A collection of Analog Devices drivers for the mbed platform

For additional information check out the mbed page of the Analog Devices wiki: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/mbed-drivers-all


Adrian Suciu

File content as of revision 33:c3ec596a29c2:

#include "CN0391.h"
#include "Thermocouple.h"
#include "AD7124.h"

//#define DEBUG_MODE

extern Serial pc;

#define ms_delay (1)
#define R2 (1600.0)
#define RTD_SLOPE (15/39.0)
#define RTD_CONSTANT (1039.0)
#define CAL_CHANNEL (8)
    this->t = NULL;

Thermocouple* Thermocouple_Channel::get_thermocouple_type()
    return t;
void Thermocouple_Channel::set_thermocouple_type(Thermocouple* new_t)
    t = new_t;

void Thermocouple_Channel::setup_channel(Thermocouple* new_t, uint16_t thermocouple_channel, uint16_t rtd_channel, uint16_t calibration_channel)

    this->t = new_t;
    this->thermocouple_channel = thermocouple_channel;
    this->rtd_channel = rtd_channel;
    this->calibration_channel = calibration_channel;
    this->calibration_current = 0.0005;

CN0391::CN0391(PinName cs) : ad7124(cs)


void CN0391::set_thermocouple_type(channel_t ch, Thermocouple* new_t)
    tc[ch].setup_channel(new_t, ch * 2, (ch * 2) + 1, CAL_CHANNEL);

float CN0391::read_channel(channel_t ch)
    int32_t data;


    if (ad7124.WaitForConvReady(10000) == -3) {
        return 0;

    float volt = data_to_voltage(data >> 8);
    float R1 = (volt / tc[ch].calibration_current) - R2;
    float temp = RTD_CONVERSION(R1);
    float mv_cold_junction = tc[ch].t->convert_inv(temp);
    pc.printf("Resistance of RTD on channel %d is: %f\r\n", ch , R1);
    pc.printf("Temperature of RTD on channel %d is: %f\r\n", ch, temp);
    pc.printf("mV equivalent(poly method) of thermocouple is %f \r\n", mv_cold_junction);
    // read thermocouple

    if (ad7124.WaitForConvReady(10000) == -3) {
        return 0;


    volt = data_to_voltage(data >> 8);
    float mv = volt * 1000 + mv_cold_junction;
    temp = tc[ch].t->convert(mv);
    pc.printf("mV of thermocouple on channel %d is: %f\r\n", ch, volt * 1000.0);
    pc.printf("mV(compensated) of thermocouple on channel %d is: %f\r\n", ch, mv);
    pc.printf("Temperature on channel %d is: %f\r\n", ch, temp);
    return temp;
float CN0391::calibrate(channel_t ch)
    int32_t data;
    enable_channel(tc[ch].calibration_channel); // calibration channel
    if (ad7124.WaitForConvReady(10000) == -3) {
        return 0;

    float volt = data_to_voltage(data >> 8);
    tc[ch].calibration_current = volt / R2;

    pc.printf("Calibration current for channel %d is: %f \r\n", ch, tc[ch].calibration_current);
    return tc[ch].calibration_current;


float CN0391::data_to_voltage(uint32_t data)
    data = data & 0xFFFFFF;
    return ((data / static_cast<float>(0xFFFFFF / 2)) - 1) * (2.5 / 1);

void CN0391::enable_channel(int channel)
    AD7124::ad7124_registers regNr = static_cast<AD7124::ad7124_registers> (AD7124::AD7124_Channel_0 + channel); //Select ADC_Control register
    uint32_t setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);    // Write data to ADC

void CN0391::disable_channel(int channel)
    AD7124::ad7124_registers regNr = static_cast<AD7124::ad7124_registers> (AD7124::AD7124_Channel_0 + channel); //Select ADC_Control register
    uint32_t setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);  //Enable channel
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);    // Write data to ADC

void CN0391::enable_current_source(int current_source_channel)
    AD7124::ad7124_registers regNr = AD7124::AD7124_IOCon1; //Select ADC_Control register
    uint32_t setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    setValue &= ~(AD7124_IO_CTRL1_REG_IOUT_CH0(0xF));
    setValue |= AD7124_IO_CTRL1_REG_IOUT_CH0(current_source_channel);// set IOUT0 current to 500uA
    setValue &= 0xFFFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);    // Write data to ADC

void CN0391::start_single_conversion()
    AD7124::ad7124_registers regNr = AD7124::AD7124_ADC_Control; //Select ADC_Control register
    uint32_t setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    setValue &= 0xFFC3;
    setValue |= 0x04;               //single conversion;
    setValue |= 0x1600;
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);    // Write data to ADC*/

void CN0391::reset()
    pc.printf("Reseted AD7124\r\n");

void CN0391::setup()

void CN0391::init()
    uint32_t setValue;
    enum AD7124::ad7124_registers regNr;

