MARMEX_VB test application program. This application works on "mbed NXP LPC1768" only. This application expects to have the MARMEX_VB module on a "MAPLE mini type-B (MARM03-BASE)" baseboard (slot2) with MARMEX_OB module (on slot1)

Dependencies:   MARMEX_VB NokiaLCD mbed

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This is the library test program. The program can test features of the library and can save captured data into BMP file.


This test program can run on "mbed NXP LPC1768" only.

Picture of test program running.
The modules of MARMEX-VB and MARMEX-OB are set on the "MAPLE mini type-B (MARM03-BASE)" baseboard.
The image is mirrored and alpha graphics added by software.

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