Pelion Device Ready example for Advantech WISE-1570 (MTB_ADV_WISE_1570)

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Juho Eskeli
Fri Jan 25 21:13:29 2019 +0200
Commit message:
Documentation updated

Changed in this revision Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 2b6d1f2f42fa -r 75f7384f9a0b
--- a/	Fri Jan 25 14:38:52 2019 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Jan 25 21:13:29 2019 +0200
@@ -100,236 +100,325 @@
 [BOOT] OEM: 00000000000000000000
 [BOOT] Layout: 0 8007698
 [BOOT] Active firmware integrity check:
-[BOOT] SHA256: 8A9C5CDF457A2EFD94A36FEC10934C292516249D93F899691000D5E2BD75B2DE
-[BOOT] Version: 1547631154
+[BOOT] SHA256: 56FCB0439189880EC5CC87B720ACA229995EF65743A0CD11329A6E1ED7C14C44
+[BOOT] Version: 1548437876
 [BOOT] Slot 0 is empty
 [BOOT] Active firmware up-to-date
 [BOOT] Application's start address: 0x8008400
-[BOOT] Application's jump address: 0x802E5C5
+[BOOT] Application's jump address: 0x802E3C5
 [BOOT] Application's stack address: 0x10008000
 [BOOT] Forwarding to application...
 Starting Simple Pelion Device Management Client example
 Connecting to the network...
-Connected to the network successfully. IP address:
+Connected to the network successfully. IP address:
 Initialized Pelion Client. Registering...
 Simulated button clicked 1 times
 Simulated button clicked 2 times
 Simulated button clicked 3 times
 Simulated button clicked 4 times
+Connected to Pelion Device Management. Endpoint Name: 01688619496300000000000100100197
 Simulated button clicked 5 times
-Simulated button clicked 6 times
-Simulated button clicked 7 times
-Simulated button clicked 8 times
-Simulated button clicked 9 times
-Simulated button clicked 10 times
-Connected to Pelion Device Management. Endpoint Name: 01685603810f00000000000100100300
-Simulated button clicked 11 times
-Simulated button clicked 12 times
-Simulated button clicked 13 times
-Simulated button clicked 14 times
-Simulated button clicked 15 times
-Simulated button clicked 16 times
 Firmware download requested
 Authorization granted
-Simulated button clicked 17 times
-Downloading: [\                                                 ] 0 %Simulated button clicked 18 times
-Downloading: [\                                                 ] 0 %Simulated button clicked 19 times
-Downloading: [\                                                 ] 1 %Simulated button clicked 20 times
-Downloading: [\                                                 ] 1 %Simulated button clicked 21 times
-Downloading: [+-                                                ] 2 %Simulated button clicked 22 times
-Downloading: [+-                                                ] 2 %Simulated button clicked 23 times
-Downloading: [+-                                                ] 3 %Simulated button clicked 24 times
-Downloading: [+-                                                ] 3 %Simulated button clicked 25 times
-Downloading: [++\                                               ] 4 %Simulated button clicked 26 times
-Downloading: [++\                                               ] 4 %Simulated button clicked 27 times
-Downloading: [++\                                               ] 5 %Simulated button clicked 28 times
-Downloading: [++\                                               ] 5 %Simulated button clicked 29 times
-Downloading: [+++\                                              ] 6 %Simulated button clicked 30 times
-Downloading: [+++\                                              ] 6 %Simulated button clicked 31 times
-Downloading: [+++\                                              ] 7 %Simulated button clicked 32 times
-Downloading: [+++\                                              ] 7 %Simulated button clicked 33 times
-Downloading: [++++/                                             ] 8 %Simulated button clicked 34 times
-Downloading: [++++|                                             ] 8 %Simulated button clicked 35 times
-Downloading: [++++|                                             ] 9 %Simulated button clicked 36 times
-Downloading: [++++|                                             ] 9 %Simulated button clicked 37 times
-Downloading: [+++++|                                            ] 10 %Simulated button clicked 38 times
-Downloading: [+++++|                                            ] 10 %Simulated button clicked 39 times
-Downloading: [+++++|                                            ] 11 %Simulated button clicked 40 times
-Downloading: [++++++/                                           ] 12 %Simulated button clicked 41 times
-Downloading: [++++++/                                           ] 12 %Simulated button clicked 42 times
-Downloading: [++++++/                                           ] 13 %Simulated button clicked 43 times
-Downloading: [++++++/                                           ] 13 %Simulated button clicked 44 times
-Downloading: [+++++++/                                          ] 14 %Simulated button clicked 45 times
-Downloading: [+++++++/                                          ] 14 %Simulated button clicked 46 times
-Downloading: [+++++++/                                          ] 15 %Simulated button clicked 47 times
-Downloading: [+++++++/                                          ] 15 %Simulated button clicked 48 times
-Downloading: [++++++++-                                         ] 16 %Simulated button clicked 49 times
-Downloading: [++++++++\                                         ] 16 %Simulated button clicked 50 times
-Downloading: [++++++++\                                         ] 17 %Simulated button clicked 51 times
-Downloading: [++++++++\                                         ] 17 %Simulated button clicked 52 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++-                                        ] 18 %Simulated button clicked 53 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++\                                        ] 18 %Simulated button clicked 54 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++\                                        ] 19 %Simulated button clicked 55 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++\                                        ] 19 %Simulated button clicked 56 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++|                                       ] 20 %Simulated button clicked 57 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++|                                       ] 20 %Simulated button clicked 58 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++|                                       ] 21 %Simulated button clicked 59 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++|                                       ] 21 %Simulated button clicked 60 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++|                                      ] 22 %Simulated button clicked 61 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++|                                      ] 22 %Simulated button clicked 62 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++|                                      ] 23 %Simulated