    /* Set Config_0 0x19*/
    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Config_0;               //Select Config_0 register
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    setValue |= AD7124_CFG_REG_BIPOLAR;     //Select bipolar operation
    setValue |= AD7124_CFG_REG_BURNOUT(0);  //Burnout current source off
    setValue |= AD7124_CFG_REG_REF_BUFP;
    setValue |= AD7124_CFG_REG_REF_BUFM;
    setValue |= AD7124_CFG_REG_AIN_BUFP;    //Buffer AIN5
    setValue |= AD7124_CFG_REG_AINN_BUFM;   //Buffer AIN4
    setValue |= AD7124_CFG_REG_REF_SEL(2); //Select REFIN1(+)/REFIN1(-)  internal reference
    setValue |= AD7124_CFG_REG_PGA(0);
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    /* Set Channel_0 register 0x09*/
    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Channel_0;
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    //setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel0
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t)AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_SETUP(0);             // Select setup0
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINP(0);         // Set AIN4 as positive input
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINM(15);         // Set AIN5 as negative input
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Channel_1;
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    //setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel0
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t)AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_SETUP(0);             // Select setup0
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINP(1);         // Set AIN4 as positive input
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINM(15);         // Set AIN5 as negative input
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Channel_2;
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    //setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel0
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t)AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_SETUP(0);             // Select setup0
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINP(2);         // Set AIN4 as positive input
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINM(15);         // Set AIN5 as negative input
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Channel_3;
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    //setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel0
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t)AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_SETUP(0);             // Select setup0
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINP(3);         // Set AIN4 as positive input
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINM(15);         // Set AIN5 as negative input
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Channel_4;
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    //setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel0
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t)AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_SETUP(0);             // Select setup0
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINP(4);         // Set AIN4 as positive input
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINM(15);         // Set AIN5 as negative input
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Channel_5;
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    //setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel0
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t)AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_SETUP(0);             // Select setup0
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINP(5);         // Set AIN4 as positive input
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINM(15);         // Set AIN5 as negative input
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Channel_6;
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    //setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel0
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t)AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_SETUP(0);             // Select setup0
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINP(6);         // Set AIN4 as positive input
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINM(15);         // Set AIN5 as negative input
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Channel_7;
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    //setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel0
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t)AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_SETUP(0);             // Select setup0
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINP(7);         // Set AIN4 as positive input
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINM(15);         // Set AIN5 as negative input
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Channel_8;
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    //setValue |= (uint32_t) AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE;  //Enable channel0
    setValue &= (~(uint32_t)AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_CH_ENABLE);
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_SETUP(0);             // Select setup0
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINP(14);         // Set AIN4 as positive input
    setValue |= AD7124_CH_MAP_REG_AINM(15);         // Set AIN5 as negative input
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);   // Write data to ADC

    /* Set Config_0 0x19*/

    // start calibration
    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_Offset_0;
    setValue = 0x800000;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);// Write data to ADC

// internal fullscale before zero scale
    pc.printf("\r\n Gain before cali :%x", ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(AD7124::AD7124_Gain_0));
    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_ADC_Control;//Select ADC_Control register
    setValue = AD7124_ADC_CTRL_REG_MODE(6);
    setValue |= AD7124_ADC_CTRL_REG_REF_EN;
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);// Write data to ADC

    pc.printf("\r\n Gain:%x", ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(AD7124::AD7124_Gain_0));

    pc.printf("\r\n Offset before cali:%x", ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(AD7124::AD7124_Offset_0));
// internal zeroscale
    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_ADC_Control;//Select ADC_Control register
    setValue = AD7124_ADC_CTRL_REG_MODE(5);
    setValue |= AD7124_ADC_CTRL_REG_REF_EN;
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);// Write data to ADC
    pc.printf("\r\n Offset:%x\r\n", ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(AD7124::AD7124_Offset_0));

    // end of calibration


    /* Set IO_Control_1 0x03 */
    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_IOCon1;               //Select IO_Control_1 register
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    setValue |= AD7124_IO_CTRL1_REG_IOUT0(0x4);// set IOUT0 current to 500uA
    setValue |= AD7124_IO_CTRL1_REG_IOUT_CH0(0x1);
    setValue &= 0xFFFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);// Write data to ADC

    /* Set ADC_Control 0x01 */
    regNr = AD7124::AD7124_ADC_Control;            //Select ADC_Control register
    setValue = ad7124.ReadDeviceRegister(regNr);
    setValue |= AD7124_ADC_CTRL_REG_DATA_STATUS; // set data status bit in order to check on which channel the conversion is
    setValue |= AD7124_ADC_CTRL_REG_REF_EN;
    setValue &= 0xFFC3;
    setValue |= AD7124_ADC_CTRL_REG_MODE(1);
    setValue &= 0xFFFF;
    ad7124.WriteDeviceRegister(regNr, setValue);    // Write data to ADC