BNO055 library using Bosch's code

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for BNO055_from_Bosch


bno055_accel_double_t Struct for Accel-output data of precision double
bno055_accel_float_t Struct for Accel-output data of precision float
bno055_accel_offset_t Struct for Accel offset
bno055_accel_t Struct for accel data read from registers
bno055_euler_double_t Struct for Euler-output data of precision double
bno055_euler_float_t Struct for Euler-output data of precision float
bno055_euler_t Struct for Euler data read from registers
bno055_gravity_double_t Struct for Gravity-output data of precision double
bno055_gravity_float_t Struct for Gravity-output data of precision float
bno055_gravity_t Struct for Gravity data read from registers
bno055_gyro_double_t Struct for Gyro-output data of precision double
bno055_gyro_float_t Struct for Gyro-output data of precision float
bno055_gyro_offset_t Struct for Gyro offset
bno055_gyro_t Struct for Gyro data read from registers
bno055_linear_accel_double_t Struct for Linear Accel-output data of precision double
bno055_linear_accel_float_t Struct for Linear accel-output data of precision float
bno055_linear_accel_t Struct for Linear Accel data read from registers
bno055_mag_double_t Struct for Mag-output data of precision double
bno055_mag_float_t Struct for Mag-output data of precision float
bno055_mag_offset_t Struct for Mag offset
bno055_mag_t Struct for Mag data read from registers
bno055_quaternion_t Struct for Quaternion data read from registers
bno055_sic_matrix_t Struct for soft iron calibration matrix
bno055_t Bno055 struct


BNO055.cpp [code]
BNO055.h [code] BNO055 Sensor Driver Support Header File