Program files for Example program for EVAL-AD7768-1

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00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002  *   @file    ad77681_user_config.h
00003  *
00004  *   @brief   User configuration settings for AD77681 on start-up
00005  *
00006  *   @details
00007 ******************************************************************************
00008 Copyright (c) 2021 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
00010 This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
00011 By using this software you agree to the terms of the associated
00012 Analog Devices Software License Agreement.
00013 ******************************************************************************/
00015 /******************************************************************************/
00016 /***************************** Include Files **********************************/
00017 /******************************************************************************/
00018 #include <stdint.h>
00020 #include "app_config.h"
00021 #include "app_config_mbed.h"
00022 #include "ad77681_user_config.h"
00024 /******************************************************************************/
00025 /********************** Macros and Constants Definition ***********************/
00026 /******************************************************************************/
00028 // Initialize the ad77681 device structure
00029 struct ad77681_init_param sad77681_init = {
00030     // Define SPI init parameters structure
00031     .spi_eng_dev_init =
00032     {
00033         .max_speed_hz = 22500000,       // Max SPI Speed
00034         .chip_select = SPI_SS,          // Chip Select
00035         .mode = SPI_MODE_3,             // CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1
00036         .extra = &spi_init_extra_params // SPI extra configurations
00037     },
00038     .power_mode = AD77681_FAST,
00039     .mclk_div = AD77681_MCLK_DIV_8,
00040     .conv_mode = AD77681_CONV_CONTINUOUS,
00041     .diag_mux_sel = AD77681_TEMP_SENSOR,
00042     .conv_diag_sel = false,
00043     .conv_len = AD77681_CONV_24BIT,
00044     .crc_sel = AD77681_NO_CRC,
00045     .status_bit = 0,
00046     .VCM_out = AD77681_VCM_0_9V,
00047     .AINn = AD77681_AINn_DISABLED,
00048     .AINp = AD77681_AINp_DISABLED,
00049     .REFn = AD77681_BUFn_ENABLED,
00050     .REFp = AD77681_BUFp_ENABLED,
00051     .filter = AD77681_SINC5,
00052     .decimate = AD77681_SINC5_FIR_DECx32,
00053     .sinc3_osr = 0,
00054     .vref = AD77681_VOLTAGE_REF,
00055     .mclk = AD77681_MCLK,
00056     .sample_rate = AD77681_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_FREQ,
00057     .data_frame_byte = AD77681_DECIMATION_RATE
00058 };