Added BNO080Wheelchair.h

Dependents:   BNO080_program wheelchaircontrol8 Version1-9 BNO080_program

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
BasicIndexMatrix< Rows, Cols, value_type >Class that layers on operator[] functionality for typical matrices
BasicIndexMatrix< Rows, 1, value_type >Specialization of BasicIndexMatrix that provides single-indexing operator for column vectors
BasicMatrix< Rows, Cols, value_type >Base class implementing standard matrix functionality
BNO080Class to drive the BNO080 9-axis IMU
TMatrix< Rows, Cols, value_type >A dimension-templatized class for matrices of values
TMatrix< 1, 1, value_type >Template specialization of TMatrix for a 1x1 vector
TMatrix< 2, 1, value_type >Template specialization of TMatrix for Vector2
TMatrix< 3, 1, value_type >Template specialization of TMatrix for Vector3
TMatrix< 4, 1, value_type >Template specialization of TMatrix for Vector4