button clicked 63 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++/                                     ] 24 %Simulated button clicked 64 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++/                                     ] 24 %Simulated button clicked 65 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++/                                     ] 25 %Simulated button clicked 66 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++/                                     ] 25 %Simulated button clicked 67 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++/                                    ] 26 %Simulated button clicked 68 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++/                                    ] 26 %Simulated button clicked 69 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++/                                    ] 27 %Simulated button clicked 70 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++/                                    ] 27 %Simulated button clicked 71 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++-                                   ] 28 %Simulated button clicked 72 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++-                                   ] 28 %Simulated button clicked 73 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++-                                   ] 29 %Simulated button clicked 74 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++-                                   ] 29 %Simulated button clicked 75 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++-                                  ] 30 %Simulated button clicked 76 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++-                                  ] 30 %Simulated button clicked 77 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++-                                  ] 31 %Simulated button clicked 78 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++-                                  ] 31 %Simulated button clicked 79 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++\                                 ] 32 %Simulated button clicked 80 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++\                                 ] 32 %Simulated button clicked 81 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++\                                 ] 33 %Simulated button clicked 82 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++\                                 ] 33 %Simulated button clicked 83 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++|                                ] 34 %Simulated button clicked 84 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++\                                ] 34 %Simulated button clicked 85 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++|                                ] 35 %Simulated button clicked 86 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++/                               ] 36 %Simulated button clicked 87 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++|                               ] 36 %Simulated button clicked 88 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++/                               ] 37 %Simulated button clicked 89 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++/                               ] 37 %Simulated button clicked 90 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++/                              ] 38 %Simulated button clicked 91 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++/                              ] 38 %Simulated button clicked 92 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++|                              ] 39 %Simulated button clicked 93 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++|                              ] 39 %Simulated button clicked 94 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++/                             ] 40 %Simulated button clicked 95 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++/                             ] 40 %Simulated button clicked 96 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++/                             ] 41 %Simulated button clicked 97 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++|                             ] 41 %Simulated button clicked 98 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++|                             ] 41 %Simulated button clicked 99 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++|                            ] 42 %Simulated button clicked 100 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++|                            ] 43 %Simulated button clicked 101 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++|                            ] 43 %Simulated button clicked 102 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++/                           ] 44 %Simulated button clicked 103 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++/                           ] 44 %Simulated button clicked 104 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++/                           ] 45 %Simulated button clicked 105 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++/                           ] 45 %Simulated button clicked 106 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++/                          ] 46 %Simulated button clicked 107 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++/                          ] 46 %Simulated button clicked 108 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++/                          ] 47 %Simulated button clicked 109 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++/                          ] 47 %Simulated button clicked 110 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++-                         ] 48 %Simulated button clicked 111 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++-                         ] 48 %Simulated button clicked 112 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++-                         ] 49 %Simulated button clicked 113 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++-                         ] 49 %Simulated button clicked 114 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++-                        ] 50 %Simulated button clicked 115 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++-                        ] 50 %Simulated button clicked 116 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++\                        ] 51 %Simulated button clicked 117 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++\                        ] 51 %Simulated button clicked 118 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                       ] 52 %Simulated button clicked 119 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                       ] 52 %Simulated button clicked 120 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                       ] 53 %Simulated button clicked 121 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                       ] 53 %Simulated button clicked 122 