In this lab, you will be collecting light data with your sensor and sending it wirelessly over the lora network to the server. In this lab you will: Utilize the system that you created for lab 9 to collect light data. Collect a light sample each hour for 24 hours. Send the 24 samples 1 time per day. Run your system over a period of 2 days in Luddy 4150 to collect light data on this room.

Dependencies:   ATParser TSL2561 mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Apr 19 14:54:48 2018 +0000
Commit message:
Have it set up using DR1. 6 transmissions with 4 data points each.

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r fb25b13e6ab3 -r ac9f576fbcb7 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Apr 17 14:54:18 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Apr 19 14:54:48 2018 +0000
@@ -71,6 +71,21 @@
+Copies copyFrom into the CopyTo string.
+/StartTo is the starting index of Copyto
+copyFromSize is the size of the string being copied
+//EX: Copyfrom = "HI", Copyto = "____", startTo = 1, copyFromSize = 2
+// end result of copyTo = "_HI_"
+void copyString(char *copyTo, char *copyFrom, int startTo, int copyFromSize) { 
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < copyFromSize; i++) { 
+        copyTo[i+startTo] = copyFrom[i];    
+    }
 int main() {
@@ -78,12 +93,16 @@
     myled = 0;
+    //Array to hold data
+    int dataArraySize = 24;
+    int lightBufSize = 8;
+    char dataArray[dataArraySize][lightBufSize];
     pc.printf("Starting program\n\r");  
     if (!sendAtMessage("AT\n")) { 
         pc.printf("xDot not responding to message\n\r");
-    //Try to connect xDot to network
     // Provice network name
     char networkName[] = "AT+NI=1,MTCDT-19400691\n";
     if (!sendAtMessage(networkName)) {
@@ -100,82 +119,55 @@
         pc.printf("Network frequency SubBand not successfully set\n\r");
-    if (!sendAtMessage("AT+TXDR=2\n")) {
+    //Set data transmission rate
+    if (!sendAtMessage("AT+TXDR=1\n")) {
         pc.printf("Unable to set dataRate\n\r");
-    pc.printf("I got here\r\n");
+    if (!sendAtMessage("AT+ACK=8\n")) { 
+        pc.printf("Unable to set acknowledgement requirement\n\r");
+    }
+    pc.printf("I got here\n\r");
     //Join the network
     char joinNetwork[] = "AT+JOIN\n"; // Unable to join network atm.
-    if (!sendAtMessage(joinNetwork)) { 
+    while (!sendAtMessage(joinNetwork)) { 
         pc.printf("Failed to joined the network\n\r");
-    }
-    int i = 0;
-    while(1) {
-        sendAtMessageNACK("AT+SEND=",8);
-        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-            int lightBufSize = 10;
-            double light = lightsensor.lux();
-            char lightBuf[lightBufSize];
-            pc.printf("Current light is %f\n\r",light);
-            sprintf(lightBuf, "%3.5f",light);
-            pc.printf("After convert with sprintf light = %s\n\r",lightBuf);
-            sendAtMessageNACK(lightBuf,lightBufSize);
-            sendAtMessageNACK(",",1);
-            wait(1);
-        }
-        if (sendAtMessage("\n")) {
-            pc.printf("message succesfully sent\n\r");
-            myled = 1;
-        }  else {
-            pc.printf("Failed to send the message for some reason\r\n");   
-        }
+        wait(1);
+    while (!sendAtMessage("AT+SEND=TestMessage\n")) {
+         myled=0;  
+    }
+    myled = 1;
-    //When an s is read from the serial pc,
-    // read the current pressure/temperature from the I2C pressure sensor
-    // and send it to the MQTT server pivot.iuiot
-    //Unsure of what size to set Buffer so that it doesn't go over
-    //when trying to send a message
-    /*
     while(1) {
-        if (pc.readable()) {
-            //pc.printf("pc.readable\r\n");
-            if (pc.getc() == 's') { 
-                pc.printf("I recieved an s\r\n");
-                int tempBufSize = 4;
-                int presBufSize = 6;
-                double temp = pressure_sensor.getTemperature();
-                char tempBuf[tempBufSize];
-                double pres = pressure_sensor.getPressure();
-                char presBuf[presBufSize];
-                pc.printf("Current temp is %f\n\r",temp);
-                pc.printf("Current pres is %f\n\r",pres);
-                sprintf(tempBuf, "%2.1f",temp);
-                sprintf(presBuf, "%4.1f",pres);
-                pc.printf("After convert with sprintf temp = %s\n\r",tempBuf);
-                pc.printf("After convert with sprintf pres = %s\n\r",presBuf);
-                sendAtMessageNACK("AT+SEND=",8);
-                sendAtMessageNACK(tempBuf,tempBufSize);
-                sendAtMessageNACK(",",1);
-                sendAtMessageNACK(presBuf,presBufSize);
-                wait_ms(500);
-                if (sendAtMessage("\n")) { 
-                    pc.printf("message succesfully sent\n\r");
-                }  else {
-                    pc.printf("Failed to send the message for some reason\r\n");   
-                }
+        //Collect data
+        int i = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < dataArraySize; i++) {
+            double light = lightsensor.lux();
+            pc.printf("Current light is %f\n\r",light);
+            sprintf(dataArray[i], "%2.5f",light);
+            pc.printf("After convert with sprintf light = %s\n\r",dataArray[i]);
+            wait_ms(500);
+        }
+        //pc.printf("%s\n\r",dataArray);
+        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+            int j;
+            sendAtMessageNACK("AT+SEND=",8);
+            for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { 
+                sendAtMessageNACK(dataArray[(i*4) + j], lightBufSize);
+                sendAtMessageNACK(";",1);
+            if(sendAtMessage("\n")) {
+                pc.printf("message succesfully sent\n\r");
+                //myled = 1;
+            }
+            wait_ms(1000);
-    */
     while(1) {