This example program uses the ARM mbed HTTP client library to send/receive data to/from AT&T's M2X service ( using the AT&T Cellular IoT Starter Kit from Avnet ( This kit contains a FRDM-K64F from NXP (

Dependencies:   M2XStreamClient-JMF WNCInterface jsonlite mbed-rtos mbed

See the README for details on this example program. NOTE: When started, the program can take up to 40 seconds before it will respond. This delay is the time required for the WNC Data Module to connect with the network.



File content as of revision 3:94a2e1a54aac:

// This file contains an example implementation of M2X using the HTTP interface as the underlying 
// transport.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "WNCInterface.h"


#include <jsonlite.h>
#include "M2XStreamClient.h"

#define CRLF "\n\r"

char deviceId[] = "e83cdd8645ab1a7c0c480156efbf78f6"; // Device you want to post to
char m2xKey[]   = "4d7e1da7f05c3fa4d5426419891a254d"; // Your M2X API Key or Master API Key

const char *hstreamName = "humidity";
const char *tstreamName = "temperature";
const char *streamNames[] = { tstreamName, hstreamName };
char name[] = "Wake Forest"; // Name of current location of datasource

int counts[] = { 2, 1 };
const char *ats[] = { "2016-09-09T02:05:14.692Z", 
                      "2016-09-09T02:05:14.692Z" };
double values[] = { 10.9, 11.2, 6.1 };

char fromTime[]= "1969-12-31T19:00:01.000Z"; // yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ
char endTime[25];

double latitude = 33.007872;   // You could read these values from a GPS but
double longitude = -96.751614; // for now, will just hardcode them
double elevation = 697.00;

WNCInterface eth;
Client client;
M2XStreamClient m2xClient(&client, m2xKey);
TimeService timeService(&m2xClient);

void on_data_point_found(const char* at, const char* value, int index, void* context, int type) {
  pc.printf(">>Found a data point, index: %d type: %d" CRLF, index, type);
  pc.printf(">>At: %s" CRLF " Value: %s" CRLF, at, value);

void on_command_found(const char* id, const char* name, int index, void *context) {
  pc.printf(">>Found a command, index: %d" CRLF, index);
  pc.printf(">>ID: %s\n Name: %s" CRLF, id, name);

void on_location_found(const char* name,
                       double latitude,
                       double longitude,
                       double elevation,
                       const char* timestamp,
                       int index,
                       void* context) {
  pc.printf(">>Found a location, index: %d" CRLF, index);
  pc.printf(">>Name: %s" CRLF ">>Latitude: %lf" CRLF ">>Longitude: %lf" CRLF, name, latitude, longitude);
  pc.printf(">>Elevation: %lf" CRLF ">>Timestamp: %s" CRLF, elevation, timestamp);

int main() {
  char timestamp[25];
  int length = 25;
  char amb_temp[6];
  char amb_humd[6];
  int response, cnt=1;
  double temp=0.00;  //we will just increment these 0.01 each time through the loop
  double humid=0.00; //we will just increment these 1 each time through the loop wrapping at 100

  pc.printf("Start m2x-demo-all by initializng the network" CRLF);
  response = eth.init();                     
  pc.printf("WNC Module %s initialized (%02X)." CRLF, response?"IS":"IS NOT", response);
  if( !response ) {
      pc.printf(" - - - - - - - ALL DONE - - - - - - - " CRLF);
  response = eth.connect();                 
  pc.printf("IP Address: %s " CRLF CRLF, eth.getIPAddress());

  pc.printf("initialize the M2X time service" CRLF);
  if (!m2x_status_is_success(timeService.init())) 
     pc.printf("Cannot initialize time service!" CRLF);
  else {
     timeService.getTimestamp(timestamp, &length);
     pc.printf("Current timestamp: %s" CRLF, timestamp);
  pc.printf("Now delete all existing values" CRLF);
  // Delete values
  pc.printf("Delete humidity values..." CRLF);
  response = m2xClient.deleteValues(deviceId,hstreamName, fromTime, endTime);
  pc.printf("Delete response code: %d" CRLF, response); 

  pc.printf("Delete temp values..." CRLF);
  response = m2xClient.deleteValues(deviceId,tstreamName, fromTime, endTime);
  pc.printf("Delete response code: %d" CRLF, response);  

  pc.printf("Delete location values..." CRLF);
  response = m2xClient.deleteLocations(deviceId, fromTime, endTime);
  pc.printf("Delete response code: %d" CRLF, response);  
  pc.printf("Query for possible commands using this device..." CRLF);
  response = m2xClient.listCommands(deviceId, on_command_found, NULL);
  pc.printf("listCommands response code: %d" CRLF, response);  

  while (true) {
    // read temp -- for now, just use a fixed temp, but will need to read the HTS221
    // and put it into a 6 byte string formatted as "%0.2f"
    temp  += .01;
    humid += 1.0;
    humid = fmod(humid,100.0);
    // post the humidity value
    pc.printf("Post updateStreamValue (humidity)..." CRLF);
    response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, "humidity", humid);
    pc.printf("Post response code: %d" CRLF, response);

    // post the temp value
    pc.printf("Post updateStreamValue (temp)..." CRLF);
    response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, "temperature", temp);
    pc.printf("Post response code: %d" CRLF, response);

    // read temperature
    pc.printf("listStreamValues (temp)..." CRLF);
    response = m2xClient.listStreamValues(deviceId, tstreamName, on_data_point_found, NULL);
    pc.printf("listStreamValues response code: %d" CRLF, response);
    if (response == -1) while (true) ;

    // read temperature
    pc.printf("listStreamValues (humid)..." CRLF);
    response = m2xClient.listStreamValues(deviceId, hstreamName, on_data_point_found, NULL);
    pc.printf("listStreamValues response code: %d" CRLF, response);
    if (response == -1) while (true) ;

    // update location
    pc.printf("updateLocation..." CRLF);
    response = m2xClient.updateLocation(deviceId, name, latitude, longitude, elevation);
    pc.printf("updateLocation response code: %d" CRLF, response);
    if (response == -1) while (true) ;
    // read location
    pc.printf("readLocation..." CRLF);
    int response = m2xClient.readLocation(deviceId, on_location_found, NULL);
    pc.printf("readLocation response code: %d" CRLF, response);

    pc.printf("PostDeviceUpdates..." CRLF);
    response = m2xClient.postDeviceUpdates(deviceId, 2, streamNames, counts, ats, values);
    pc.printf("Post response code: %d" CRLF, response);
    timeService.getTimestamp(timestamp, &length);
    pc.printf("Thats all folks, got to wait 60 seconds... (%s)" CRLF CRLF CRLF, timestamp);

    // wait 60 secs and then loop
