MARMEX_VB test application program. This application works on "mbed NXP LPC1768" only. This application expects to have the MARMEX_VB module on a "MAPLE mini type-B (MARM03-BASE)" baseboard (slot2) with MARMEX_OB module (on slot1)
Dependencies: MARMEX_VB NokiaLCD mbed
This is the library test program.
The program can test features of the library (refer to MARMEX-VB's API document) and can save captured data into BMP file.
This test program can run on "mbed NXP LPC1768" only.
Picture : sample of test program operation
The modules of MARMEX-VB and MARMEX-OB are set on the "MAPLE mini type-B (MARM03-BASE)" baseboard.
The image data from camera is mirrored and alpha graphics added by software.