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                      ] 54 %Simulated button clicked 123 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                      ] 55 %Simulated button clicked 124 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                      ] 55 %Simulated button clicked 125 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                     ] 56 %Simulated button clicked 126 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                     ] 56 %Simulated button clicked 127 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                     ] 57 %Simulated button clicked 128 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                     ] 57 %Simulated button clicked 129 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                    ] 58 %Simulated button clicked 130 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                    ] 58 %Simulated button clicked 131 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                    ] 59 %Simulated button clicked 132 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                    ] 59 %Simulated button clicked 133 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                   ] 60 %Simulated button clicked 134 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                   ] 60 %Simulated button clicked 135 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                   ] 61 %Simulated button clicked 136 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                   ] 61 %Simulated button clicked 137 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                  ] 62 %Simulated button clicked 138 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                  ] 62 %Simulated button clicked 139 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                  ] 63 %Simulated button clicked 140 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                  ] 63 %Simulated button clicked 141 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                 ] 64 %Simulated button clicked 142 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                 ] 64 %Simulated button clicked 143 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                 ] 65 %Simulated button clicked 144 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                ] 66 %Simulated button clicked 145 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                ] 66 %Simulated button clicked 146 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                ] 67 %Simulated button clicked 147 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                ] 67 %Simulated button clicked 148 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/               ] 68 %Simulated button clicked 149 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/               ] 68 %Simulated button clicked 150 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/               ] 69 %Simulated button clicked 151 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/               ] 69 %Simulated button clicked 152 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-              ] 70 %Simulated button clicked 153 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/              ] 70 %Simulated button clicked 154 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/              ] 71 %Simulated button clicked 155 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/              ] 71 %Simulated button clicked 156 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/             ] 72 %Simulated button clicked 157 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/             ] 72 %Simulated button clicked 158 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/             ] 73 %Simulated button clicked 159 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/             ] 73 %Simulated button clicked 160 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-            ] 74 %Simulated button clicked 161 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-            ] 74 %Simulated button clicked 162 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-            ] 75 %Simulated button clicked 163 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-            ] 75 %Simulated button clicked 164 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-           ] 76 %Simulated button clicked 165 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-           ] 76 %Simulated button clicked 166 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-           ] 77 %Simulated button clicked 167 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-           ] 77 %Simulated button clicked 168 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\          ] 78 %Simulated button clicked 169 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\          ] 78 %Simulated button clicked 170 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\          ] 79 %Simulated button clicked 171 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\          ] 79 %Simulated button clicked 172 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\         ] 80 %Simulated button clicked 173 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\         ] 80 %Simulated button clicked 174 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-         ] 81 %Simulated button clicked 175 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-         ] 81 %Simulated button clicked 176 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\        ] 82 %Simulated button clicked 177 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\        ] 82 %Simulated button clicked 178 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\        ] 83 %Simulated button clicked 179 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\        ] 83 %Simulated button clicked 180 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\       ] 84 %Simulated button clicked 181 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\       ] 84 %Simulated button clicked 182 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|       ] 85 %Simulated button clicked 183 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/      ] 86 %Simulated button clicked 184 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/      ] 86 %Simulated button clicked 185 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/      ] 87 %Simulated button clicked 186 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/      ] 87 %Simulated button clicked 187 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/     ] 88 %Simulated button clicked 188 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/     ] 88 %Simulated button clicked 189 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/     ] 89 %Simulated button clicked 190 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/     ] 89 %Simulated button clicked 191 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-    ] 90 %Simulated button clicked 192 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-    ] 90 %Simulated button clicked 193 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-    ] 91 %Simulated button clicked 194 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-    ] 91 %Simulated button clicked 195 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-   ] 92 %Simulated button clicked 196 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-   ] 92 %Simulated button clicked 197 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-   ] 93 %Simulated button clicked 198 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-   ] 93 %Simulated button clicked 199 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\  ] 94 %Simulated button clicked 200 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\  ] 94 %Simulated button clicked 201 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\  ] 95 %Simulated button clicked 202 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-  ] 95 %Simulated button clicked 203 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- ] 96 %Simulated button clicked 204 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- ] 96 %Simulated button clicked 205 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- ] 97 %Simulated button clicked 206 times
-Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- ] 97 %Simulated button clicked 207 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\] 98 %Simulated button clicked 208 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\] 98 %Simulated button clicked 209 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|] 99 %Simulated button clicked 210 times
-Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|] 99 %Simulated button clicked 211 times
+Simulated button clicked 6 times
+Simulated button clicked 7 times
+Downloading: [-                                                 ] 0 %Simulated button clicked 8 times
+Downloading: [|                                                 ] 0 %Simulated button clicked 9 times
+Downloading: [/                                                 ] 1 %Simulated button clicked 10 times
+Downloading: [-                                                 ] 1 %Simulated button clicked 11 times
+Downloading: [\                                                 ] 1 %Simulated button clicked 12 times
+Downloading: [+/                                                ] 2 %Simulated button clicked 13 times
+Downloading: [+-                                                ] 2 %Simulated button clicked 14 times
+Downloading: [+|                                                ] 2 %Simulated button clicked 15 times
+Downloading: [+/                                                ] 3 %Simulated button clicked 16 times
+Downloading: [+-                                                ] 3 %Simulated button clicked 17 times
+Downloading: [+\                                                ] 3 %Simulated button clicked 18 times
+Downloading: [++/                                               ] 4 %Simulated button clicked 19 times
+Downloading: [++-                                               ] 4 %Simulated button clicked 20 times
+Downloading: [++|                                               ] 4 %Simulated button clicked 21 times
+Downloading: [++/                                               ] 5 %Simulated button clicked 22 times
+Downloading: [++-                                               ] 5 %Simulated button clicked 23 times
+Downloading: [++\                                               ] 5 %Simulated button clicked 24 times
+Downloading: [+++/                                              ] 6 %Simulated button clicked 25 times
+Downloading: [+++-                                              ] 6 %Simulated button clicked 26 times
+Downloading: [+++|                                              ] 6 %Simulated button clicked 27 times
+Downloading: [+++/                                              ] 7 %Simulated button clicked 28 times
+Downloading: [+++-                                              ] 7 %Simulated button clicked 29 times
+Downloading: [+++\                                              ] 7 %Simulated button clicked 30 times
+Downloading: [++++/                                             ] 8 %Simulated button clicked 31 times
+Downloading: [++++\                                             ] 8 %Simulated button clicked 32 times
+Downloading: [++++|                                             ] 9 %Simulated button clicked 33 times
+Downloading: [++++/                                             ] 9 %Simulated button clicked 34 times
+Downloading: [++++-                                             ] 9 %Simulated button clicked 35 times
+Downloading: [++++\                                             ] 9 %Simulated button clicked 36 times
+Downloading: [+++++/                                            ] 10 %Simulated button clicked 37 times
+Downloading: [+++++\                                            ] 10 %Simulated button clicked 38 times
+Downloading: [+++++|                                            ] 11 %Simulated button clicked 39 times
+Downloading: [+++++/                                            ] 11 %Simulated button clicked 40 times
+Downloading: [+++++-                                            ] 11 %Simulated button clicked 41 times
+Downloading: [+++++\                                            ] 11 %Simulated button clicked 42 times
+Downloading: [++++++/                                           ] 12 %Simulated button clicked 43 times
+Downloading: [++++++\                                           ] 12 %Simulated button clicked 44 times
+Downloading: [++++++|                                           ] 13 %Simulated button clicked 45 times
+Downloading: [++++++/                                           ] 13 %Simulated button clicked 46 times
+Downloading: [++++++-                                           ] 13 %Simulated button clicked 47 times
+Downloading: [++++++\                                           ] 13 %Simulated button clicked 48 times
+Downloading: [+++++++-                                          ] 14 %Simulated button clicked 49 times
+Downloading: [+++++++\                                          ] 14 %Simulated button clicked 50 times
+Downloading: [+++++++|                                          ] 15 %Simulated button clicked 51 times
+Downloading: [+++++++/                                          ] 15 %Simulated button clicked 52 times
+Downloading: [+++++++-                                          ] 15 %Simulated button clicked 53 times
+Downloading: [++++++++/                                         ] 16 %Simulated button clicked 54 times
+Downloading: [++++++++\                       Simulated button clicked 55 times
+Downloading: [++++++++|                                         ] 16 %Simulated button clicked 56 times
+Downloading: [++++++++/                                         ] 17 %Simulated button clicked 57 times
+Downloading: [++++++++-                                         ] 17 %Simulated button clicked 58 times
