11 years, 2 months ago.

whats wrong with: RPCVariable<char> rpc_i(&j, "j"); ??

Hello, I want to be able to change the register adres im accessing from the mbed with i2c. (this has to be a char)

so i made a RPC Variable char that i can write by an rpc command. But this doesnt work.

char j=0x01;
float d=1.2;
int z=5;

    RPCVariable<char> rpc_i(&j, "j");
    RPCVariable<float> rpc_d(&d, "d");
    RPCVariable<int> rpc_z(&z, "z");

I can read and write the float and the int, but when i want to read the char i get an empty window. I also tried char j=1 or other things but this doesnt help

Is there something special i need to add for a char?? Thnx in advance Greetings

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