Simple driver for GNSS functions on BG96 module.

Dependents:   mbed-os-example-cellular-gps-bg96

Note: this is early version

BG96 module needs to be already running to use this. Configuration only inside of this class. (hardcoded values)


Pawel Zarembski

File content as of revision 2:8b0663001935:

#include "BG96_GNSS.h"

    _bg96_at_handler = CellularContext::get_default_instance()->get_device()->get_at_handler();
    printf("[GPS] Created BG96 Object with AT HANDLER ADDR[%p].\r\n", _bg96_at_handler);
    _bg96_instance = NULL;

uint8_t BG96_GNSS::_get_instance()
    if (_bg96_instance == NULL) {
        _bg96_instance = _bg96_at_handler->get_instance(_bg96_at_handler->get_file_handle(), 
                                    *_dummy_eventqueue, 1000, "\r\n", 100, false);
        return SUCCESS;
    else {
        printf("[GPS] Failed while creating BG96 instance.\r\n");
        return FAILURE;

uint8_t BG96_GNSS::_close_instance()
    if (_bg96_instance != NULL) {
        _bg96_instance = NULL;
        printf("[GPS] Closed BG96 instance.\r\n");
        return SUCCESS;
    else {
        printf("[GPS] Failed while closing BG96 instance.\r\n");
        return FAILURE;

uint8_t BG96_GNSS::set_gps_power(bool state)
    char _at_cmd[16];
    uint8_t status = SUCCESS;

    if (_get_instance() == SUCCESS) {
        sprintf((char *)_at_cmd, "%s", state ? "AT+QGPS=1" : "AT+QGPSEND");
        if (_bg96_instance->get_last_error() != NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
            printf("[GPS] Failure while trying to change BG96 power.\r\n");
            status = FAILURE;
        printf("[GPS] Powered ON the GPS module.\r\n");
    else {
        printf("[GPS] Failure while trying to get BG96 AT instance.\r\n");
        status = FAILURE;
    return status;

uint8_t BG96_GNSS::get_gps_data(gps_data *data)
    uint8_t status = SUCCESS;

    if (_get_instance() == SUCCESS) {

        if (_bg96_instance->get_last_error() == NSAPI_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR) {
            printf("[GPS] Error while trying to get GPS data.\r\n");
            status = FAILURE;
        else {
            if (_read_gps(data) == FAILURE) {
                printf("[GPS] Error while trying to read GPS data.\r\n");
                status = FAILURE;
    else {
        printf("[GPS] Failure while trying to get BG96 AT instance.\r\n");
        status = FAILURE;
    return status;

uint8_t BG96_GNSS::_read_gps(gps_data *data)
    ssize_t bg96_read_size;
    uint8_t status = SUCCESS;

    bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->utc, sizeof(data->utc)); // header
    if (bg96_read_size == -1) {
        status = FAILURE;
    else {
        // bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->utc, sizeof(data->utc)); // time
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->lat, sizeof(data->lat)); // lat
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->lon, sizeof(data->lon)); // lon
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->hdop, sizeof(data->hdop)); // hdop
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->altitude, sizeof(data->altitude)); // altitude
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->fix, sizeof(data->fix)); // fix
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->cog, sizeof(data->cog)); // cog
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->spkm, sizeof(data->spkm)); // spkm
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->spkn, sizeof(data->spkn)); // spkn
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->date, sizeof(data->date)); // date
        bg96_read_size = _bg96_instance->read_string(data->nsat, sizeof(data->nsat)); // nsat

    return status;

void BG96_GNSS::print_gps_data(gps_data *data)
    printf("[GPS] Time: \tUTC:%s\r\n", data->utc);
    printf("[GPS] Latitude: \tLAT:%s\r\n", data->lat);
    printf("[GPS] Longitude: \tLON:%s\r\n", data->lon);
    printf("[GPS] Horizontal: \tHDOP:%s\r\n", data->hdop);
    printf("[GPS] Altitude: \tALT:%s\r\n", data->altitude);
    printf("[GPS] Positioning: \tFIX:%s\r\n", data->fix);
    printf("[GPS] Course over time: COG:%s\r\n", data->cog);
    printf("[GPS] Speed km: \tSPKM:%s\r\n", data->spkm);
    printf("[GPS] Speed knots: \tSPKN:%s\r\n", data->spkn);
    printf("[GPS] Date: \t\tDATE:%s\r\n", data->date);
    printf("[GPS] Satelites: \tNSAT:%s\r\n", data->nsat);