Example program for EVAL-AD4130

Dependencies:   tempsensors sdp_k1_sdram


Mahesh Phalke
21 months ago

File content as of revision 2:7b2b268ea49c:

import numpy as np
from serial import Serial
from time import sleep
from pynput import keyboard
import sys
import select
import os
import csv
import math
from adi import ad4130

# Global variables
line = 0
writer = 0
run_continuous = False
iterations = 0
data_capture_abort = False
chn_count = 0
data_list = []

def key_press_event(key):
    global data_capture_abort
    data_capture_abort = True

def init_data_capture():
    global device
    global data_list
    global chn_count
    global listener
    global samples_block

    ######## User configuration ##########
    # Configure the backend for PC to IIOD interface
    uri = "serial:COM12,230400" # For UART, baud rate must be same as set in the FW. COM port is physical Or VCOM.
    device_name = "ad4130-8"    # Name of the device must be same as set in the FW.

    # Create an IIO device context
    device = ad4130(uri, device_name)

    ######## User configuration ##########
    # Channels to be captured e.g. [0]: 1chn, [0,1]: 2chns, [0,1,2,3]: 4chns, [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: 8chns
    device.rx_enabled_channels = [0]

    # The block of samples to be captured. Total samples are received in multiple iterations or blocks
    samples_block = 400    # The samples needs to be captured in smaller blocks due to limitations
                           # of buffer size (RAM) in the firmware and IIO client timeout factor.
                           # Request to capture samples more than buffer size, will be ignored by firmware.
                           # Large time taken to read the samples from device, may cause timeout on IIO client.

    # Get the channels count from user
    chn_count = len(device.rx_enabled_channels)

    # Store the rx buffer size and rx data type based on input channels
    device.rx_buffer_size = samples_block    # Size of the IIO buffer (buffer is submitted during call to rx() method)
    device._rx_data_type = np.int32     # size of ADC sample

    listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=key_press_event)

def read_user_inputs():
    global iterations
    global run_continuous
    global device
    global samples_block

    samples_count = int(input("Enter the number of samples to be captured \n\
                                0: Unlimited \n\
                                <50-1000000>: "))

    if (samples_count == 0):
        run_continuous = True
        run_continuous = False
        if (samples_count <= samples_block):
            device.rx_buffer_size = samples_count
            iterations = 1
            iterations = math.ceil(samples_count / samples_block)

def init_data_logger():
    global writer
    global chn_count
    file_name = "adc_data_capture.csv"
    current_dir = os.getcwd()
    output_file = os.path.join(current_dir, file_name)
    result_file = open(output_file, 'w', newline="")
    writer = csv.writer(result_file)
    row = []
    # Write the channels list header
    for chn in range(0,chn_count):
        item = "Ch {}".format(chn)
        row.insert(chn, item)

def read_buffered_data():
    global line
    global writer
    global device

    # Receive data from device
    data = device.rx()
    if (line == 0):
        print("Data capture started >>")
    print("."*line, end="\r")

    if (chn_count == 1):
        # Convert 1-D array to 2-D array
        data_arr = np.reshape(data, (-1,1))
        # Transpose data from N-D data array
        data_arr = np.transpose(data)


    line = line+1
    if (line == 100):
        line = 1
        print("\n", end="\r")

def do_data_capture():
    global iterations
    global run_continuous
    global data_capture_abort
    done = False

    if (run_continuous == True):
        print("Press any key to stop data capture..")
        data_capture_abort = False
        while not data_capture_abort:
        for val in range(0,iterations):

    print("\r\nData capture finished\r\n")

def exit():
    global listener
    global writer
    global device

    # Delete the objects
    del listener
    del writer
    del device

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":