+Downloading: [++++++++\                                         ] 17 %Simulated button clicked 59 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++/                                        ] 18 %Simulated button clicked 60 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++\                                        ] 18 %Simulated button clicked 61 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++|                                        ] 18 %Simulated button clicked 62 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++/                                        ] 19 %Simulated button clicked 63 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++-                                        ] 19 %Simulated button clicked 64 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++\                                        ] 19 %Simulated button clicked 65 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++/                                       ] 20 %Simulated button clicked 66 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++\                                       ] 20 %Simulated button clicked 67 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++|                                       ] 20 %Simulated button clicked 68 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++/                                       ] 21 %Simulated button clicked 69 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++-                                       ] 21 %Simulated button clicked 70 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++\                                       ] 21 %Simulated button clicked 71 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++/                                      ] 22 %Simulated button clicked 72 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++\                                      ] 22 %Simulated button clicked 73 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++|                                      ] 22 %Simulated button clicked 74 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++/                                      ] 23 %Simulated button clicked 75 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++-                                      ] 23 %Simulated button clicked 76 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++\                                      ] 23 %Simulated button clicked 77 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++-                                     ] 24 %Simulated button clicked 78 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++\                                     ] 24 %Simulated button clicked 79 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++|                                     ] 25 %Simulated button clicked 80 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++/                                     ] 25 %Simulated button clicked 81 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++-                                     ] 25 %Simulated button clicked 82 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++\                                     ] 25 %Simulated button clicked 83 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++/                                    ] 26 %Simulated button clicked 84 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++\                                    ] 26 %Simulated button clicked 85 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++|                                    ] 27 %Simulated button clicked 86 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++/                                    ] 27 %Simulated button clicked 87 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++-                                    ] 27 %Simulated button clicked 88 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++\                                    ] 27 %Simulated button clicked 89 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++/                                   ] 28 %Simulated button clicked 90 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++\                                   ] 28 %Simulated button clicked 91 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++|                                   ] 29 %Simulated button clicked 92 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++/                                   ] 29 %Simulated button clicked 93 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++-                                   ] 29 %Simulated button clicked 94 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++\                                   ] 29 %Simulated button clicked 95 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++/                                  ] 30 %Simulated button clicked 96 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++\                                  ] 30 %Simulated button clicked 97 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++|                                  ] 31 %Simulated button clicked 98 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++/                                  ] 31 %Simulated button clicked 99 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++-                                  ] 31 %Simulated button clicked 100 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++/                                 ] 32 %Simulated button clicked 101 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++-                                 ] 32 %Simulated button clicked 102 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++|                                 ] 32 %Simulated button clicked 103 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++/                                 ] 33 %Simulated button clicked 104 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++-                                 ] 33 %Simulated button clicked 105 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++\                                 ] 33 %Simulated button clicked 106 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++/                                ] 34 %Simulated button clicked 107 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++-                                ] 34 %Simulated button clicked 108 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++|                                ] 34 %Simulated button clicked 109 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++/                                ] 35 %Simulated button clicked 110 times
