Transmit pressure/temperature reading once per hour from xDot to iupivot server

Dependencies:   ATParser MPL3115A2 mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "MPL3115A2.h"
00003 #include "string.h"
00004 #include "ATParser.h"
00006 MPL3115A2 pressure_sensor(PB_7,PB_6,0x60);
00007 BufferedSerial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
00008 BufferedSerial device(PA_9, PA_10);  // tx, rx
00009 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
00012 /*  Checks to see if the xDot has a buffered message OK to 
00013     confirm that operation has succeeded
00014 */
00015 int confirmOK() { 
00016     // Wait until device has a response 
00017     while (!device.readable()) {
00018         wait_ms(100);
00019     }
00020     int bufferSize = 100;
00021     char buf[bufferSize];
00022     int i = 0;
00023     for (i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
00024         buf[i] = 0;
00025     }
00026     i = 0;
00028     //Read message from device into buffer
00029     for (i = 0; device.readable(); i++) { 
00030         buf[i] = device.getc();
00031         if (buf[i] == '\n') { 
00032         // Read new line so check to see if we got an OK or Error
00033         // else keep reading til we get one
00034         //pc.printf("The message from the device is %s\r\n",buf);
00035             if (!strncmp("OK",buf,2)) {
00036                 //pc.printf("I compared against %s and got OK\r\n",buf);
00037                 return 1;
00038             } else if (!strncmp("ERROR",buf,5)) { 
00039                 //pc.printf("I compared against %s and got ERROR\r\n",buf);
00040                 return 0;
00041             }
00042             return confirmOK();
00043         }
00044         if (i >= bufferSize) { 
00045             return 0;
00046         }
00047     }
00048     return confirmOK();
00049 }
00050 /*  Sends a message to the xDot
00051     Messages are expected to end in \n so that an OK confirmation will be 
00052     recieved
00053 */
00054 int sendAtMessage(char * message) {
00055     while (*message) { 
00056         device.putc(*message);
00057         message++;
00058     }
00059     return confirmOK();
00060 }
00062 /*
00063 Send a message to the xDot without checking for acknowledge
00064 */
00065 void sendAtMessageNACK(char * message, int size) {
00066     int i = 0;
00067     while (i < size) { 
00068         device.putc(*message);
00069         //wait_ms(500); // Not succesfully sending the message unless it waits.
00070         //pc.printf("putting %c on device\n\r", *message);
00071         message++;
00072         i++;
00073     }
00074 }
00075 int main() {
00076     pc.baud(115200);
00077     device.baud(115200);
00079     pc.printf("Starting program\n\r");
00081     myled = 0;
00083     if (!sendAtMessage("AT\n")) { 
00084         pc.printf("xDot not responding to message\n\r");
00085     }
00086     //Try to connect xDot to network
00087     // Provice network name
00088     char networkName[] = "AT+NI=1,MTCDT-19400691\n";
00089     if (!sendAtMessage(networkName)) {
00090         pc.printf("Unable to set network name\n\r");
00091     }
00092     //Provide network passphrase
00093     char networkPassphrase[] = "AT+NK=1,MTCDT-19400691\n";
00094     if (!sendAtMessage(networkPassphrase)) { 
00095         pc.printf("Network passphrase not successfully set\n\r");
00096     }
00097     //Set the frequency sub band
00098     char frequencySubBand[] = "AT+FSB=1\n";
00099     if (!sendAtMessage(frequencySubBand)) { 
00100         pc.printf("Network frequency SubBand not successfully set\n\r");
00101     }
00102     //Join the network
00103     char joinNetwork[] = "AT+JOIN\n"; // Unable to join network atm.
00104     if (!sendAtMessage(joinNetwork)) { 
00105         pc.printf("Failed to joined the network\n\r");
00106     }
00107     pc.printf("I got here\r\n");
00108     int i = 0; 
00109     for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
00110         int tempBufSize = 4;
00111         int presBufSize = 6;
00112         double temp = pressure_sensor.getTemperature();
00113         char tempBuf[tempBufSize];
00114         double pres = pressure_sensor.getPressure();
00115         char presBuf[presBufSize];
00116         //pc.printf("Current temp is %f\n\r",temp);
00117         //pc.printf("Current pres is %f\n\r",pres);
00118         sprintf(tempBuf, "%2.1f",temp);
00119         sprintf(presBuf, "%4.1f",pres);
00120         //pc.printf("After convert with sprintf temp = %s\n\r",tempBuf);
00121         //pc.printf("After convert with sprintf pres = %s\n\r",presBuf);
00122         sendAtMessageNACK("AT+SEND=",8);
00123         sendAtMessageNACK(tempBuf,tempBufSize);
00124         sendAtMessageNACK(",",1);
00125         sendAtMessageNACK(presBuf,presBufSize);
00126         //wait_ms(500);
00127         if (sendAtMessage("\n")) { 
00128             pc.printf("message succesfully sent\n\r");
00129             myled = 1;
00130         }  else {
00131             pc.printf("Failed to send the message for some reason\r\n");   
00132         }
00134         wait(1000);
00136     } 
00138     //When an s is read from the serial pc,
00139     // read the current pressure/temperature from the I2C pressure sensor
00140     // and send it to the MQTT server pivot.iuiot
00141     //Unsure of what size to set Buffer so that it doesn't go over
00142     //when trying to send a message
00144     /*
00145     while(1) {
00146         if (pc.readable()) {
00147             //pc.printf("pc.readable\r\n");
00148             if (pc.getc() == 's') { 
00149                 pc.printf("I recieved an s\r\n");
00150                 int tempBufSize = 4;
00151                 int presBufSize = 6;
00152                 double temp = pressure_sensor.getTemperature();
00153                 char tempBuf[tempBufSize];
00154                 double pres = pressure_sensor.getPressure();
00155                 char presBuf[presBufSize];
00156                 pc.printf("Current temp is %f\n\r",temp);
00157                 pc.printf("Current pres is %f\n\r",pres);
00158                 sprintf(tempBuf, "%2.1f",temp);
00159                 sprintf(presBuf, "%4.1f",pres);
00160                 pc.printf("After convert with sprintf temp = %s\n\r",tempBuf);
00161                 pc.printf("After convert with sprintf pres = %s\n\r",presBuf);
00162                 sendAtMessageNACK("AT+SEND=",8);
00163                 sendAtMessageNACK(tempBuf,tempBufSize);
00164                 sendAtMessageNACK(",",1);
00165                 sendAtMessageNACK(presBuf,presBufSize);
00166                 wait_ms(500);
00167                 if (sendAtMessage("\n")) { 
00168                     pc.printf("message succesfully sent\n\r");
00169                 }  else {
00170                     pc.printf("Failed to send the message for some reason\r\n");   
00171                 }
00172             }
00173         }
00174     }
00175     */
00177     /*
00178     while(1) {
00179         if(pc.readable()) {
00180             device.putc(pc.getc());
00181             myled = !myled;
00182         }
00183         if(device.readable()) {
00184             pc.putc(device.getc());
00185             myled = !myled;
00186         }
00187     }
00188     */
00189 }