
00049     }    
00050 }
00051 char* InstructionPrecisionOuRecalageToString(enum E_InstructionPrecisionOuRecalage type)
00052 {
00053     switch(type)
00054     {
00055         case PRECISION:     return "correction position en fin de mouvement";
00056         case RECALAGE_X:    return "recalage en X";
00057         case RECALAGE_Y:    return "recalage en Y";
00058         default:            return "absent";
00059     }    
00060 }
00061 char* InstructionNextActionTypeToString(enum E_InstructionNextActionType type)
00062 {
00063     switch(type)
00064     {
00065         case JUMP:          return "jump";
00066         case WAIT:          return "attente fin instruction";
00067         case ENCHAINEMENT:  return "enchainement";
00068         default:            return "absent";
00069     }    
00070 }
00071 char* InstructionNextActionJumpTypeToString(enum E_InstructionNextActionJumpType type)
00072 {
00073     switch(type)
00074     {
00075         case JUMP_TIME:         return "attente temps";
00076         case JUMP_POSITION:     return "attente position";
00077         default:                return "absent";
00078     }    
00079 }
00081 void errorLoop(void) {
00082     while(true) {
00083         led1 = 1;
00084         wait(0.2);
00085         led1 = 0;
00086         wait(0.2);
00087     }
00088 }
00090 void errorInstructionLoop(void) {
00091     while(true) {
00092         led2 = 1;
00093         wait(0.2);
00094         led2 = 0;
00095         wait(0.2);
00096     }
00097 }
00099 /****************************************************************************************/
00100 /* FUNCTION NAME: sendStratEtat                                                         */
00101 /* DESCRIPTION  : permet le debug de l'etat de l'automate de stratégie                  */
00102 /****************************************************************************************/
00103 void sendStratEtat(unsigned char etat, unsigned char currentInstruction) {
00105     CANMessage msgTx=CANMessage();
00106; // tx nouvelle position en (x,y,theta)
00107     msgTx.len=1;
00108     msgTx.format=CANStandard;
00109     msgTx.type=CANData;
00110     // x sur 2 octets
00111[0]=(unsigned char)etat;
00112[1]=(unsigned char)currentInstruction;
00114     can1.write(msgTx);
00115 }