+Simulated button clicked 111 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++\                                ] 35 %Simulated button clicked 112 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++/                               ] 36 %Simulated button clicked 113 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++-                               ] 36 %Simulated button clicked 114 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++\                               ] 36 %Simulated button clicked 115 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++|                               ] 36 %Simulated button clicked 116 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++/                               ] 37 %Simulated button clicked 117 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++\                               ] 37 %Simulated button clicked 118 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++/                              ] 38 %Simulated button clicked 119 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++-                              ] 38 %Simulated button clicked 120 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++\                              ] 38 %Simulated button clicked 121 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++|                              ] 39 %Simulated button clicked 122 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++/                              ] 39 %Simulated button clicked 123 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++\                              ] 39 %Simulated button clicked 124 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++/                             ] 40 %Simulated button clicked 125 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++-                             ] 40 %Simulated button clicked 126 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++\                             ] 40 %Simulated button clicked 127 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++|                             ] 41 %Simulated button clicked 128 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++/                             ] 41 %Simulated button clicked 129 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++\                             ] 41 %Simulated button clicked 130 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++/                            ] 42 %Simulated button clicked 131 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++-                            ] 42 %Simulated button clicked 132 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++\                            ] 42 %Simulated button clicked 133 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++|                            ] 43 %Simulated button clicked 134 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++-                            ] 43 %Simulated button clicked 135 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++\                            ] 43 %Simulated button clicked 136 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++/                           ] 44 %Simulated button clicked 137 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++-                           ] 44 %Simulated button clicked 138 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++\                           ] 44 %Simulated button clicked 139 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++|                           ] 45 %Simulated button clicked 140 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++-                           ] 45 %Simulated button clicked 141 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++\                           ] 45 %Simulated button clicked 142 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++/                          ] 46 %Simulated button clicked 143 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++-                          ] 46 %Simulated button clicked 144 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++\                          ] 46 %Simulated button clicked 145 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++|                          ] 47 %Simulated button clicked 146 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++-                          ] 47 %Simulated button clicked 147 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++/                         ] 48 %Simulated button clicked 148 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++-                         ] 48 %Simulated button clicked 149 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++\                         ] 48 %Simulated button clicked 150 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++|                         ] 48 %Simulated button clicked 151 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++/                         ] 49 %Simulated button clicked 152 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++\                         ] 49 %Simulated button clicked 153 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++/                        ] 50 %Simulated button clicked 154 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++-                        ] 50 %Simulated button clicked 155 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++\                        ] 50 %Simulated button clicked 156 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++|                        ] 50 %Simulated button clicked 157 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++/                        ] 51 %Simulated button clicked 158 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++\                        ] 51 %Simulated button clicked 159 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                       ] 52 %Simulated button clicked 160 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                       ] 52 %Simulated button clicked 161 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                       ] 52 %Simulated button clicked 162 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                       ] 52 %Simulated button clicked 163 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                       ] 53 %Simulated button clicked 164 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                       ] 53 %Simulated button clicked 165 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                      ] 54 %Simulated button clicked 166 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                      ] 54 %Simulated button clicked 167 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                      ] 54 %Simulated button clicked 168 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                      ] 55 %Simulated button clicked 169 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                      ] 55 %Simulated button clicked 170 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                      ] 55 %Simulated button clicked 171 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                     ] 56 %Simulated button clicked 172 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                     ] 56 %Simulated button clicked 173 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                     ] 56 %Simulated button clicked 174 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                     ] 57 %Simulated button clicked 175 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                     ] 57 %Simulated button clicked 176 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                     ] 57 %Simulated button clicked 177 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                    ] 58 %Simulated button clicked 178 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                    ] 58 %Simulated button clicked 179 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                    ] 58 %Simulated button clicked 180 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                    ] 59 %Simulated button clicked 181 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                    ] 59 %Simulated button clicked 182 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                    ] 59 %Simulated button clicked 183 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                   ] 60 %Simulated button clicked 184 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                   ] 60 %Simulated button clicked 185 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                   ] 60 %Simulated button clicked 186 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                   ] 61 %Simulated button clicked 187 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                   ] 61 %Simulated button clicked 188 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                  ] 62 %Simulated button clicked 189 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                  ] 62 %Simulated button clicked 190 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                  ] 62 %Simulated button clicked 191 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                  ] 62 %Simulated button clicked 192 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                  ] 63 %Simulated button clicked 193 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                  ] 63 %Simulated button clicked 194 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                 ] 64 %Simulated button clicked 195 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                 ] 64 %Simulated button clicked 196 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                 ] 64 %Simulated button clicked 197 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                 ] 64 %Simulated button clicked 198 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                 ] 65 %Simulated button clicked 199 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                 ] 65 %Simulated button clicked 200 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/                ] 66 %Simulated button clicked 201 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                ] 66 %Simulated button clicked 202 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                ] 66 %Simulated button clicked 203 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|                ] 66 %Simulated button clicked 204 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-                ] 67 %Simulated button clicked 205 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\                ] 67 %Simulated button clicked 206 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/               ] 68 %Simulated button clicked 207 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-               ] 68 %Simulated button clicked 208 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\               ] 68 %Simulated button clicked 209 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|               ] 68 %Simulated button clicked 210 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-               ] 69 %Simulated button clicked 211 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\               ] 69 %Simulated button clicked 212 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/              ] 70 %Simulated button clicked 213 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-              ] 70 %Simulated button clicked 214 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\              ] 70 %Simulated button clicked 215 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|              ] 71 %Simulated button clicked 216 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-              ] 71 %Simulated button clicked 217 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\              ] 71 %Simulated button clicked 218 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/             ] 72 %Simulated button clicked 219 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-             ] 72 %Simulated button clicked 220 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\             ] 72 %Simulated button clicked 221 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|             ] 73 %Simulated button clicked 222 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-             ] 73 %Simulated button clicked 223 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\             ] 73 %Simulated button clicked 224 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/            ] 74 %Simulated button clicked 225 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-            ] 74 %Simulated button clicked 226 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\            ] 74 %Simulated button clicked 227 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|            ] 75 %Simulated button clicked 228 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-            ] 75 %Simulated button clicked 229 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\            ] 75 %Simulated button clicked 230 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/           ] 76 %Simulated button clicked 231 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-           ] 76 %Simulated button clicked 232 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\           ] 76 %Simulated button clicked 233 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/           ] 77 %Simulated button clicked 234 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-           ] 77 %Simulated button clicked 235 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/          ] 78 %Simulated button clicked 236 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-          ] 78 %Simulated button clicked 237 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\          ] 78 %Simulated button clicked 238 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|          ] 78 %Simulated button clicked 239 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-          ] 79 %Simulated button clicked 240 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\          ] 79 %Simulated button clicked 241 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/         ] 80 %Simulated button clicked 242 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-         ] 80 %Simulated button clicked 243 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\         ] 80 %Simulated button clicked 244 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|         ] 80 %Simulated button clicked 245 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-         ] 81 %Simulated button clicked 246 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\         ] 81 %Simulated button clicked 247 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/        ] 82 %Simulated button clicked 248 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-        ] 82 %Simulated button clicked 249 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\        ] 82 %Simulated button clicked 250 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|        ] 82 %Simulated button clicked 251 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-        ] 83 %Simulated button clicked 252 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\        ] 83 %Simulated button clicked 253 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/       ] 84 %Simulated button clicked 254 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-       ] 84 %Simulated button clicked 255 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\       ] 84 %Simulated button clicked 256 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|       ] 85 %Simulated button clicked 257 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-       ] 85 %Simulated button clicked 258 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\       ] 85 %Simulated button clicked 259 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/      ] 86 %Simulated button clicked 260 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-      ] 86 %Simulated button clicked 261 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\      ] 86 %Simulated button clicked 262 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/      ] 87 %Simulated button clicked 263 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-      ] 87 %Simulated button clicked 264 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\      ] 87 %Simulated button clicked 265 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/     ] 88 %Simulated button clicked 266 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-     ] 88 %Simulated button clicked 267 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\     ] 88 %Simulated button clicked 268 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/     ] 89 %Simulated button clicked 269 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-     ] 89 %Simulated button clicked 270 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\     ] 89 %Simulated button clicked 271 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/    ] 90 %Simulated button clicked 272 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-    ] 90 %Simulated button clicked 273 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\    ] 90 %Simulated button clicked 274 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/    ] 91 %Simulated button clicked 275 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-    ] 91 %Simulated button clicked 276 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\    ] 91 %Simulated button clicked 277 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/   ] 92 %Simulated button clicked 278 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-   ] 92 %Simulated button clicked 279 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\   ] 92 %Simulated button clicked 280 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/   ] 93 %Simulated button clicked 281 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-   ] 93 %Simulated button clicked 282 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/  ] 94 %Simulated button clicked 283 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-  ] 94 %Simulated button clicked 284 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\  ] 94 %Simulated button clicked 285 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|  ] 94 %Simulated button clicked 286 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-  ] 95 %Simulated button clicked 287 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\  ] 95 %Simulated button clicked 288 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/ ] 96 %Simulated button clicked 289 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- ] 96 %Simulated button clicked 290 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\ ] 96 %Simulated button clicked 291 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| ] 96 %Simulated button clicked 292 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- ] 97 %Simulated button clicked 293 times
+Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\ ] 97 %Simulated button clicked 294 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/] 98 %Simulated button clicked 295 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-] 98 %Simulated button clicked 296 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\] 98 %Simulated button clicked 297 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|] 98 %Simulated button clicked 298 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-] 99 %Simulated button clicked 299 times
+Downloading: [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\] 99 %Simulated button clicked 300 times
 Downloading: [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] 100 %
 Download completed
-Simulated button clicked 212 times
+Simulated button clicked 301 times
 Firmware install requested
 Authorization granted
 [BOOT] Mbed Bootloader
@@ -337,40 +426,36 @@
 [BOOT] OEM: 00000000000000000000
 [BOOT] Layout: 0 8007698
 [BOOT] Active firmware integrity check:
-[BOOT] SHA256: 8A9C5CDF457A2EFD94A36FEC10934C292516249D93F899691000D5E2BD75B2DE
-[BOOT] Version: 1547631154
+[BOOT] SHA256: 56FCB0439189880EC5CC87B720ACA229995EF65743A0CD11329A6E1ED7C14C44
+[BOOT] Version: 1548437876
 [BOOT] Slot 0 firmware integrity check:
-[BOOT] SHA256: 8A9C5CDF457A2EFD94A36FEC10934C292516249D93F899691000D5E2BD75B2DE
-[BOOT] Version: 1547631342
+[BOOT] SHA256: 92575E40B763460035B9137D56619184B09F2A998AC464A7A2A5B254C0E17102
+[BOOT] Version: 1548438120
 [BOOT] Update active firmware using slot 0:
 [BOOT] Verify new active firmware:
 [BOOT] New active firmware is valid
 [BOOT] Application's start address: 0x8008400
-[BOOT] Application's jump address: 0x802E5C5
-[BOOT] Application's stack address: 0x10008000
+[BOOT] Application's jump address: 0x805DD85
+[BOOT] Application's stack address: 0x10007F88
 [BOOT] Forwarding to application...
-Starting Simple Pelion Device Management Client example
+ÿStarting Simple Pelion Device Management Client example
 FW updated OTA
 Connecting to the network...
-Connected to the network successfully. IP address:
+Connected to the network successfully. IP address:
 Initialized Pelion Client. Registering...
 Simulated button clicked 1 times
 Simulated button clicked 2 times
 Simulated button clicked 3 times
 Simulated button clicked 4 times
+Connected to Pelion Device Management. Endpoint Name: 01688619496300000000000100100197
 Simulated button clicked 5 times
 Simulated button clicked 6 times
 Simulated button clicked 7 times
 Simulated button clicked 8 times
-Connected to Pelion Device Management. Endpoint Name: 01685614c62f00000000000100100230
 Simulated button clicked 9 times
 Simulated button clicked 10 times
 Simulated button clicked 11 times
 Simulated button clicked 12 times
-Simulated button clicked 13 times
-Simulated button clicked 14 times
-Simulated button clicked 15 times